Illustrator :: Cropping Of Excess Transformed Objects?

Feb 15, 2013

I have created a series of circles starting with a base circle then using two transform operations -- one to copy it down then another to copy the whole set across.  So that leaves me with a grid of circles.
I have created an irregular clipping mask to restrict the circles to within the area of the clipping mask (blue sploosh)
Everything looks fine in illustrator.  I have included a snapshot here with the clipping mask released so that you can see the objects being worked with.
The problem comes in when I go to copy & past that artwork into photoshop.  What I get is the full spread of (clipped) circles which messes up sizing inside photoshop.  The clipping mask hid the excess circles but it did not get rid of them.  I have further tried using the pathfinder crop tool but that doesn't seem to work with transformed objects. how I can get rid of the spare inner circles so they are really gone and not simply hidden by the clip mask?

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Illustrator :: Transformed Arrows With Same Arrowheads?

Sep 18, 2012

I'm trying to find the best solution in Illustrator 5.5 to reproduce the attached picture below. I keep focus on the arrows only and I want to keep the controllability (number of arrows for instance) as long as possible. What I did is as follows and is quite limited:
1 - I create a stroke with no arrowhead

2 - I multiply it and translate it along x by using the transform effect (Effect, Distort and Transform, Transform...)

3 - I use the Free Transform tool to adapt the length of each stroke

4 - I then expand the appearance of the objects and add an arrowhead to every stroke.
I'd like to have the arrowheads created in step 1 and I would like to keep control of the transform effect until the end.

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Illustrator :: How To Outline / Simplify A Transformed Object

Sep 7, 2012

Using CS5.  I have a solid shape with a hollowed center (see far left image). I applied a transform effect to make it look "3D" by offsetting it slightly 32 times (see middle image.  see far right image to see what it looks like selected).  I want to simply have the middle image, but without all the paths and lines - I just I want it outlined. I tried to expand it, group it, pathfinder-add - nothing seems to work.

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Photoshop :: What Are Transformed Paths And Shapes

Aug 11, 2012

what are transformed paths and shapes

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Photoshop :: Extracting Excess Background

Aug 7, 2006

I'm trying to get rid of the excess background in this photo. It's kind of an orange color if you see what I'm talking about. The hair is especially difficult. I've tried the extract tool but haven't had much luck with it.

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AutoCad :: Excess Scales On Drawing

Nov 16, 2012

I have just received a drawing, and getting message on excess drawing scales trying to xref it into drawing, how do i change scales, get rid of all different annotation scales how can i purge it?

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Define Pattern With Transformed Selection?

Apr 25, 2012

(PS CS5 or PS CS6, Windows 7 64 bit)
I want to select part of an image to turn into a pattern.
If I make a selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, I can go to Edit - Define Pattern to define a new pattern based on that selection. So far, so good.
If I make my original selection bigger by using Select - Transform Selection and commiting the transformation, the Edit - Define Pattern option is still available. This is the behavior I expect.

If I make my original selection smaller by using Select - Transform Selection and commiting the transformation, the Edit - Define Pattern option is greyed out. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Cannot Define New Pattern From Transformed Selection

Aug 28, 2012

I am having some trouble making a new pattern from a selection in Photoshop CS6. If I simply use the rectangular selection tool over an area that I would like to make a new pattern from, I can go to Edit > Define Pattern to make a new pattern from my selection. However, if I transform the selection or create a selection using ctrl-click on a layer, the option Edit > Define Pattern is unavailable.

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Photoshop :: How To Remove Excess Gray Space Within Image

Feb 19, 2013

I have some large collections of images: columns of 8 to 10 images across with as many as 40 to 60 rows. These are exported from a program called CatDV Pro. Between each row is gray space -- my problem is that I need to reduce that gray separator between the rows to make a better visual display and also to get it to fit on the page of the book. I have about 30 to 40 of these image collections to process.
Some things I cannot do:  reduce the size of the gray separators in CatDV Pro -- not possible.  It is only possible to export the entire page of images together. Sure I could export each individual image but that would be a garganuan task -- not practical.
I don't want to cut and paste indivdual images or rows. Sure, it's possible but not at all practical.
I have tried Content Aware Scaling and it is not uniform enough. Some rows squish before others. I know about protecting some area in Content Aware Scaling but that doesn't seem practical either, not with 40 rows. Maybe I'm missing something there.
Here is a small sample of what I start with:

And here is what I want to end up with.  (keep in mind the actual files have many more rows):

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Photoshop :: Interactive Update Of Text While Its Path Is Transformed

Jul 24, 2012

I've been using Ps CS6 for a couple of months now, and I occasionally used CS5.1 before that. I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with its lack of interactive feedback during many manipulations. A lack of feedback which is provided in applications costing a small fraction of the price. This is 2012, Ps is a leading graphics app in some ways, but in other ways it is pitifully like a relic from the early 1990s.
You have text on a path and you decide to transform that path with Free Transform (Cmd+T). The positions of the text characters don't update while you manipulate the path! You don't see the changes until confirming the transform command.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Excess Soil Pile Grading

Apr 18, 2013

We have a client who is looking to dispose of a large quantity of excess soil on a vacant property.  We plan to hold the elevations near the northern property line, slope 2% in a southerly direction, then tie in at 3:1 slopes along the southern property line. What is the best method to determine where the break point between the 2% and the 3:1 tie grades would be?

Civil3D 2013

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Cut Out Excess Volume From Bottom Of 3D Model

Jul 24, 2013

I feel as though there is a shortcut for this problem. In this simple 3D model, I need to "cut" out the excess volume from the bottom of my 3D model. The thickness at all walls needs to be 1mm. Is there a simple solution to "vaccum" the extra space out from the bottom? The top shows the compartments.. but the problem is the excess space underneath.

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Revit :: Baluster Placement Excess Length Fill?

Mar 21, 2013

what "Excess Length Fill" setting in railing type properties.

In the sample you will see a setting, but it does not seem to be created.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Editing Gmask In Context (after Transformed)

Dec 5, 2012

how can i do this in Smoke. I can't find any option to turn the capability on. is it available ? i want to be able to edit gmask in context , after the transform is applied to the gmask. can i do this ?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Creating Depo For Excess Soil With Known Outer Boundary

Sep 17, 2013

I have a known outer boundary for my depo for excess soil. I know how much (volume wise) is going in to the depo. I know that the slope is 1:2.

I do not know where the upper boundary (top of the depo) of the depo is. That's what I would like to find out.

I know that I can create a upper boundary with a feature line and then use the grading and volume tool in order to find out at what height the upper boundary is placed. But then the outer boundary is either too small or exceeds the known boundary.

What is the easiest way of finding out where the upper boundary is? I am thinking about drawing a feature line around the known boundary on top of the EG surface and then using stepped offset. Then I can check out the volume.

But is it possible to do this automatically instead of manually?

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Illustrator :: Cropping In A Circle

May 27, 2012

I am trying to  make a circle logo and some of my vectors are half in and half out of my circle shape, what i want is for anything outside the shape to be cropped/not visible in the finished project.

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Illustrator :: Plugin Or Script That Can Do Cropping

Aug 19, 2013

Plugin or a script or something that can do Cropping like Kimbo did, but for CC?no one would try to replicate that function.this is the plug I'm refering to URL...but I actually only care for the rectangle cut tool. it is very hepful for cropping nasty autocad imports.

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Illustrator :: Artboard Is Cropping All The Artwork?

Sep 5, 2013

After sending a CS6 working Illustrator file to my printer, he said he can't see the bleeds. I had him share it back to me through drop box and the artboard seems to be cropping all the art and the bleeds are unseen. Nothing is viewable past the artboard. I can see it in outline mode but not in preview mode.

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Illustrator :: Export All Artboards To PNG Without Cropping?

Mar 24, 2014

I've got a 2x8 (wide) grid of artboards, and would like to export all of them to a single PNG as they appear.  Unfortunately, Illustrator (CS6) is cropping the edges of the PNG to the objects in the artboards, rather than to the edges of the outer artboards.  Is there some way to change this behaviour?
I've tried creating an unstroke, unfilled object that encompasses all of the artboards, but Illustrator seems to be ignoring it in the export (presumably because it's not printed).

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Illustrator :: Preventing Re-position Of Gradients Upon Cropping

Jun 12, 2013

I would like to know how to prevent the position of a gradient from being shifted when I crop it with one of the pathfinder tools. For example, I have a gradient that is centered on a panel that I want to crop, however when I crop it the gradient-center is shifted up!
Pre-crop = centered gradient 
Post-crop = off-centered gradient
I tried expanding the appearance of the gradient, however that is not a viable solution since it just turns the gradient into a set number of concentric circles.

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Illustrator :: Can't Scale Objects / Requested Transformation Would Make Some Objects Too Small To Use

Jul 26, 2012

How does one remedy this Adobe error message? "Can't scale the objects. The requested transformation would make some objects too small to use." This one always gets me. I'll spend more time trying to find the object in question. This has happened in almost al versions, but this time it's CS5.

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Illustrator :: AI CS6 - Skewing Objects To Match Other Objects

Sep 22, 2013

There are 3 elements there. the top of the clap board was placed before i started tryinbg to create the slanted dashes that are on the average clapboards. The white dash was skewed using Object > Transform > Shear. Then i attempted to rotate it to fit.
I need 4 of these skwed white squares / trapezoids on the top along with 4 to match on the top of the larger potion of the clapboard. I do not want to eye it as it will be a part of a logo.
What would be the best method to use?Is there a way to draw the 4 rectangles on top of a perfectly horizontal long black rectangle and skew the white dashes at the same time?Is there a way to skew based on the dimensions of the longer black rectangle?

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Illustrator :: Unwanted Paths Showing After Cropping To Make A Repeat Pattern Tile

Nov 30, 2012

I'm trying to make a repeat pattern tile (using CS5 on Windows 7), but when I crop the pattern, the expanded paths underneath become visible as on the flowers.This is what I did after creating the artwork:
Used the rectangle tool to make a box with fill/stroke directly on top of the artboard.. Select all > Expand (selecting stroke only, not fill) Deselect the cropping box and grouped the remaining objects. Reselected the cropping box and grouped all objects Pathfinder > Crop  I'm guessing it may have something to do with the fact I used a gradient on the flowers but how to resolve it.

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Illustrator :: Objects Don't Appear To Deselect

Mar 15, 2010

We are having an odd behavior in Illustrator CS4 in our office.  Multiple users try to deselect objects by clicking in blank space, but the last object still appears as if it is selected onscreen. When they select another object (without holding SHIFT), it looks as if the old object AND the new object are selected...but when they delete or otherwise manipulate the newly selected object, it only affects that particular object and does not alter the old object that appeared to also be selected. Although the actual functionality is correct, it is extremely distracting and annoying because it looks like they have more objects selected than they actually do...and they can never really tell what's what!
For one user, this happens frequently when selecting objects with clipping masks. For another, it happens when simply using the selection tool on any old object. All users on Mac Leopard 10.5.5. Aside from resetting preferences which I've had one of the users do.

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Illustrator :: Can't Move Objects

May 27, 2013

I keep getting this Error Message when i try and move something i have pasted into CS5.1."Can't Move the objects. The Command was Canceled" . It isn't locked. It's the only thing on the layer ( the layer isn't locked nor the image ).

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Illustrator :: Get Object Behind Other Objects?

Sep 20, 2013

I have stacked objects in the layers panel according to the order I want them to be, but somehow one Object Still stays infront of some objects even though it is stacked the lowest in the layers panel. And I have even tried to 'Send it to back', by selecting it and clicking on 'Objects' tab and 'Arrange' in it.

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Illustrator :: Cannot Align Two Objects On Each Other

May 30, 2013

I have done a completely clean install of Creative Cloud CS6 on my mac on Mountain Lion. First time opening Illustrator, and I cannot center two vector objects on each other. Rather, when I click to center them (vertically or horizontally) it actually pushes them further apart! It also appears to be arbitrarily selecting another object on my art board when I select these two (there is no grouping overlap, it makes no sense). I've looked around before, and have 'align to selection' checked, and 'snap to grid/snap to point' unchecked in the 'view' dropdown. Going to try to trash my preferences, but this is literally the first time I've opened it, so I can't see how that would be an issue!
I use this tool CONSTANTLY in what I do, so this is really troubling.

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Illustrator :: Art Changes When Scaling Objects In AI CC?

Jul 16, 2013

how line art changes when scaling object in AI CC? For example I have a logo file to deliver to client that doesn't have the font. In AI CS6 and below you can hold the shift key and resize objects smaller and keep the shape's intergrity. I've noticed in AI CC that resizing fonts converted to paths smaller does not hold the characters shape as well as previous versions of Illustrator. I understood the industry practice of converting fonts to paths as the last thing to do prior to shipping out a design to production. But what happens to logo files that get sent out to clients/vendors, for these files it is paramount to keep the shape intact.

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Illustrator :: Can't Grab Several Objects At Once

Oct 25, 2013

I can't grab more than one object at once. I'm also not seeing the bounding boxes around the objects. I must've pressed something that disabled me from being able to grab multiple objects.

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Illustrator :: Objects Not Snapping Together

Nov 20, 2012

I'm having an issue with CS6 where my objects don't want to snap together. I have snap to point checked but it still won't work. Also when I hover over point or intersections it doesn't say "intersections" or "center" or etc beside my mouse.

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Illustrator :: Way To Turn Letters Into Objects

May 29, 2013

Ok so I used Image Trace on a .jpeg logo. The logo is black rectangle with white text in it. My problem is that when I traced it, the black space became the object and the letters are negative space. Is there a way to turn the letters into objects?

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