Photoshop :: Interactive Update Of Text While Its Path Is Transformed
Jul 24, 2012
I've been using Ps CS6 for a couple of months now, and I occasionally used CS5.1 before that. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with its lack of interactive feedback during many manipulations. A lack of feedback which is provided in applications costing a small fraction of the price. This is 2012, Ps is a leading graphics app in some ways, but in other ways it is pitifully like a relic from the early 1990s.
You have text on a path and you decide to transform that path with Free Transform (Cmd+T). The positions of the text characters don't update while you manipulate the path! You don't see the changes until confirming the transform command.
I'm working with a plugin that I need to edit the source code so it can run in NONINTERACTIVE mode. I have no problem compiling it from source - in fact have modified to suit our needs already - but cannot not grasp from GIMP documentation what modifications I need to make it run in NONINTERACTIVE mode. (We have very large images, need to batch process them ....)
I'm trying to create an effect of small text following the outline of very large bold block text (see picture). The idea I had was to first create the 'ME' in very large font as text. Then convert that text to an object / path using "Object -> Flatten Transparency... -> "Convert all text to outline"". Then, select that path and use the "Type along path" tool.
However, when I use that process, the resulting path is a compound path that therefore the Type Along Path tool doesn't work. Any pointers on how to achieve this? The image below I just used the pencil to trace the letters (quick and dirty) but the result is choppy, etc.
Is it possible for text or an object to overlay another object that is interactive but not inturupt the interactivity of the object below? As if the the text interactivity was trasparent.
I am using Photoshop CS6. I created a curve path and a "new" layer that contains the brush stroke applied to the path. I want the brush stroke to dynamically update when the path is modified.
I'm trying to place text to a "curvy" path. I took some screen shots to show you want I'm talking about.
I created a simple curvy path 1 point on each end. (I noticed I drew in a node in the middle of the curve as well. But that actually doesn't exist in the path. I created the text a reasonable size and clicked "Text Along Path". As you can see, it never starts at the beginning of the path. Ever. I have sized the font up, and it gets a little closer to the beginning, but obviously the end of the address flies off the path. I've sized down the text and it will start even further to the middle of the path.
I have no problem getting my text along a path but I am having trouble getting the text and the path to align so that the center of the text element is centered on the path.
Is this possible or do I have to figure out someway to make my path of a certain length so it ends up that the text fits to it perfectly??
Here is a screenshot of my current problem. You can see that the text and the image below it are centered. I then placed some guide lines to make sure my path was also centered. When I placed that text along the path though, it left justified the text when I want it to be centered instead..
With a number of of paragraph text objects selected, the interactive rotate becomes increasingly sluggish in keeping up with my mouse position when dragging round. I've got a calendar artwork with 12 paragraph objects, and after I've let go of the mouse button, the screen will continue trying to update for anything up to 10 seconds afterwards, during which time I can't do anything.
I want to select part of an image to turn into a pattern.
If I make a selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, I can go to Edit - Define Pattern to define a new pattern based on that selection. So far, so good.
If I make my original selection bigger by using Select - Transform Selection and commiting the transformation, the Edit - Define Pattern option is still available. This is the behavior I expect.
If I make my original selection smaller by using Select - Transform Selection and commiting the transformation, the Edit - Define Pattern option is greyed out.
I am having some trouble making a new pattern from a selection in Photoshop CS6. If I simply use the rectangular selection tool over an area that I would like to make a new pattern from, I can go to Edit > Define Pattern to make a new pattern from my selection. However, if I transform the selection or create a selection using ctrl-click on a layer, the option Edit > Define Pattern is unavailable.
I have moved a catalog of 150'000 pictures (with associated pictures) to from an iMac to a new Macbook Pro. I used (in Elements 11, same version on the old system) "reconnect missing files" to update the path to the new location. Most files did reconnect perfectly. However, some of them cannot be reconnected. The message I get is
"The files cannot be reconneceted because the file already exists".
The reality is that the same file does not exist. Only an identical named file in a completely separate directory path form another year is present (I use more than one camera and the filenames start all at DSCN001.jpg). How can I fix this, otherwise I cannot complete the transfer of the library.
I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one. I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.
I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.
How can I update the file path to an XREF which is NESTED? I point the file to the appropriate xref and even though I save the file it won't point back to the file upon opening?
Why the "Text along path" feature hovers the text so far above the currently active path? (in my case, the space between the path and the text is about 3 times the height of the currently used font!). I've been told that the letters should lie on top of or at least closer to the path instead. How can I move the text closer to the path?
I'm trying to find the best solution in Illustrator 5.5 to reproduce the attached picture below. I keep focus on the arrows only and I want to keep the controllability (number of arrows for instance) as long as possible. What I did is as follows and is quite limited:
1 - I create a stroke with no arrowhead
2 - I multiply it and translate it along x by using the transform effect (Effect, Distort and Transform, Transform...)
3 - I use the Free Transform tool to adapt the length of each stroke
4 - I then expand the appearance of the objects and add an arrowhead to every stroke.
I'd like to have the arrowheads created in step 1 and I would like to keep control of the transform effect until the end.
Using CS5. I have a solid shape with a hollowed center (see far left image). I applied a transform effect to make it look "3D" by offsetting it slightly 32 times (see middle image. see far right image to see what it looks like selected). I want to simply have the middle image, but without all the paths and lines - I just I want it outlined. I tried to expand it, group it, pathfinder-add - nothing seems to work.
I have created a series of circles starting with a base circle then using two transform operations -- one to copy it down then another to copy the whole set across. So that leaves me with a grid of circles.
I have created an irregular clipping mask to restrict the circles to within the area of the clipping mask (blue sploosh)
Everything looks fine in illustrator. I have included a snapshot here with the clipping mask released so that you can see the objects being worked with.
The problem comes in when I go to copy & past that artwork into photoshop. What I get is the full spread of (clipped) circles which messes up sizing inside photoshop. The clipping mask hid the excess circles but it did not get rid of them. I have further tried using the pathfinder crop tool but that doesn't seem to work with transformed objects. how I can get rid of the spare inner circles so they are really gone and not simply hidden by the clip mask?
how can i do this in Smoke. I can't find any option to turn the capability on. is it available ? i want to be able to edit gmask in context , after the transform is applied to the gmask. can i do this ?
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
I'd like to know that if I update some text in Adobe Photoshop, and save it for web ! Than all that text changes into images in my web pages!
I want that text to remain editable in html editor like in dreamweaver!
I had made all the text layers (Type Layers) as hidden! and then saved for web but still there is no selectable text but all are images .. how to handle it
When opening PSD files from previous version none of my text layers will update. In addition I cannot select them with my text tool, I get a 'Could not complete your request because of a program error'.
Yesterday I updated to version 13.0.4 and since I have noticed that the boundaries of textboxes disappear when they are dragged. Previously when i dragged a textbox I could see the boundaries as it was moved and could use that to align the text elements in a grid. Now however, it is only the text that is visible when it is dragged.
Other things I have noticed is that the text cursor itself has changed and is now missing the arrow which previously made it easy to accurately draw text boxes. Aside from that, although not specific to this update but since I have begun using CS6 is the fact that when I try to horizontally resize a text box it takes around a second after hovering over the anchor for the mouse to change to the resize cursor, although when resizing vertically or using one of the corner anchors this does not occur.
These featurest are essential to most of my daily work and are slowing me down considerably. If no solution is available is it possible to revert back to the previous version before I installed 13.0.4?
I have included system info below.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.4 (13.0.4 20130104.r.28 2013/01/04:21:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.7.3 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:42, Stepping:7 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2
A client sent me their logo where the name is straight across. They would now like to wrap it around the circle in their logo... They do not know the name of the font, what the font couldn't id it, not much response on their forum...
Is there a way to fit text to path, where the text has already been converted to curves?
I am trying to do text to path and I finally got it to work, but it is not bringing the text color that I assigned. Instead the text becomes a black outline of the real text. I uploaded this to the application I wanted to use it in, and the text was gone.
Recently i came to know about LISP called INCREMENT it is so useful. But i have small problem with that It Increments only in X or Y direction or according to UCS. I am looking for a command which can increment along path. In my drawigns many numbers they are in a order by room wise, i have drawn a path on numbers so number should sort as per path direction..i have tried with ALTEXT LISP but iam not getting it is not corting my numbers along path.]
When you create a text layer, it automatically names the layer whatever you type. If you go and rename the layer, it keeps that name regardless of what you type on your document.
What I want to do is revert the layer back to doing it's auto naming thing. Is there any way to doa that?
I can't just do "undo". Its an old document. I know I can copy the text into a new text layer and it will name it the way I want to, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to.
I have been trying to put text along a path as found in this article
However my tool bar looks like this when my ellipse is selected. The one in the Tutorial show one like this. What am I not doing to enable my option menu to show these tools?