Photoshop :: Move Tool Not Smooth When Positioning Layers
Nov 20, 2008
Why does the move tool jump a few pixels when trying to line layers up? I have to zoom in to get a smoother movement and even at 1600% it still jumps a few pixels when i'm using it.
I'm using the Photoshop CC in Windows8 64x as trial and find a curious bug with the Move Tool:Usually I select multiple layers creating a selection with the Move Tool on them, but in this new CC version the tool is selecting hidden layers too. More details: the hidden layer are inside a folder. The folder is hidden, but the inside layers are not.
This type of selection has always worked perfectly in previously versions, and of course, I leave the option "Auto Select> Layer" enabled.
i switched from CS5 to CS6 Extended (Win 7 64bit) and I'm a little bit confused about the select/move tool (V). I have "automatic selection" activated and when I click on a layer, Photoshop often selects a nearby layer but not the one I'm clicking at - often the layer selected is more on top of the layer I was planning to select, but that was no problem in CS5 ... Is there anything I can change in the settings or is this behavior "normal"?
For example - a cursor placed at the marked position selected the white arrow-vector-shape.
If I right click on on the shape tool and try to select any of the choices nothing happens, the menu keeps showing. I also can't move any layers anymore using the move tool.
Seems like a focus issue perhaps? Latest Windows CS6 Photoshop updated to the latest version.
Having a single color background with multiple thin vertical layers that will be equal distance apart, thus giving a striped look. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble positioning the layer exactly using pixel coordinates. I'm not even sure if that can be done.
I am using the trial version of CS5 (probably going to upgrade at the end of the trial), and I've only found one thing about it that I don't like more than CS3. This is VERY VERY annoying, and I'm not sure if it's a glitch, or just a preference that needs to be reset:
When using the move tool, I will move something and it will just snap back to where it originally was. When it snaps back, it might move a few pixels over in the direction I was dragging, but it is definitely not moving to where I want it to go. The only way to get things to move the way I want to is by Free Transform...but it's annoying, when you're trying to design a layout, to have to free transform every element you want to move, first.
I'm guessing that this is a glitch because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn''s pretty random. I've tried turning Snap on and off, and nothing changes.
In the past I have traced the outline of an image using the pen tool by placing as many points along the contour or outline as possible. Once I closed the path the appearance was not perfectly smooth.
I remember using a tool after that to smooth the path that would eliminate any uneven or jagged edges and make the curves really smooth. How to do this in CS6?
In ps7 editor I can have 2 pictures cascaded and using the marquee tool and the move tool insert a section of one picture into the other. I cannot do this in ps11, what am I doing wrong?
I hit the zoom tool to zoom in on my document. Say I want to zoom in 5 times. After zooming in once (clicking on the document once), the magnifying glass switches to the move tool cursor If I click again, slowly, it goes back to zooming.
When I have a none vector tool active for example the brush tool and I press and hold the Ctrl key down I see the cursor change from the current tool to the move tool cursor. If I presses and hold the Alt key I see the cursor change from the current tool to the eyedropper tool. If I press and hold both the Ctrl+Alt keys a see a cursor icon change to an icon that has two up pointing Arrow heads one Black the other White. What tool is that cursor for? It seems to copy and move the current layer and move its position over the canvas.
I have a piece of artwork with loads of curves and I'd like to smooth out a few areas that appear a little "wobbly". Is there an easy way to do this in Illustrator CS6 (other than adjusting with handles)?
I started learning Photoshop CS4 about a month ago. One of the first things I learned was to add text. Simple, fun. I am now trying to learn about layer masks. One of the exercises in one of my books is to open an image and then add text to it. (The idea is to then add a mask and 'hide' portions of the text behind portions of the image.) A really strange thing is happening when I try to add text. I highlight the image in the layers column. (Prior to adding any mask layers.) I then click the text tool. But when I click on the image (in the area where I want the text), the text tool 'becomes' a move tool. A text layer pops up and the words I'm trying to type on the image come out in the title area for the layer (in the layers column). I've tried everything I can think of to 'get' the text on the image but can't solve it.
Having just entered the world of illustrator (cs6) I'm finding trying to get smooth curves to do what you want is a highly confusing operation.Being a fairly competant user of Photoshop the same task can be acheived relatively easily by way drawing paths with the pen tool and simply adding anchor points to drag out the desired shape.This buisness of dragging out handles in order to create curves in illustrator is crazy, I just can't seem to get the curves to behave how I want them to, I've watched probably 20 tutorials on this now and all demonstrate the same technique for creating curves, is there a more straight forward, simple way to achieve precise smooth curves similar to PS?
When I use the blend tool for a smooth blend, the blends comes out jagged and horrible, as if it is doing a step blend rather than a smooth blend. I have used the tool before by either using the shortcut (Alt+Ctrl+B) or using it via the Object>Blend pathway and it worked out fine, but now Illustrator doesn't want to create a smooth blend.
What I'm trying to say is; is there an option that is causing this to happen that I may have accidently turned on, or has my copy of Illustrator gone into stupidity mode and I need to reinstall it?
I've attached pictures of what I mean with the settings I'm using and outputs. I hope your collective minds can smack this one in the face. I'm sure I'm doing something ridiculously simple to cause this.
I'm using CS5 Illustrator and my relevant PC hardware is listed below. - Intel i5-2500 3.30Ghz - nVidia GeForce GTX 560
I'm using the Pencil Tool to draw shapes (not good enough for the Pen Tool yet) and some of my paths are not as smooth as I'd like, so I go over them with the Smooth Tool, though it seems like it either smooths the path a little bit or completely changes its shape.
i have a big problem and i can't finish my project until i fix the bug.
The problem is .. when i click on layer ,the layer just stay brown and i can't move it ... when i try i move only the red background.If i want to move the layer i have to click 2 times on in and then the layer is blue and i can move is....
use of 'quality' and 'weight' under 'smooth stroke' in say dodge/burn tool. This option is available under some other tools too but I am not able to find the effect of these options even after scouring the net and could not find any difference after changing the default values.
Version GIMP 2.8.X from software centre of Ubuntu 13.04; no modifications, no extras.
Am I the only one who has edited a stroke with the stroke width tool, then outlined the stroke only to find a countless number of points and noticeably unsmooth edges? Is there a setting or certain way to ensure that the stroke width tool won't corrupt the smoothness of my shapes? The stroke width tool is the most handy new feature I can imagine, but this problem makes it almost entirely useless, unless designing something where precision and smoothness are not important.
people want to move multiple layers together. I know how to do that. I want to move a selection in two (or more) layers together. I'd also love to know how to use the free transform tool on a selection box in multiple layers.
I'm creating a travel-brochure. Initially it was a tri-fold but now it turns out that I need more space hence, I need to go up to the four-fold which covers a legal-sized page of 8.5 x 14, as opposed to the standard 8.5 x 11.
However, the added three inches to the canvas size was added on either side of my project when I really want everything to the left margin with the 3 inches left over on the right, which would be characterized by an extra flap or fold.
Now I have a lot of layers and elements going on which have not been flattened. So I thought that if I highlighted everything by clicking on each layer with the control button depressed when upon finishing I could just drag the entire "project" to the left of center. NOPE.
A message states, " layers are locked and cannot blah blah" something to that effect.
I tried not pressing on the background layer and then clicking the rest becaue I did a test run in a new project by throwing up a bunch of layers and when I clicked on the four layers leaving the background layer not clicked, everything moved together.
So I tried that, but it still didn't work in my main one. A possible theory as to why it's not is that there are layers of my images that have that little spray can icon on the bottom right corner (AI) I believe? These are like jpegs, so when I want to manipulate them, I have to open them up in another project; cut up the image or whatever, then flatten, then cut and paste back into my main project.
So do I flatten my current project first, then move it over, then unflatten?
How can I shift my project to the left of center by still retaining the layers etc..
Does anyone know how to create an action that will open a second document, select all of the layers (or layers within a group) and move/drag them back into my working document?
I have tried all kinds of combinations but only received the " not currently available" alert; somehow, move is not recorded.
I have photoshop elements 9. When I go to click on a layer to move it, the layer disappears or moves to an obscure location without me moving the cursor. I have tried restarting the program but it does not seem to work.
I've been aligning layers in Photoshop since the first day I aligned layers in Photoshop but I still can't figure out what logic is used to determine which layer(s) moves when multiple selected layers are aligned using one of the six alignment options.