Is there a feature in photoshope that allows to put a shade under a written text. For example something like the shade under the big Google word on their site, which gives a kind of three dimensionality to the text.
how to make these kind of shades as in this cover of Kanye West's single "Can't tell me nothing". It has a asian vibe to it and I really like the shadows or shades in the letters, and they seem like a somewhat easy task to accomplish in Photoshop,
I want to make flyers for my band. I used to put text onto jpeg images using the Microsoft PAINT program but I want to get better at GIMP.
I really like some of the text(s) I make using the word art function in Micrsoft Excel 2010 but it seems I can't cut and paste them onto the image when using GIMP.
Is there a tutorial on putting text onto an image and making the text glow like a light saber?
way to put text to a photoghaph with out putting it on the picture its self. Also want to save it as some other file type than PDS such as a jpg file.
Now I extend the canvas image size and type into the extended area and save as jpg file. Was hoping there was an easier quicker way or may be some other software that will let you add text to a photograph so it doesn't cover the picture.
Putting text on a 3d object, I followed a tutorial to make a golfball and I did it successfully but now I want to make text that looks like its printed on teh ball...
I'm trying to put a background (a very blurred scenic shot) onto text or onto a (complex) shape. How do I do this? Does it have to do with layer masks?
I need to know how to transform text so that it looks correct when i put it on the side of a boxed image. I see where to use the warp text, which is good for spherical objects but i want it on somethng else that is slanted. Can anyone assist me? I hope I'm making sense.
I have to photoshop words onto a girls face similar to the magazine cover pictured below. We cannot physically write on her face. I want to do it while also keeping the texture of her face. I thought about taking the opacity down, but I want the text to be dark.
I am using photoshop CS2 and I am having some difficulty putting text into an image that is 16 x 12 BMP format 256 colours, When I make a new layer and then click the T tool I type in the text that I wanna put in and then go to another tool and the text isn't showing up no matter what size I put it on,
I have an Ergodex DX1 keyboard and I'm wanting to document the layout of the keys for the various games I use it with. So, I need to generate up to 50 buttons with labels and then move and rotate them into position for each game. I would like to put the key number really small in one corner, the keyboard key assigned to it, small, in another corner, and then the then the function within the game, larger, and close to the center.
I've built blanks for the buttons, with space for those three pieces of information. But getting the text lined up time after time is a bit tedious.What is the easiest process for placing text consistently when dealing with dozens of buttons?
I envision something similar to a macro, that loads the blank and then positions the text tool for the first field, with some way to trigger the jump to the next field. I suppose a macro for each field would be simple enough.
Whenever I make a new style in a 2012 AutoCAD file for a Detail Callout, I can create the callout bubble but the text entered for sheet numbers goes to another layer. I've searched the web for a solution to this, but I cannot find one. Everything is set to "By Layer" in the callout, so I'm not sure why the text is going to another layer. The linework aside from the text all appears on my current layer.
I have a layout of office space and saved as a JPEG. I would like to shade the areas of camera views that are based on a 50 degree angle. Can this be done.
Say I have a cartoon-like image of a face, outlined in black, and filled in with a background color. The image was saved as a .jpg so it got anti-aliased and the black outline & background instead of being 2 shades (one for the background, one for the outline) became many shades. Aside from the painstakingly long process of erasing all background pixels and replacing it, yet again with all the same shade, is there another, perferably easier and faster method of doing this.
Open a new doc in Greyscale mode, and use your Color palette in RGB Spectrum to select your hue of grey/colour. And to get a finer shade of grey/colour within the hue of grey/colour you're working with, click on the little arrow (top right of Color palette) and open up the drop down menu and select Current Color. This will give you a finer palette of grey/colour saturation to work with.
i have pictures due on the 7th this month. The only thing that bothers me in my picture is that I have a slight shadow out of my face (on my right). I have never used Ohotoshop so I dont know how to remove it. I have photoshop 7. I am attaching my pic and I would GREATLY appreciate if someone could list the steps i need to do to fix the picture. My girlfriend's picture is the same .. so Ill need to know the steps
Also if I could maybe lighten up the background ...
Suppose I've got a blob of uniform color. I want to make it pop out a little 3D. How do I make shade on one side in a curved manner (that is, it gets gradually darker as you move from the interior of the blob to the edge). Also, how do I add light in the same manner or as a condensed reflective/glittering spot. I also have some circles I'd like to make into spheres with a similar technique. How do you make spheres out of circles in regards to shading and light?
I'm trying to find a method in Photoshop 7.0 to take an image of any sort and distort / change it to a sort of pencil drawing WITH SHADINGS so that he can practice copying them
I've uploaded a couple of images which show the original and his copy.
So I was drawing pixel art with green/ orange and i decided to change the colour to black/white. But when I use grey/ darker shades of black. the green/orange just becomes a darker shade of green/orange.
Does anyone know if there is a Photoshop or Illustrator action or plug-in we can purchase that can create the reflection shades underneath the images that are cropping up online. Examples would be here: ..
With the burn tool one can use it several ways. The direct way is to just click on the tool and select whether you want highlights, mid-tones, or shadows. Each option changes the burn shade slightly. Also there are a host of blend modes which again changes the burn shade.
One can also create a burn layer and change blend modes, all with different effects. Then you can also use the brush tool and select color burn or color dodge, with the foreground color changing the shade of the burn.So all of these options give a great deal of control, but frankly I am just burned out on the process.
All I want is to have the burn deepen the color to more closely match the color in the shadows of the picture. It seems to work better on flesh and soft colors than on bright colors. In those cases I give up and resort to a brush in normal mode with color selected by eyedropper. But that can make the image more muddy as it covers up rather than intensify.
So wilh all the man-years of experience out there is there a more simple way to get the correct burn shade than going though 49 different variations? Or should I just stick with the brush and use a different blend mode?