I was wondering if anyone knew a way of determining how many pixels are selected (like with the freehand selection tool).
My problem is this: I have a map and I'm trying to determine the area of different countries on the map. The best I've been able to do so far is to draw a rectangular box around the countries and look at the width and height of the box and use the scale (so many pixels == so many miles) to figure the area. But some of the countries are quite irregular in shape and I'm just wondering if there's a better (more precise) way. I'd love it if I could just freehand select a country and then click a button to see how many pixels it is.
How can I keep my selection area on the background image or layer after doing a create new layer via copy?
I am trying to make a selection and an inverse of the selection and put each on a seperate layer to do adjustments seperatly without having to go back and reselect the desired area. It seems to disappear after the new layer is created.
Is there a better way to accomplish this, what am I missing?
Recently started experiencing a problem in PSE11. When I select an area of an image using the rectangle or lasso tool, the area I've selected immediately fades to black. Modifying the selection area makes it visible again for just a moment, then it fades out again. I know that the underlying image is not affected, as I can apply edits (filters, etc.), and the image returns to normal when I deselect. However, this is making image editing difficult. I'm on a MacBook Pro, running Snow Leopard (10.6.8). I also use Lightroom 4, and have PSE set as the external editor.
I uninstalled and reinstalled PSE, which worked for a while, but the problem has returned.
I want to select an area of video and use a filter on it but maintain that filter all through the video. Currently when I try to use a selection and a filter (blur filter) it will only let me effect one frame at a time. The one frame is under the affected video area. How do I extend that one selection and frame all through the video clip?
I use Photoshop to design interfaces and then cut down the graphics, by using the rectangular marquee tool and selecting the area that I want to save, copy-merged and then paste into a new document, of the correct canvas size according to the selection area, and then save for web..I end up with dozens of open windows all "Untitled" something, unsaved.
All I want is being able to select an area in my document using the marquee tool and then select from File a save function like "Save selection for web and devices...".
Perhapse this option could be in the "Save for web and devices.." dialog, where you could select from a dropdown the following: "Entire document" (default) "The entire selected area" "Trimmed down selected area"
When I use the Fuzzy select tool or the select by colour tool, how can I remove the selection area around the parts that I don't want selected. For example. I have red car on a white background which I want to cut and paste to a black background. I select the white background, but although it selects all the white, it also selects other small areas on the car which are a similar colour. If the threshold is lowered too much when I use these select tools then I get a very small white border around the object when I paste it on to a dark surface. So instead of selecting using the default (15) or even less, I have to ramp it up so as the selection is closer to object and does not show the white jagged line. I thought that I could use the other selection tools with the "remove from selected" option selected, but each time I place a rectangle around the selected area that I want ot deselect, it does away with the entire selection area. I just cannot get it sussed.
While I'm in the "selection" mode - and it doesn't matter whether I'm preselecting objects or selecting them under some command - I pick the starting point of selection window and then I pan to another side of the drawing and there I pick the point to close the selection window.
Result: all the objects that I left behind while panning to the other side of the drawing, go out of the selection, so only those objects in the final viewing area stay selected - and it's not what I want... I want to keep all the objects under selection - including the ones that were panned out from the viewing area... I hope you understand what I'm trying to describe here....
I'm quite sure that this worked fine in previous versions, so I'm also pretty sure that there must be an option or parameter that controls my issue - I just can't seem to fint it...
How do I combine a fuzzy selection area with a dodge or burn operation?
The fuzzy select tool is handy for roughly outlining areas of over or under exposure. There must be a way to combine an oddly-shaped fuzzy selection area with a jittery dodging operation. Do I have to turn the fuzzy selection area into a "brush" somehow, in order to "dodge or burn" that area?
When using the LR5 spot removal tool I can perform cloning or healing and LR automatically selects the target used to clone from, but I cannot see where this area is on the image. A pin should appear with a line connecting the area to be removed and the target area used to clone from. I see no pin. Is this controled by a setting?
How to make the Getfiled dialog box taller to include more of the file selection area? Where to change number of lines displayed. The code is not in the Acad.dcl
Like the Acad.dcl one can edit the width of edit text window: See edit_width = 80;
The problem is that if one has defined a selected area in an image, using either selection by color or contiguous selection using the 'magic wand' facility, is possible to copy this selection to the Image Map facility of the image, so as to automatically define a set of coordinates as a polygon that can be used for link purposes? Perhaps there is some interim step that is required, or perhaps a special script is required?
Is there a way to preserve text when exporting /saving a file from Acrobat.?
I've been trying in vain through numerous settings to find a way to open a pdf document in Photshop that preserves the text information. (ie a vector based workable text on it's own layer) My original text tests (created in Acrobat) consist of a few sentences..yet all i've been able to get is the unworkable rasterized text on the transparent layer.
I'm certain there must be a way.. either a setting when opening/importing the file or saving the original in Acrobat.
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab,
I recently upgraded from PS7 to SC3 Extended and am not completely familiar with it yet. I colour my line-art in Photoshop, and in order to do that the way I like to I have the "Preserve Transparency" button selected which is normally under the "Layers" tab but is annoyingly not there. Does anyone know how to re-include that option into the tab, or how to turn it on somewhere else?
I want to select part of an image with just one layer. Say I just flattened the image and have to move one part of. I select it with the rectangular select tool. It seems intuitive that I could then just move what I selected, but when I drag the selection, the selection itself moves without moving what is inside the selection.
If I then remember to click the move tool and try to move what's in the selection (seems to work sometimes, maybe when there's multiple layers?) the entire image moves.
The only way I can move part of the image over is if I make a selection and then cut it (ctrl X) then paste it.
How am I supposed to move part of the flattened image, is there a way I can set it to default to "When I select something, I can immediately drag that selected area around."
I have an animated GIF that I'd like to insert into a regular PSD file that I'm using as the background. The GIF is a foreground object. Another way to phrase my task is that I'm trying to add a static background to an animated GIF. How should I do this in order to preserve the animation?
What I've tried to do is insert the animated GIF into a smart object in the PSD file but I can't get it to preserve the animation, even after making sure all the frames are copied.
PS CS6 and Win7/64...We just finished shooting a 3 day conference for 600 people, that involved many break-out sessions. Our folder tree of all the finished TIFFs is organized by day, then by topic, and then by break out. All in all there are 75 folders in the tree, with close to 700 TIFFs.
The client wants both hi-res and lo-res JPGs (not the TIFFs).I have a very simple droplet that will convert a TIFF to JPG, but works only on a given folder, and outputs to a generic folder (so I have to copy these back).
Is there a way to create a droplet that will
(a) walk the source tree and convert the TIFFs of each folder to JPG, as well as
(b) Have PS create a matching tree to deposit the JPGs into the corresponding folders?
I know there's an option to include all folders when doing the conversion, but (b) is the critical element so I don't have to do this in a folder-by-folder basis.
I purchased this resume template online and had no problems saving it as a Photoshop PDF file with the original file.
But once I made my own changes to the resume template, as seen below I kept getting the "I keep getting the error "Preserve photoshop editing capabilities" is incompatitable with earlier versions of Phootshop. In earlier versions, you must open the PDF as a Generic PDF (not as a Photoshop PDF)" whenever I save my file as a Photoshop PDF.
I'm using Photoshop CS6 on a Macbook Retina Display. I made sure I checked the "Layers" in the "Saved As" dialog, so not sure why its causing my Photoshop PDF files to look faint.
what is the easiest way to remove gray shadows from my picture and to preserve the handwriting at the same time? I have a lot of pictures like this so I need to use your procedure in batch.
I am a Creative Cloud member, and have downloaded all of the products and they are all up to date currently. The issue I have is, I see all these people using a new resampling setting called "Preserve Details". They go Image ------> Image Size, and then the window pops up. Now their window already looks different then mine. Mine looks like it did in CS4, theirs has an image preview inside the window, plus they have another resampling option available to them. Why doesn't my have this option?
I have tried to upload an image to show you what I mean, but I am unable to upload via my computer, and yes it is the correct size (>450 pxs wide by >500 pixels tall, 131 KB).
I have Photoshop 10.0 (Windows XP) and use it to edit my photos from my new Nikon D300 camera. I create and maintain my images in JPG format. My D300 includes 40 to 50 camera info/metadata elements including the camera and lens settings at the time the photo is taken.
When I do a simple "Save As" in Photoshop 10 to a new JPG file (whether image adjustments are done to the source image or not), the new JPG file is stripped of about half or more of the original metadata. Is there a Photoshop setting or plug-in that will force the software to preserve/retain the original metadata?
I use photoshop 7.0, and got a custom font somehwere along the line itc american typewriter... not sure if it came with a plugin or what. I don't see it in the windows font folder, and can't seem to find it. I really need to keep this font to reinstall it when I reinstall photoshop, since it's used in one of my sites..
I have a scan of a couple-hundred year old document. The background is light brown due to age. How can I best make the browned areas white and preserve/improve the black type? Getting a white background by playing with levels, brightness / contrast seems to result in worse black type.
I've made a model I'm content with - editable poly, and have added a UVW Map modifier and Unwrap UVW and subsequently rendered the UVW, taken it into photoshop and done what I would like to it then brought it back in as a diffuse material - all worked fine.I'm going to be using the asset in a prototype game so want to decrease the number of triangles rendered. So to decrease the polygons I've added an Optimise modifier. This is great for decreasing the number of polygons, but unfortunately as it changes the underlying geometry, it appears is mucking up the UVW coordinates and my material is all over the place.
What is the correct process or technique to decrease the polygons and preserve the UVW map appearance on the object, which was set on the higher res version? I've tried changing the modifyer stack order but as the shape has a number of irregular surfaces, the unwrapped UVW in peel mode is a real mess and would be extremely difficult for me to texture with any consistency.
I've recently migrated from AutoCAD 2008 (non-industry specific) to AutoCAD 2010 so I don't know if this was an issue in 2009.
Back in 2008, when I choose the 'window' option when specifying a plot area, AutoCAD would show the workspace so that I could manually select a windowed plot area, and at the same time the whole workspace would be greyed out except the previously active window area.
This was handy, because we can have as many two dozen title-blocks (and therefore separate viewports) in paperspace, and knowing what plot area I last plotted or added as a saved page setup.
In 2010, it no longer does that. I now have to rely on the dashed border to know where the active plot area is/was (checked 'display printable area' in options>display tab) which I personally don't really like using.