I don't seem to be able to use my Photoshop CS5 and Camera RAW to process my in-camera multiple exposure RAW photos. When imported, they have a reddish cast to them. This is not happening in other programs nor with regular RAW photos. Only multiple exposures made in my camera.
I have a bracketed series of a landscape shot from Rocky Mountain Park that varies by about 3-4 stops. In the lightest the shaded areas of the foreground are great but everything else, especially the sky and distant mountains, are blown out. In the darkest, the highlights are just right but the shadowed areas are far too dark.
The scans are from 6x7 Velvia chromes.
I have made a pretty good print by combining parts of three of the scans by cutting, pasting, and blending them. But there is a halo in one very difficult area and that's a very tedious project.
I have tried the HDR but Photoshop says the chromes don't have enough exposure range for HDR.
how you would go about adjusting an image in photoshop so it apperars overexposed and under exposed, so I can then use them to complie a hdri map in hdrshop.
If I have two exposures of the same shot, i.e over and under exposed, how to combine the two so as to get most dynamic image possible. I have elements 2.
I have multiple exposures of the same photo that I'd like to combine into one image showing the specific details of all. I've been messing around with layer modes and opacity sliders but can't quite get exactly what I want.
These are a a couple of the images I'm trying to combine:
What I'd like the final image to show is the pronounced shadow behind the railing in the first exposure and the lit up details of the hallway in the lower left corner of the second exposure, if there's a way to achieve this without having to draw layer masks and such.
I did a studio shoot recently and all 400+ images were properly exposed. But at one point during the shoot I must have hit a setting on my camera that under-exposed by 1 stop or so about nine frames. Is there a way in Lightroom 4 to bring those nine frames up to the same exposure value as the others. I was shooting in Canon camera RAW.
I've seen (some times ago) a presentation where the editor was initially working in Camera Raw with a new (original) foto. During the modifications in Photoshop he went back to Camera Raw, edited some parameter settings, went back to Photoshop. He made this switching between Photoshop and Camera Raw a few times.
When I try to open multiple raw photos from cs6 mini bridge, after selecting them, none open up. If I do one it works fine. I also tried the review mode and only one opens.
I have a Nikon D7000, I use Photoshop CS5. I took multiple exposures in-camera in RAW and they appear fine on the back of my camera, and in the finder window on my Mac, but when uploaded and viewed through Bridge and Photoshop the images are monochromatic RED in color. I have contacted Nikon and they say they can not guarantee compatibility with 3rd party software. No amount of editing, that I have found, returns the colors to where they should be (NOT RED).
I can open one JPEG at a time, or multiple Raw images in ACR.
Have checked other sources including Barbara Brundage "The Missing Manual" but whilst it does not specifically say you cannot, likewise there is no indication that you can.
I'm using 3ds (mental ray) for architectural visualization. I normally have different cameras for exterior and interior renders in one model. Each scene should have its own specific lightning and shadow settings (intensity, shadow position, etc)
Is it possible to have multiple sun positions in the same model which would be connected to each camera?
If not, what would be the best way to achieve various lightning settings? I would like to avoid having one file for each camera position.
My wife took my picture in front of the UW Husky Stadium but the video screen above me is overexposed (washed out). So I took a separate shot of the screen with proper exposure. As you can probably see, I took this shot much closer to the screen. I want to replace the overexposed screen witht the properly exposed screen in the picture of me.
Because the properly exposed shot was taken closer to the screen and maybe at a different angle (rotation) those would have to be adjusted.
I am using Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 running on Windows 7. I have used it for a while but am an absolute beginner with anything more than the simplest functions so I would need all the steps spelled out in detail.
I love CC's multicam feature, but keep having this problem:
In Pluraleyes, I would lay all my Cam 1 material on video track 1 (multiple clips), then Cam 2 on video track 2 (multiple clips), add my audio, and create a multicam track that kept all Cam 1 clips on track 1 and all Cam 2 clips on track 2.
in Premiere Pro CC, multicam creation can only be exectued via the browser, not the timeline. So Premiere syncs everything up and throws each clip onto the next video track up, leaving you with a mountain of timeline media that reads out tiny and jumps all over the place when viewed in the multicam monitor (see picture).
What I'm after:
- the ability to create multicam sequences based on the timeline (lay out all clips from each cam on whichever video track I want, select all, then choose "create multicam sequence") so that the end result isn't 20 video tracks I have to manually collapse into 2 (time waster).
I'm currently Building a Library Technology Hub that has 3 story atrium. I'm trying to create a 3d camera view that shows the multiple levels that open to the atrium. However, only the 1st floor and mezanine floor (within 1st floor ceiling heights) are in my 3d view. The rendred view shows as if I have a solid ceiling across the entire 1st floor. I am almost positive that this is an issue with my camera settings since my 2nd and 3rd floors are cut around the atrium opening. I have clicked on almost every option in my properties menu and am at a loss!
Just btw, I'm an intermediate level, self-taught revit user (I have used it on a daily basis for about a year now). I'm no guru, but I'm quite savvy on making things work like I want them to.
I have attached a test render of the space. the "ceiling" should be open above my mezanine, and extend to desk at the right and the lounge seating at the left. However, it has rendered as a single plane.
I'm trying to edit multiple camera videos on main and overlay tracks switching between them. I cannot seem to be able to leave a gap on the main video track at all whether ripple is on or off. What do I do to leave a gap in the main video track (with the video at that point in the overlay)?
Also I noticed the Track Manager has a greyed drop down to add video tracks. Is there a higher priced version to have more video tracks as opposed to overlay tracks?
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug in version.
Have no choices in the camera calibration tab inside camera raw plugin. Use CS3 and Raw 4.6. Are choices only available in later version or PS? Also in Raw preferences choice for camera serial number and also setting as defaults. Where to enter serial number etc.
my PSE11 was working fine until i bought a new camera and tried to upload photos from my RAW files. It gave me this message
"Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw.Please visit the Camera Raw documentation for additional information."
so i tried to install the update.... installed it fine, kept getting the same message when i would try to open the photo. after researching online i found the suggestion of uninstalling and reinstalling photoshop elements. i did that once, tried the update again...same results. uninstalled again. tried the update again and still getting the same message. ive checked the adobe website and everywhere i look says the version of the camera raw DOES support my camera (nikon D7100).
After an, automatic, update to camera raw 7.3 in Photoshop Elements 11 all Camera Profiles are gone. All that is left is "Matrix". I use Elements 11, windows Vista on a 64-bit machine, my camera is a Nikon D7000.
I own a GoPro Hero 3 Black camera. I saw the Russell Brown demonstration of Camera RAW to correct lens distortion (
In this instruction, he takes images into Camera RAW and selects a tab called Profile, and it automatically detected the camera from metadata and made corrections.
I was sold, subscribed to Adobe Cloud, downloaded Photoshop and started following his tutorial. When I got to the lens correction part, my Camera RAW has no Profiles tab. Brown does say that you need the latest version, but I have assumed that since I just subscribed and downloaded, that I have that.
For some reason when using the path option in inventor studio for camera animation the camera rolls for no reason?? I have created two helical curve sketches around my product, the outer curve is the path for the camera and the inner curve is the path for the target. Both curves are the same height and have 1 revolution. When i play the camera it works out fine untill it hits 1/4 of the way through and suddenly flips 180 degrees so now the camera is upside down, once it hits 3/4 of the way it flips back again to the correct rotation. If i dont create an inner curve for the target and place the target directly in the centre of my product with no path to follow the camera spins all over the place when it follows the curve.
I don't know how to phrase it correctly but the 3d camera tracker inside of After Effects will only apply key frames to the null object. This causes the footage to rotate around itself.
I shoot photos with a Nikon D2X and my wife uses a Nikon D70. If I open a D70 raw file, and then go to camera calibration, the profiles available are for various standard profiles and D2X profiles. The D70 profiles do not show in the drop down list. All of the profiles have been downloaded, from Adobe, and installed.
If I open a D2X raw file, the standard and D2X profiles are shown in the dropdown box.
Have I missed something in the installation? Do the profiles have to be loaded somehow?
I'm an amateur moving up to LR 3 and have been trying to learn this program by reading the LR3 book by Scott Kelby. He shows that the Camera Calibration feature has some settings for specific cameras yet the drop down menu has none listed. I've upgraded to 3.6 and the images were copied from raw to DNG.