I have some photographs where the skin of the model's leg is not of uniform brightness. Without blurring it, I have tried the clone stamp but it is very difficult to not introduce further variations in brightness.
What is the best way to make skin uniform in brightness (actually, the same color!)?
I would like to take a basic sketch drawing and use it for a tshirt design. I've scanned the image and cleaned up all the speckles and dust. The only problem I'm still encountering is that the lines are not even. It was traced in sharpie before I scanned it so the lines are crisp and smooth, but not even.
When I preserve the dash like this The first dash doesn't start at the beginning of the path...
So I looked up how to reverse the path and found this [URL] but my object options don't have the "reverse path" option
EDIT: I just realized that changing the direction of the path wouldn't work because it would mess up when it's too close to another path (although I still would like to know how to flip the direction regardless).
I am trying to turn my subjects skin into an almost snow-white without losing any details to his face (like lines, texture).
Now I think this could be accomplished using the "colored eye" technique but I feel like there is another way to do this with all the different tools and effects that would be easier.
I have made a foreground to background linear graduated screen in PS6 / windows xp and although the color selector shows black, foreground shows black, and background shows white, I get an almost rainbow like assortment of various color bands across the page. I have made the screen with the rectangle tool and also with a new fill layer and get the same results.
I try to change the color... red, green, pink just to see what happens, but nothing changes. It also prints the same way. I put a second new fill layer with a pattern fill to hide the effect, but the page still has faint bands of the wrong color running across it. Any ideas on this issue?
I have a lot of pictures taken under restricted library conditions where lighting is wysiwyg. A lot of the pics end up with an annoying gradation of tone caused by the poor lighting (and my poor photography skills), such as the attached image.
I use PSE 9 on a Mac.
How can I apply a uniform tone to images like this in PSE? For example, in the attached sample, the left-hand portion has a nice strong tone, while the right side is washed out. How can I create a nice unformity across the entire image?
When I have many objects in a scene and each has a UV-unwrap, the scale (using the checker) looks to be a different ratio from object to object. Is there a way to make the UV editor unwrap to scale, so that the checkers end up being all the same size across the scene?
Is there a way to change the background color of the lay out tabs different than what AutoCAD offers in the uniform background choice? I have a hard time telling what tabs I have selected to publish when I have it set to white. I really would like to keep the background white and not have to change it to black. When I have it set as black it is very obvious which tabs are selected. Is there a way to keep the uniform background on the layouts as white but the background on the layout tabs show as black when selected rather than the same color as the layout background.
I have two drawing files of arrows. One inserts uniformly and the other assumes that I want to specify the X and Y scaling separately. These drawing files do not contain blocks at the moment, but may have as some point in the past. I can't find anything in the drawing files that sets the block scaling when there isn't a block in the drawing, but one of them is behaving as if there is and the other one is not. How do I change all of my similar drawing files to insert scaled uniformly?
I see the option to scale uniformly on the insert dialog box, but I need this for a script, so I need to use the command line version.
Here is a copy of my command line for inserting the two drawing files:
Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?]: Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000 Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/Rotate]: 0,0 Specify scale factor <1>: Specify rotation angle <0>: Command: -INSERT Enter block name or [?] <Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left>: Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left Units: Inches Conversion: 1.0000 Specify insertion point or [Basepoint/Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate]: 0,6 Enter X scale factor, specify opposite corner, or [Corner/XYZ] <1>: Enter Y scale factor <use X scale factor>: Specify rotation angle <0>:
Note that the first time Sign-Arrow-12-A-Left comes in with no reference to option X/Y/Z, but the second time Sign-Arrow-16-A-Left has the option, and there for requires the extra line of input.
When I try to scale a part in Autodesk Inventor Fusion, it asks to select a solid body, and reference point, but there is no option to change the scaling type to nonuniform. How to do it? I have Autodesk Inventor and Autodesk Inventor Fusion 2013.
I understand how to make the brushes, but is there any way to have greater control over how uniform the patterns appear?
For example: I'm trying to create a brush that is made up of tiny beads. But I can't seem to make one perfectly, as the beads get distorted or chopped off when I attempt to create shapes with the line or pen tools.
And yes, I've tried all of the preferences in the brushes pane, but neither of them works well.
With this bead brush, I would like to write words. So you can see where I'm going with this. The letters of the words would be made up of tiny beads (there are fonts like this, except I'd like to colour the beads my own way).
This was not an issue in CS5, and I can't figure out how to change it in CS6. I like to Illustrate with the Pencil Tool. I set the stroke to width profile 1 (tapered on both ends) and the stoke to whatever makes sense for my current project, and it keeps changing back to Uniform and 1pt. I have tried to get my settings to "stick" with the Pencil Tool and Brush Tool, and have had no luck. The only way I can change the stroke profile is to do it AFTER the stoke is made.
i open up an image in photoshop 7.0, it looks very very dark... (darker than the original colour). But if i open it up in imageready or other image programs, or even Internet explorer, the image looks normal again.
there's something wrong with the viewing settings of my Photoshop? i tried reinstalling but it's the same.
Developing a site for a client and i'm dumping some png's into Flash. The client reports that the images appear lighter then what he'd seen in the comps I'd provided (PSD's). I check it out and he's right! the .png's are noticably lighter than the psd versions. Why are the png's brightness changed when you save it out of PS?
i'm saving as png-24 in 'save for web'.
Is there anyway to correctly save a png and maintain brightness?
what is the best method for adjusting brightness and contrast in CS6? Is it by simply adjusting the Brightness / Contrast properties in an Adjustment Layer or is there a better way of going about it?