I have Photoshop 10.0 (Windows XP) and use it to edit my photos from my new Nikon D300 camera. I create and maintain my images in JPG format. My D300 includes 40 to 50 camera info/metadata elements including the camera and lens settings at the time the photo is taken.
When I do a simple "Save As" in Photoshop 10 to a new JPG file (whether image adjustments are done to the source image or not), the new JPG file is stripped of about half or more of the original metadata. Is there a Photoshop setting or plug-in that will force the software to preserve/retain the original metadata?
if there was some kind of shortcut to see the data info ( ex. shutter spedd, iso setting ) in photoshop cs2 other than going to file>file info> camera data 2.
I am using meta data "description" menu to add meta data to web images.The basics:title
description keywords copyright
That is about it for my application....so far and like I say it is just for web images at this point. At any rate to me surprise I did not realize how much the meta data added to file size.I had assumed it was minimal but in fact that is not the case. Meta data ends up adding a lot.
Question: So is there a way in Photoshop to see what the final file size will be with the meta data included as I have found, so far, is the image itself file size when I view the
"Saving for Web & Devices" menu screen.Also tried the "Info" menu and neither indicate the meta data additions into an images file size.
One of the reasons is, of course, that I would like to get as many keywords in there as possible, as an example lets say this was the logo or site's header and they have a lot of different products.
The more keywords the better the SEO results will be. I am sure this statement in itself is disputable but as of now 5/2013 it appears that way as far as SE's are concerned.Tested this extensively and the result were remarkable, but that is another story.
When I go to file info, to edit meta data, It opens the window however nothing loads its just a blank window. Illustrator hasn't frozen it just stops loading the option and wont allow me to close it. The only way to do anything is to force quit and start again.
Can I apply the meta data to the files when I am not connected to the physical storage place of the files? Are the meta data stored in the catalogue or are they somehow connected to the actual data file??
Since today I'm using "Lightroom 5.3 RC for Windows". When I export to jpg the Exif meta data contain a Exif tag "Software", the value is "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.0 (Windows)". Why doesn't this tag show the version number "5.3" (or "5.3 RC")?This behaviour has been at all prior Lightroom versions I know.
One of P&GD2013's new features was supposed to be preservation of EXIF data when editing JPGs. I'm having trouble discovering when this happens.
For instance, when I open a photo, use MagicErase to remove a lamppost, flatten the group and then export/save it back to the original, all my efforts so far have resulted in the loss of the original EXIF data.
Is there a way to preserve EXIF data after editing (in any way) the original photo?
Im shooting Nikon D5100 and D3200 cameras. Im recording GPS data with a Nikon GP1. Im shooting jpg FINE and LARGE 6016 x 4000; 24.1M. I need to be able to batch and individual edit the images which Im able to do but after exporting them my GPS data is gone. Im running an iMac with the latest software and LR 5.
I would like to be able to see camera profile in Loupe Info. This would support me choose between versions of a photo that have different profiles applied.
I have not been able to find any indication that this is possible in LR 4. I am still using LR 3.6.
Beyond that, it would be nice to be able to select any information to see in Loupe Info and not be restricted to the fixed list of items currently available.
I have 200,000 lines with some object data. LINKED to these lines is a database with some more information. Basically I want to export all of these lines to shape files, converting the information in the linked database to be the new object data. (This is for the client to view the lines on ArcGIS).
I have done this a few times in the past, but working with this volume of lines and data, Its taking an extremely long time.
My question is, could i use autolisp to quickly transfer the database data to object data before i export to shape files? or if there are any other options.
I have several SHP Connections that I am using as background. I can use the Style Editor to get the individual SHP Lines/Polygons/blocks to be the appropriate colors for the information that they include (Property Lines, Buildings, Utilities, etc)
The problem is in plotting this information. The settings in my tried and true .ctb file don't seem to apply to the SHP data. Everything else that actually exists in the drawing behaves correctly, but the SHP data plots as it appears on the screen.
I'm having a problem with the embedded camera data that is stored with a photograph. I'm not sure but every once in a while PS deletes the data from a photograph when I edit the photograph.
This is not happening every time. Some photographs I edit all the data is still there after I edit. Others I edit have been changed. All the camera data is missing and the original creation date, the date the photograph was taken is changed to the date I edited the photograph.
The creation date and time is important to me to keep photographs from different cameras in the correct sequence of real time. Is this normal for PS or am I causing it?
After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.
This is for Mac OS 10.3 CS2- One of my sources for photos has recently been routing jpeg's where I receive the prompt: "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored."
Nothing earth shattering there, probably a meta field CS2 is having issues with. The issue I encounter, is when I try to save it as a .psd I receive the prompt: "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
The file is otherwise complete, and there is no truncating. I've tossed it into bridge, which isn't my strong point, and can't seem to find anything that screams anomalous there.
I've got a work around where I can save the file as a tif prior to my edits, then open it, edit, save as a .psd... So this is more of a curiosity item for me. Has anyone seen anything similar to this? Would it be a meta issue or something in their jpeg processing that causes this?
I often produce product images for clients that they then supply to their distributors and I prefer that my camera EXIF data not be included (none of their business). I use various actions to produce a variety of sizes and colourspaces (sRGB and CMYK) from the original PSDs. Unfortunately Photoshop seems to lack the ability to strip the camera EXIF data from a PSD file other than by copying the image to a new document. This is fine for a few images. But when you have 50-100 images it's not very practical.
Here's an action that would work:
Note: Image layers are not supported and the colourspace is lost so you will need to make note of the colourspace of the originals.
Action 1 : Open (flatten) and save the RGB or CMYK PSD files as Scitex Format (SCT).
Action 2: Open .SCT files, assign the now missing colourspace tag, re-save as PSD.
I can then add any metatags that should be embedded in these images.
But does anyone know of a plugin or post-processing utility that will strip selective metadata (ie: camera info only, not the metatags with the company info, copyright etc..) from RGB and CMYK 'Photoshop format' images?
Using PS CS3, I wrote a few lines of text, then saved the file in three formats; PSD, JPEG and GIF. If I close PS and click on any one of these files to open it in Photoshop, I get the "No camera data found in this file" message. In fact, if I open just about any graphics file in any format by clicking on it, I get either this message or another one telling me which camera was used to shoot the image, complete with an exclamation mark at the end .
If I open PS first and then open a file, the message does not appear, even if it's a digital camera image. Is the any way to kill this damned thing and have it stay dead? FWIW, I've wiped out preferences several times and sometimes that results in a temporary cure. But a few days later the message is back again. FWIW#2, this problem does not occur in any other CS3 application. Any suggestions?
Well, ran into an interesting filter result which looks similar to molten metal or something you would get with meta balls in a 3d program. Preety easy to get it too, just use your filter-render-fibers (default setting will work) then your filter-sketch-plaster (again, default settings may work) and whola. Playing with the setting in the plaster window will give you more or less metal as you see fit. Simple and maybe of some use to some...
I have a Panasonic GH3 camera. I would like to add an item that is in the EXIF data of the RAW and DNG file to the EXIF fields kept by LR5. I can see all the camera EXIF data by using the GREAT 'exiftool.exe' created by Phil Harvey.
[URL] ......
Just to start, I would like to add the item "Focus Mode" that is in the "Panasonic" section of the EXIF file of the RAW and DNG files. The Focus Mode field has values such as:
Example 1:
---- Panasonic ---- Image Quality : Raw Firmware Version : White Balance : Auto Focus Mode : Manual AF Area Mode : 1-area Image Stabilization : Off Macro Mode : Off Shooting Mode : Aperture Priority
or, as anoher example:
Example 2:
---- Panasonic ---- Image Quality : Raw Firmware Version : White Balance : Auto Focus Mode : AF-S AF Area Mode : 1-area Image Stabilization : Off Macro Mode : Off Shooting Mode : Aperture Priority
I find this data in both the Panasonic Raw files, and the DNG files created by LR5 (and I was very relieved to find that the Focus Mode is carried forward to the DNG files, since I don't keep my old Panasonic RW2 Raw files after they are converted to DNG!).
So, since this camera manufacturer data *is* in the DNG, LR5 *is* reading it.
Thus my question: How can I tell LR5 to inclued the "FOCUS MODE" value in the EXIF data it creates with each photo?
Is it possible to read raw image data into Gimp? By raw, I mean image data without a header or compression, i.e., RGB, 16-bit unsigned, or 32-bit floating point grayscale, etc.
I see "Raw image data" under "Open > Select File Type", but grayscale isn't listed. Is the only option? Are there any add-ons for grayscale?
I have my laptop with LR4, I'm using an external HDD to store the RAW data from my camera. This HDD is fed by an external power line so it's not as portable (WD My Book3.5")
So the setup is that LR4 is linked to the external HDD. Whenever I download photos from my CF card, I tell LR4 to copy the images to the external HDD because I don't want my laptop to be filled with RAW. I only export the JPG's to my laptop.
Now here is the tricky part. When I travel, I take my laptop and my lighter external HDD (WD My passport 2.5") because it's portable and needs only USB power.
While traveling I import my photos using LR4 to the secondary HDD (my passport) and I edit them. When I get back home, I would like to "merge" my edited images from the portable HDD (my passport) to the primary HDD (my book).
So essentially I would like to streamline my work as if I'm managing one catalogue on two separate HDD.
I spent the better part of the day animating a Camera (using the CSTools DocuCam setup) in Cinema. It's excatly how I want it. The camera rig is parented to a null which is simply changing its position around the scene. I'm also keyframing a target null that the DocuCam is following. The DocuCam has several xpressions that cause it to "wiggle" and quickly zoom in and out to give a handheld feel.
First attempt, I brought in the C4d (r14) file into AECC and hit Extract Camera data. Solo'd out just the DocuCam (the currently selected camera in the C4D source file), and added a Solid to the Comp. Scrubbed through the timeline to see if it moved away from the Camera as expected, and it is totally misaligned. The camera doesn't rotate or perform any of the same movement as it did in C4d.
I also tried baking all the keyframes for each of the elements in the c4d file, and re-import. Not any better. All the frames for the camera do import (without the nulls, etc), but again, it looks like I'd have to muck around with some nulls in AE to (maybe) get everything to align.
It will be annoying to have to CameraTrack my 3D rendered scene, when I have all that data in C4D.
Other attempts included:
Trying to use an .aec file and that only imported 1 keyframe for the camera, despite the baking method.
Repeat same procedure, this time with External Compositing Tags attached to the camera and assoc layers. Even attached it to a dummy object (Cube) in front of the camera and tag'd it.
I have a live shot that I have 3D Camera Tracked using the built in AE plugin. I select 'Create new Camera and Solid'. AE creates a new 3d tracked camera and a solid. I save my comp. I go to 'File-Export-Maxon C4D', and create a new .c4d file. I import that file to AE, and put it in my comp. I go to 'Edit--Edit Original...'. C4D Lite opens up. I can see a new null, with a plane and camera inside. Everything looks great, but the camera has no animation on it. Upon closer inspection, I realize that none of the keyframes from my AE camera have been exported to my C4D camera.
I've tried exporting a new camera to C4D in as many ways as I can think of. The other strange thing was that the 'Merge Camera' button in the Cineware plugin in AE is grayed out, no matter how many new cameras I make. I've even made my own cameras and animated them without using the 3d Tracker plugin and it never exports correctly. I've also tried reinstalling C4D Lite.
Is there a way to preserve text when exporting /saving a file from Acrobat.?
I've been trying in vain through numerous settings to find a way to open a pdf document in Photshop that preserves the text information. (ie a vector based workable text on it's own layer) My original text tests (created in Acrobat) consist of a few sentences..yet all i've been able to get is the unworkable rasterized text on the transparent layer.
I'm certain there must be a way.. either a setting when opening/importing the file or saving the original in Acrobat.