Lightroom :: (not Known Error System) Saving Metadata
Mar 17, 2014Very often, but no always, when I save metadata in the file, appear an "not known error system" message
View 2 RepliesVery often, but no always, when I save metadata in the file, appear an "not known error system" message
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to export meta-data for a 5 years old MRW file in LR 4 Win x64 residing there since LR 2, but it results in "Could not write metadata. Unknown file I/O error. (1)" error. I have checked the file permissions and it seem to be fine. What else shoudl I check for?
View 1 Replies View RelatedIsn't writing metadata to the XMP space of a file (jpeg or dng) altering the file? I assumed that non-destructive meant not changing the original file in any way, and this rewrites the file and thus changes the modification date. And if the Develop settings are included, then doesn't that confuse things as to which version will be displayed by an application that opens it? Do I need to store the original somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how this all works?Â
View 15 Replies View RelatedI recently added an external hard drive and am now saving my new pictures to that hard drive. Lightroom still lives on my hard drive. I imported some pictures into LR last night and several of them have an arrow icon on them and the error message says "Metadata has been changed externally" but it hasn't. These are DNG files that have not been opened anywhere other than LR. I did synchronize the settings of these pictures, but all within LR.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm running Photoshop Elements 5.0. Everything was working fine til this mornin. I've had the program for about a year now. When I tried to open it this morning I got this error message that popped up.
It says:
Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable.
I've tried repairing the program. That didn't work. Restarted my computer. That didn't work. Uninstalled the program and tried opening it again. That didn't work. I'm at a loss! I really need to get into my program b/c my work is there. I tried opening some of my files (they are located in my Pictures folder) and they pop up with the same message.
I get the following error message when trying to export a file from LR 4.1 using Windows 7:
 Unable to Export: An internal error has occurred: Win32 API error 2 ("The system cannot find the file specified.") when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute
As far as I can tell, Copy Metadata and Synchonize Metadata do the same thing. Is there a difference in what they do?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to export a 97 page book filled mostly with images to pdf. There are a several pages with solid text. Halfway through Lightroom's saving process, it pops up with "An error occurred while saving the book: an error occurred adding text and fonts to the book."
All the images are in one folder, I have made sure LR is locating the images correctly, and the font is the default myriad pro.
I have just installed Photoshop CS2 on my new win VISTA HOME machine. There was no problems, I got a notification of a large update from ADOBE,
so I accpeted, shut down Photoshop, installed updates and then when I re-boot my machine and opened up Photoshop again, I got this error message. "Unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable"
I try I open PhotoShop I get a message saying "Unable to conitnue because of a hardware or system error. Sorry, but this error is unrecoverable" then the program shuts down and I have to restart my computer in order to use PS again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm saving for web and want to preserve all metadata except camera info, but besides the camera info, it's not saving the description either. Is it right?
Actually, I only want to save copyright information, author, keywords and description, but there's not such option.
In Photoshop CS6, when you save an open file to .psd, .tif, or .jpg, whatever metadata it contains is saved with the file, and you can examine it in Bridge. But when you save to .png, the metadata panel in Bridge is empty — there’s nothing there..Is this a bug or a feature?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn Illustrator I'm using "save for web" to generate a png copy of an Illustrator file. The Illustrator file has copyright metadata, but when I check the png copy the copyright metadata is missing.
Why doesn't the png copy have the same metadata as the original file? Shouldn't the metadata be passed along when using "save for web"?
I applied the metadata in Bridge using the append metadata command.
When I save an Illustrator (CS4 and below) file that has a document title and an author in the File Info tabs only the author field is properly transferred to the metadata of a PDF when using Save As PDF. The title field of the PDF gets the file name ("map_data_2006") and not the document title ("Map of Data in 2006"). How do I keep from re-populating the PDFs with metadata (which increases the file size after a resave) which is already stored in the AI files?
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpon entering File Info and saving the image in Photoshop, all metadata disappears. However, If I apply a metadata template in Bridge, the metadata stays. What may be causing the File Info to not save with the image in PS?
Usig Bridge would be okay, however, I want to create layered images and keep all the metadata. If I attempt to do so in PS, the metadata for all image layers disappear.
In the past I've been successful adding and storing metadata to the 'Description' column in the project window in the past with the 'Link' symbol activated in the Metadata panel under 'ile'>Dublin Core>>Description. This would allow me to retain the description metadata when the media is imported into a different project.
However I am using this same procedure this week, but the data does not seem to be saving/adding to the XMP 'File' metadata. See screen shot below. I've experienced this problem within different proejcts and with the three main media types in our production house: XDCAM EX, P2 MXF and Ikegami MXF.
Why this would work previously, but not now? Is it related to the latest version updates?
This is a PC, Windows 7 system.
saving the 'Map Coordinate System' on a specific drawing? - For example, I need to use Coordinate System MGA-55 when working on an Australian Project, and UTM84-39N when working on a Kazakh Project, however, if I set my coordinate system to MGA-55, then save my drawing, the Coordinate system resets to UTM84-39N when I reopen the same drawing (it appears not to be saved with the drawing). I'm Using 'AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 (64bit) running on Windows 7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedUsing the VB.NET example code on for Defining a User Coordinate System, I pretty much copy and pasted the code to suit my needs. While the example shows how to create a UCS origin, X Axis and Y Axis from scratch, I am attempting to simply cast the values from the system variables UCSORG, UCSXDIR and UCSYDIR. These system variables are read only, and when looking into the types, I believe they are all 3D Point type values.Â
I'm experiencing errors when trying to run the following code, and it's making me wonder whether what I'm attempting to do is possible. The JIT Debugger is pointing out a System.InvalidCastException. Is there a problem with setting a Point3D value (from the system variable) to a Vector3D type (which is required for defining a new ucs)? Â
Public Sub saveCurrentUcs()
'get the current document and database
Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database
over and over i keep hitting this wall when stitching my edges together while unwrapping - what this is or how to fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDeleting files and saving files brings up an error message. Files can't be deleted from lightroom which makes editing a nightmare. Also Saving Files (raw of jpeg), brings up an error message everytime.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to open CS5 extended 32 (only, 64 bit opens fine) bit I get the above message and CS5 will not open. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail.Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am tryng to upgrade from LT 2009 to LT 2012 and recieve this message "annot update some system component now. Please reboot the machine and try again" We are running Windows Professional XP 2002 with SP3.
View 3 Replies View RelatedRecently I found that I couldn't import a .bip file onto my CAT rig. Here's the error message:
Unknown system exception
and highlights the following line of code:
local liindex = FindCATNode catNode;
I've tried several things and copy/pasting the error to google only gives a single page of results, with very few possible solutions. There was one saying I should replace the highlighted code with a different piece of code and restart max. this just changes the error message.
Another solution was to get max 2011 32 bit, save it there and open it up in 2012, however other posts had the exact same problem with importing 2011 files into 2012. so that also doesn't seem like a working solution.
That's about when I reached the end of the page... Could it be that importing the original BVH onto a biped and exporting the animation to .bip caused the .bip file to get corrupt or something? I've tried loading the BVH file onto my CAT rig directly, but this just crashed max.
I get this message when I start PS. " There is no disk in the drive. insert a disk into the drivedriveharddiskdr2"...When I accept this message PS continues to load as normal, However
If I try to save a file using "Save for Web and Devices" I get the same message as above but when I accept this message I get another message "The operation could not be completed. The System cannot find the path specified."All other functions of PS appear to work normally.
I have a Quad 4 processor with 8gb Ram with Windows 7
Whenever i try to start Adobe Photoshop Album 2,0 i recieve this error and the program shuts down instantly. I dont get this error with any other program.
I run Windows XP Professional.
I have downloaded the trial version of Paintshop Pro Ultimate X5 three times ans still get the above cryptic error.I am running Windows 7 64bit.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAutoCAD 2010 civil 3D.
Main issue is frequent crashes of the AutoCAD software. Sometimes 10-12 time's in a day. Unfortunately their are no error messages, and I have yet to see any pattern in when and how it crashes.
The problems I can see are the workspace, and process memory of my system. The workspace does not load correctly. The Ribbon shows multiples of the every tab at least twice. All tabs show the commands but not the pictures associated with the commands. CUIload shows correct workspaces.Â
Second note is that my system runs the same .dwg file's at 2/3 the processing memory than any other identical systems I run AutoCAD on.
Third, through my digging and attempted solutions I found that the AcSignCore_.dll file was missing.
I have: re-installed 3D twice, updated graphics drivers on my system and run open close save hotfix as well as AutoCAD2010 update 2 for 64 bit system.
I have problem with Civil3d 2010, when i open heavy drawing or 1 or more drawing will struck out of system memmory cannot continu the drawing , how can i fix, i already install update package 1 & 2 my system config.,and error shown on attached file. a
View 5 Replies View RelatedHalfway installing PSP Prox4 from my disc or via the web, error message comes up: "The system can not find the device specified" and "Your system has not been modified".I have the latest drivers and DirectX installed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNormally When I start interface and tagging items (drawings) and writting in to Database, everything is working fine. However my interface is idle for morethan 15 mins, after that if I start the process (Searching items, Creating Items, Writting Items into DB) then immediately I got the Error "Automation Error System call failed". I did lot of R & D on my code, but I am unable to find the issue, may be Objects are emptied or i don't know.
Problamatic Code is given below.
dim strAutoCadVersion as string
strAutoCadVersion = Left(AcadApplication.Version, 2) is giving Automation Error when the interface has been idle for 10 mins.
Also I attached screen shots of an error.
I am using PSE 9 and am running on a XP .
When I open the editor , I get an error message " unable to continue because of a hardware or system error. sorry but this error is unrecoverable "