Photoshop :: Session Manager?

Apr 3, 2008

I would like to be able to save my session in Photoshop much like I can with the workspace.

With a session manager, I will be able to save and load all the open canvases in one go.

So, for instance, if I wanted to continue my work next time I open Photoshop, I will be able to load the previous session -- this will open all the canvas windows and their exact placement in the main Photoshop window.

How can I accomplish this? Are the scripts advanced enough to implement new menu's and trigger such actions (maybe I am being too hopeful, here)?

With functionality, an intuitive design, and ease of use being some of the top priorities in applications these days, I am hopeful that Adobe can at least implement this next time around.

Perhaps I am just missing the option? Is such a feature available?

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Photoshop :: Multiple Use Of Camera Raw Within Same Session Of Photo

Nov 22, 2012

I've seen (some times ago) a presentation where the editor was initially working in Camera Raw with a new (original) foto. During the modifications in Photoshop he went back to Camera Raw, edited some parameter settings, went back to Photoshop. He made this switching between Photoshop and Camera Raw a few times.
Which command has been used for this switch?

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Photoshop :: Slowed / Choppy In Middle Of Session

Jul 4, 2012

I was working on a project and all of a sudden everything with in PS got notably slow and choppy.  This first happened while using the selection tool (polygonal lasso), which was lagging behind and making late clicks.  I finished my selection and noticed the cursor in general was slow choppy still.  I saved my work, shutdown PS, then reboot my computer.  I reopen my project, the cursor lag seemed to be gone but the brush tool was not working correctly.  Instead of making smooth burst of color with one click (gradient like), it now looks like 256 4 bit (old nintendo style) bursts.  Or you could say it looks like multiple rings getting smaller and darker, like counting the rings of a tree trunk. 
This happens instantly after opening a file of any type and size.  I work with CMYK and 300dpi and while working on a page, this just happened out of nowhere.
I have an ASUS G74SX, i7 CPU, GeForce 560M w/2 gig RAM, 8 gig of SDRAM, 3 each SSD 300gigs (this is basically a 6 month old gaming laptop and has been working fine with PS until now).  I have my PS scratch disk set to my F drive for all art and there is nothing more than 2 gigs of space being used right now.  My RAM used in PS prefs was maxed at 5205k as suggested by the program.
PS CS6 is fully up to date as well as all drivers for my GPU and the rest of my laptop.

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Photoshop :: I Lost A Senior Portrait Session!!

Aug 21, 2005

I loaded the photos into Iview Media Pro and forgot to save them as well as not saving to a CD or External hard drive. I cannot retrieve the photo on the cards. Is there any way to improve the quality of thumbnails in Iview to be able to be usable?

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Photoshop :: I Have Lost A Senior Portrait Session

Aug 21, 2005

I thought that I had saved some photos on my hard drive. I the did load the photos into Iview Media Pro so I do have the thumbnails. Is there anyway to improve the file to a usable size?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing IProperties In Session?

Nov 16, 2012

Using Inventor 2013. As you know it's impossible to chang iproperties values of the library parts in inventor session (for instance in asm file). The error message comes "readonly".

But when you open iproperties of the file in windows file explorer then it's possible to change iproperties values while library parts open in inventor session in asm.

Normally I copy the file location path of the library part and open this path in the windows file explorer and find the part and right-click on file and change iproperties values which I want to change stock number, part description etc...

Is it possible to create VBA code or API which can open iproperties box of the selectet part outside of the inventor session in windows file explorer?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Split Session In 2 Screens?

Aug 23, 2010

Is it possible to split your inventor session in 2 screens?

Without having to use 2 sessions ofc.

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AutoCAD LT :: Unable To Save To Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Mar 30, 2012

Randomly, a few times a week, I get an error in AutoCAD LT 2012 when trying to save a dwg file. It says

"Unable to save to drawing {filename} as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to {filename}.tmp." The file then turns into Read Only and says

"Drawing file is write protected."

We have to do a Save As to a different filename in order to regain functionality.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Simulate CommandFlags.Session From Form Button

May 10, 2012

I am working on an application that uses map to query data, then saves the data to a file, and repeat.  It works flawlessly when I use a commandmethod with commandflags.session, But, when I try to run the same code from a form button, I get "drawing is busy".  The command from the form button ignores the commandmethod and the commandflags.  I am guessing that "sendstringtoexecute" would work, but I would prefer to not do it that way.

What am I missing?  Is there another way to lock the session? 

Here is what I am trying to do.

drawing1 is open and the user presses the button

data is queried and saved as 1.dwg

close and discard drawing1

open a new doc drawing2

data is queried and saved as 2.dwg

close and discard drawing2

open a new doc drawing3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Session Opens When Open A New Drawing?

Jan 18, 2013

Every time I open a new drawing a new Inventor session starts up and the drawing is opened in there. It's ok if I go through file-open etc in a current Inventor session but I don't want to open drawings like that all the time. If I open 5 drawings at once they start up in 5 seperate Inventor sessions! I can't seem to find an option to change this, is it an inventor problem or windows?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Stop Multiple Session Openings

Sep 3, 2013

I am running AutoCAD 2006 LT and AutoCAD 2010 on one computer and have the SDI set correctly. When I open multiple files from Windows Explorer, it opens multiple AutoCAD sessions. How to avoid this from happening?

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Lightroom :: Session Development Miss Colors Configuration

Feb 17, 2013

Suddenly the pallete colors disappeared from my development session. I re-started all my computer and LR, but it doesn't appear in my screen. Is it necessary I reinstall LR?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Gets Slower When Loading For Each VS 2010 Express Debugging Session?

Feb 9, 2012

When running VS 2010 express in debug mode, for either AutoCAD 2010 or 2012, 64 bit, AutoCAD gets slower and slower loading with each subsequent debug session until it becomes intolerable. A system restart is necessary. Is this normal? I see this on a fast machine with tons of ram. During the waits there are patches of white screen in the various AutoCAD interface components. The performance hit is exponential with each session. The first debug is normal, The second is slightly slower. The third is noticeably slower and so on.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing - Accessed By Another Session

Jun 19, 2012

I have a file where I can't save, because it says its being accessed by another session. The problem is no one has it open. I did a save as and tried changing the name of the original file or move the file with no luck. I need to keep the file name for purpose of company file structure.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reduce Number Of Open Parts In Session?

Apr 12, 2013

In an assembly file, how can I reduce number of open docs in session.

Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Save Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Oct 8, 2012

I have the same problem reported here : [URL]

Fresh installation of Windows Small Business 2011 standard

Disabled offline and cache on shared directories

Removed the router (server and computers in "standalone", just joined by a gigabit switch 5 ports, 2m of cables between the compure and the server)

Installed latest evaluation of Autocad LT 2013

No Antivirus; firewall settings by default

The user is the only one who access to the autocad files.

Still the problem.

The user does want work on the network anymore unless the problem is solved, which is annoying because only the server has a backup routine.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: File Path Visible On Top Of Session Window

Oct 30, 2013

How to set the drawing file path so it shows up at the top of my screen when I am in an autocad session? Currently all I see is "Autocad Civil 3D".......

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Unable To Save Drawing As It Is Being Accessed By Another Session

Sep 28, 2012

We are seeing some issues with some users regarding what looks like a timeout in licensing?Basically our users are opening drawings, making amendments and trying to save, however, when the user or users try to save the drawing. It will state that the drawing is being accessed by another session.

We have removed all instances of the DWL's to see if we can resave but the only option we can use is to save them as *.tmp files.I do know that we have replaced the server in the office that is now experiencing this problem, previously they weren't having any issues.

Any good place to start looking into this as it seems there are too many things to consider and we would like to pinpoint the issue sooner rather than later..I want to be able to quickly identify if AutoCAD is at fault or the server.

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Lightroom :: 4.1RC2 - Adjustment Brush Stopped Working Mid Session

May 19, 2012

This is pretty weird. Brand new .lrcat, working through a few family pictures. The first few photos, the adjustment brush was working. A few minutes into it, it stopped working, or at least stopped having nearly as substantial an effect. If I push exposure by +4, it looks as if it's pushing it by .4. Same with other sliders - they are barely applied.
Did I hit some button that globally diminishes the brush strength or something?
Note that, in the second image, the adjustment brush is centered on his head. It's a little different than the first image, but certainly not to the extent one would expect from the sliders pushed to their extremes.
Just for a point of trivia, I installed QuickTime while working in LR. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but restarting LR and creating a new catalog did not remedy the problem.

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AutoCAD .NET :: 2012 Crash During Debugging Session With Visual Studio 2010

Jul 14, 2011

Dev env: AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net 2012

A simple windows form command dll to test within the VS2012 + AutoCAD 2012

Bug:  when debugging with VS2012, the first command runs fine and I can debug it with breakpoints etc etc. However, after the first debugging session, if I try "File"->"Open" or "New", file dialog will popup and then my AutoCAD 2012 crashs.

It won't happen if I compiled the dll, and load directly from AutoCAD independantly running instance.

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Paint.NET :: Record Series Of Actions Then Save As Macro To Run In Another Session On Object

Dec 29, 2012

How do I record a series of actions that I can then save it as a kind of script or macro that I can run then in another work session on an object? Is this possible?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To Retrieve Information Of Reference In Iam File Without Open File In Session

Oct 30, 2012

is possible to retrieve the information of the reference in the iam file without open the file in session ? Opening with notepad the iam file, at the end of file, the references is contains in the planar text.

Is possible to retrieve documentation for this request ?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Setting Up One Drawing In Multiple Screens With One Session Of 2013

Nov 21, 2013

I recently added 2 monitors to my set up to bring my total to 3. I am trying to figure out the best way to work on one drawing, with 2 differant veiws on each of the 2 main screens.

I would like my main screen to have the plan view and the second monitor to have an isometric veiw (or whatever I need at the time) of the same drawing. Is there a way to have the same drawing opened up in another window, in one session of Autocad 2013. One on the main screen and one on the secondary. 

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Photoshop :: Preset Manager

Sep 4, 2007

Is there any way to load more than one brush, patter, custom shape etc. at a time in the preset manager? I have about 300 brushes and I just dont want to do load them 1 at a time.

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Photoshop :: Font Manager For PS?

Aug 13, 2005

I have PS 7 and was wondering if there was a way to utilize fonts I have downloaded without having to install them on my hard drive thru Windows. I used a different graphics program in the past and with it you could open Font Thing, select a font, then go back to the program and use it without having to install in. It does not work with PS. I have so many font's, if I installed them all I would have to scroll forever to find them and clog my system down. And the good thing about Font Thing, is you can type what you want and see how it will look before you use it.

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Photoshop :: Brush Manager

Feb 1, 2004

if there's a software out there that helps manages the brushes, coz it's really hard to keep track of them when the volume keeps increasing!

So are there any out there whose functions are similar to Plugin manager?

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Photoshop :: Font Manager

Sep 28, 2006

if you use a font manager i'd like some general feed back.
I haven't used one up until yesterday. I figured it was a good time to get one after i realised that i had 1800 fonts installed.

if you use one, which one? why? what do you like and dislike about it?
do you have any suggestions for one? why?

i downloaded suitcase (for windows). it seems to work well however, it just doesn't seem "flashy" (if that word makes any sense) enough for the price tag. Extensis Website

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Photoshop :: FONT Manager

Jun 2, 2006

I have over 2000 fonts , I do not want them in their a font manager that will load what i want when i need it?

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Photoshop :: Updating Extension Manager

Nov 4, 2012

An update to the extension manager was received but when attempting to run the update it errors out with the following message:
Extension Manager 6.0.4 Update
Installation failed. Error Code: U44M1P7
how to correct this?

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Photoshop :: CC Application Manager Out Of Sync

Aug 10, 2013

The CC Application Manager was inviting me to install apps that were happily residing and working on my system, which concerned me because I would not be informed about updates for those apps.  I just got the answer from the CC forum.  I had changed the language from English (North American) to English (International) in some instances, and that was enough for the AAM to think those apps were for a different user.  The thread below has screen shots of where to change preferences in the AAM

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Photoshop :: How To Open Extension Manager For CS5

Aug 16, 2013

I am trying to install the Pixel Bender filter for CS5 but I can't open the Extension Manager.  I have tried to open it as the Administrator.  I also reinstalled the Extension Manager from the Adobe Exchange site. I keep getting the following message:
"This application failed to start because of it's side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more details. 

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