Photoshop :: How To Cut Out Dime From Closely Cropped Background
Feb 23, 2013
I was wondering how to cut a round out of a square. I have this coin I am cutting out and find that by only erasing the background and then importing into my editor leaves some residual artifacts.
I would like to cut it out as a 'stand alone' circle without a background whatsoever.How to cut out the dime from the closely cropped background?
Not sure if you can tell there is a background as I did erase the background and save for "use on the web" with alpha BG. The background is evident in PS as a square that is as close to a round as possible. Which the sqare does show up in my video editing as a 'ghost artifact. Hence me wanting to crop that out as a round.
I have taken a series of pictures in a light box with the aim of using them in a school recipe book we are making and selling for charity. I'd like to try and remove the background of one image in particular. The image is of a plain cupcake in a white liner taken on a white background. My aim is to use the image on either a white page of a pastel tinted page with the recipe listed at the side.
Bassically i want to create a photo collage of pics. I have used the Lasso Select tool to cut out my images in the shapes that i wanted and deleted the remaing background. i then saved the cutout image but the issue i am having is that the canvas (checkerboard) is larger than the picture. I can resize the canvas however the images are not standard shapes and the area fills up with either black or white filling.
When i use Picasa to do the collage the pics that overlap are surround with a border; basically the fill between the image and the canvas.
I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...
I have two layers: a background in yellow and a cropped image in the other layer. Now I want to dissolve the cropped image in the background, how can i do that automatically? I know I have the smudge tool, but the results are not so good for me...
As you can see, the base for the shape is fluid and curved, but since it is so close and big it creates corners. Is there any way, besides expanding the stroke and curving it manually, to remove the edges? Preferrably while still maintaining the editabiliy of the stroke.
Suppose you have a project consisting of various assemblies and individual components. You are now building a new component that ties into many of these. For example, let's say you have put together the guts of a gear box and you now want to carefully construct a housing that encloses the internal components. How do you do that?
The problem I see is that once I click "Create", select a reference plane and then create a new 2D sketch, I can vaguely see phantom views of other components, but I certainly cannot snap to points on those objects, or measure from them, or really do anything with them. I can also detect no particular relationship between the origin point offered in the Sketch environment to the origin of anything else. I am of course coming from the Autocad mentality, where everything can be readily snapped to.
What is the key concept I am missing? I have read a little about top down design, but nothing I have read has really shed light on this fundamental question.
i use InDesign to design and Photoshop to convert to JPEG or TIFF....and i using these step when print/convert :
1. Print at InDesign using .ps or PostScript format.
2. convert it to PDF using Distiller with High/Press Quality Setting.
3. open PDF in Photoshop and save it to JPG or TIFF.
my text that i designed in InDesign always getting Cropped at Top or Bottom.This is the example at top of text "Th. 2013" is cropped... and sometime it getting worse.when i see the PDF file, it goes fine, no cropped text.
Open an image with some detail in the lower right area. Create a duplicate layer. Choose the crop tool. Make sure the option "Delete Cropped Pixels" in NOT checked.Grab the crop corner in the lower right of your image and move it diagonally inward somewhat. Confirm the crop.
Get the blur tool, make your brush size fairly large and brush the lower right of your image. Allow your brush to go beyond the border of your image.
Okay, when your image is noticeably blurred, switch to the move tool, grab your image and move it up and to the left exposing some of the area you cropped out.Ta-da! Isn't that pretty? It only happens with the blur tool. Try using the burn or dodge tool and this doesn't happen.
I've cropped a 10 megapixel photo in Cs4 10X15 centimeters, but when I save it as jpeg file with maximum quality, the file is very small (200-500k)when I open it afterwards.
I have Photoshop CS3 and Windows XP. I used to crop pfds and the resolution stayed at the normal 72 default. Now when I crop the image shrinks very small and when I check in image size the resolution goes to 9999. But in preferences the resolution is still 72.
This problem just developed. When I use the crop tool either by double clicking or using the tool bar the image immediately shrinks to one pixel. P.S.CS3 running on OSX10.5.8
I am working on a MacBook Pro running 10.7.4 using CS6 and ACR 7.1.
I was shooting video with the 5DIII yesterday and shot a few stills as I was working. I shot in RAW for the stills. When I look at the still image in Photo Mechanic, I see the full image and Photo Mechanic tells me it's 5760x3840 in size.
When I open the image in Photoshop 6 using Camera Raw it shows up cropped 5760x3240 - the 16x9 video crop. But I can't get to the full image - the crop tool in Camera Raw doesn't let me reveal anymore of the image. How to see the whole photo.
I bring in an image as a smart object, crop it (with 'delete cropped pixels' checked) and then attempt to add canvas on all sides. The image reverts to its pre-cropped size with the added canvas on 3 sides.
If I flatten the smart object before adding canvas, it works fine.
Is there any way to get this to work with a smart object?
When I use the crop tool, with "delete cropped pixels" selected, I expect that the image will be cropped destructively and that the cropped out portions will dissapear. But when I select one of the now cropped layers to drag it or free transform it, the cropped pixels are still there.
The entire original picture plane appears in free transform and in dragging the layer, the cropped out portions appear as if the image was never cropped. I recently upgraded from CS4 so this feature is completely new to me. Also, I use Windows8
This is an embarrassing question as i'm sure it's a basic photoshop tool, but I can't figure out how to take crops out of images, and merge them together to form one photo.
I have 4 photos of individual people, and I want to take equal 'slices' of them to merge into one- but still keeping the image the same size as a photo.
I know that my photo sizes are 3543px by 2362 px, and I know how to crop the images to the right size (885.75px by 2362px) but how to combine them.
I have a really annoying problem when trying to use brushes. It existed in CS3 and is still there in CS4.
Whenever I make the brush diameter somewhat large, for instance above 100px, it begins to crop the brush outline so it only shows a small portion of it. If I make it large enough, ~500px, there's nothing left. Even if I have show crosshair enabled, the crosshair is cropped away.
I've been a long term Photoshop (elements) user, but rarely use it. I primarily use Aperture. I have a shot that I've printed successfully in 20 X 20 on aluminum and would like my next print to be bigger, 30 X 30 would be ideal.
I have a JPG Aperture export that measures 2318 X 2318 pixels. I was talking to a person at an art show this weekend, discussing my goal for this photo and he mentioned a feature of Photoshop that can take this image and basically adds more pixels. It's a 3 second motion shot in low light, so I'm not too worried about losing sharpness.
I am relatively new to Photoshop, and am using CS3. I would like to be able to create a collage with a background image, with superposed layers that are each an image cropped to a circle or ellipse. I found an article on how to do this with a heart shape using Photoshop Elements. He...using-Elements), but after a few paragraphs, the controls specified there do not correspond with CS3.
Preferably I would like each circle to be framed with a relatively thin colored border, to set them apart from each other and the background. Outside the border, the circular layers should be transparent.
I understand that I can create a simple circular shape that will show up as a layer and have a corresponding path, and that I can make a selection from the path.
I am fairly new to elements and I am having problems with resizing my images. I have cropped some images and want to upload them to say 'photobox' but I can't seem to get the images into the correct size for printing I.e 6x4, 7x5 etc. I have also noticed that I start with an image that is say 7mb in size yet when it has been edited and uploaded it is 700k and rated as a medium quality image ?
I cropped the attached photo and printed it at 8x10 and the first time there was no problem but, when I tried again the print had horizontal lines spaced at about 1" apart on it. I switched printers but have the same problem with this and another cropped photo. Never had an issue before?