I'm trying to create a pretty simple "starfield" by using noise and then playing with the Levels. When I go to adjust the levels, everything looks good in the preview. However, when I click "ok" the image reverts back to what it looked like before, with maybe a VERY slight change, but nowhere close to what my preview had shown originally. I'm not sure what could be causing this, but it does the same thing whether I try levels, brightness/contrast, and threshhold.
I have edited a picture using MS Paint. Its a mistake actually, i accidentally CUT a portion off ( the portion becomes white space ) and save it.
When i view the picture in Photoshop, Picasa, or any other image viewer, the white space is there. However, when i see my picture in thumbnail mode in My Pictures folder, the original image is there ( the thumbnail is unedited ). Question is, anybody can advice me how can i get the original picture back? Is there any way i could go around?
In the past I have almost always used Nikon's Capture NX2 as my RAW editor. In that, it's immediately obvious how to get back to the original NEF camera image, or even choose to go back to different stages in the editing history.
There seems no obvious way to do this in ACR. For example I made a mistake in a RAW edit, but when I reopened the RAW image again from Bridge I got the edited version with the unwanted error., I would like ACR to do what Nikon Capture can do.
I have also just found that, when trying to assign a keyword to this file in Bridge, I got got an "...error writing metadata" message. All the other NEF files in that folder (none of which have yet been edited in ACR) accepted the keywords with no problems.
Since writing the above, I have found that this "error writing metadata" is a common issue for which there seems no solution - it extends back to earlier versions of Bridge (I have CS6 64-bit with vety latest updates).
I have a project consisting of scans of an early version of a book, all the files I have are bmp's. Most need adjustments like shadows/highlights etc. I make the adjustment, image looks fine until I click OK to apply, then photo reverts back to original state. I've tried saving as tif, jpg, pdf and nothing works.
After opening the file, I change the mode from bitmap to grayscale for making adjustments. I usually need to get more contrast, ie make the paler lines darker and more visible. So, Image->Brightness/Contrast or Levels. I get small window to work with and I have preview option checked. I can see the result on the image, when I make the adjustments. Fine so far.
But then, when I press OK, it will go back to the original situation with no changes made.
I'm using CS4 photoshop on my iMac 2008. When I try to apply image adjustments like 'posterize' or 'Brightness/Contrast' or 'Levels' to my image, I can adjust the settings in each dialog box, and I see the changes on my image because the 'Preview' box is checked. But when I click 'OK', the image reverts to its original and no changes are applied to the image.
I started out by importing a .jpg into photoshop. I've tried working on this .jpg, and I've also converted to Photoshop file format .psd, and still the same problem occurs. The original image had colour, but I converted it to grayscale. I also tried not converting to grayscale, and still the same problem. I am trying to make the image high contrast, with only black and white (no grey).
The same problem also occurs when I apply my adjustments on adjustment layers. Here I am able to modify each adjustment layer. The image changes and looks the way I want. But when I go to save the image, no matter what format I save as (.jpg, .psd, or .tif) the resulting image has none of the adjustments. It's still the original.
I just got a new Lightscribe drive and I have been having a field day making custom labels for old data discs. Now I have decided I want to make some backups of some of my games so I can put the original discs/boxes into storage finally.
The problem with this is that Lightscribe discs have a larger "unprintable" radius at the center of the disc that other media. I found that when I scanned some of my discs and imported them directly into the LS Print program I was losing alot of information/text/pictures.
Essentially I need to take a point in the center of the circle and 'stretch' it outward in a circular pattern. (If you have seen Ace Venctura 2, think about when he had to escape from his mechanical rhino-spy vehicle through its bum I have also attached an image so you can see exactly what I mean. The read circle in the middle is approximately where the most inner edge of a LS disc can begin to print.
where to even begin as far as keywords go. I do realize that there will be a certain degree of 'smushage' (technical term) on my final product, but I would rather keep the original disc look than having to make my own custom disc for each game.
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
I have 3 separate external HDs I use, all with the same images backed-up for safe keeping. I’ve made adjustments in Lightroom 5 to approx 200 images scattered throughout the 7000 images on 1 external HD. Is there any way I can copy and paste these changes so they are consistent on the same images on the other 2 HDs? All images are displayed in Lightroom 5.
I notice that when i import RAW images into Lightroom and open them up, they immediately become dull, less vibrant and very different o the in-camera image. I have tried to find whether there is asetting which applied automatic adjustements to the image but have been unsuccessful. This doesn't seem to happen when i use the Canon RAW processing software.
Have noticed a strange behavior lately with LR 5 when I am making small adjustments in the Basic panel. The problem seems to happen when I am moving through the images too fast. If I make some adjustments to an image and then hit the arrow key to go to the next image, all of the previous adjustments are copied over. I typically use the Previous button for a lot of my editing but LR does this on it's own. I then need to Reset the photo to default and start over. Not a huge annoyance until it gets to the point where you need to re-edit some photos and it copies over everything. This happened several times to me today. I had an event fully edited but decided there were a few photos that needed minor adjustments. As I was quickly scrolling through making adjustments where needed, I would notice that LR would drastically change the settings to match the previous photo. This completely slowed me down and I had to re-edit so many photos. In some cases it would even copy over the cropping I had done. I hate to say but I am not very impressed with this version of LR so far. Feels rushed and not polished. I understand that each version has it quirks and issues but so many for an established program. Tempted to go back to 4. Slow and unusable healing brush and now this annoyance are two major hits for me.
I've been noticing that my preferences for Photoshop (and InDesign too) occassionally revert back to their defaults on their own (rulers default back to pixels or picas, workspace defaults back to the original state and so forth). It was mildly annoying, but does anyone know why this is happening? Has anyone else experienced this? Not the most earth-shattering of problems but obviously not normal...(makes you wonder if something more serious may be lurking behind the scenes).
I know to change rulers permanently you need to do it with all documents closed, so that's not it (I'm sure that would be everyone's first piece of advice).
Particulars: CS2, Windows XP (I'd like to blame Windows!), doesn't appear to be any pattern to when it occurs other than it happens on a relaunch of the program, not in mid-stream while you're working. More interesting, I see it happening on 3 different systems (which makes me think it's something with Adobe or Windows, not my flukey PC )
I am wondering if this could really be the intended LR behaviour? I start from a smart collection, one of the criteria is "has no adjustments".
Ok, as soon as I move the first slider in develop module, it no longer matches that criterion. But that should be no reason for LR to force me to immediately stop the develop edits on the selected image.
It immediately unselects, and I stay in Develop module with a grey window and the message "no image selected". (It does not move on to the next image, which still matches the criterion.)
I would expect that when I return to Library module, it would return to the same smart collection where I started, but I would not find my last developed images there, as they no longer match the criterion. But that LR grabs it immediately out of my develop selection?
Strange enough it stays the same, when I first explicitely selected all images while in Library/smart collection. My expectation would be that I have this selection fixed to work on in Develop module. Similar to when I select any images from survey view and go to Develop module.
But no, the only workaround I found is:
Start from the smart collection, ctrl a to select all, then arbitrarily click on another collection withput this criterion - selection stays fixed - then move over to Develop module.
This is LR4.1 on Win7.
Definitely my functional specification would be: never take off an image from Develop unless the user moves on to another image. So ignore from where an image was picked.
Would you consider this a bug? Or a "feature"? Do you see the same in LR4.2 or 4.3RC? Behaviour on a Mac?
Ever since I downloaded the latest 13.0.1 update to CS6 two days ago, my custom settings keep resetting to every time I close down and reopen the program. Even my custom brushes keep disappearing and require reloading. This is getting maddening! Why is it happening and what can I do to fix it?
I want to edit on a certain layer, for example layer 1: My current layer happens to be layer 2, so: I click on layer 1 to make it current. I do the editing & it isn't quite what I want, so I undo theaction. As I undo the action, CS6 also undoes my layer change (i.e makes tolayer 2 current again) even though I want layer 1 to remain the current one. Is there any way to change this in edit preferences or somewhere?
I found what I think is a bug in Photoshop CS6. The Pen tool keeps reverting back to the "Exclude" boolean mode every time you select the Pen tool. In previous versions of Photoshop, the boolean mode stayed at whatever mode it was set at when no paths were selected.
I've been using photoshop CS6 since it came out of beta, and I've been happy with 99% of the interface changes, except for some of the the new tool cursors which now have arrows in the upper left corner. I've been meaning to post this a while ago, but it seemed that the forums were offline.
One example is the crop tool, but what mainly hinders me are the lassos and paint bucket cursor icons. Is there any way I can replace those with the original ones from cs5 and prior?
When you pick up a tool, and it has an icon of an object (i.e. a lasso), your instinct is to look at and use the tip of that object, not some little black arrow in a corner.
For example, you wouldn't want to have an arrow next to your text cursor, or next to your magic wand cursor, would you? You'd want to use the tip of the wand.
I'm not sure what part of the user community suggested these little arrows be added on those tools, but I find it to be a bad design idea. And it's an annoying choice imo, beacause it doesn't make sense from an interaction design point of view, and not because it would be hard for me to get wrid of my habit of using the tip of the lasso, and to get used to the arrow instead. It's bad, because now, there are two conflicting pointers in the same tool: the icon tip and the arrow tip.
[EDIT] I'm sure people will say that they prefer the new design, arguing about "design consistency" and whatnot. So this is why I ask if there's a way for me to replace the cursors in my photoshop, not everyone's.
A co-worker scanned a photo and emailed it to me to edit it and try to improve it, but everything I want to do is grayed out so I can't select it and I can't figure out why. Maybe it has to do with how she scanned it?
It's CMYK, 300 dpi, and 8 bit.
I'd like to sharpen it and adjust the hue/saturation, but they're grayed out.
why this is happening and how I can work around this so I can make the changes I need to make?
I understand the benefit of shooting camera raw and I like the adjustments you can make without effecting the photo itself. The one thing I can't get used to is the limiting workflow in raw that allows you to undo only one change. Being a long time user of Photoshop I'm spoiled by all the image changes I'm allowed to make in combination with one another and the ability to back out of all or some of them.
I'm I missing something in the raw workflow? I wasn't sure if this should be posted in the Photoshop, Bridge or Raw forum. If any of you know of a forum that discuss's this sort of stuff,
I have upgraded from pse9 to 11 and after selecting a photo in organiser then viewing in full screen and enlarging to 100% then exiting, organiser loses the highlight and reverts to the first photo. This also occurs when the photo is edited and saved you have to find where the editedd photo has gone to, it is time consuming when you have a large number of photos in the organiser. pse9 did not do this.Also pse11 does not sort photos properly by the shot date especially when the photos ard edited
my problem is when i open cad 2012, the cursor keep become big.. i already try revert to default and it back to normal but when i close the program,cursor will revert again become big and hard to do draft.
My spec :
Acer aspire 4736z laptop windows 7 64bit 4gb ddr2 ram intel GMA 4500m graphic with latest driver
One of our employees is having an issue where his project file keeps reverting back to a default setup and his changes are being lost. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?