Illustrator :: Creating Symmetrical Text Within Circular Path?
Oct 9, 2013
I am trying to create a logo with curved text at the top and bottom of a circular image, with spaces at the sides.
So, Curved text along the top of the circle and then curved text along the bottom, alinged and with the same amount of empty space between the text at each side of the circle.
I am struggling to get the text to be symmetrical and aligned evenly
I am fairly new to Illustrator, currently working on a project involving circular return address lables. On the labels, the address text follows a circular path with bullets between the name, street, and city/state/zip. Now that I've entered all of the text onto the curved path, how do I distribute it evenly along that path? In other words, how do I ensure that the same amount of space exists at the beginning and end of my line of text? Right now, there is "leftover" space at the end of the address.
I'm working with a typeface that I need to stretch horizontally while following a circular shape. I don't want to distort it other than the horizontal stretching.
When I use "object/blend/replace spine" it will distribute the objects evenly around the circle, but with no rotation. My issue is that I have objects shaped like people and would like them evenly around the circle, but rotated correctly so that their feet are all touching the circular path and their heads are always facing out. How can I achieve this?
So i've got a stroke in a circular path. I use the scissor tool and cut a segment of it out. Now, i want to move one of the end points up and have the anchor points after it follow the movement to keep the smooth line. I think Flash had a tool like this. It allowed you to manipulate one point that would affect the whole path depending on how extreme or what direction you went.
I am trying to create an infographic that has a circular pattern. I'm hoping there is a streamlined process that allows me to start with a linear set of bars/pattern (with vertical text) and then automatically transforms the set to an evenly-spaced radiating pattern.
Here are some examples of what I would like to achieve: [URL] ....
I'm trying to create an effect of small text following the outline of very large bold block text (see picture). The idea I had was to first create the 'ME' in very large font as text. Then convert that text to an object / path using "Object -> Flatten Transparency... -> "Convert all text to outline"". Then, select that path and use the "Type along path" tool.
However, when I use that process, the resulting path is a compound path that therefore the Type Along Path tool doesn't work. Any pointers on how to achieve this? The image below I just used the pencil to trace the letters (quick and dirty) but the result is choppy, etc.
I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one. I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.
I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.
I am creating a logo and I need to create text on a circle, but the hard part for me is she wants the first half on top, the 2nd part of the text on the bottom.
obviously i know how to use the circle path tool, but how is a good way to do this for the bottom? I know i can use the pen tool but i have never used it before and it looks complicated.
I have been working on a project in which I need to curve text. I know how to curve the text via creating a path, path to text, etc. This issue that I am having is that the bottom of the text is distorted. By distorted, I mean the bottom of the text becomes thin and it looks bad.
Here is an example of the issue that I am dealing with (if it shows up).
I tried to place the text ABCDE inside of one rectangle (drawn by polyline), in such a way that, the text should be exactly at "Middle Centre" of that rectangle.
I could achieve this 90% purely by my own judgment.
Even when, I tried to draw a rectangle just to touch all 4 sides vertices of the text ABCDE, I could not get any OSNAP points on the text to start a line. Can we treat a "Text" object the way we deal with any other geometrical object - Rectangle, Square, Circle, Triangle or Ellipse?
Most seem to be for versions earlier than CS6, or they omit an important step or mention some function I can't find.I'm creating a state seal, with a blue band around the design. Inside the circular blue band, I'd like to type the words "Great Seal of" at the top and "Washington State" at the bottom. But I actually need two separate sets of text, because I don't want "Washington State" to be upside down.
I have an exactly symmetrical geometric bitmap photoshop image (exactly symmetrical down to the pixel) which I need to convert into vector. When I import the image into illustrator and use the trace tool it does not trace both sides of the image exactly symmetrical..
Notice the trace line does not symmetrically match the bitmap.I have tried all the trace types such as 'high fidelity photo' yet it still does not trace exactly on both sides of the symmetrical image.
Is there any way to get the trace perfectly symmetrical?
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
I am trying to animate a car to follow a circular path thus performing a burnout.
The problem that I'm having is:
1) when I push the car along the "Y axis" it's good up until the very end of the bend (after the first quarter of the first circle), then it just stops. and when I use the green, blue, red gizmo to get it around the bend, it pretty much skips to the overlapping path so it doesn't actually drive along the path.
2) I can make the back tyres rotate faster than the front tyres, however I'd like to keyframe the tyre rotation so it looks like a proper acceleration and burnout. How do I achieve this? The tyres rotation parameters' are wired up to the percentage of the path constraint of the position of the car rig (which is linked up to follow the path). So if it's possible I'd like to pretty much keyframe in different amounts of rotation ratio with some biezer effect so that the tyres can look like it accelerates into the burnout and then as it comes out of the burnout it gains grip again and goes back to having the same rotation speed as the front tyres. (once I learn how to achieve this to the front tyres then I could essentially apply the same effect to the front ones to make the animation look more realistic.
When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere
i am trying to create a drop shadow on text. i select the text and then copy and then paste in back. however, the copy shows up way above the text and not behind it. what am i doing wrong?
I attempted to place text on a path. I drew an oval, selected text on a path tool. The text start is at the very top and wraps around the path clockwise. I try to select the path 'handle' but I cannot.
I'm using Illustrator CS5. Recently I'm working on some vector designs that needs to be in .AI and EPS 10 format. The problem here, is when I try to save my AI file back to EPS10 (required), the texts on a path doesn't belong on a path anymore. I have to keep the EPS editable, too, so this is really a problem for me.
wants to fit the names of everyone in his team inside large numbers (imagine 18, but the 18 is composed of names rather than being block numbers). The main problem here lies in the fact that there are paths within the 8, hence it being a compound path, and as a result the area type tool won't work. Obviously you could do it all manually by arranging the names by hand/eye, but that is rather labourious.
i'd like to 'write' texts on paper with plotter's pen. i cannot use "Type>Create Outline" because i just want a single-line writing look. is there any way to achive that without me having to vector draw the whole text manually?
I would like to find a way to outline text, but not that the outlined path will be a filled path, but only a stroked path. I hope the image bellow is more clear than my explanation
Any workaround for text along path conversion from freehand to illustrator?The problem is text along path in freehand which is slightly moved along path.The result after conversion to illustrator is an invissible (exept a red+ where the text should be)text. Sometimes you can't even correct the problemtext so you had to place hundreds/thousends of text (streetmaps) again after conversion.
Exporting the Freehand file as illustrator 7 gives a much better result for the text part. (the art works is in this case seperated into lines and fills)The message I get opening the illustrator file in CS3 is that legacy text should be updated, clicking the update button and text is looking way better and there is less text to replace.Opening the Feehand file in CS3 doesn't give me this method.
How would you create a path which traces the central path of text. Not an outline path..Or the fill when you create outlines
If you imagine a single line following the middle of text. This would then allow me to place circles on the path to allow me to use for making rhinestone tshirts.