Photoshop :: How To Retrieve Version Installed Using Windows Registry
Jun 19, 2013
I would like to determine if the installed version is CS4 or higher using the Windows Registry.I currently have Photoshop CS4 and CS6 installed on my computer. They appears as follow in the registry:
Is there a way to retrieve the fileversion in the Database.BeginSave event when the user has choosen like version 2004 in the default SAVEAS command?
I only found the OriginalFileVersion and LastSaveAsVersion property, however I have to add something in the database for version 2004 before it is saved. Or is there another approach?
Ist it o.k. or recommneded to have both the 2012 and 2013 versions of AutoDesk Product Design Suite - Premium installed on the same computer? Our design engineers would like this so they can learn the new version while still using the old version, but I'm concerned about the two versions conflicting with each other on the same PC.
Can a 32 bit version of AutoCAD 2012 be installed on a 64 bit machine with windows 7 and a 64 bit version of AutoCAD 2012 on it? It is a network machine.
Just installed a new fonts Monotype Corsiva .ttf to my Win 7 X64 unfortunately when i opened my photoshop cs3 the fonts did not appear but when I open my word application it works smoothly.
I have CS6 installed on Windows Vista 64x bit. Everything is fine except for some inaccurate metadata. Camera raw v 6.7 is displayed instead of the latest installed ver 7.1. Also lens serial numbers are not shown or are missing. In lens specification f/0 shows up which of course is wrong.
I have Arial Narrow Bold etc. installed in the Windows fonts folder but it still doesn't show in Photoshop CS6. Arial Narrow shows but not the bold version. It shows up in InDesign, however.
CS6 Adobe Photoshop Extended (64 bit) installed on Windows 8 will not update. Adobe Application Manager opens with message as shown below. I use Kaspersky Internet Security which I am not very familiar with as yet. I tried to update after turning firewall off without success.
A rather bizarre issue this. I have reinstalled Elements 10 on a system with Win 8 64 bit. If I attempt to crop a portrait format photo e.g. 2009px x 3034px to 1920 x 2400, the crop frame for the width falls outside the photo. Cropping a landscape photo works correctly but the problem persists even if the portrait photo is rotated to 'landscape'.If I crop the same portrait photo on an XP system, there is no problem.
I`ve just installed Inventor student and I can`t use it at all since I can not see anything in the main screen! I`ve installed, reinstalled and nothing
I`ve attached two screen shots - hovering over the main screen I get the options and data showing like the correct thing is happening - just nothing visible!
I took the Windows 8.1 upgrade, and now AutoCad LT 2013 crashes just as the window starts to open up. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, and have applied SP1.1 and SP2.
I am using Photoshop Elements 11, using WIndows 7 Operating System. I have a new camera Canon Rebel T5i, and having problem viewing images in raw format (cr2).Message in PE11, states, "Camera model not supported by installed version of Camera raw."
Canon software views images. Suspect my minimum camera raw plug in version does not support this new camera..I am unable to locate in the software any menu item that allows me to view the camera raw plug in version.
I have installed some new fonts in my windows font folder, but they are not showing up in illustrator. I am using a cloud version of illustrator and have tried closing and restarting to no avail.
I got calls from 3 of the DRAW users that some of the fonts are not displaying correctly since they have updated their Windows today. I have not yet connected my laptop to internet. Shall check it and try to identify the culprit update.Few fonts known for not displaying correctly since today.
I am using Windows 7 OS, running Photoshop CS6 standard 64 Bit, 12GB RAM, dual XEON 2.6ghz processors. I am experiencing problems with shortcuts. I also experienced the issues when using the Release candidate.
The issues I have: The shortcuts will work intermittently and appear to be effected when using the layers palette. The issue relates to things like pressing the J for clone or B for brush. Sometimes they work sometimes they dont. Other times I get a chime noise/beep sounding when pressing the [ ] keys to increase the brush size. the brush will increase/decrease. The fix is normally to select the tool with the mouse and all is well for a while
I seem to have found a pattern when this occurs - and is when I have been using the layers palette. An issue I can reproduce. For example I duplicate a layer, then select the new layer - add a blending mode then click on the new layer, old layer and try the merge shortcut - nothing happens. Sometimes I get the chime noise as well but still no merge. If I click off the layers palette and then attempt the above - the merge works perfectly.
Equally if I attempt the merge of the layers without first clicking off the layers, and try to select say B (brush) I get the chime and the tool is not selected. Other times no chime and the tool is not selected. Again using the mouse to select it works ok
What was an inconvenience is a real pain now, as I am slowing down to do the click off layers trick or double checking the tool is the correct one I am trying to use.
Things Ive tried/figured out:
Ive ensured the kit Im running is technically sound and is not being created by a performance issue.I can reproduce this fault on different computers (all windows) I have tried resetting the workspace and removing all but the layers pallet, but the issue remains Ive even replaced the keyboard!! Even though the keyboard only has an issue in Photoshop.When running CS5 I did not have this issue, but the RC and the final version of CS6 displays this feature Ive closed all apps, with the exception of CS6 Photoshop to work out if is was an incompatibility - feature remains Seems to be related to using the layers palette, when not using the palette .
I have an older version of Adobe Photoshop (3.0, 1996) that I have tried to load under Windows 7 and under a "Parallells" WIndows 7 on a MAC OSX 10. Both give me an incompatibility message regarding a 32 bit application and a 64 bit application.
how I can use the older Photoshop under Windows 7.
My original Photoshop full version was v. 5. Since then, I've bought upgrade discs through CS3. Windows 7 won't accept my original version because it's too old, I guess, so I can't load any of the upgrades, either. How can I get around this so I can use Photoshop on my Windows 7 machine. I can't keep my XP laptop forever.
Let me know whether Adobe Photoshop CS6 of version 13 is compatible on Windows 7 64bit Operating System? In case if it is not compatible on Windows 7 64bit OS,then will there be any free upgrade provided by Adobe.
If not then what would be alternative product to be installed and the License cost details per head.Also please provide the URL or location from which the licensed product can be downloaded as well as the installation documentation.
I have successfully turned off the Application Frame on my Mac version of CS6 but can not find the same functionality in my Windows version. How to turn off this feature in the Windows version?
I am now using Korean Window7. I would like to install English version of Photoshop CC through Creative cloud. when I install it, I designated enlish language and change the system language into English in system was installed Korean version finally regadless of my efforts.
after upgrading to version 14.1 CC, Photoshop shows several CMD windows during load. It stops on the third one, showing this:
Finally, a pop-up error windows says clc.exe stopped working (you can see that on the photo). I'm running on Windows 7, 64 bit.
The crash message reports this:
Firma con problemas: Nombre del evento de problema: APPCRASH Nombre de la aplicación: clc.exe Versión de la aplicación: Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 4c5cc9f6 Nombre del módulo con errores: clc.exe Versión del módulo con errores: Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 4c5cc9f6 Código de excepción: c0000005 Desplazamiento de excepción: 000000000000a620 Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7601. Id. de configuración regional: 2058 Información adicional 1: e945 Información adicional 2: e9453ece61423ab98d0ee5bd40bdd8d2 Información adicional 3: be9a Información adicional 4: be9a4f994c98c3a8aa1b5294bf419e15
Everything worked just fine before the update. Problems started right after upgrading.