Photoshop :: How To Make Eyes Look More Symmetrical
Dec 9, 2011How can I fix to make eyes look more symmetrical? For example, one eye is smaller or bigger than the other.
View 9 RepliesHow can I fix to make eyes look more symmetrical? For example, one eye is smaller or bigger than the other.
View 9 Repliesmirror type effect, combine the two images to make a perfect symetrical image.How is this done?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to make symmetric surface i.e. golf ball with dimples. I found that I can do them by using revolve cut but how can I set them symmetrically on whole spherical surface.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn our work we draw many symmetrical outlines. In many cases, chiefly due to space constraint, we draw only half the outline and use a centerline of the symmetry to dimension the part.
Our current method is to use sketches to achieve this. I wonder if there is a way that we can make this linetype available from the styles? Diagram attached below.
I am currently trying to make a symmetrical texture map for my character.
For example, I want the arms of a character to share the same texture pattern.
But I can't place the UV shell corresponding to one arm on top of the piece corresponding to the other arm because it doesn't match without flip.
If I'm trying to flip this shell it becomes shaded with a semi-transparent red color. But all UV shells must be shaded with blue and have a clockwise winding order. Am I right ?
Is there a way to reverse the winding order so the UVs match the original half's without physically flipping the UV shell on the U or V.
How do I edit glowing eyes to make them look normal? They aren't red eyes - they are bright.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to draw Stewie Griffin in Illustrator. I've gotten pretty far, but now I'm stuck on coloring the eye white.
I drew the eyes by making a circle, filling in a black circle, and then drawing the two lines to make the eyelids. I'm pretty sure i have to do something with Pathfinder here to get the middle "third" of they eye sections white, but after much playing, I've had no luck.
to change his eyes to cats eyes from a picture of him from halloween, and to make it look real as possible. He is versed in CS2 and looks like he wants to see how far i have come with it.
Question is, do I take the eye pupil and bend it or replace the pupil all together from a different pic.?
This is a slight head scratcher as i'm not sure where to start...
Is there a way to enable symmetrical brushing in photoshop? So that I'd have a center point in a layer and if I draw to the left side, the exact same thing appears on the right side - at correct distance. So far i've been just drawing the another side first and duplicated it afterwards, but it'd be very nice to see the results in real-time.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have two images that are of different sizes to begin with. One is 1330x2000 and the other 400x472.
way to resize these pictures to become the same pixel size so that they are symetrical. I know how to resize the pictures but when I do, both pictures never become the same pixel size because they are different in size to begin with. I have found that I need to crop first and sort of play with the cropping and the resizing of the picture. This takes forever though!
I can tell it to make both pictures the same pixel size (without stretching the picture). Or can I set the crop size of an exact size then crop the main areas of each image. Wouldn't this then give me the same pixel size?
how to unwrap UVs in symmetrical mode? In Headus UVlayouts, we just set only one side of the geometry (exp human head model) and then we mirror it to the other side. Is there any possible to do it in native Unwrap UV in Max?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an exactly symmetrical geometric bitmap photoshop image (exactly symmetrical down to the pixel) which I need to convert into vector. When I import the image into illustrator and use the trace tool it does not trace both sides of the image exactly symmetrical..
Notice the trace line does not symmetrically match the bitmap.I have tried all the trace types such as 'high fidelity photo' yet it still does not trace exactly on both sides of the symmetrical image.
Is there any way to get the trace perfectly symmetrical?
Is it possible to create a symmetrical grid in a mesh? without having to manually do each node and intersection? A simple square with just a small shape change to a corner causes non-symmetrical patterns in the entire mesh.
How is the mesh in CD different from AI? Of course there is a lot more online content for AI.
I've just started with Xara P&GD6 and am trying to draw a symmetrical golden shield. I drew one half of the outline, cloned it, flipped the clone horizontally, carefully lined it up, and used Arrange|Combine shapes|Add shapes to make the shield shown in the attachment. No matter what I try, I can't fill it with colour.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a ball mask to design (like a masquerade mask). Since this image should be symmetrical, how do I design half of it and then mirror it in Gimp?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAutocad 2007
I tried to place the text ABCDE inside of one rectangle (drawn by polyline), in such a way that, the text should be exactly at "Middle Centre" of that rectangle.
I could achieve this 90% purely by my own judgment.
Even when, I tried to draw a rectangle just to touch all 4 sides vertices of the text ABCDE, I could not get any OSNAP points on the text to start a line. Can we treat a "Text" object the way we deal with any other geometrical object - Rectangle, Square, Circle, Triangle or Ellipse?
So I have a multi-part solid of a symmetrical object, meaning that some of the pieces on each side are going to be identical (just mirrored). Some objects I would like to keep separate during the "make components" function because of the bends on them.
But for some of the solids, the ones that are identical on each side of the model, I do not want to create a part file for each identical solid. I want inventor to make one .ipt and put it in the assembly file twice (one on each side.)
The work-around is to only make one of the solids into a part then open the assembly, re-insert the part, then re-constrain it.
I'm trying to make a perfectly symmetrical hexagon with all six triangular divisions visible. do you need to make it as a path? if so, how do you close the path?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a logo with curved text at the top and bottom of a circular image, with spaces at the sides.
So, Curved text along the top of the circle and then curved text along the bottom, alinged and with the same amount of empty space between the text at each side of the circle.
I am struggling to get the text to be symmetrical and aligned evenly
how can i get rid of red eyes in fast, simple and easy way in Photoshop? i am aware that red eyes are the most common problems and i was wondering how to avoid using flash?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have PS7, how do I fix the "red eye" effect in photos?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to open a person's eyes that are closed?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do yoy remove red eyes with PS.
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow I can get someone eyes to look like Gambit from the X-men. [Black on the outside, Red on the inside]. Ive gotten the red down to a science, but whenever I try to make the black look right, it always looks really flat, and rather unappealing.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've been trying to figure out for a while now how to get beautiful sparkly bright eyes in photoshop. I've come a little ways with sharpening them and using the dodge & burn tools, but look at the eyes on this photo.
The look almost digital?
but still they're normal enough to be passed off in this photo. I've searched through google and tutorial sites to find this and I can't find anything worth while.
I'm sure this is covered but maybe I didn't search hard enough to find it on the forum but.. how is this done?
My main question is how do you do that glow thing on the eyes?
my second question is is there a way to take out that name and put one of my own in there?
I've got this very weird pic. Normally I can remove red eyes, but these are just very hard to deal with.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI've got as far as the pic below and what I want to do next is put some spooky looking eyes in the darkness. How would I do this? Could I find an image on the internet that I like and put that in, or is there any techniques that I could use to draw some eyes in.
In case you dont know what its meant to be, its a broken panel of wood with a torchlight shining on it.
The quality of the pic isn't too good as I had to make it a JPEG.
I working on a picture and I have copyed eye from another photo onto one with her eyes close but now I need to blend tham so the color will match with the rest of her face any suggestion?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a digital photography business and just starting out.
I have seen some photography sites that do some photoshop "eyes enhancement" to make photographs...pop.....and I am wondering how they do it and what methods they use.
They seem to make the childrens eyes iris' look crystal clear and enhance them.
click on the "inquires" link. See the picture of the kid? No way his eyes are really like this. She must photoshop a bunch of her pictures to make them pop.
how do you go about making those pimpin magic eye things?
View 3 Replies View Related