I was given a pdf by a customer. It's not quite laied out well for print so I need to move around some items. Unfortunitly not all the items are moveable in Arobat X pro. So I figured I would make the edits in PS5. Everything works well except the color after I have edited the page in PS is darker and muddier. I have no access to the orignal raw file so I have to edit the PDF. Is there a way to make sure the edited pdf matches the original? I tried opening the selected page of the pdf in both RGB and CMYK mode. I am using acrobat x pro and Photoshop Cs5 on mac oc 10.6.8.
We PDF drawings to send to clients. Of course we have a concern for the resulting presentation quality.
An example of the problems we encounter occur with the elevation drawings. Most of them contain hatches & patterns that need to be displayed in the final drawing. However, when we plot to a PDF drawing from within AutoCAD, many of those patterns will disappear in the PDF copy.
I am aware that if we plot a drawing to PDF the quality will be better. However, my file size increases exponentially - starting with a 300+k DWG file - it suddenly balloons to a 1.0mb PDF file. If I use the "Export - PDF" option - the resulting PDF file is smaller (within the same files size range as the original DWG). But, I consistently lose many of my hatch patterns.
My question: How do I maintain my hatch patterns when creating a PDF? How do I reduce (optimize) my PDF files?
One thing I don't like when you do a search and some results are included in stacks of version sets, it that you are shown the best matches with the non matches indicated by a special icon. Then you can't have the option to 'select only best matches'.
An example : Suppose you usually shoot raw and keep only the best edited jpeg in a version set together with the original raw. You want to delete the original raws when there is an edited jpeg in the version set. You can perfectly use the search by details for files in a version set and filename with the raw suffix.
How can you select only the 'best matches' in the result of the search ? Unless there is a way to do that easily, I would like to introduce a feature request to add 'show only best matches in stacks/version sets' in the option menu of the result of the search.
You could : - select all the results and expand all stacks and version sets - assign a temporary keyword like 'IsInVersionSet' to all - do a new search by detail for 'IsInVersionSet' and filename ends with raw suffix - Select all and delete - remove the temporary keyword.
That would work for version sets with only one original and one edited jpeg, not for multiple files in a stack or version sets, the info about stacks or sets would be lost.The only method I have found to do the selection and deletion with keeping stacks and version sets is:
- create a catalog copy (copy of the whole catalog folder) - in the new catalog, use the above procedure to delete the raws - in the old catalog, find missing files and delete them from catalog.
I have added keyword tags to all my photos with the names of the people in the picture. I then created a smart collection with two names in it. For example Jessica and Ryan. That collection then returns all pictures that have Jessica or Ryan in them. I am trying to get pictures than contain both Jessica and Ryan, but not other names. The only way I have figured out how to do this is by entering in the other names in the doesn't contain field. That seems like a lot of work when I have many other names, and it must be updated each time I add new keywords. Is there an easier way?
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
I create the designs on an art board that matches the screen size of whatever device I'm designing for, for instance 320x480px. The problem comes when I want to read the font sizes used in the design in order to apply them in the actual mobile app. Illustrator seems to use a strict 1px = 1pt rule. That means a 12pt font in Illustrator is always 12 pixels. This is however not true on the mobile device, which uses some other ratio. This means I have to "guess" the font sizes, trial-and-error style, which is ridiculous.
I've tried downsizing the art board, to something like 240x360 px, and then the font sizes do better represent those on the mobile device, but then all the graphics does not. So that's a no go.
Is there any way I can define in Illustrator the ratio between pixels and points? It seems Illustrator only supports a default 1 pixel = 1 point setting? (In Photoshop, for instance, this is not a problem as you can set the intended physical size of the document independently from the pixel grid. Any way to do this in Illustrator? Does Illustrator simply assume pixels is a physical unit, like inches and points?
At my company we use part numbers as file names for everything. for example, part number 09090P00100000, will be saved as 09090P00100000.ipt and will have a drawing saved as 09090P00100000.idw.
Within the drawing template file, i want to set up an ilogic rule that will check that the part present in the drawing corresponds to the file name of the drawing. This rule will run after saving and will just display a warning if the file names do not correspond.
I just need some code that will get the file name of the part displayed in the drawing. Note that we use iparts so the code must get the member file name and not the factory file name.
Dim oDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawingDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet oSheet = oDrawingDoc.ActiveSheet
[Code] ........
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
I've been experiencing problems with the Gradient editor since I got PS and the problem is that whenever I create a gradient through the gradient editor and then load it, it does load it and instead just duplicates the ones that already exist.
I'm trying to make a simple 3D extrusion of the text in a logo (Yep, freshly made text layer, so no it's not text within a png image or anything! I may be a noob, but I'm not flat out stupid! ). I know how to do it and all that stuff but occasionally when I come to do this in PS, the option just no longer seems to be available! I'm using the Extended version as provided via the Creative Cloud and I HAVE successfully made 3D extrusions in the past (made a 3D logo last night actually), and I've been through preferences etc. so it's not as if suddenly PS has opted not to use my graphics card or anything silly like that.
In this particular case, I made my text, went to make a 3D extrusion, then realised I needed to rotate the text a little, so backed out and did my rotation - when I went back to the 3D menu, NOPE, not an option.
Have I still got the 3D grid and pop-up running somewhere but just haven't clicked back to it?why I can no longer select it as an option? how to get the option for 3D extrusions back?
I'm running an iMac that's about a year old (OSX 10.8.3, 2.7 Ghz i5 with 4gb). It has an AMD Radeio 6770M graphics with 512MB ram, which according to the minimum system requirements for Photoshop CC (version 13.1.2) should be enough to do 3d. I don't have the full CC suite, just Photoshop, but it's supposed to be the same as the extended version. (Strangely, "About Photoshop@ still says CS6, not sure if that's relevant)
I've reset PS preferences. Updated everything, and rebooted.
Am I doing something stupid? I've not played with 3d before, I have a vague recollection of seeing it when I first installed but can't find it now. Basically I create blank document, 8bit RGB, create text layer, select it, and 3D extrusion is still disabled.
I'm working on a logo and I extruded some type. The curving of the font is not correct. Looks squared off a bit. The font is Trajan Pro...Is this because the type is too small? I pasted the logo from Illustrator and converted it to a smart object.
I have a vector shape (which is simply four rounded rectangles) that I have converted to a 3D object, Next, I set my extrusion depth and caps just the way I want them now you can see I've angled the flat plane so it's a little oblique, but what I want to do now is map the 'face' of the extruded shape so instead of lying on a flat plane, the plane itself is warped like a sphere.
Imagine taking these 'chicklets' and pressing them onto a bowling ball instead of lying on a flat table.Is there any way to do that in CS6 or am I going to have to do this in another 3D application?
I spent about 45 minutes with tech support to no avail. It has been confirmed through tech support that my MacBook Air does meet all system requirements for PS CC and to use the 3d features. However, I can't. I get a few error messages. One is "Could not complete the new 3d extrusion because there is not enough memory (RAM) - but they (Adobe support) confirmed there is enough memory. Another error message I get is "your startup disk is full". Basically a lot of the 3d features are not available. I've searched the forum and didn't see anything. After 45 minutes with tech support they said this is a "common" problem with MacBook Air users and Mac Pro users.
I'm getting this error message from time to time right after I launch Photoshop CC:
"Could not load default Extrusion presets because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered."
In addition, I have one file that "beeps" at me repeatedly every time I try to edit any text. Not sure if the two are related. I am able to edit the text and save the file, but the beeping is really strange because no error message pops up.
I saw someone use split extrusion on text so that each character can be modeled independently, but how do you do it with 3 different objects so I can have them rotate independently?
I'm using Photoshop CS6 in Windows 7 64bit. I've seen other posts about a bug if you are trying to complete a 3D extrusion when a triangle is present, but my issue seems even more basic.
I'm drawing a simple wave shape with the pen tool set to shape, no fill, 1px stroke. I'm simply drawing three points to create a simple sine wave - the idea being to create a wavy piece of 35mm film. The image size is quite big - 6000 x 4000 px. The first time I did it, the rendering worked fine but I didn't like the curve I had drawn, so I stepped back and tried again. Now, whatever I do, I get the "Could not complete because the path is too complex" message.
Is this a known bug and are there any workarounds to create a single pixel wide wavy shape in 3D that looks like a piece of film.
I keep triggering this by accident and can't figure out what combo I'm hitting, or how to disable it. I've looked in the Keyboard Shortcuts but can't find it.
I'm on a laptop keyboard, so I use the fn key a lot to access enter when I'm finished editing text. Every once in a while (but often enough to be annoying), I attempt to enter out of text editing and suddenly everything stops, the gray rotating "processing" cursor appears, and for a few seconds I'm in a mild panic about how long it's been since I saved. Then a dialog box comes up asking if I want to switch to the 3D workspace or something. Clicking "no" doesn't stop the unwanted 3D thing from happening, and the last History item then says "Extrusion from Text Layer." I then Undo and go on with what I was doing.
I've always got my left hand positioned over the lower left corner of the keyboard, and move quickly when using shortcuts and switching tools. What combination I keep hitting by accident - something with fn, ctrl, opt, cmd, shift, I don't know, plus possibly return or enter. What is it, and how do I disable it?
To recreate this error, draw 2 simple shapes in Illustrator CS6, copy and paste them together as a Shape layer in Photoshop CS6.
Then go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path. I just accept the defaults.
Then go to 3D > Split Extrusion.
The error is thrown at this point. No matter what I do, I can't get it to work.
I've tried rasterizing the shape, but then I get a different error. When I select 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer, I get the error: "Could not complete the New 3D Extruions from Selected Layer command because the path is too complex." This is ridiculous. I can't get the 3D to work at all.
I have Creative Cloud subscription and Photoshop 3D Extrusion used to work fine (though slow).
After latest update several days ago it stopped working, displaying an error message instead:
"The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly"
The Graphic Processor is enabled, and the driver is working fine.
Is this a bug or a "feature" in new version? How to make it work as before the update?
"extrusion file is bad or corrupted" error when a file is chosen, photoshop then "stops working" and windows shuts it down. I then have to restart to make another attempt.
I've been asked by a friend to create a CD cover and inlay for a his band, something I haven't done before (i've only done web-design until now).
I've been reading up online about how to create them and I've been getting nowhere, fast! I read that a CD cover should be 120mm x 120mm, but this appears to be HUGE on my small monitor screen and I have to zoom out in order to see what I'm doing!
I usually design for the screen (72) but lately i feel that if im putting massive amounts of time/effort into a piece.... that I dont want to deny myself the option of getting it printed down the road. Now here is the catch...my camera is only 2MP. So the best i can do with that is an 8X10 @ 150dpi which isnt much (its ok quality.....i have an 11X14 @150 hanging on my wall thats decent).
So now when i go to create a new piece i dont know what size to make it. I cant jam up the ppi to far cause i dont have that kinda quality photograph...but i dont want a small document set to 72 cause if i want it res it up i get an extremely small print.
Like 2 examples...one piece i have i made 612x792 (8x10) but its at 72..so if i wanted to print it at 150 (at best) it's going to be really small (4x5... if that). Now another piece i made is 1000x1294 @72 (a large 8x10). Now with this size my 1600x1200 photographs fit fine and if i res it up to 150 i can still achieve an ok 8x5.
So now what do i do. I cant make an 8x11 @ 300 ( i dont have that kinda quality) but i hate the fact that an image i put so much work into can only print like 3x4.
I have two documents, one with a larger canvas than the other. If I bring a layer from the larger document to the smaller one I end up with artwork that is off the artboard/canvas and invisible. I can see this artwork if I drag the layer around.
Is there a way to remove this content which is unused/unseen? I get the feeling that it is bloating my file sizes...
I created several business cards and other artworks in Photoshop cs5. I was wondering if Photoshop can generate a visualization of business cards (for example) like if it was a real PRINTED business card and place on table (like a real render)? if not, do you know any tool that do such thing for Photoshop work ?
I'm working on some packaging and product manuals for a product that is a cylindrical tube (say like an awareness bracelet). The final product is supposed to have some branding silkscreened onto it, wrapped around the tube. I have a spec sample of the item that I will be using for product photos but it doesn't have the branding that I'm going to print on it. I'm going to have to map the artwork that will be printed on the final product onto the photos that will be taken.
I'm trying to figure out a way that I can take the branding and map it onto photos of the product in photoshop in proper perspective (so that it looks realistic)
I've already searched the web and didn't find any good solutions. (Most of what I found was tutorials on wrapping labels on a soda can. This could be good if I could quickly and precisely position a 3D object in photoshop directly over my photo and then map my artwork onto that shape, making sure that the 3d geometry is invisible while the artwork that I map on remains visible, but my experimenting did no yield good results. I also tried using Illustrator's 3d tools but I found that when rotating 3D shapes, they don't rotate in perspective [you cant get shapes to appear as if they are in 3 point perspective] and so I would not be able to properly overlay an illustrator 3d shape over an image.)
I'm sure this had to be done before and I'm sure there's a simple straightforward way to do this.
how do paint in the same way.I think she starts by do some texture to her cleaned artwork using only gray.Then I think she apply some filter / adjustment to every area (in another layer) to give the colors to the objects.I've try to do the color change to her arm after changing it to grayscale.Then I used a layer in multiply mode then paint with skin color on it.Final part was hue/saturation editing.
I don't like my version.It seems very flat. Seems to be the same color with daker variations.The original was so colorful and shiny with dynamic colors.how to have this kind of effect?
I am preparing some 4-colour artwork (Text & Graphics) for printing onto canvas banners, finished size 8ft x 3ft. Never done this this big before. Surely I do not need to size the artwork in PhotoShop at that size, as the file sizes are massive?