Paint.NET :: Record Series Of Actions Then Save As Macro To Run In Another Session On Object
Dec 29, 2012
How do I record a series of actions that I can then save it as a kind of script or macro that I can run then in another work session on an object? Is this possible?
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May 6, 2013
I want to crop several images to size, then add a white boarder, a drop shadow and a stroke. Is there a way to automate the process, so they are all exactly the same?
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Dec 10, 2013
Is it possible to Record Macro in Inventor 2014?
If yes, how can I acieve this?
If No, Is there any Add-in or other possibilities? Any Add-in available?
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Jan 9, 2012
I've created a process to make photos look like Lomography and can't find a way to save the process so that I can apply it to say, a whole album.
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Aug 5, 2012
And in the 157 page Macro PDF (really, did it need to be this long? How about an easy-command sheet), it says you can use the key command Ctrl+Shift+R to start recording... Well, that brings up the ruler.
I use Macros a lot in Excel (I record the commands that I want, then tweak in the editor), so I get how they are supposed to work - but I'm no programmer, and without the ability to record, I'm completely handcuffed. This really shouldn't be 1% as difficult as it has been
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Sep 21, 2013
I'm trying to make some recordings/actions, which I've done alot before, but I can't get all of my blending options to record. Specifically the curves to my bevel & emboss and my contour....after playing the action, it will apply the DEFAULT bevel and won't remember any of my gloss contour settings.
I'm trying to make these actions universal, however when I select a layer to modify, it records the name of the layer I click if i use the recording later on a different file and it doesn't have that same layer name, then the action won't work...
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Apr 16, 2013
I've tried to save specific setups within an Action script but while I can call the HDR Toning panel up, the settings are not remembered.
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Jun 26, 2004
I'm trying to record a tool selection, in actions.
For example:
Last action........Apply style
As the next action I would like to record..........Select Move tool, or any other tool.
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Jun 21, 2006
how do i edit a series of pictures in which i want the same affect applied to each picture in the series? the answer that was given was: apply all the affects you want to your picture and record that as a batch action and use that action to apply to the remaining series.
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Oct 19, 2012
Any easy way to create a macro or record a series of commands in 2007? It's my understanding that 2009 has this feature "built in".
I want to "record" a short series of commands/actions to use as a example to other novice users at my company.
It should be something that they can "run" and watch on their screen. (like trim a circle to get a arc)
I have downloaded/tried several general screen recorders but the resulting file is way too big. (20MB AVI)
I would prefer a Macro that would run right in Autocad. Maybe a third party plugin is available?
I am not looking to create a traditional Macro to use as a time saving device.
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Dec 30, 2012
I have been using the addin "Save Run Macro" to automatically run a macro every time the "Save" button is pressed.
Any of the following questions about "Save Run Macro"?
1] When I protect the macro from viewing (so I can protect my code) "Save Run Macro" does not see the macro.
2] When I save the part for the first time (ipt, iam or idw/dwg) the macro does not run. I always need to run the macro again.
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Mar 30, 2012
Randomly, a few times a week, I get an error in AutoCAD LT 2012 when trying to save a dwg file. It says
"Unable to save to drawing {filename} as it is being accessed by another session. Drawing saved to {filename}.tmp." The file then turns into Read Only and says
"Drawing file is write protected."
We have to do a Save As to a different filename in order to regain functionality.
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Jun 19, 2012
I have a file where I can't save, because it says its being accessed by another session. The problem is no one has it open. I did a save as and tried changing the name of the original file or move the file with no luck. I need to keep the file name for purpose of company file structure.
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Oct 8, 2012
I have the same problem reported here : [URL]
Fresh installation of Windows Small Business 2011 standard
Disabled offline and cache on shared directories
Removed the router (server and computers in "standalone", just joined by a gigabit switch 5 ports, 2m of cables between the compure and the server)
Installed latest evaluation of Autocad LT 2013
No Antivirus; firewall settings by default
The user is the only one who access to the autocad files.
Still the problem.
The user does want work on the network anymore unless the problem is solved, which is annoying because only the server has a backup routine.
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Sep 28, 2012
We are seeing some issues with some users regarding what looks like a timeout in licensing?Basically our users are opening drawings, making amendments and trying to save, however, when the user or users try to save the drawing. It will state that the drawing is being accessed by another session.
We have removed all instances of the DWL's to see if we can resave but the only option we can use is to save them as *.tmp files.I do know that we have replaced the server in the office that is now experiencing this problem, previously they weren't having any issues.
Any good place to start looking into this as it seems there are too many things to consider and we would like to pinpoint the issue sooner rather than later..I want to be able to quickly identify if AutoCAD is at fault or the server.
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Apr 25, 2013
Coming from 2012, we had source and record areas. These were green and red respectively. Which was very easy to keep multiple source and record areas available. How is this functionality reproduced in 2013?
The reason I ask, is that I have just been adding rec area clips and now I have a lot and I don't know what to do with them. In 2012, I save the record area to the library and then make a new rec area. That way I know my very important masters are safe. How do I do this in 2013?
What combination of keys is that for save project?
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Aug 30, 2012
I am trying to record an action to find the center of a polygon with the following commands
1. Select the object
2. Copy and Paste in Front
3. Select > Object > Direction Handles
4. Cmd+X (Cut); do not deselect
5. Object > Path > Average: choose both axes
6. View > Guides > Make Guides
All is good & well except that step 5 never gets recorded as an action step.
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May 20, 2013
Just draw a rectangle and a circle, then give them different colors. Choose AI menu "Object | Blend | Make", before this step you could set "Specified steps" to an integer in "Blend Options...", now you get a series of blended arts. Using Direct Select Tool you can select the rectangle or circle you drawed at first.
how to know if the art object you selected is one part of the blended series? I looked into the document but cannot find a proper API to get the infomation in AIArtSuite.
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May 20, 2013
Just draw a rectangle and a circle, then give them different colors. Choose AI menu "Object | Blend | Make", before this step you could set "Specified steps" to an integer in "Blend Options...", now you get a series of blended arts. Using Direct Select Tool you can select the rectangle or circle you draw at first.
My question is, how to write code to know if the art object you selected is one part of the blended series? I looked into the document but cannot find a proper API to get the infomation in AIArtSuite. (for CS5 & CS6)
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Oct 4, 2013
When I record a save for web action that exports my artboard in 3 file sizes. 100%, 200% and 400% it works for the first few files.
Then suddenly after a while the first export changes its width and height from 100% to 111%, but not just 111% width and height equally. No it pulls it out of proportion too.
When I manually enter 100% again it all pops back to the correct aspect ration.The 200% and 400% still behave as expected.
If I rerecord it it starts working again. But that defeats the purpose.
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Mar 23, 2012
I am currently working on a project that involves some basic collision simulation of an LNG ship in Solidworks. However, before I can do that I need to turn the ship (which at the moment exists as a series of curves, see attachment!) into a solid object, which I can then export as an IGES file.
So far I have tried the PRESSPULL command and it hasn't worked at all, only produced a "not responding message".
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Jul 22, 2013
But keep another layer out of the video
i.e. i have 2 layers
1 layer has a picture
1 layer is blank
is there a way i can record the blank layer, and still see the the picture, but in the video, only the blank layer shows up.
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Aug 14, 2013
I need to create a series of "trays" that are in the shape of letters. I am having some success with certain letters, but zero success with others.
I am creating these letters using a curve brought in from illustrator, and sweeping the profile that I want to use around the curve to create the outside.I am then using presspull to create the base of the tray.
However, sometimes the sweep command will simply say "unable to sweep 1 selected object" with no explanation as to why.
Sometimes I will get the shape that I want, but it is facing the wrong way, and I cannot fix it. Other times it will simply stall and then delete both the curve and the profile.
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May 2, 2011
So I was oot and aboot yesterday and I took a series of pictures of a drummer in action. It was a rapid series, like five pictures covering five seconds of him rocking out. I want to combine all those five pictures into one ... "master" picture. My idea for the "master" picture is one single picture, where you can see his arm and body movements (and the drum cymbals moving) from all the five pictures.
That's probably a terrible way of describing it, but that's what I want to do.... I tried layering the pictures together as overlays, but while that combined all the images together, the end result was too blurry to make anything out.
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Nov 30, 2013
During 2014 I would like to create 'photo a day' video of myself, similar to this [URL] ........ I have no plans to inflict my work on the world via YouTube and the like, it is purely for my own amusement.
My question is a compositional/editing one. I understand how to take the stills and create a video from them using Windows Movie Maker, not the best software but sufficient for my purposes.
In the link above the young ladies eyes and nose stay at a (mostly) fixed point in the frame, I find this makes for a better video when all the stills are run together. The problem I have, is, when I take stills of myself my nose and eyes are at different positions frame to frame which makes for a rather jumpy end result.
Any tips on how to remedy this, is it done when taking the shot, or in editing afterwards? The shots are taken on a small point and shoot digital camera, as the shots will be taken at various locations etc I wont be able to have a static setup with a tripod and mark on the floor to ensure the same position each time. The method I have tried it just holding the camera out in front of me at arms length and trying to get the same height each time.
Is there a way to easily and quickly edit shots in Paint.NET so that the eyes and nose are at the same position in each frame for a series of photos, I'm not too bothered about all the frames being the same size or the edges lining up etc.
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May 20, 2011
Version Autocad 2010. I have drawings with multiple objects that are in a horizontal line and touching. I want to make 2 buttons that will move each object horizontally by .35 inch, 1 button would move the object left and 1 right. There are 2 pieces of text that go with each object. I would like to select the object and texts and hit the button to have all selected move. My problem is in writing the base point and displacement parts of the macro. I think it would start with "_Move;" but I can't get past that. I used the action recorder to make the macro but can not find a way to convert that to a button.
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Nov 11, 2010
We want to change iassemblies in a table using macro. When we change an iassemblies, inventor asks "Do you want to save changes to ......?". There are many iassemblies in our model, so it takes serious amount of time. We can disable all messages using macro, But this time after macro completion, there may be some errors in model, because we dont accept all changes. How can we accept all changes while running macro?
We use SilentOperation property. but in Save dialog, there are some parts indicated "yes" and some indicated "no". how can we change them "yes" and save all dependents?
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Apr 4, 2013
How does one save actions? The 'save' option is greyed out in the actions dropdown panel.
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Jul 24, 2012
I use the "Optimize to file size" feature in the Save For Web Panel constantly. I am planning on doing a large amount of conversions in the near future (by which I mean resaving .jpegs at a certain dimension and resolution. As far as the dimension and resolution go, there is no difficulty creating an action to do that. But the icing on the cake for me is have them all processed through Save for Web at a certain file size (for the sake of argument, say 500K). Yes, I know that the resulting images will vary in quality (obviously) because the end result will very much depend on their file size to begin with but that is not an issue for me for my purposes.
Save for Web has various presets and allows you to save presets; however, it does not allow you to save the Optimize to file size as a preset. When I try to record an action, and go to the Save for Web, use the Optimize etcetera, the action created lists the quality of the image I process to record the action. So, for example, if my image is less than 500K, the quality recorded in the action is 100. If my image exceeds 500K, the quality might be 86 and that is what the action records. For whatever reason, what is recorded is the quality rather than the 500K. I am not sure if this is being written clearly enough to explain. I want every image to end up being 500K regardless of what the final quality is (quality being the difference between the original image and the image as saved by Save for Web). But actions are saving the attribute of quality rather than file size.
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Jan 14, 2009
to create actions in PS.
Unfortunately, when I've created an action on my desktop computer, the action lasts for the session only and is not there when I restart PS. I've done this several times, and the result is always the same. The actions remain for the session and work fine, but disappear after a restart.
This doesn't happen on my backup copy on a laptop, but I do my PS work on a desktop and it's a problem.
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Dec 12, 2013
Is it possible to create a macro that would take an image made up of multiple objects and separate each object on a new page?
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