Photoshop Elements :: Selection Area Fading To Black
Sep 18, 2013
Recently started experiencing a problem in PSE11. When I select an area of an image using the rectangle or lasso tool, the area I've selected immediately fades to black. Modifying the selection area makes it visible again for just a moment, then it fades out again. I know that the underlying image is not affected, as I can apply edits (filters, etc.), and the image returns to normal when I deselect. However, this is making image editing difficult. I'm on a MacBook Pro, running Snow Leopard (10.6.8). I also use Lightroom 4, and have PSE set as the external editor.
I uninstalled and reinstalled PSE, which worked for a while, but the problem has returned.
When I use liquify under CS6 (not previous versions of Photoshop), the affected area (as defined by a bounding box) appears to be strangely faded if it had any alpha on it.
Example: I make a smooth gradiant from full-alpha black to nothing. I then use liquify to make squiggles in the lower right. The result: a rectangular area defined by the squiggles is visibly lighter than the surrounding region.
Seems to work fine if (but only if) the whole image is fully opaque.
Each page is just an image file, and the page background is black. So for the image to go into the page seamlessly, the edges have to fade to black. So far I've only been able to do it with specific kinds of pictures that are already black, or have very dark edges, and I just use the burn tool to fade it to pure black so it blends in nicely. If you go to the page, you'll see what I mean. However I'd like to be able to do a similar thing with brighter images, or images where the edges aren't already black/dark. How can I fade bright images to black in a convincing way? When I try using the burn tool, it doesn't bring it all the way to black, and if I use the gradient tool (i.e. from transparent to black or something), it's hard to get it uniform all the way around the image.
i need to make his image into a site.. now i got some ?'s
he is using it for wallpapers, he wants the wallpapers part of the main image on its own layer, so that it is translucent then when you go over it, it will go to full color (no tranparency). do i have to do this as a gif and make it a rollover or something, do i need to make it a seperate image?
I was wondering if anyone knew a way of determining how many pixels are selected (like with the freehand selection tool).
My problem is this: I have a map and I'm trying to determine the area of different countries on the map. The best I've been able to do so far is to draw a rectangular box around the countries and look at the width and height of the box and use the scale (so many pixels == so many miles) to figure the area. But some of the countries are quite irregular in shape and I'm just wondering if there's a better (more precise) way. I'd love it if I could just freehand select a country and then click a button to see how many pixels it is.
I've used some colorful gradients in photoshop but recently they are appearing to be partially black (black was never part of the gradient). When I save these images and view them in other paint/viewer programs, the gradient looks fine however in photoshop they look terrible.
One attached image is a gradient as saved from photoshop as a png and you can see the colors are fine. The other attached image is a screenshot of that same image as seen in photoshop. Note the black center which is the problem.
what could be happening here? Nothing on my computer has changed.
I run Windows 7, 64 bit with 16 gigs of ram and an AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series video card (I do wish I had an Nvidia but that's a topic for another thread)
How can I keep my selection area on the background image or layer after doing a create new layer via copy?
I am trying to make a selection and an inverse of the selection and put each on a seperate layer to do adjustments seperatly without having to go back and reselect the desired area. It seems to disappear after the new layer is created.
Is there a better way to accomplish this, what am I missing?
I couldn't use the crop tool: when I want to crop any area, the big black-colored area occurs and preventing me to see what I want to crop... Before, with my Photoshop, I didn't have a such trouble, I attached a print-screen and it explains more accurate.
I want to select an area of video and use a filter on it but maintain that filter all through the video. Currently when I try to use a selection and a filter (blur filter) it will only let me effect one frame at a time. The one frame is under the affected video area. How do I extend that one selection and frame all through the video clip?
I use Photoshop to design interfaces and then cut down the graphics, by using the rectangular marquee tool and selecting the area that I want to save, copy-merged and then paste into a new document, of the correct canvas size according to the selection area, and then save for web..I end up with dozens of open windows all "Untitled" something, unsaved.
All I want is being able to select an area in my document using the marquee tool and then select from File a save function like "Save selection for web and devices...".
Perhapse this option could be in the "Save for web and devices.." dialog, where you could select from a dropdown the following: "Entire document" (default) "The entire selected area" "Trimmed down selected area"
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.
I just got Photoshop cs6, and I am probably at intermediate level in expertise. When I try to use the marquee tool, the lasso tool or the quick selection tool on an image, the image just goes black. I have to click back to "Open" on the History the get the actual image back. I have Windows 7 64 bit. I have never had this problem with other versions of Photoshop.
I have selected a Layer in Gimp and I have a certain selection inside the Layer.
Now I click on tool "Bucket Fill", Mode=Normal, Fill Type=FG Color Fill, Affacted Area=Fill Whole Selection.
Opacity is 100%
The FG color is black.
But when I click into the selected area it gets filled with a transparent black! When I click again it gets more opaque and after another click its fully opaque black.
But why does Gimp fill the area transparent after I first clicked even though Opacity is 100.0??
Is there any way to use the adjustment brush to "paint" an area in black? I see there is the ability to tint areas in other colors but not black. I'd like to be able to isolate my main subject and paint out the background.
When I use the Fuzzy select tool or the select by colour tool, how can I remove the selection area around the parts that I don't want selected. For example. I have red car on a white background which I want to cut and paste to a black background. I select the white background, but although it selects all the white, it also selects other small areas on the car which are a similar colour. If the threshold is lowered too much when I use these select tools then I get a very small white border around the object when I paste it on to a dark surface. So instead of selecting using the default (15) or even less, I have to ramp it up so as the selection is closer to object and does not show the white jagged line. I thought that I could use the other selection tools with the "remove from selected" option selected, but each time I place a rectangle around the selected area that I want ot deselect, it does away with the entire selection area. I just cannot get it sussed.
I am having some trouble clearing out the backgrounds of certain images. I'm taking images and want to quickly delete out any pixels not on the product I'm shooting (make all pixels white). Once I have my selection I go to "Edit" and then "Clear". Instead of making the selection white, it makes the entire selection black.
I have been using Gimp for awhile (love it!) and have always used layer masks with no problems. But for some reason when I create a layer mask by filling in an area with black it isn't 100% opacity. Everything seems to show 100% opacity, but I can see the layers underneath (the mask is maybe at 90%??). If I "show layer mask" it is black where it should be and white where it should be, it doesn't look transparent. All my layers are set to "normal" mode. I'm at a lost as to what setting I must have changed?
While I'm in the "selection" mode - and it doesn't matter whether I'm preselecting objects or selecting them under some command - I pick the starting point of selection window and then I pan to another side of the drawing and there I pick the point to close the selection window.
Result: all the objects that I left behind while panning to the other side of the drawing, go out of the selection, so only those objects in the final viewing area stay selected - and it's not what I want... I want to keep all the objects under selection - including the ones that were panned out from the viewing area... I hope you understand what I'm trying to describe here....
I'm quite sure that this worked fine in previous versions, so I'm also pretty sure that there must be an option or parameter that controls my issue - I just can't seem to fint it...
How do I combine a fuzzy selection area with a dodge or burn operation?
The fuzzy select tool is handy for roughly outlining areas of over or under exposure. There must be a way to combine an oddly-shaped fuzzy selection area with a jittery dodging operation. Do I have to turn the fuzzy selection area into a "brush" somehow, in order to "dodge or burn" that area?