Photoshop :: Personalising Adjustments Panel
Feb 7, 2009
Does anyone know if it is possible to remove some of the icons from the adjustments panel in Photoshop CS4? Some of the adjustments are great but others I will never use and it would be nice to streamline the panel a bit.
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Jul 30, 2013
I would like to learn the reason why adjustments made on detail panel don't affect histogram.
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Jan 15, 2014
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
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Aug 7, 2008
I understand the benefit of shooting camera raw and I like the adjustments you can make without effecting the photo itself. The one thing I can't get used to is the limiting workflow in raw that allows you to undo only one change. Being a long time user of Photoshop I'm spoiled by all the image changes I'm allowed to make in combination with one another and the ability to back out of all or some of them.
I'm I missing something in the raw workflow? I wasn't sure if this should be posted in the Photoshop, Bridge or Raw forum. If any of you know of a forum that discuss's this sort of stuff,
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Sep 19, 2013
Is there a reason why I can not open the actions panel from the timeline when I have the code panel docked and open in application frame? If I close the code panel I can view the actions panel. Why can't I have both open?
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Nov 28, 2013
lost basic panel from righthand side adjustable panel, how can i restore it? There are everything else but basic ones.
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Oct 24, 2012
From the Brush Presets Panel, I choose Basic Brushes from the drop down menu. Then Replace. The new choice of brushes appear in the Brush Panel and in the Brush Presets Panel.
But in the Brush Panel, additional brushes appear.
There are always more brushes in the Brush Panel than the Brush Presets Panel whenever I Replace. The Brushes Preset Manager is populated with identical brushes as the Brush Presets Panel. What determines the additional brushes that appear in the Brush Panel?
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Jan 8, 2009
There are two ways to apply the Brightness/Contrast command in legacy mode,
Choose Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast
Choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast
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Feb 5, 2012
upon flattening layers in CS5, any changes made seem to vanish? This occurs when flattening adjustment layers and has even happened after e.g. Image>Adjustments>Curves (when I close the adjustment dialogue the changes aren't applied.) This doesn't happen on every photo ( I can have two open and it will only be seen on one) and I havene't ever had it happen before. It seems particularly likely to happen after applying HDR toning although I'm sure if there is any connection.
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Jul 31, 2012
I have a project consisting of scans of an early version of a book, all the files I have are bmp's. Most need adjustments like shadows/highlights etc. I make the adjustment, image looks fine until I click OK to apply, then photo reverts back to original state. I've tried saving as tif, jpg, pdf and nothing works.
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Oct 19, 2012
During the HDR process in CS6 a menu come up with an assortment of adjustments. I am able to grab the sliders and slide them from end to end of the adjustments, however as far as I can tell there is no effect on the image.
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Feb 8, 2006
Is it possible to make image adjustments such as contrast in a gradient manner?
For example, if when fixing an old photo, the photo is bright in one corner and dark in the opposite corner, it would be nice to apply a gradient type of adjustment.
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Aug 6, 2008
Suddenly I am no longer able to make any adjustments to images. When I try altering the curves, or levels, it looks like a change is happening,(shows up in preview)but when we hit OK, the change I made completely disappears and the image looks the same as before I tried to apply the adjustment.
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Apr 13, 2006
I am doing a copy of a painting and need to use curves...
I always use curves with no problem, but, adjustments isn't highlighted.
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Nov 12, 2008
Photoshop CS.
I have scanned b/w documents.
After opening the file, I change the mode from bitmap to grayscale for making adjustments. I usually need to get more contrast, ie make the paler lines darker and more visible. So, Image->Brightness/Contrast or Levels. I get small window to work with and I have preview option checked. I can see the result on the image, when I make the adjustments. Fine so far.
But then, when I press OK, it will go back to the original situation with no changes made.
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Feb 5, 2007
I have some questions about adjusting a (digital) photo in photoshop. I have read some books about this but everybody says something different. What things should i use to improve my photo? Should i use Curves, Levels, Color Balance, Selective Color or only one or two of these? Wich of these should i use first and wich are more important and wich not?
Also I would like to know if CMYK or RGB color is better for printing. And if there's some general diagram about how much magenta, yellow and cyan one photo should contain? Or is this just personal taste.
I already know Unsharp Mask is the last thing u should add to an image in most cases. But i'm really curious about color adjustments because i want to make the best image possible.
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Jun 10, 2009
Question: Why won't layer adjustments save?
I work for a music publisher that wants to make older publications available for download via their website.
I scan the sheet music and get a PDF as a result.
Some pages are too light; some need to be rotated a bit.
I open the PDF and export each page as a TIFF.
Then I open the TIFFs in Photoshop.
Rotating the image is no problem.
A Levels Adjustment Layer gives me darker blacks, higher contrast.
I save the TIFFs, then use Acrobat Professional 8.x to create a PDF from multiple files.
I combine the TIFFs, save the new file.
The rotation changes are there in the new PDF, but the level changes aren't.
If I open the TIFFs again, they look fine -- meaning that the Adjustment Layer is still present.
Next, I tried merging layers (there are just two: Background and the Adjustment Layer) and saving the TIFF again.
Close the file; reopen it in Photoshop.
One layer (Background) which seems to have no change from the pre-adjusted original.
I've tried saving in different formats (Photoshop PDF, JPEG, EPS, PSD) before and after merging or flattening.
The only thing that seems to work is the Photoshop PDF format. When I open that in Acrobat, the level adjustments are preserved.
But the resulting PDF is huge. To illustrate:
A 12-page folio typically contains only simple lineart (no photos) and text on page 1 and music (just a font, not an image) on pages 2-12. Sometimes there is an EPS barcode on the final page.
The PDF my scanner produces usually weighs in at 3MB.
The recombined PDF made of 12 Photoshop PDFs (TIFFs extracted from the original PDF, then adjusted in Photoshop and resaved) is typically 60+MB. Using Acrobat's PDF Optimizer gets the size down to 20MB or so.
But this is huge. These files should be around 1-2MB tops.
I have hundreds of pieces to scan, adjust, and prep for downloading.
Finally, my specs:
2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Mac OS X 10.5.7
Photoshop CS3 Extended 10.0.1
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Sep 22, 2013
I'm trying to create a pretty simple "starfield" by using noise and then playing with the Levels. When I go to adjust the levels, everything looks good in the preview. However, when I click "ok" the image reverts back to what it looked like before, with maybe a VERY slight change, but nowhere close to what my preview had shown originally. I'm not sure what could be causing this, but it does the same thing whether I try levels, brightness/contrast, and threshhold.
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Mar 23, 2012
[URL] Namely, when using Adjustments > Curves, the changes appear in the preview mode but don't stick when I press OK.
I'm using Photoshop CS3 Extended 10.0 under Windows 7.0. I received some black and white drawings from two artists. They're TIFFs, converted to CMYK/8, with only one background layer. My goal is to darken the black lines in selected sections using the Curves function.
I've used Curves successfully with the images from Artist A but not Artist B, so I don't think it's a problem with my technique or my Photoshop installation. It must be something specific to Artist B's files.
1) Deleted the preferences file and let Photoshop create a new one. No change.
2) Viewed the image at 100% rather than, say, 33.3%. Actually, that's worse. The changes are visible in the preview mode at 33.3% but NOT at 100%.
3) Created a duplicate layer with CTRL-J and tried Curves on it. No change.
4) Double-clicked on the Background layer to create a Layer 0 and tried Curves on it. No change.
* The Curves preview mode shows the changes when I lighten the sections, but there's no perceptible change when I darken the sections. Again, the changes don't stick when I press OK.
* I tried the Brightness/Contrast function to see what would happen. Nothing. The images don't change even in the preview mode.
But when I clicked the Use Legacy box in Brightness/Contrast, the function worked and the changes stuck. What does that mean? That the files are saved in an old format that version 10.0 can't modify? I thought a TIFF was a TIFF.
To address the last point, I saved the file under another name and tried Curves on that file. I tried the four suggestions above as well. Again, the changes in the preview mode were visible at a lower magnification but not at 100%. The only difference is that, unlike before, darkening the image produced noticeable changes. But the changes still didn't stick when I pressed OK.
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm using CS4 photoshop on my iMac 2008. When I try to apply image adjustments like 'posterize' or 'Brightness/Contrast' or 'Levels' to my image, I can adjust the settings in each dialog box, and I see the changes on my image because the 'Preview' box is checked. But when I click 'OK', the image reverts to its original and no changes are applied to the image.
I started out by importing a .jpg into photoshop. I've tried working on this .jpg, and I've also converted to Photoshop file format .psd, and still the same problem occurs. The original image had colour, but I converted it to grayscale. I also tried not converting to grayscale, and still the same problem. I am trying to make the image high contrast, with only black and white (no grey).
The same problem also occurs when I apply my adjustments on adjustment layers. Here I am able to modify each adjustment layer. The image changes and looks the way I want. But when I go to save the image, no matter what format I save as (.jpg, .psd, or .tif) the resulting image has none of the adjustments. It's still the original.
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Sep 22, 2013
I am watching a Photoshop Tutorial, and the Instructor Is adding a Adjustment Layer to the Image.
His Adjustments Layers have no Layer mask, and he Is applying custom mask by Alt-Clicking on the Adjustments Layers. But all of my Adjustments Layers have a Mask next to it, even If I Alt-Click.. " Which Is OK",
But, I wonder how his Adjustment Layers have no Mask. How can I apply an Adjustments Layers, with no mask next to It. Also, I think The Instructor, Is a Mac user, and I am a PC User..
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Oct 27, 2012
For some reason when I clip an adjustment to a layer, it doesn't work. Before I clip it though, it works fine, it's only when I clip it to a specific layer, it just instantly removes the adjustment and fails to work. (By this I mean it looks like everything is working fine, with the exception that nothing has changed.) For example, I add a brightness adjustment to a photo, but as soon as I clip it to a layer it just reverts back to before and the layer is clipped. Any adjustments I make while it is clipped doesn't work.
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May 24, 2013
Is there any way to match close colors? I have two images, and I want to match the color of those through Adjustments i.e. Saturation, Brightness, etc. Attached is a same portion for both of the photos.
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Aug 23, 2013
for some weird reason all of a sudden the adjustments I make to my images in ACR are not carrying over when I open them in CS5. I've cheked the Adobe website to make sure I have the latest versions of both ACR & CS5 & I do. Any thoughts on how I can correct this? Very frustrating to adjust 10 - 15 wedding images in ACR then they're right back to the original image when I open them in CS5.
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Apr 25, 2012
I am now using CS5 and I have spent probably at least 10 hours trying to learn how to efficiently use the gradient tool to fade luminosity and color adjustments. I have comletely failed to figure it out on my own or find any useful tutorials.
One of the editors I used to have made it really easy to drag out a gradient wherever I wanted it. That may have been CS, can't recall.
I'm not the slightest interested in all the colored effects type gradients that are all over the internet. Any good tutorial that focuses on the underlined task? Or, where to find a good plugin or seperate program to do the job?
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Aug 20, 2012
Question 1: If I create two levels layers and, adjusting the center slider, I enter 1.5 of lightening on one and .5 darkening on the other, and then flatten the image do the two equal and opposite adjustments cancel each other without altering the image?
Question 2: Assuming the answer to Question 1 is yes, there's no alteration to the image -- if I adjust the first to 1.5 and the other to .6 does this create the same effect and using only one layer with an adjustment of 1.10?
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Jan 9, 2007
i cant find curves option anywhere, where is it ?
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Jan 31, 2009
I'm having a problem saving changes to tiff files. Example: I open a new tiff (scanned image, 16 bits RGB, I duplicate the image, close the original unchanged. I then make simple changes, e.g. levels or calculations, and then "save as" with a new file name with the tiff extention. CS2 grinds away. When I open the new image it is the same as my original tiff, none of my adjustments are saved. I HAVE reset my preferences, no dice. I rebuilt my cache, no dice.
Standard Winxp2, I have a cache drive, computer has good speed and drive space,
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Oct 30, 2012
I just purchased a new computer. I am using Photoshop Elements 9. Why is brightness always +50 & contrasr at +25 when opening raw files. My old computer did not do this. When opening a raw file brightness & contrast numbers were the way the photogaph was taken. Is there something I have to turn on to get this to work correctly?
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Feb 21, 2013
Is there a way to make non destructive adjustments to a layer mask?
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Mar 21, 2013
So I am measuring the 'red' 'green' and 'blue' values of a picture after I adjust the white balance with a grey card.. I notice that if I measure the colors from 'selected layer' they are different then if I select 'entire image' those are both different if i do not do any white balance adjustment..
Which is the correct measurement that I should record? I want the the white balance adjustment included.
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