Photoshop :: Method For Designing Icons For Screen Usage?
Aug 5, 2004
I have an upcoming job which requires me to design a series of icons for screen usage (32x32 pixels). I've had plenty of experience designing icons and logos for print, and would appreciate some tips on the method for designing them for screen.
Is the process just a matter of designing the logos in a vector program, importing them into a 72dpi PS file (32x32 pixels), and then optimising the file in Image Ready? (batch process?).
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Dec 22, 2004
I'm interested in using PS to design tool icons for application toolbars. This question really relates to using PS for very small images (say less than 32x32 pixels in size). Are they any tips for working with small images in PS that you can share?
I've tried some dedicated programs like Microangelo but PS has more tools and effects.
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Jan 17, 2012
Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu Linux 8.04.Scanning using VueScan Professional 8.5.20 with an "Epson Perfection 4490 Photo" scanner. Color profile has been built for the scanner using available photo color target from a well-known German source (can't remember name).Almost all my scanning is of postage stamps and related items -- scanning the actual physical objects, not photos of the objects.
The stamps are currently scanned on a black background (for lack of other color possibilities; the final goal is on a black background). After scanning, the background is selected and turned to 100% black to have greatest contrast for the object. When a stamp has a postmark that crosses the edge of the stamp paper, the color of the postmark (usually dark or black) is very close to the color of the scanning background and thus when the background is selected, the selection "leaks" and "follows" the postmark onto the stamp. We have to manually exclude those "leaks" from the desired selection area.
To be able to select the background (for change to 100% black) without any "leakage" of the selection onto the stamp objects AND without ANY non-black color artifacts remaining after changing the selection to 100% black.
Attempted Solutions:
We have tried scanning on many different non-black background colors and surfaces, but there are always some extreme-edge color artifacts remaining ... leaving a sort of "halo" effect around the stamp object.Some of this could be attributable to the particular model of scanner, though every scanner I have ever owned had a similar problem to a greater or lesser degree. The width of the "halo" usually depends upon which side of the object it is on vs the direction of travel of the scanner device.
In television broadcasting it is extremely common for somebody to stand in front of a "green screen" and for the green to be electronically replaced with some image or video, etc. (For example, the weather person standing in front of a weather map.) It is rare to see a green "halo" if everything has been done correctly and if the person is wearing the correct type of clothing fabric.
Is there some Gimp method or plug-in or other tool that will better handle this type of use?Recently poster Ron Guilmette discussed his use of "Darla-PurpleFringe.scm" plug-in to remove an artifact caused by a digital camera and subsequent processing.
Is there something like that which can be used to remove a color "halo" that results from using a "green screen" approach to scanning? (I would likely have to select different colors of "green screen" so that such colors are not included in the design of the postage stamp.
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Apr 29, 2006
I've just installed photoshop cs2 and every time I go to use the brush, my cpu does some major laggin. I've opened task manager while I begin to draw, and right when I start, the cpu usage shoots up to 100% usage.
My specs are:
2.0 Celeron
128m nvidia geforce fx 5200
768 megs of ram
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Dec 19, 2012
I would like to be able to have the screen refresh periodically to show the new objects I have added as a command method proceeds to execute. I am hoping to be able to achieve a kind of simple animation by doing this, and also to show progress while a computationally intensive operation is under way. Is there a way that I can do this?Â
I have tried using AcadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument..Editor.Regen() and also .Editor.UpdateScreen(), but it only seems to work once and not multiple times. Do I have to commit the transaction and then .
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Nov 18, 2013
I want to use select on screen method with Filter type only for "TEXT".
Mean I want to select only TEXT from the Selection set so how it can be possible ?
I am not able to write the statement for the Filter Type.
Post the statement in C#.NET if possible.
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Aug 14, 2013
We have just finished installing a new Photoshop trial and opened the program but for some reason the menues and icons are so zoomed out that we can't see/read them
We have tried changing it in setting with no luck and we can't seem to chance the view into full screen due to the option seemingly being inactive. The program is for my mother and her vision is to poor to read any of it.
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Dec 8, 2012
The icons don't come up at the top and bottom of the page in Organizer and I can't scroll to the bottom of the pagein Elements 11. It's like the entire page doesn't fit on the computer screen.
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Nov 9, 2013
I recently upgraded from ps elements 10 to 12 and have noticed that all of my albums from 10 have disappeared, but to the lower right of each photo thumbnail there is a red album icon, and if I hang my mouse over it, it tells me what album it is in, but the album isn't listed on the left of the screen. I really do not want to recreate these albums, as it would be almost impossible. I am dealing with over 2000 photos over several years (downloaded from discs from the last several years). I need to have these albums back to print, delete, edit, share.Â
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Nov 18, 2011
I am having problems with my acadlt.pgp file when I take my laptop home with me. I lose all hot key options and can only use the on screen icons, or I can do some commands (save, line, ect.) in longhand command. I was told by our I.T. guy to mention that it could be a "roaming profile" issue? How can I get my hot keys back when i'm disconnected from our work server?? This is actually becoming an occuring issue with others in our department as well.
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Dec 15, 2013
After upgrading to 5.3 I don't have minimize, resize or exit icons at top right of screen.
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Mar 2, 2013
I am experiencing two problems. One is the tool icons in Photoshop are disappearing on the screen. I move the cursor and see nothing on my screen.
The second problem is at other times the proper tool icon and function is not showing up and working. I select for example the pen tool and the hand tool icon show up and the function works as the hand tool not the pen tool?Â
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Apr 23, 2013
I've installed my new windows CS6, all my .psd files have the 'generic icons' windows give to files they don't recognize. Everything else has normal icons (i.e. Illustrator files) but the Photoshop files are blank. This is true whether I'm on any type of viewer format, i.e. details, thumbnails.
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Feb 4, 2013
I'm using Win 7 64bit and CS6 64bit.
However, when I do some heavy editing, like anything that takes a few minutes of CPU processing, I tend to look at the task manager only to find that 4 cores are utilizing 50% at max thus taking longer to compute the results.
Is there a way to maximize CPU usage by Photoshop? I would like it to use 100% when performing tasks to speed up process time. Is there a windows plug in?
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Nov 12, 2008
I am using Vista 32 bit with 4 GB ram installed ( 3gb availible ). In the Performance Settings the max. Ram allowed is 1620 Mb, not the 3gb availible. How can I use this?
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Feb 24, 2006
I am trying to use the clone stamp tool in combination with actions.
The idea: i have one image (say a shot of some landscape) where I want to do all of my retouching work. Since I only took the same shot at diffent exposures, I know that there´ll be no change in my composition ( object placement, etc.), so I want to reuse all what I done on my first image on this whole set of images.
But as I was trying to "capture" an action within Photoshop doing some "clone stamping", it did record the "Set sampling point of current application" but didn´t seem to record any strokes which I am trying to place on my image.
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Jan 22, 2009
if I open a shot at say 4000x3000 pxs in CS4, all is normal, however, when I zoom to 66.7% the CPU usage jumps to 80-90% and remains there. At all other zoom levels CPU usage is as low as expected, this seems to apply to any file format and is totally repeatable.
System Specs:
Design Premium CS4
Vista Home Premium SP1 (32 Bit)
4gb Ram
Dual Core E6750
2 Internal Hard Disks (250/500 Gb / 164/411 free) Scratch disk on Drive D
Nvidia 8600GT 256Mb
Memory Usage In Prefs set @ 70% - 1151MB (default)
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Jul 31, 2009
I have PSCS3 Extended, using Windows Vista Ultimate 4Gig Ram Nvidia GTX 260. I have gone into EDIT>PREFERENCE>PERFORMANCE, and noticed available ram 1678, ideal range 922-1208, and below is the bar where you chose how much memory you use.But how do you calculate the optimum percentage for your system?
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Apr 14, 2009
I am using the healing brush tool, it will just quit working. Am I just running out of memory enough to operate or am I missing something else. The puter will tell me I am running with 45% free. Perhaps the healing brush just gets tired, for I am healing a young teen's picts.
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May 22, 2009
I just installed CS4 on a computer with 4 Gigs of RAM and Vista Ultimate, 32 bits. I have been led to believe that CS4 will use most of 4 Gigs of RAM if memory usage in Photoshop is set high... like 96%. With the preference set to 96%, the performance screen indicates that only 1.6 gigs are being used by the program. That is the same as CS3 and/or CS2. Is there some other setting in CS4 I need to be dealing with?
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Jul 16, 2004
how people go about making skins for forums in Photoshop? Sizes, Any gaps needed for the actual space, and if so, how big etc?
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Jul 15, 2003
I am in the process of designing a web site and would like to know if anyone knew of a tutorial online I could use to help me with my project?
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Dec 3, 2007
My friend has asked me to make tickets for his music gig in my town. I was wondering if I should make this ticket in Photoshop or Illustrator? Also, How big would this ticket be?
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May 31, 2006
I have to design a 2 x 12 ft banner which is giong to be printed on canvas. I was wondering what the document setup would be for something like this. What would the document size be, and at what dpi should I keep the resolution. And are there any color guidelines when designing for something like this.?
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Jul 3, 2008
I'm running PS CS3 on Vista Home Premium, 1.86Ghz Intel core 2 processor, and 4GB RAM.
I realise Vista only sees 3.3GB of this RAM, and I know Vista uses about 1GB all the time.
While running PS, and only PS, with no files open, I have 2GB of RAM, why will PS not let me scan a file that it says will take up 300Mb?
200Mb is about the limit that it will let me scan, but even then, the actual end product ends up being less than 100Mb. (around 70mb in most cases)I'm using a Dell AIO A920, latest drivers etc, and PS is set to use all avaliable RAM.
Not only will it not let me scan, once a file I've opened has used up "x" amount of RAM, even if I then close that file, "x" amount of RAM will STILL be unavaliable. This means if I scan something, I have to save it, close PS, then open it again before I can scan anything else.
Surely this isn't normal. Or am I being stupid and missing something obvious?
I've also monitored the memory usage during scanning using task manager and various other things, it hardly goes up at all, then shoots up to 70-80% once the 70ishMb file is loaded. Something is up because if that were true, I'd actually only have 1Gb of RAM, and running Vista would be nearly impossible.
It's not a Vista thing either as I had this problem when I had XP. In fact it was worse then, I could hardly scan anything, had to be very low resolution.
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Dec 15, 2008
to optimize memory usage for CS4? It's for a desktop with minimal internal memory.
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Jul 26, 2013
for a web designer for designing a Mock-up for a web site(page+subpage+specialpage), what from Adobe PS required? eg. Selections, Layers, Slicing, Guides, ... knowledge, well, is it needed anything else? I a reader ADOBE PRESS CIB PS CS6 BOOK.
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Sep 26, 2013
Why would you take a layout from Illustrator or Photoshop to InDesign when you can do the entire layout in either of those programs, with crop guides and save the files as a PDF for printing? Is there any reason to not do an entire layout in Photoshop?
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Dec 11, 2012
I've updated to the latest version of Photoshop that finally gives us retina support.. it does look beautiful but is it about to make our life harder? I design for both web and print and decided to test it out.
I created a standard document 1024x768/72, i was given a tiny canvas on screen, definitely not the size it should be, my understanding is that if i save this and load it on non-retina it will be the correct size?
So, if i want to create the same document, but also the correct size on retina, what should the dimensions be? Do i simply double the pixels, increase the resolution? Am i going to be forced to save all graphics twice?
We're headed down a path that requires adding new steps to our work flow and i'm not quite sure what that is yet.
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Apr 26, 2005
I need to create a few mockups of an Intranet site for a project, the task can be done in HTML and CSS or using an art package.
Ideally I want to be able to change the colour of text, background colour or maybe border colours throughout the site at the change of a hex value as you would on a stylesheet.
Is it possible to group text/assign styles in Photoshop so that any changes will occur throughout my PSD file, in a similar way to styles in a Word doc?
How do you guys go about making mockups? Art package or CSS and HTML?
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Apr 26, 2005
I've used illustrator a bit for drawing pictures, but never for web graphics... I need to create some tabs (for the top of a webpage). Maybe illustrator isn't the most common tool for this but it's the one I can use the most.
Anyone know of any tutorials that might be useful (i've not found any) or have any tips for making the tabs look nice (e.g. what effects to use)
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