I've got the layer with a bitmap and now want to bend it like that " \_/" . The transform options in "edit ransform" do not seem to be able to handel this kind of manipultaion.
Is there a way that I can bend a photographic image (or a selection of a photographic image) into a circle? For example, I might have a photographic image of a pencil that I want to bend into a complete circle so that the sharpened tip touches the eraser, essentially forming a “wheel” out of the pencil.
Along these same lines is there a filter, plugin, etc that would allow me to take a selection of a photographic image and distort it into some predefined shape?
I notice that product images in printed materials and online brochures of products take on a representive, but not so real look. All appear to be graphic with a shadow and no background. The knife is a catalog example and the shears were shot by me. Is there a process that I could use on the shears to achieve that effect? might not be using the correct keywords.
I'm having a nightmare in creating a realistic reflection of the cut-out white car I have attached to this post - as if it was shot in a studio with a shiney floor. I have scoured the forums and tried distorting the picture but can't seem to get it right. I have attached another file showing an example of a disasterous attempt.
The third file I've attached is an example of what I am trying to achieve. I understand that the underside would have to be recreated to make it realistic, but that can just be black.
Thought I might upgrade my PS to CC under the discount for existing owners scheme However, it won't accept that I have a suitible product despite having CS5 on my system. It is not on my products list. Six others are just not my PS products. Â Â Put in serial number - says it is already registered - I know that - just not associated with me I guess. Deactived PS and tried again - same.
To update serial number it's in the abot dialog box. But how about product key? Is there a way to change it without reinstalling the product? Â Situation: Autodesk Revit MEP Suite 2013 to Autocad MEP 2013.
Is it possible with Photoshop (7.0) to reverse an image, i.e. so if the photo had someone in a T-shirt, the letters in whatever logo would be backwards?
What I need to do is find an easy way to remove the white spacing around an item and have the item displayed tight to the edges.  For example: I need a quick and easy way to turn this into this  With the intention of then being able to resize the image to the exact dimensions I require before then resizing the canvas size to create the exact amount of white spacing between the tops and bottom of the image.
For most of our product photos, I create a copy of the image, flip it vertically, fade it out, and then move it down to create a mirror image effect. Simple enough. But this one I'm having a problem. The product has 4 legs, and from this view, the back 2 legs are shorter. When I do my normal steps that I listed, I get similar to what you see below. I know all about drawing a marquee around part of the reflection, hitting Ctrl+T and then holding down Ctrl+Shift to skew just what's in the marquee. I've done this technique a lot, but it does not work for this particular image. What do I have to do to get the reflection of the back legs to line up with the actual back legs in the image?
I wanted to make a mirror image from a jpg but I cannot figure it out with Photoshop 6 or 7. I have the book, "Photoshop 6 for dummies", and I cannot find any references to making a mirror image. I am trying to print the (reversed) image onto a heat transfer for a T-Shirt.
I created a ribbon using the extrude and bevel effect and then mapping it with a custom symbol. I copied the image and then tried to get a matching image on the flipside to mirror it but cannot seem to figure it out. Is there a way to somehow flip the orientation of the image? I tried using transform and then reflect and it does not do anything. I tried to do it manually in mapping and flipping the box upside down and in reverse but it just doesn't seem result in the a reflective image. Attached are the two images I am trying to get to reflect each other.
I have Photoshop 11.0.2 on CS4/Mac. I'd like to be able to create a mirror image of a photograph for an unusual effect, but I can't find a way to do it. Is this possible?Â
A few versions back I had what I remember as being an action to mirror and flip an image. I realize this can be done manually or create my own action but it was a great action and produced some really amazing images in no time. Any action or even a plug in that does this?