I'm using actions through CS4 and have a large volume of TIFFs of varying sizes and dpi that I need to resize to the same dpi and longest length. I've set up the one action to resize both landscape and portrait images in one go to a standard longest length setting through the fit image automate function but this doesn't change the dpi of the files which range from 300 - 2400 dpi.
I'm currently having problems with the batch feature regarding pdf files which I can't figure out. My main task is to automatically resize several (50+) pdf files in a folder, save them for web as jpg and then close the original file without saving it. I've tried to make an action for this, but I only end up getting errors or Photoshop trying to overwrite the same file all the time when saving the images. I did manage to make a successful action which worked as batch if I had all the files open in Photoshop, but that's not really what I'm after since I then have to open all the 50+ files first manually. What I would want is for Photoshop to go through all the pdf files in my source folder - resize them - save for web - close original image wihtout saving. I'm currently using Photoshop CS2 if that's any help. Is there anyone who can help? A step-by-step solution would be greatly appreciated!
I have a map with 400+ photos in high resolution and now I want to change the resolution to 72dpihow do I do that? And after that I need to change the picture size from ablout 4000 x 3000 to a smaller sizeHow do i make such an action?
I made a Photoshop (7) action (macro) a couple of months ago, that (among other things) resized the image to a maximum of x*y pixels (a certain, fixed size).
That is, if the maximum is 50*50 pixels, this will happen: 100*50 -> 50*25 200*200 -> 50*50 40*40 -> 40*40
Now I need to make another action with the same feature, but I can't find how to do this, and I only have the first action as a compiled droplet.
i create an action with a save for web command, i change the image size to 400x400 pixels. But when i run the action on a larger or smaller image the image size will change proportionatly. Not 400x400pixels. If i add to the action before i save for web to resize the image through the menu commands i end up with lost resolution.
I find many references on the web to CS3 actions for resizing images. But I haven't found anyone dealing with the problem of the image orientation (landscape or portrait).
I want to have an action to resize an image to 72dpi (or 96?, which is best?) and constrain the width/height to 1024pixels. How can an action determine whether the image's orientation is landscape or portrait?
I am trying to resize one image to 4 different sizes. So far I have an action created to do all of this, with only one minor problem. Whenever it saves the images, they are always saved as the wrong file name. I was wondering if there would be a way to keep the original file name, but then add a suffix to it- all within the action.
If it's not possible to automatically add a suffix, how do I keep the original file name when it's saving within the action?
I found an older post (URL...) that was very similar to what I'm trying to accomplish, but the question was never fully resolved.
I have a lot of photos which I want to resize to a common longest side, (to achieve appx similarity between verticle and horizontal pics of varios aspect ratios). Is it possible to create an action to do this? I'm using CS3 (and lightroom 1.1) XP SP2. I'm not too familiar with creating actions (yet)
1) resize a Portrait orientation image to a height of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24% 2) resize a Landscape orientation image to a width of 800 pixels (constraining proportions) and then “Save for Web” to a jpg with a quality of 24%
How can I create one Action that will work for both Landscape and Portrait images (setting the longest dimension to 800 pixels keeping the other dimension in proportion)?
I am using Photoshop CS5 v12.0.4x32 and Windows XP Pro SP3.
I can make an even gradient between two straight lines, with a fair amount of precision. as shown in the first two jpegs
How I can do this between two curvy lines so the gradient adjusts to the changing thicknesses? In the second two jpegs I'm fudging the effect with the brush tool. But this is not precise enough for what I'm trying to do.
I want to use this for traditional animation drawn frame by frame. So if I went in with the brush tool in each frame, the gradient would be stroking and freaking out when you watch the animation.
I originally put this with a post on saving for web but I think this is a bit different.
If I shoot a big painting, the resolution of detail - brushstrokes, canvas, imperfections adds to the overall feel of the image. If I shoot a tiny/small image with the same lens/camera and it fills the screen those details look like a relief map of the Himalayas! Can I get around that? I notice that sharpening can make a difference but what are the principles here?
i'm using PS CS and I want to fill a selection with a pattern but i'd like to simulate a light source.. so i'd like the pattern to fill with a varying density -- like stippling..or cross-hatching. i'm doing a 2-color (black and white only) t-shirt design so i can't have any gradations of colour. this may be a loaded question.. so i'm just hoping to get pointed in the right direction. if u need me to be more specific let me know.
Would illustrator be better suited for this task because i also have access to ai cs. even if not.. can someone recommend a good illustrator forum that is comparable to this mb? and maybe for Flash too.
I would like to watermark a logo on a batch folder of photos, but the photos are different heights (but same width). If I use text in Photoshop it's not a problem, but if I use my logo the Action places it in different positions depending on the height of the photo.
What I am looking for is a way to have the logo placed in a relative position to the bottom right corner of the photo. Say, 25px from the bottom and 0px from the right. I am unsure of how to achieve this relative placement.
i have a few hundreds images i need to watermark. The watermark i can do fine. but i have varying image widths.
I want the watermark to be centralised on the image. I also want to batch the process so i'm trying to work out if it's possible to centralise in an action.
It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.
I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?
I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.
Need to make a wall with varying height. For example, 3000mm at one end and 4000mm at the other. The result would be a sloped ceiling and roof. Should I make a 'mass' and attach a wall to it or is there a way to vary the height of an existing wall?
I'm in process of making a bulk of certificates to give to a group of people who participated in a contest. I have the design but I have to create over 200 different certificates (because they are personalized for every person). Each certificate should contain the name of the person to whom is adressed.
Obviously I could do it one by one but I'm looking for a quicker way to do it. I have the names database in txt format, sql format, xml format, whatever...
Would be interested in a strategy for a varying depth overlay, i.e. where the overlay assembly follows a centerline design profile rather than a pavement depth up from existing grade. Then the trick would be for the software to calculate the asphalt volume between the new top surface and the existing roadway surface.
In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image. For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px. Then resize the image to the same.
Here is the process I am using:
Duplicate the layer and then hide it. Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px. Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size). When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px. However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px
The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions. I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly. I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.
As an exercise I'm trying to recreate the leaf image in the X5 guidebook ( pages 127 & 128). No problems until I came to drawing the yellow "veins" on the face of the leaf. I need to create lines that start off thin, get thicker in the middle and go back to thin at the other end.
I managed to create the effect by drawing a closed , filled object, and then playing around using the shape tool to achieve the desired result..
Is there a better, quicker way to do this. I tried doing it using the artistic tools but no luck there.
I have a case with the Subassembly Composer where I have 3 varying depths. InsideLane, OutsideLane, and Shoulder. My Base shape below these 3 shapes will not setup properly. I understand why, it's because the varying depths will create a potential step up or down situation depending on the depth of the top 3 shapes. This prevents the definition of the Base Shape.
For the sake of quantities I'd like to create a Base Shape. I could create Base1 Base2 Base3 (one below Inside Lane, Outside Lane, and Shoulder). I would prefer not to for clarity purposes.
How could one approach this? I'm thinking that I need some conditional components to clean this up. I'm not a pro writing expressions. I basically need to define the links that define the varying depths between the top 3 depths. I need to create another point and link if the depths vary, and that link needs to be included within the shape definition for Base.
how to create the transition portion of a corridor design where my road cross slope has to uniformly go from 3% to the right to 3% to the left. I have the two regions set up, but I cannot get that "middle" or "connecting" region where the cross slope is "rotating" around my road profile center line to create this "+3% to -3%" transition.
I have been searching the internet and this forum, but cannot find a good explanation. There is info out there about setting vertical offsets, but not sure how to do this so the cross slope is uniform all the way through this region (i.e., making sure that if the slope is 1.234% on the right side, I will get 1.234% on the left side, etc.)
I have a map in AutoCAD and I would like to fill certain sections of it. The colour that I require the fill to be changes according to varying data in an excel spreadsheet. Is there a way of linking the two?
What I need to do correctly, I'm sure the picture will explain better. I know I could use multiple masks stacked on top of each other or some similar method, but I'm looking for something less convoluted and neater.
I'm using Illustrator CS6.I'm working with closed paths on an illustrated character. I have a leg overlapping a body for example. The leg is essentially a 4 sided shape but I only want a stroke on 3 sides. On the 4th side I don't want a stroke on it so that the leg blends with the body. I first thought about using the shape builder tool to merge the 2 shapes to see what that would look like but they won't merge for some reason.
Then I tried to use the width tool to drop the stroke on the 4th side down to a 0 width for the side I want ... but that didn't work either.how I can change a closed shape so that a section of the shape has a different stroke colour (i.e. none!) from the rest of the shape?
So I need an sub assembly similar to the SuperLayerVaryingWidth, but combined with BasicLane Transition sub. If the SuperLayerVaryingWidth sub would follow an ETW profile to set slope, then I would be set. Any tips on how to create this? I'm pretty rusty at building custom subs.