Photoshop :: Saving For Web Preserving The Metadata

Mar 13, 2012

I'm saving for web and want to preserve all metadata except camera info, but besides the camera info, it's not saving the description either.  Is it right?

Actually, I only want to save copyright information, author, keywords and description, but there's not such option.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Transparent Background When Saving As Jpg

Feb 10, 2009

I have removed the white background from an image. The transparent background remains preserved when I keep it as a psd. but when I try to save it as a jpg or print to pdf the white background reappears....

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Photoshop :: Preserving Color Profiles When Saving For Web

Feb 26, 2004

how to preserve color profiles when saving for web as a jpeg...

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Saving To PNG Strips Metadata

May 16, 2012

In Photoshop CS6, when you save an open file to .psd, .tif, or .jpg, whatever metadata it contains is saved with the file, and you can examine it in Bridge. But when you save to .png, the metadata panel in Bridge is empty — there’s nothing there..Is this a bug or a feature?

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Photoshop :: File Info Not Saving - All Metadata Disappears

Oct 15, 2013

Upon entering File Info and saving the image in Photoshop, all metadata disappears. However, If I apply a metadata template in Bridge, the metadata stays. What may be causing the File Info to not save with the image in PS?
Usig Bridge would be okay, however, I want to create layered images and keep all the metadata. If I attempt to do so in PS, the metadata for all image layers disappear.

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Illustrator :: Metadata Not Included When Saving For Web

Jun 17, 2013

In Illustrator I'm using "save for web" to generate a png copy of an Illustrator file. The Illustrator file has copyright metadata, but when I check the png copy the copyright metadata is missing.
Why doesn't the png copy have the same metadata as the original file? Shouldn't the metadata be passed along when using "save for web"?
I applied the metadata in Bridge using the append metadata command.

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Illustrator :: Saving AI Document Title To PDF Metadata

Oct 27, 2009

When I save an Illustrator (CS4 and below) file that has a document title and an author in the File Info tabs only the author field is properly transferred to the metadata of a PDF when using Save As PDF. The title field of the PDF gets the file name ("map_data_2006") and not the document title ("Map of Data in 2006"). How do I keep from re-populating the PDFs with metadata (which increases the file size after a resave) which is already stored in the AI files?

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Lightroom :: (not Known Error System) Saving Metadata

Mar 17, 2014

Very often, but no always, when I save metadata in the file, appear an "not known error system" message

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Lightroom :: Saving Metadata To File Changes Original?

Jul 1, 2012

Isn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file?  I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date.  And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it?  Do I need to store the original somewhere else?  Or am I misunderstanding how this all works? 

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Premiere Pro :: Saving / Adding Data To XMP File Metadata

Dec 12, 2013

In the past I've been successful adding and storing metadata to the 'Description' column in the project window in the past with the 'Link' symbol activated in the Metadata panel under 'ile'>Dublin Core>>Description. This would allow me to retain the description metadata when the media is imported into a different project.
However I am using this same procedure this week, but the data does not seem to be saving/adding to the XMP 'File' metadata.  See screen shot below.  I've experienced this problem within different proejcts and with the three main media types in our production house: XDCAM EX, P2 MXF and Ikegami MXF.
Why this would work previously, but not now? Is it related to the latest version updates?
This is a PC, Windows 7 system.

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Lightroom :: Saving Metadata Results Unknown File I/O Error

May 17, 2012

I'm trying to export meta-data for a 5 years old MRW file in LR 4 Win x64 residing there since LR 2, but it results in "Could not write metadata. Unknown file I/O error. (1)" error. I have checked the file permissions and it seem to be fine. What else shoudl I check for?

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Lightroom :: Difference Between Copy Metadata And Synchronize Metadata

Mar 23, 2012

As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing.  Is there a difference in what they do?

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Preserving Presets With A New Install?

Sep 21, 2012

I am upgrading from Windows XP to Windows 7.  When I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 on my present computer, I said yes to preserving the old presets. But how will this work on a new computer? And, in fact, all of my versions of Photoshop going back I can't recall how far have been upgrades. How is this handled with a new computer? I have the CS3, CS5 and CS6 installation disks. I am not sure about the older versions.  So, two questions here: 1. How is the CS6 installation handled if all I've had for the past who-knows-how-long is upgrades. I started with one of the very first Photoshops. And 2.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Image Dimensions

Dec 15, 2006

I have used a template in Photoshop CS2 to create a DVD/CD Cover and I have an issue saving the image for upload at the correct dimensions.

This is what I have - CD cover @ 4.75 x 4.75 inch with 300dpi. This gives me an image with a resolution of around 3000 x 3000 pixels.(approx)

There is no problem printing from PS as the dimensions in Inches is the default print size. The problem comes when I export the image as a JPEG ready for upload and sharing. It seems the pixel resolution becomes the default size settings. This will give the end users problems in printing at the correct size for their CD cases.

I, can get round this as my printer allows me to 'print at the original size' which defaults back to the size set in Inches but I don't think everyone has this option.

Is there any way to ensure that the end user will d/l or save the uploaded image at the correct size so that they will not have to do anything other than print it?

The last thing a want to do is make it a difficult thing for them to obtain.

FYI - I would like to keep the dpi resolution if possible as there is a lot going on and this might be lost if the quality is reduced.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Transparency - Formats

Oct 17, 2005

I have a couple of logos that I need to "archive" and catalog in the following formats:


These logos were done in PSCS and are now in the .psd format - they contain a number of layers including a base transparent layer.

The question is can I preserve the transparency within the 2 above mentioned formats? If so how? I made a few attempts at it with each format but came up with a background color each time.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Color Profile

May 30, 2005

How can I preserve my colors so that when I export them to images, they are as close to the colors as I see them as when I view them in a browser?

Right now I'm using:

Adobe RGB 1998 for RGB Colorspaces (Preserve Embedded Profile)

Engine: Adobe ACE

Intent: Relative Colorimetric

[X] Use Blackpoint Compensation

[X] Use Dither (8bit/channel images)

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Photoshop :: CS5.5 / Batch Process With Preserving Subfolders?

Apr 12, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CS5.5, and I'd like to batch process a folder with thousands of images ordered in several deeper subfolders.

The problem is, that I'd like to do this with preserving subfolders order, as it's the most important part of my project.

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Photoshop :: How To Drag A Layer Into New Doc Preserving Same Position

Oct 1, 2012

Shift-dragging centers it, but I have multiple documents (pngs with transparency) of the same dimensions and layers in a variety of positions that need to be preserved (I'm composting some 3d renders). Is this possible?

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Photoshop :: Change Color Of Car Preserving All Details

Jul 23, 2011

I want to change the color of my car whilst preserving all the details like door handles but change seem to figure out a way.

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Photoshop :: Color Change While Preserving Gradients

Aug 26, 2004

describe to me the process by which you would change the color of an object while preserving the gradients of that object? Attempting to do this on a picture of a machine but my efforts turn out "cartoony."

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Photoshop :: Colour To White Preserving Shadows

Jul 13, 2008

I need to remove the green and blue colours of this image, replacing them for white, as the background colour, however I need to preserv the shapes and shadows.

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Photoshop :: Preserving Transparency Using Contact Sheet II Or Similar

Jul 1, 2013

We currently print using a flat bed ink jet printer CMYK++(fixative) capable of printing several images at one time. We create the file using PS then use bridge and contact sheet II to create the print ready document.
The issue is that contact sheet II makes you select a colour for the background of the document. If we chose white when we export as a PDF the printer interprets the white area as "coloured pixels" and prints our fixative ink over the entire background rather than under the pixel of the image.
I need to be able to use a contact sheet type solution but be able to preserve the background transparency to stop this from happening.

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Photoshop :: Preserving EXIF Data When Using Smart Objects

Sep 16, 2012

I've got a template file, which has my photo stored as Smart Object.  There are some filters performed on it, and some groups of filters I select to match the image.  It works great.  However, the only caveat is that the EXIF data is stored from original image.  Photoshop doesn't read the EXIF from the most recently imported file.  

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Photoshop :: Exporting Transparent PNG While Preserving Multiply Blending Mode?

Feb 17, 2013

I have a PSD file that has a couple layers that are shadows and highlights for t-shirt textures.  Then I have other layers that are the colors of the shirts, so I can swap the color out and it looks like the appropriate t-shirt color with the shirt textures and shadows.  My ultimate goal is to export the shirt textures with no color background and keeping it a transparent png. I want to use this transparent image on a website that has color behind it and can change the color using html Divs.
The issue is when I turn off the lower layer colors of the shirt the image is not trasnparent it is white.  The multiply layers don't stay transparent.  Is there a way to export the multiply layers as transparent?  Is there a way to remake the layers as a raster image, rather than using the layer blending modes?

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Photoshop :: Using Feather To Create Selection But Preserving Opaque Fill

Aug 27, 2005

I'm trying to create a selection out of the square marquee tool with rounded corners. The only way I know how to do this is to set the feather to 5px or 10px or whatever. But when I try to fill this selection with a certain color (with the paint or pencil tool) I get a gradient. That is, instead of a uniform color all throughout the selection, it's almost clear near the edges and slowly becomes opaque as you move closer to the center of the selection. I do I create a square selection with rounded edges so that filling it creates an evenly opaque color?

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Photoshop :: Converting TIF Files To JPEG While Preserving 300dpi Resolution

Apr 5, 2003

I am creating an image in photoshop that a printer is going to use to make a postcard to advertise my website. He needs it in 300dpi resolution in order for it to print correctly. I have already created the vector image that is in 300dpi res, but need to add photos to the image. He said that everything needs to be in 300dpi resolution, including the photos that I add to the image.

I already have one photo that is in jpeg format that is at 300dpi, but I did not create that. I scanned in a photo at 300dpi as a tif file, and would like to convert it to jpeg while preserving its 300dpi resolution. I have tried everything in Photoshop that I know (which is not all that much) to try to accomplish this task, but to no avail.

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Photoshop :: How To Straighten Curved Objects In PShop While Preserving The Dimesnional Ratios?

Dec 20, 2006

As you can see, the sword is curved. I want to make it look straight without messing up its dimensions, i.e. I want to straighten it in PhotoShop as like it was made of clay. I hope you get what I mean.

I have the image of the sword on a separate layer, the background is a different layer.

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Photoshop :: Flattening Layer Styles Whilst Preserving Blend Mode / BLUR

Oct 16, 2007

I do a lot of work for TV and as such have to often provide flattened layered art to broadcasters. I flatten most layers and flatten layer styles as well.

Question: is there any way to preserve a layer style blend mode when flattening i.e. I have some rasterized text with an Outer glow. The outer glow has a Linear Burn blend mode (or similar).

Is there a way I can merge this layer complete with style to a flat layer and PRESERVE the way it looks? Often I try this and it looks different (obviously because there is a blend mode being implemented with the layer style.

Any pointers how to get around this? I use CS2 by the way.

Another one - I often whack stuff into After Effects and put on an adjustment layer at the top with a gaussian blue (so it blurs everything below). Is there a way to do this in Photoshop i.e. an adjustment layer placed at the top of the layer stack with a BLUR? Any workarounds people know of or is this just something I can do in After Effects?

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AutoCAD LT :: Preserving Grouped Geometry

Feb 27, 2013

When I use the 'Copy with Basepoint' command from the clipboard and paste the results into another drawing, all of the grouped items become ungrouped.

Is there a way of preserving grouped geometry when copying from one drawing and pasting to another?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Reducing Polycount While Preserving The Rig

Apr 7, 2012

I have a hi-rez figure that I'd like to lower the polygons on. I was wondering if it's possible to reduce the polycount on the character without destroying the rig.

I read somewhere that Optimizer would work for this. I this true? Is there another way to do it or will I have to rerig it?

Also, is it possible to preserve morphs as well? I know some of the points change so I can understand if it's not.

EDIT: It appears it doesn't work right off the bat. Is there a simple way to update the bone envelopes to the new geometry or do I have to reskin the entire mesh manually? (Seeing this, I know morphs will no longer work."

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Preserving Image Size And Location

Jun 9, 2011

I'm a new user of X4. I'm making a project using several transparent layers, with layer 1 set as background image. I then draw several images into the succeeding layers. My template is set at 480x270 pixels.

Is there any way to export my drawings with their original size and location preserved with respect to the background image? The thing is I need to recombine the images in the different layers later on (in a different program and project) and I need them to be in their right sizes and positions as when I created them in order to reconstruct the image accurately.

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