As a preliminary to a digital painting I need to identify the overall mid tone (tonal value, not hue) of a color photograph and then reproduce that mid tone in the CS4 Color Picker (or somewhere) so that there is a choice of color tints that can be given to that particular (overall mid) tone. It will then be used to simulate an imprimatura transparent wash treatment over a white canvas (layer).
It should be easy I'm sure but I haven't been able to find a way to do it. I had hoped that Levels might be used to identify the mid tone, and then give it an identifier (?like an RGB number)which could be used in the Color Picker to choose a color with the mid tone value.
I want to blend and tone the center image (mostly the wood panels) so it looks somewhat compatible with the images on the side. I did one botched job of working on the file for a few hours, and didn't save it in my earlier stages, to my regret. It's all one image.
I am wondering how I can take a normal image and convert it to a retro style two tone image, with one darker color and one lighter (or white) color. Which one color or the other acting as shadows on the image. For examples, see ....
I have a lot of pictures taken under restricted library conditions where lighting is wysiwyg. A lot of the pics end up with an annoying gradation of tone caused by the poor lighting (and my poor photography skills), such as the attached image.
I use PSE 9 on a Mac.
How can I apply a uniform tone to images like this in PSE? For example, in the attached sample, the left-hand portion has a nice strong tone, while the right side is washed out. How can I create a nice unformity across the entire image?
I have a sequence of low quality images that captured by a regular shop camera. I wanna identify license plate of the car in images. I am wondering if it is possible to use the sequences to zoom in the image and identify the license plate? 15 images of the sequence are uploaded, if more are needed, i'll upload more:
What I want to be able to check is the areas of clipping in the shadows and highlights. Now I know Lightroom is very easy in the histogram, having a little warning button that will display when an area is off. What I've come up with so far for Photoshop is that there are only two tools, in the camera raw and in levels. Camera Raw is pretty self-explanitory, but I want to be able to check this in photoshop after I've done some work on the image. So I see that the levels tool you can click and hold on the triangle, and if you press the "Alt" key it will show you what areas are clipped. I'm not sure if I really understand it though, as it shows areas that aren't really clipped, e.g. a slightly darker area of sky is showing as light blue, but not a solid color, as being clipped. What is that?
I think that from the example above that say the reason the sky is showing a little cyan is that the red channel is being clipped in the dark sky only, and not the other channels. Do I need to be concerned about this for a good quality print? For best display on the web?
following image shows up fine on WIndows machines, but on Macs it shows up as balck instead of navy, why? I have tried svaing in PDF, JPG, PNG, and PDF nwith Mac color profiles... what is going on? PS, the navy is #0d1125
I just upgraded to LR 4.0 and the identify duplicate function does not appear to be identifing duplicates.
I was cleaning off cards and wanted to make sure all the photos had been added to the catalog when I realized that photos which have been imported, will reimport.
The "don't import suspected duplicates" box is checked. I verified one photo, _img_2597.cr2 , was both on the card and in the catalog. LR4 re-imported it - putting a duplicate in the catalog.
I then added some new photos to the catalog and then tried to re-load them: the detection of duplicates worked. It apears that photos from the 3.6 catalog are the issue.
I have:
rebooted the system opened up a backup catalog synchronize folders
I have a personal block library, that somehow has gotten "infected" with AEC. I'm not using any AEC objects on purpose - but loading my library file now loads the various AEC object enablers. How can I find the mysterious entity that is using these?
I'm working on a windfarm access road (5m wide with widening at bends to 8m) and I need to identify the areas of widening.
I've got the centreline alignment and created the 2.5m offsets to each side. I have also created widening on the insides of the bends using the widening tools and used a linear taper at entry and exit. I now need to hatch up the portions where the road has been widened to demonstrate compliance with the specification and the only easy way I can see is to export to autocad and use the hatch tools (not tried to hatch between alignments).
Whilst this works it isn't dynamic so if the alignment is adjusted the widening alignments are also moved but the hatching remains.
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I need to identify these Fonts, used in traffic signs – as well as the Font used in the quotes measurements below. "What The Font" could not find out them.
I'm running into issues with some skeleton parts (with the BOMStructure type of "kPhantomBOMStructure"). When these files are manually opened up by themselves and saved, I get an error stating that "<filename> can only be saved in the context of another document which is not currently in memory".
I've seen other people with this problem in the regular Inventor discussion group ("cannot save changes", "save error"), but with no real solution.
What I'd like to be able to do is find out through the APIs which file this needs to be saved with. I'm worried that I wont be able to get this information since Inventor itself won't tell me.
I have created a sample drawing, to illustrate to the design manager at work that we can use AutoCAD to assist us with the scheduling of materials, but I am unsure of all the ins and outs of it myself!
See attached drawing to make sense of the following:
Ordinarily we would use a panel reference number for all 50mm panels of identical length, i.e., all 1200mm panels (our standard width) will be assigned a panel code, often P01... etc etc. From the data extraction (EATTEXT) command, as you can see, all 50mm cleanroom panels under the 'name' column are according the block name, in this case, I've called it "Cleanroom Panel 50mm". Is there any way to assign an individual tag to all panels of equal length, yet maintain the same block - or is this simply asking too much?
The reason for this is that although the autocad generated table is ideal for quantifying and placing orders for materials, we are a design and build firm, all our construction workers will need to be able to identify where on a plan an individual panel is, i.e., all well and good to say one panel is 332mm long, and one is 350mm long, but he will need to know what panel is to be installed where...
Does anyone know what effect has been used on this image?
I've got to try and replace that top picture and can't find anything in Photoshop 6 that seems to match that effect. Anyone know of a filter or similar that I could plug in that might do the same?
How to even out the skin color, I have a picture of a model, unfortunately due to light and make up and her skin color the color of her face and her hands and body don't match, I think I saw a video on youtube where the skin color was evened out throughout the picture from raw I think this was done on bridge but I am not sure. How to even out the skin color either on PS or bridge?
if there was a way to create a brush that half was the foreground color and half was the background color...
for example, I have a mountian brush. and the shadow of the mountian is black, as is the outline, but alot on the inside is white. Since its white, when i use the brush, if they overlap, you can see through the mountian... not exactly what i was going for. So, any way to use 2 colors? or make the brush sold without making it all back? I tried a shade of grey, but that just creates an lighter opacity of the forground color, and the FG/BG jitter just chages the color of what was originally black.
i have an image half the image is much brighter than the other half, i do not mean the sun is shining in one half anf the other is in shade, the image has a fault, a third of it is a diagonal strip like brushing the dodge tool over part of an image, i would like the image to be the same shade an colour and brightness, or near as i can, i have tried using the mask tool and dodge tool but it is quite messy,
I was asked to take the group photo, cut out the black girl, and insert the young man. See all images below and my results. the only thing I'm not happy with is the young man was better lit than the group one. I was playing around with the controls of the young man to bring his tone more in line with the group (hue; saturation; color levels; etc.) and I just could not figure it out.
what I can do to get the young man to match up tone wise with the group? Or vice versa, even?
For quite a while I have been using the Photoshop HDR for initial processing of my HDR shots. My workflow is to "open in HDR Pro in Photoshop" from Lightroom. With LR 3.x and CS5 there was no problem - make the initial tonemapping settings in CS5, hit "OK", and save the resultant TIF back to lightroom for further processing.
With LR 4.1 I do the same thing, the files import into CS6 and the tonemapping window comes up, but after I hit OK in the tonemapping window, the resultant tonemapped TIF file is oversaturated(This still in CS6). It needs about 30 points of saturation reduction in LR to get it back to what it showed in the tonemapping window.
I have colour gamut set for Pro Photo RGB in both LR and PS. I can show some screen captures later.
While editing two very similar photos and using the CS6 auto-tone command, one of the photos photoshop was able to truly fix up while the other barely changed. Here is the example:
Photo A was very blue and dark; the auto-tone command magically fixed it up to have nice color variation in the rock and made it brighter. Here is the before/after:
On the other hand, photo B didn't work out the same way; the auto-tone command barely did anything, even though I thought both photos looked to have very similar problems (blue, dark, etc).Here are the links to the full original photo A and photo B in case they are useful...
how can I achieve on photo B the same effect that auto-tone did for photo A! Is there any way to find out what adjustments auto-tone made?
In the histogram palette menu there are red, green and blue histograms to give the saturation of those colors, and a luminosity histogram to give the overall ( greyscale) brightness. There is also an RGB option, presumably to give a composite version of the red, green and blue saturation. In Levels, however we have the same thing, except there is no luminosity option, only RGB. But RGB in this case cannot be a composite of the three color channels, as we use it to adjust brightness and contrast; in other words it is presumably the same as Luminosity in the histogram palette. Despite this, when I do adjustments to an image the RGB histogram in Levels looks identical to the RGB histogram in the histogram palette. I'm using PS 3 Extended.
I'm doing this for a project, and I need to make those stitches look realistic. I've tryed changing the hue/saturation, exposure, levels, curves, etc. But i can't get the skin tone of the stitches to match the skin tone of the picture.
i want the skin tone behind the stitched to match the skin tone of the face, however i want it to look realistic.
While retouching a 'under-exposed' photo, sometimes I can't decide which degree(?) is the relevant skin tone. Though after finishing a work, tones and overall contrast seems to be changed whenever I look at it. Maybe because of various web-site BG, my physical condition, lighting...etc.
I want to know which one do you prefer just based on skin tone and contrast.
I'm trying to color a photo, but I'm getting "so-so" results. The colors (especially the skin tone) look fake.
I've been painting over the picture with the brush tool and then I set the blending mode to "color". Below you will find the original b/w photo and what I have so far.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can achieve a believable color?