I have just received a drawing, and getting message on excess drawing scales trying to xref it into drawing, how do i change scales, get rid of all different annotation scales how can i purge it?
I am a very infrequent user of CAD and still do things like I used to do back in the '90s.
I draw in Model space at full scale--except, and this is why I am posting this question, when I have a small detail I want to be visible.
Can I draw a detail in Model space that is a different scale than the main drawing, or do I have to make it 'larger' by using Paper space and a viewport. Like maybe a block or some procedure I am unaware of.
Drawing size on an A4 at different scales,The A4 can have a drawing size up to 29.7x21 meters when printing with a scale of 1/100 while it can have up to 14.8x105 meters when printing with a scale of 1/500.
Does this mean that we need to have different title blocks each time we print in an A4 paper size with different scale?
I need to show a building plan at 1/100 scale and then just its outline at say, 1/500 for a site plan, both on the same drawings and using just the one model?
I am working in a drawing that had all archetectual scales. I Need to insert scales like 1"=30' and so on. Usually when i go to this menu i can simply add them, but in this drawing they arent there. I started this drawing using the relitivly blank template ACAD.dwt because i am trying to build a company template and did not want any trash.
How does autocad chooses wich scales to show. In drawing setting it is set to US Survey foot.
The link talks about the issue, but i really do not understand the results. [URL] ......
Civil 3D 2013 HP Z400 Workstation 6GB of RAM 296GB HDD ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL) Win 7 Home Professional
I am trying to extract all of the annotative scales in a drawing, I have found some code which will extract the current annotative scale, but not all.
Dim doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db AsDatabase = doc.Database Dim ed AsEditor = doc.Editor Dim ocm AsObjectContextManager = db.ObjectContextManager Dim occ As ObjectContextCollection = ocm.GetContextCollection("ACDB_ANNOTATIONSCALES")
I have a requirement sheet from the city for plans for a little strip mall that I'm drawing a renovation for one unit. Had to reproduce the entire site however for the city planner. No problem, doing that, but here's where it gets kinky. They want the plans submitted on 11 x 17, but scaled at 1"=10'. The site is 656' ±, so at that scale, ain't no way it's gonna fit on an 11 x 17 sheet, right? If one inch = ten feet, on a 17" page, the biggest anything could possibly be is 170 feet, right?
I am trying to understand how Linetype scale works, and have been researching on LTSCALE, MSLTSCLAE and PSLTSCLAE. I believe I have a fair understanding of each of these settings. Still, I can't figure out how the scaling works while I was trying to create custom line type. To illustrate, I created a new linetype called XCENTER, which is exactly the same line type as CENTER except its name, in a new LIN file.
After loading the new linetype into my drawing, I was surprised to see that CENTER and XCenter show up in different scales in the same drawing (see png).
My work file is WORK.DWG, I have purged everything except the two polylines, one with the line type of CENTER, the other xCENTER. Not that my global scale is 1:100, LTSCLAE=, MSLTSCALE=1, the object scales are both set to 1.0.
I copied the two lines to clipboard and pasted on a brand new drawing TEST.DWG, and the two lines show up in the same scale.
What in my original drawing WORK.DWG is causing this problem?
I made a SitePlan in AutoCAD with all of the proper line scales set, but when I imported the file into Revit, they were all solid lines, not hidden or phantom styles as they should be. I fully exploded the site plan within Revit, but i still have yet to see a possible way to adjust the line type scales. So far it has only been telling me about how to change the line weight, which is not what I'm trying to do. If there is any information i can begiven on whether it is even possible to adjust the line type scale in Revit from an AutoCAD file
I just want to have the necessary scales, so don’t want to add to the template.
The command function is basically to allow me type the value of the scale and based on that, adjust the properties of the scale. (Name appearing in scale list - Paper Milimeters - Drawing Meters)
I have determined that an AutoCAD drawing has the unfortunate ability to have Annotation Scales "hard coded", meaning they CANNOT be removed from the drawing.
Let me explain....
In a detail drawing file (i.e. my master drawing file where I keep all of our standard details), I was getting duplicate Annotation Scales. I would try to use the SCALELISTEDIT command to try and delete the anno scales not being used, but it would appear they WERE being used. (and resetting the anno scales didn't work either)
I was using a combination of tricks to determine WHICH annotation objects were using the duplicate anno scales. I would set ANNOALLVISIBLE to 0 and set the CANNOSCALE to the duplicate anno style to see where they were being used with no luck
I would then use the QSELECT command to group select each type of annotation object that were annotative, and check to see if they were using the duplicate scales. Again, no luck
THEN, I decided to cut-n-paste each detail one-at-a-time from my master drawing file to a new BLANK drawing with only one annotation scale in it (i.e. 1:1). I would paste a detail, and then enter the SCALELISTEDIT command to see which anno scales "came along for the ride". I pasted a particular detail that carried over the duplicate anno scales, but when I checked all of the annotation objects for the duplicate anno scales - NOTHING! I then deleted that particular detail, purged it, and then I was able to delete the duplicate anno scales. But no matter what I did to try and fix that detail (i.e. wblock, cut-n-paste, save-down, etc) the duplicate anno scales simply will NOT be allowed to be deleted even though i cannot find any objects associated with them.
Is there anyway of plotting a cad drawing from the model view screen so that certain linescales show? At the moment when I plot it will show hatched items without the outlines.
We have a client who is looking to dispose of a large quantity of excess soil on a vacant property. We plan to hold the elevations near the northern property line, slope 2% in a southerly direction, then tie in at 3:1 slopes along the southern property line. What is the best method to determine where the break point between the 2% and the 3:1 tie grades would be?
I feel as though there is a shortcut for this problem. In this simple 3D model, I need to "cut" out the excess volume from the bottom of my 3D model. The thickness at all walls needs to be 1mm. Is there a simple solution to "vaccum" the extra space out from the bottom? The top shows the compartments.. but the problem is the excess space underneath.
I have a known outer boundary for my depo for excess soil. I know how much (volume wise) is going in to the depo. I know that the slope is 1:2.
I do not know where the upper boundary (top of the depo) of the depo is. That's what I would like to find out.
I know that I can create a upper boundary with a feature line and then use the grading and volume tool in order to find out at what height the upper boundary is placed. But then the outer boundary is either too small or exceeds the known boundary.
What is the easiest way of finding out where the upper boundary is? I am thinking about drawing a feature line around the known boundary on top of the EG surface and then using stepped offset. Then I can check out the volume.
But is it possible to do this automatically instead of manually?
I'm trying to get rid of the excess background in this photo. It's kind of an orange color if you see what I'm talking about. The hair is especially difficult. I've tried the extract tool but haven't had much luck with it.
I have created a series of circles starting with a base circle then using two transform operations -- one to copy it down then another to copy the whole set across. So that leaves me with a grid of circles.
I have created an irregular clipping mask to restrict the circles to within the area of the clipping mask (blue sploosh)
Everything looks fine in illustrator. I have included a snapshot here with the clipping mask released so that you can see the objects being worked with.
The problem comes in when I go to copy & past that artwork into photoshop. What I get is the full spread of (clipped) circles which messes up sizing inside photoshop. The clipping mask hid the excess circles but it did not get rid of them. I have further tried using the pathfinder crop tool but that doesn't seem to work with transformed objects. how I can get rid of the spare inner circles so they are really gone and not simply hidden by the clip mask?
I have some large collections of images: columns of 8 to 10 images across with as many as 40 to 60 rows. These are exported from a program called CatDV Pro. Between each row is gray space -- my problem is that I need to reduce that gray separator between the rows to make a better visual display and also to get it to fit on the page of the book. I have about 30 to 40 of these image collections to process.
Some things I cannot do: reduce the size of the gray separators in CatDV Pro -- not possible. It is only possible to export the entire page of images together. Sure I could export each individual image but that would be a garganuan task -- not practical.
I don't want to cut and paste indivdual images or rows. Sure, it's possible but not at all practical.
I have tried Content Aware Scaling and it is not uniform enough. Some rows squish before others. I know about protecting some area in Content Aware Scaling but that doesn't seem practical either, not with 40 rows. Maybe I'm missing something there.
Here is a small sample of what I start with:
And here is what I want to end up with. (keep in mind the actual files have many more rows):
I have several drawings in which I want to use a line type (centrex2) at a specific scale. The scale setting is exactly the same in all the drawings but in some the line type is coming out at different scales, all larger, but not the same or to a set factor. All the entities in question are poly lines (2d).
I have checked in all drawings that:
global scale factor and current object scale in the line type manager are the same (1.0)drawing units are the same (unitless)‘use paper space units for scaling’ is always deselected line type generation is always enabled.
I used the layout wizard to configure 2 vertical viewports as instructed in the manual. Next I try to paste an object in one viewport at a scale of 1:20, engineering imperial. The object appears in both viewports in model space. I only want the object in one viewport and I cannot erase the object in the other viewport, since they both dissappear. I also cannot draw a line in one viewport without it appearing in the second viewport. If I switch one viewport to current paper space the line can be drawn but I want each viewport to be at a different scale. Is there some way around this? Is my AutoCAD LT program capable of doing this?
Yesterday, I sent a drawing that I scaled as 1/2" = 1'-0" in an Adobe PDF, and was told by the receiver that the drawing scale was off by 3-4% when they measured it. Hoping that is was the printer's problem, I sent a drawing from another file to FEDEX, and went and scaled that one myself. Sure enough, it's off. It doesn't matter whether it is windowed or brought in a paper space viewport.
I just started at this company and each time I try to choose a scale for my viewport I am confronted with a daunting list of hundreds of scales to choose from. Most of them have XREFXREFXREFXREF....following them.
how can I reset this to the default list of scales? Or at least purge or edit this massive list. BTW, the same happens when selecting annotative scale.We are on AutoCad 2008.
I have a question about printing an autocad drawing. Currently I have two drawings on the model tab. I have drawn them both 1:1. Now I need to print them both out on a same A3 paper, with different scales. The other one will be printed in 1:100 and the other in 1:50.
I have drawn a pretty good amount on autocad but this is my first time printing/plotting.
We deal with multiple architects at our company, all of whom have different standards for their Linetype Scales (on a drawing at a scale of 1/8"=1'-0" some use 36, others 24 etc).
We need to take their Architectural drawings, remove all of there dimension notes etc and create an empty floor plan we put our designs on.
The issue is that we cannot have all of our symbols work with one consistent linetype. We have to go into the block and manually overide the LTS of the individual item to suite the LTS of the architects drawing.
Is there a way we can insert the architect background as an x-ref and have the LTS of our drawing not effect it? Or possibly a LISP/Script that divides the individual LTS of all their entities by their global LTS so everything looks fine in our drawings.
We have had issues with annotative objects in the past with some of the architects drawings so that is not a viable option.