Photoshop :: PS CS4 Display Lag And Missing Marching...
Oct 23, 2008
I just installed a trial version of PSCS4-Extended, I donot have a GPU instead depend on the inbuilt Intel solution for display (onboard). I have plenty of RAM (2GB) running Vista Ultimate.
1. All the menu items are grayed out upon launch, this can be corrected by clicking on one of the tool icons.
2. Whenever I use a marching ants based tool (magic wand, marquee etc) The display does not update to reflect the selection. One has to click on another tool icon or move the window and then it shows. Also, the marching ants are no longer "marching" but its kind of a dashed line selection.
3. The thumb in the palette window becomes garbled upon any work done on that layer.
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Feb 26, 2009
Photoshop CS4 Extended, Win XP SP3 - all updates / 4 gig ram / Core2 duo quad 2.4 / Invidia 8800 GTS with latest driver and no brush problems / GL drawing enabled.
For some reason, my marching ants are not marching when I made a selection. the selction is good and can be filled, masked or invereted, but the ants aren't marching. Anyone have a clue as to why?
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Jun 1, 2011
i'm experiencing some problems with the vieport in max 2012.sometimes when i restart max all my geometries in viewport are missing, while all are still there.
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Feb 2, 2009
I've always used the screen display modes in the toolbox in prior versions. They are gone from the toolbox, can someone tell me where to access them? I want to have multiple files open where I can see them and work from them.
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Jan 2, 2009
On Photoshop CS4 Windows XP the Marching Ants don't so much as march as they run.
PS I have updated the driver on my Nvidia "approved" card.
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Dec 15, 2012
The marching ants interfere with my selection work consequently I always hide them with command H but this option does not appear available in CS6.
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May 29, 2013
When opening Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer on my Mac computer the lower toolbar feature is not displayed. How do I recover this important feature?
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Jun 22, 2013
I have downloaded a trial version of cs6 and for some reason i can't see the marching ants when i make a selection, i can use the marquee tools and draw the selection, and the marching ants are there,but as soon as i let go of the mouse the ants dissapear, i have tried clicking and unclicking the selection edges in view but that makes no difference.
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May 16, 2013
It seems like all of a sudden my marching ants are dim to nearly invisible as I'm making a selection. I haven't updated my software. They show up in some graphics better than others, and once I've made the selection, they show up white again. Example: I'll be using the rectangular marquee tool.
This happened at the same time that my custom blending options all reverted to the defaults. However, I hadn't made any custom marching ants settings. I don't know why my custon blending options reverted to the defaults, but it's possible that this was triggered by a hard shutdown that I had to do after my trackpad froze.
Computer: Mac OSX 10.6.8
Software: CS5 extended 12.0.1
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Aug 18, 2013
I'm using PS CS5.1 (extended, Mac), and until this afternoon my crop grid has always displayed as a solid grid. Now it's displaying with marching ants, and it's driving me insane. Did I accidentally do something?! How do I get my crop selection area to display as a solid grid once again?
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Jul 7, 2012
I just came from a friends house I we were look at his cs5 and I noticed that his marching ants on selection tools were much lighter than mine. to the point of being hard to see were the anchor points...which brought me here with this question, "can marching ants be made lighter or darker" and if so where is the control for that
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Nov 30, 2013
I am having trouble in CS6 with selecting a portion of my photo, with any of the tools- quick-selection, lasso or magnetic lasso.
What happens is that once I have completed my selection, I get strange rectangles of 'marching ants' throughout my selection. These show up as different colours on the layer mask as well. When I first used quick selection it worked properly.
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Nov 6, 2012
I've been working with a firm for 6 weeks now, and had no major AutoCAD problems for the first 5 weeks. We're running AutoCAD 2010 on my machine, and it crashes quite often when I close drawings, which is quite annoying. But last week after opening a series of drawings to print some stuff for the boss, and CAD crashing after every 1 or 2 prints, I got the message:
A display driver file (.hdi) is missing or has been corrupted. The program will be closed.
This problem may be caused by missing .hdi files in the following location:
C:program filesAutoCAD Architecture 2012drv
I ran a repair, then did a reinstall, and when neither of those worked I just uninstalled and reinstalled the whole program. I still got the error message, but I had opened AutoCAD Architecture and was using that instead for a bit and saw Autodesk do an update in the background. So I booted up AutoCAD 2010 and it was working again so I guess it fixed the problem. I used it for a few more days then yesterday I had to open and print another series of drawings for the boss and it crashed again after every one, as usual, and when I sat back down and tried to open up a drawing to work on it I got the same error message again. Frustrated and angry, I switched over to AutoCAD Architecture and imported my Classic setting and used that for the next day. But this morning I had to open and print 3 more drawings for the boss and Architecture crashed after every one, then it started giving me the same error that regular AutoCAD has been giving me about the missing .hdi file. I copied the drv folder from a co-worker's computer and replaced mine with the working one, but neither version of AutoCAD is working again.
So I ask, what do I do now? I can't keep uninstalling and reinstalling AutoCAD every week because of these crashes and missing .hdi files. I need a real fix, something to fix the constant crashes and missing files. Sometimes I have to open multiple drawings to pull blocks or whatever from an older drawing, and I can't risk CAD crashing after I close these drawings and me possibly losing some work on the file I am actually working on at the time. this is making me way less productive at work spending all this time trying to get AutoCAD to work.
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Apr 10, 2013
I just got a new laptop, it's totally clean.
Installed F-secure and made exceptions rules for all Autodesk related stuff
Installed Office-package.
Downloaded and installed Autocad LT 2014, no problems detected but when I start I get this error message.
I got less then 2 hours to fix this and a few other things I havn't gotten to yet and I need this laptop up and running tomorrow for a seminar.
"A display driver file (.HDI) is missing or has been corrupted. The program will be closed."
This problem may be caused by missing .hdi files in the following location: "Autodesk>Autocad LT 2014>Drv>
I can't find the specified file under the folder so I'm guessing it is missing, any quick fixes for this?
AutoCad LT 2014
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Aug 27, 2009
I've got AutoCAD LT 2010 and I can't run it due to either a DLL missing or a Display driver file not found. Anyway I get an error message window pop up then when I click ok there is a second window that appears and then it shuts down. I've tried both a repair and a reinstall but the issue keeps happening.
These are the messages I got;
1st window - DLL not found: C:Documents and SettingsShane.RichardMy Documentsgdi10Res.dll
2nd window - A display driver file (.hdi) is missing or has been corrupted. The problem may be caused by missing .hdi files in C:Program FilesAutoCAD LT 2010Drv
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Oct 19, 2010
I must have changed a setting and now I cannot figure out what I did.
On AutoCad at school, when drawing a line, there is a light blue dialogue box that would pop up above the cursor telling you the length of the line before you set it. (not the coordinates).
This is not showing up on the educational version of AutoCad I am running at home.
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May 31, 2012
I am a new user of AutoCad 2010 and am trying to access what used to be the detail component manager, but now I understand would be accessed through the Style and Display panel under the manage tab.
The problem is, I have no Style and Display panel
I have attached a screen shot showing the manage tab open and the CUI open showing the panel options expanded - which do not include the style and display panel- only the four panels currently installed under the Manage tab.
I've really hit a dead end and don't know where to look for the style and display panel so I can ultimately access the structural catalog.
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Jan 30, 2012
Normally when a layer is locked, you hover your cursor over the locked layer on screen you will be able to see a small [Lock Pad]
kinda icon ...
{ Please refer to the attach image for explanation ... }
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Sep 9, 2013
The newest version of Gimp no longer maintains the marching ants for the selection window when you select an image that is on a transparent layer (my observation). It seems to only select the (smaller) image(s) that are contained therein; the selection is restricted to the outline of the image only. I am trying to maintain proper spacing etc. and the marching ants selection window was wonderful for that.
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Sep 14, 2013
I just installed a student version of Inventor Pro on my comptuer. I have used this and several other similar software packages before. My problem: when I open a new part file, it takes me to a gray screen. No coordinate axes, view cube, nothing. When I click "Create 2D Sketch," still nothing. Same gray screen. If I draw a line, it doesn't show anything.
I've gone to View -> Object Visibility, and everything seems to be checked off as it should be. I've also clicked User Interface, and it shows the View Cube among other things as being selected.
The software didn't prompt me for an activation key, not sure if that may be relevant to the problem?
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Jan 9, 2013
I seem to be unable to get rid of yellow marching ants and yellow dashed border around the entire frame.
I have created a new file, white background, drawn a rectangle, bucket filled it black but want to move it around.
When I use the move tool it moves the whole frame i.e. white background the black rectangle. Do I just need to add a new layer for the black box?
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Apr 24, 2006
I used to be able to select a layer (getting the Marching ants of a layer on a image) via the Layers palette (I think I used to press ctrl + mouse-click) but now, in Photoshop CS2, I can't get it to work.
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Jan 28, 2013
I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.
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Oct 13, 2012
Sometimes this happens. At other times nothing will display at all. I have also had a portion of the picture duplicated multiple times on the stage.
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Jan 23, 2013
After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?
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Sep 25, 2012
Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.
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Dec 4, 2011
New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).
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Oct 16, 2012
How do you add a display component to a display?
For example, Stairs have a stringer componet in plan display configuration but does not have a stringer componet in the Low Detail configuration. I need the stringer to show when I go to low detail how can I add a stringer componet in low detail.
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Nov 1, 2012
Quick explanation of how to make columns display as columns in the coarse level of detail instead of just as sticks?
I know I'll have to edit the family but I can see anything obvious to change.
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Jan 28, 2014
LR states that my photos are missing, but none of my photographs seem to be missing, ie, there are no question marks and all photos can be found, edited, and exported in the normal fashion.
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Sep 7, 2011
NOTE: This is in AutoCAD 2002.
I'm working on one of our standard layouts for a client. Our typical drawing setup is the base drawing file, surrounded by our Xref'ed border. On said border Xref, we have all the information that does not change between drawings (Revision history, address of job site, etc). The only things that change - and, thus, are not on the xref - are the title of each individual sheet and their number; in the case of these objects, they are located on the drawing file itself in the appropriate position. They are, however, the same font as the text in the Xref - "Standard". Or, at least, they're supposed to be.
The text in the base drawing file seems to be a different version of the text from the Xref - a much blockier, sharper-edged version than the Xref text. My first response was "Okay - I'll just copy/paste the text from the border into my base drawing file, and force the existing text to match the properties of the imported text."
This, however, did not work. The imported text automatically assumed the same form as the existing text. Here's a screenshot from the base drawing, illustrating this (The "Mechanical Plan" also exists on the base drawing, and not the Xref):
I copied the existing text from the base drawing (In this case, the "Mechanical Plan") and pasted it directly into the Xref itself, to see what would happen. Apparently, it wants to stay blocky:
In the latter example, I even tried to force the blocky text to assume the properties of the smooth text via MA (Match properties). I specifically need to make the text in the base drawing conform to the style that the text is assuming in the Xref - which is to say "Smooth."
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