Photoshop :: Inner Inset Stroke Follows Shape Of Object
Jan 24, 2012I need to create a thin accent line inside of a shape.
Like this:
See the thin accent line inside of the ticket shape?
How do I do this?
I need to create a thin accent line inside of a shape.
Like this:
See the thin accent line inside of the ticket shape?
How do I do this?
Using CS6 for web mock ups - so lots of vector shapes.And now there are 2 ways to do a stroke, 2 ways to do a fill - in the bar at the top or the old effects dialogue box, but gradients and shadows etc are still just in the old dialogue box, not in the top bar.
Is it me or is this incredibly bad app development? Bolt on some new functionality and don't bother about the old stuff so it just becomes one big mess.Starting to use Sketch now, and really hoping they keep working on it so it makes PS redundant -
I create a lot of 'cartoon type" images in Photoshop using Stroke. After upgrading to from CS2 to CS5 I noticed that when I use stroke to outline my images, the stroke is jagged. This was not an issue in CS2. I have pasted an image below with just a simple shape. The shape is smooth, the stroke is jagged.
This below image is a bit small but you can see the difference in Stroke, the shoe from CS2 is smooth, the mountain from CS5 is jagged.
One can stroke a Path with the Brush Tool, Pencil Tool, Burn Tool, etc., which affects pixels of a targeted pixel Layer.
Shapes can have solid colour strokes, gradient strokes and pattern strokes which are part of the Shape definition.
Am I alone in thinking that it would be useful for Shapes to be able to have their stroke defined as a Brush (and possibly other tools) which doesn't change the pixels of another Layer, and instead remains an editable property of the Shape's appearance?
I have created a shape using the Shape tool and have applied a 1px inside stroke to the shape. The problem is that the stroke appears to be anti-aliased. I want it to be crisp. It is actually a straight line.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm creating navigational elements in photoshop and I want to be able to adjust the outline by itself, as well as there are some elements that are only an outline with no fill. How do I create shape outlines without the fill?
Adobe Photoshop CS4, PC.
Everytime I create a shape it applies a dotted stroke by default. How do I turn this off? It's very frustrating to have to remove the stroke every time I create a shape.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow do i make a circular which has a border, say 2 pix but it has no fill or the fill is transparent or something like that.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen you use the Photoshop CS6 new function stroke on the path of a vector shape, how can you convert the result in a vector shape ? Merging multiple vector shapes doesn't work. The strokes outlines are not vectorized in the new vector shape.
It's possible to convert in pixel and keep the stroke drawing, but no way to convert in vector. Illustrator has a similar function in order to vectorize the stroke.
I just installed CS6, and I'm having serious problems w/ a few things. Mainly this issue:
As you can see, every time I create an object, a stroke is added to it. And you can also see on the layers path, a small little box is also added. Here's the weird part, when I try and change the images color, I get a popup saying that this object needs to be "rasterized" before changing the color. Then when the color changes, it changes the shape object to what i need it to be.
I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.
How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.
I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.
I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.
What I would like to do is to get the stroke shape, pressure and maybe velocity after a `Brush Tool' drawing action is triggered by the user, i.e. after a simple drawing operation.
I have been using the ScriptListener plugin, but it does not record this type of operation: changing the brush parameters (e.g. size and opacity), yes, but the actual drawing action, no.
In CS6, whenever I add a stroke to a compound path it causes the shape to distort. Found this video of someone suffering from the same error in CS5 [URL]
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen increasing the width of a stroke around a shape the stroke is not centered... WHY DOES IT DO THIS??? Even if I use the controls in the stroke window to change this it sill plays up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want the stroke above the elipse to be an eyelid for a cartoon. I want the part of the elipse to disappear that meets the stroke "eyelid" (see the left image).
I want the eyeball elipse to disappear as it goes into the eyelid stroke.
I would like to do the stroke around the object like the photo below (the 1st one); there's the square corner stroke around the dress. How can i do this type of stroke? Can it be created in Photoshop CS6?
Currently i can only do the stroke that in-line to the object like the 2nd photo, but i would like to change the style to be corner-liked style.
Is it possible to add a stroke to a vector object, without a fill?
I know how to create a path and stroke it, but I was more wondering about a live vector object with a stroke with no fill.
I'd like to know how to ignore the stroke weight of a shape in the transform box. In other terms, to only consider the surface.
For example, I trace a square with no stroke, and measures 100mm. When I add a 1pt stroke on it, I would still like the transform box to display 100mm, and not 100,353 mm.
I'm working on Illustrator CC (64 bit), Windows 7.
I want to create a stroke profile with a modified brush stroke. Is that possible? Or do I have to begin with a shape?This is what I am trying to assign, but the option to save as a variable width profile is greyed out.
View 3 Replies View RelatedUnalbe to use eyedropper tool to pick up stroke attribute from one shape to use in fill of another shape. I shift click with my eyedropper tool on stroke but does not transfer that color to my fill color of other shape. Fill color shows correctly in tools panel but not in shape or control panel.
View 11 Replies View RelatedI got this error many different times and the problem still continues.
When I change the stroke weight from the Strokes menu arrows or by scroll, this action changes my path's shape and distorts it. You can see the problem below:
I got similar errors when scaling a couple of times. But this one looks just impossible to me.
I've made some lines/paths using a broad 20pt stroke which tapers to a point (using variable width profile).
is it possible to turn these paths into filled shapes so the paths would become the outer edges of the current stroke?
using CC
OS: Windows 7 64 bit Ps: CS6
Create a New Layer and place it above the "main object" layer (which has a Clipping Mask) and also apply the Clipping Mask Then I am to Ctrl + Click the main object to Select it and then Right Click to choose Stroke from the menu.
However, when I right click the New Layer with the Clipping Mask the Stroke option is not available ~ nor is it when I click on the object itself on the canvas.
So, I went to Edit > Stroke and tried to apply the Stroke that way but the Stroke is not visible.
I also tried going to Blending Options to apply the Stroke but it's not visible this way either.
I want to use a 3rd party brush to 'color in' parts of a drawing or paint the background so it has a nice effect.However, when I use the brush tool to add color it reacts in an odd way as seen in the snapshot. I've looked at the brush options but am unsure of what will make a difference. Is there a way of devoting more ram to the program when I'm using it?
Is there an alternative way of adding the same stroke to the actual fill of a shape? At the moment all of my fill colors are block colors rather than having a kind of chalk / pastel texture that I can get with the brush. Basically, I would like to fill shapes with textured color rather than flat color.
I have created many different objects in Photoshop and placed them exactly where I want them. I do now however need a stroke, and the stroke in photoshop is rounded, and I need a stroke with sharp corners.
Therefor I need to import all of the images together into Illustrator and give them a stroke. The only problem is that when I import the images all of them get created into one object with a white background, and when I apply a stroke, it applies it to the rectangle surrounding all the objects. How can I fix this?
How to make something like this logo: [URL]... (also attached below in case link d/n work)
I tried using the line selection tool to create a stroke path in the shape of the design I wanted, but I can't get it to emulate this brush (it always just fades to opaque instead of tapering to a point).
I want to make a ring of polygons on the outside of a polygon-like the inset function when you get to >=2, but without all of the twisted polygons beneath it. Is there a way to do this using a tool, or do I have to manually add them myself?
I can make the larger radii on the connection pieces. Untwisting the polygon (rotating it -180) and then extruding/hinging works, however is there an easier way than that?
I have tried several ways of the 3D Text Tutorial.
But it didn't worked the way I want. How to produce a Text like shown in the picture ??
Attached Thumbnails
how you can trim an object to the shape of the object on top?
View 9 Replies View RelatedSuch a scenario:
1 Use the palette apperance can add a new strok to the object.
2 Now, to the stroke, I might add transformations.
3 I want to creatively find the amount of transformations. Turn to preview the changes.
4 Unfortunately, the slider is not precise and varies the size too much.
5 So I make the cursor to the field, and now controls the change of the unit using the keypad.
For example,
Shift + Arrow UP or Down - increments of 10 units
Alt + Arrow UP or Down - jump by one unit
CMD + Arrow UP or Down - jump about half of the
I do work in mm, I would be more precise if I can change the pitch CMD + UP or Down Arrow to jump about 1/10 the unit?
When working with a palette of transformations in view of the above, it is impossible to move the cursor selected object, such as it is in Photoshop when working with a palette of effects? Such a solution would be very fast and very creative.
I can create a shape, drop in an image from outside world, put the shape on top of it, [Command + 7] to create a clipping mask now... I want a nice border around the OUTSIDE of the shape.
I can get a centered stroke. But that's not much use as it begins obscuring some of the content as soon as the stroke has any decent amount of width.I can double click "into" the mask object, and change the stroke to "outside" or "inside" via the Stroke panel, but at this point the stroke disappears.