Photoshop :: Could Not Complete New 3D Extrusion Because There Is Not Enough Memory

Jul 5, 2013

I spent about 45 minutes with tech support to no avail.  It has been confirmed through tech support that my MacBook Air does meet all system requirements for PS CC and to use the 3d features.  However, I can't.  I get a few error messages.  One is "Could not complete the new 3d extrusion because there is not enough memory (RAM) - but they (Adobe support) confirmed there is enough memory.  Another error message I get is "your startup disk is full". Basically a lot of the 3d features are not available. I've searched the forum and didn't see anything.  After 45 minutes with tech support they said this is a "common" problem with MacBook Air users and Mac Pro users. 

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Could Not Complete New 3D Extrusion Because Path Is Too Complex

Sep 19, 2013

I'm using Photoshop CS6 in Windows 7 64bit. I've seen other posts about a bug if you are trying to complete a 3D extrusion when a triangle is present, but my issue seems even more basic.
I'm drawing a simple wave shape with the pen tool set to shape, no fill, 1px stroke. I'm simply drawing three points to create a simple sine wave - the idea being to create a wavy piece of 35mm film. The image size is quite big - 6000 x 4000 px. The first time I did it, the rendering worked fine but I didn't like the curve I had drawn, so I stepped back and tried again. Now, whatever I do, I get the "Could not complete because the path is too complex" message.
Is this a known bug and are there any workarounds to create a single pixel wide wavy shape in 3D that looks like a piece of film.

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete Split Extrusion Command Because Of Program Error

Nov 23, 2012

To recreate this error, draw 2 simple shapes in Illustrator CS6, copy and paste them together as a Shape layer in Photoshop CS6.

Then go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path. I just accept the defaults.

Then go to 3D > Split Extrusion.

The error is thrown at this point. No matter what I do, I can't get it to work.
I've tried rasterizing the shape, but then I get a different error. When I select 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer, I get the error: "Could not complete the New 3D Extruions from Selected Layer command because the path is too complex." This is ridiculous. I can't get the 3D to work at all.

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete Your Request - Not Enough Memory (RAM)

Feb 10, 2012

A customer of mine has a problem when he tries to open a pdf document in photoshop. This document is only 50MB large, but Photoshop displays the message "could not complete your request, not enough memory (ram)" when he tries to open this.

It is a windows 7 x64 system with 6GB of RAM. When the file is being opened, in process explorer you can see that photoshop is using more and more RAM untill it reaches the point of just above 2GB. Then photoshop displays this message.The system still has 30% free RAM memory left, but adobe won't use this memory.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Could Not Complete Open As Command Because There Is Not Enough Memory (RAM)

Sep 8, 2012

I'm having a problem with my recently installed copy of PS CS6 (with the latest update).

My system:  PC with Intel Core i3-540 (not over-clocked: 3.06GHz) and 4GB RAM running Windows XP SP3.  The graphics card is an ATI Radeon HD5450.
The problem: When I first launch Bridge and CS6, everything is working fine.  But after 10 minutes or so, ACR starts acting up.  Specifically, edits become increasingly sluggish and ultimately the image won't transfer into PS.  Instead, I receive the message: "Could not complete the Open As command because there is not enough memory (RAM)".
I do not have any other programs open (aside from Bridge) when this happens.I would have thought that 4GB of RAM would be a sufficient amount of memory.
I am not using the boot drive as the PS scratch drive.
Two more bits of information: (1) I have the Memory Usage slider set to 80%; (2) Cache value is 1,024.

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete The Wind Command Because There Is Not Enough Memory

Apr 11, 2009

I have an error that pops up saying "Could not complete the Wind command because there is not enough memory (RAM)."It has nothing to do with saving. I can do some smaller things like Render/Difference Clouds, but not that. Also my white colors appear a little peach colored. 

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Photoshop :: Error :: Could Not Complete Your Request Because There Is Not Enough Memory (RAM) ...

Feb 29, 2008

We have Photoshop CS2 running on Windows XP SP2 machine with 3 GB memory. Whenever we try to open illustrator CS3 file in Photoshop get following error message:

"Could not complete your request because there is not enough memory(RAM)".

We used to be able to do this without any problems untill I upgraded the memory from 2 GB to 3 GB. Dell technician came and changed the memory chips on the PC still get the same message. I went into performance monitor and not much memory is in use when this error comes up. Tried opening just one application at a time too.
Is there any patch that I need to install on the PC.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X3 :: Saving Files With Big Memory Instead Of Small Memory?

May 6, 2011

I am using corel x3 a long time but never, never had this kind of problem. When i work in corel enviorenment after i have finished my work i go to save my work. But then is the problem It Saves the file with Large Memory on it. let's say if the file normally would be 200 K, now it saves with 3 MB. And if i import some other files in my work then the saved file will be even bigger. If i Delete the files that were imported The Saved File will be Again the same SIZE !  Even if a take one part of the file, let's say if i import only one small text and put it in another file and save it like that, the saved file will be 2 MB. I had a lots of problems, i had saved files on this way with 23-24 MB and when i open them it takes like forever. When you look that file in corel it has nohing in it, absolutely nothing that should be 24 MB. But all of my important work is in that files how to make all things back to normal again,

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: High Memory Usage And Out Of Memory Error

Nov 4, 2011

I do have problem with my newly installed CorelDraw X5. Before X5 we used Corel 12 in our company.

I have project file (150 MB) with lots of text, bitmaps, vectors - about 100 pages. File opens but I can't save it. I always get OUT OF MEMORY error. I even tried to divide this file into 2 smaller parts but still doesn't work.

What I noticed - Corel X5 after clean start (without opened project) takes about 80MB of RAM in task manager. When I open project usage changes from 80MB to 1,2GB. While saving it takes 1,6GB of RAM and it crashes.

To compare - Corel 12 and after opening same project file Corel 12 takes much less of memory - about 770MB and it works without problem. 

Where from comes this memory usage difference?

My PC:

Windows 7 - 32bit

4GB of RAM

Intel Core2Duo 2 x 3.0GHz

700GB free space on drive C:

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Photoshop :: 'Instruction At "0x1a3c4b6b" Referenced At Memory "0x00000028" Memory Could Not Be Read

Jul 22, 2009

when I try to open an existing file or create a new one -- the application will shut down unexpectedly and without warning.But I also experience application errors: 'Instruction at "0x1a3c4b6b" referenced at memory "0x00000028" Memory could not be read.

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Photoshop :: Can Remove 3D Extrusion Once Applied In CS6

Nov 2, 2012

Can you remove 3d extrusion once applied in CS6?
I made some nice text, but I would like to remove the 3D without losing the font choices/placement etc..
Is there a way to right-click and delete 3d extrusion?

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Photoshop :: 3D Extrusion Option Keeps Disappearing?

Mar 4, 2013

I'm trying to make a simple 3D extrusion of the text in a logo (Yep, freshly made text layer, so no it's not text within a png image or anything! I may be a noob, but I'm not flat out stupid! ). I know how to do it and all that stuff but occasionally when I come to do this in PS, the option just no longer seems to be available! I'm using the Extended version as provided via the Creative Cloud and I HAVE successfully made 3D extrusions in the past (made a 3D logo last night actually), and I've been through preferences etc. so it's not as if suddenly PS has opted not to use my graphics card or anything silly like that.
In this particular case, I made my text, went to make a 3D extrusion, then realised I needed to rotate the text a little, so backed out and did my rotation - when I went back to the 3D menu, NOPE, not an option.
Have I still got the 3D grid and pop-up running somewhere but just haven't clicked back to it?why I can no longer select it as an option? how to get the option for 3D extrusions back?

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Photoshop :: 3D Extrusion Disabled Despite Having Compatible GPU

May 18, 2013

I'm running an iMac that's about a year old (OSX 10.8.3, 2.7 Ghz i5 with 4gb). It has an AMD Radeio 6770M graphics with 512MB ram, which according to the minimum system requirements for Photoshop CC (version 13.1.2) should be enough to do 3d. I don't have the full CC suite, just Photoshop, but it's supposed to be the same as the extended version. (Strangely, "About Photoshop@ still says CS6, not sure if that's relevant)
I've reset PS preferences. Updated everything, and rebooted.
Am I doing something stupid? I've not played with 3d before, I have a vague recollection of seeing it when I first installed but can't find it now. Basically I create blank document, 8bit RGB, create text layer, select it, and 3D extrusion is still disabled.

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Photoshop :: Type Looks Jagged After 3D Extrusion?

Nov 2, 2012

I'm working on a logo and I extruded some type. The curving of the font is not correct. Looks squared off a bit. The font is Trajan Pro...Is this because the type is too small? I pasted the logo from Illustrator and converted it to a smart object.

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Photoshop :: Can 3D Extrusion Plane Be Manipulated In CS6

May 19, 2012

I have a vector shape (which is simply four rounded rectangles) that I have converted to a 3D object, Next, I set my extrusion depth and caps just the way I want them now you can see I've angled the flat plane so it's a little oblique, but what I want to do now is map the 'face' of the extruded shape so instead of lying on a flat plane, the plane itself is warped like a sphere.
Imagine taking these 'chicklets' and pressing them onto a bowling ball instead of lying on a flat table.Is there any way to do that in CS6 or am I going to have to do this in another 3D application?

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Photoshop :: CC Extrusion Preset Error Message

Nov 12, 2013

I'm getting this error message from time to time right after I launch Photoshop CC:
"Could not load default Extrusion presets because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered."
In addition, I have one file that "beeps" at me repeatedly every time I try to edit any text. Not sure if the two are related. I am able to edit the text and save the file, but the beeping is really strange because no error message pops up.

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Photoshop :: How To Add Gradient To 3D Extrusion That Matches Artwork

May 23, 2013

I have a logo that has several colored areas, including gradients. How do I "extrude" the color when converting it to 3D?
Here's an example. I want the extrusion to match the color of the front plane.

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Photoshop :: How To Use Split Extrusion On 3 Different 3D Objects On 3 Different Layers

Jul 10, 2013

I saw someone use split extrusion on text so that each character can be modeled independently, but how do you do it with 3 different objects so I can have them rotate independently?

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcut For Extrusion From Text Layer

Apr 18, 2013

I keep triggering this by accident and can't figure out what combo I'm hitting, or how to disable it. I've looked in the Keyboard Shortcuts but can't find it.
I'm on a laptop keyboard, so I use the fn key a lot to access enter when I'm finished editing text. Every once in a while (but often enough to be annoying), I attempt to enter out of text editing and suddenly everything stops, the gray rotating "processing" cursor appears, and for a few seconds I'm in a mild panic about how long it's been since I saved. Then a dialog box comes up asking if I want to switch to the 3D workspace or something. Clicking "no" doesn't stop the unwanted 3D thing from happening, and the last History item then says "Extrusion from Text Layer." I then Undo and go on with what I was doing.
I've always got my left hand positioned over the lower left corner of the keyboard, and move quickly when using shortcuts and switching tools. What combination I keep hitting by accident - something with fn, ctrl, opt, cmd, shift, I don't know, plus possibly return or enter. What is it, and how do I disable it?

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Photoshop :: 3D Extrusion Stopped Working After Latest Adobe Update?

Dec 15, 2012

I have Creative Cloud subscription and Photoshop 3D Extrusion used to work fine (though slow).
After latest update several days ago it stopped working, displaying an error message instead:
"The 3D features require that 'Use Graphics Processor' is enabled in the Performance preferences. Your video card must meet the minimum requirements and you may need to check that your driver is working correctly"
The Graphic Processor is enabled, and the driver is working fine.
Is this a bug or a "feature" in new version? How to make it work as before the update?

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Photoshop :: (extrusion File Is Bad Or Corrupted) Error / Will Not Open Any Files?

Nov 23, 2012

"extrusion file is bad or corrupted" error when a file is chosen, photoshop then "stops working" and windows shuts it down.  I then have to restart to make another attempt.

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Photoshop :: Can't Complete CS4 Installation

Apr 30, 2012

I have tried installing adobe photoshop cs4 and It successfully installed, BUT after I successfully typed the seiral number I was in he stage where I had to accept a licence and when I tried to do this it just stopped and do nothing. I have tried it a many times without any satisfactional results...I can uninstall any adobe application through add or remove programs and creative suite uninstaller.
There are like 30 adobe applications on add or remove program list and I cannot remove any...

following adobe applications are:

Anchor Service CS4
Adobe bridge CS4
Adobe Cmaps cs4
adobe color - photoshop specific cs4
adobe color eu extra settings
adobe color ja extra settings
adobe color na recommended settings cs4
adobe color video profiles


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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete KPT FraxFlame II

Jan 5, 2011

I have many of the KPT plugins and was working with them until recently when they all stopped working. Did Adobe come out with an update that rendered them useless? I get the error message "Could not complete the KPT FraxFlame II because the program could not be found." This message appears on all the KPT filters.
I was using the 32 bit version of Photoshop on  a Win7-64 machine.

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete Command Because There Is Not Enough RAM

Apr 15, 2012

i have already made a few changes to an image but when i try to Distort>Wave then click ok it comes up with that message.

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Photoshop :: How To Complete Download

Aug 19, 2013

I'm trying to download the trial version of Photoshop cc. When the 50% mark is reached when downloading, a window requests that I close bridge...bridge isn't open. How do I complete download?

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete The Command Because...

Aug 3, 2009

I am running CS3 and for some reason, I get this error on many of the filter options. To reproduce: - load any picture - it does not matter what format I use- create a new layer by selecting the new layer icon at the bottom of the layers pallet-

with the new layer selected, going to the menu item filter/blur/Gaussian Blur I have reset the preferences by pressing ctrl/alt/shift while bringing up Photoshop. I also have reinstalled (repaired) Photoshop. I've tried many different pictures with several formats (raw, .psd, .jpg) with no luck. Interestingly enough, the filter Lens Blur does come up with the screen. 

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete Your Request...

Apr 15, 2008

I just installed CS3

I was sent a .psd-file (actually 3) which were created in Photoshop CS3 but I can not open any of them, because PS tell me
"Could not complete your request because it is not a valid Photoshop document."

Also, I was sent a lot of .psd-files during the last years and I have most of them in my email-account. Unfortunately, I can't even open any of them either!! And these were .psd-files PRE CS3 and worked just fine in CS2 ...

I tried everything:
- Drag & Drop from Windows Explorer into Photoshop
- "Open as"
>> Nothing seems to work...

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Photoshop :: Could Not Complete Your Request Because...

Mar 12, 2009

I use Photoshop CS4 now and I have a problem when I want to import (by dragging'n dropping, importing, open - I tried every way)a .png or i.e. also an .jpg:

when I worked a short time with PS (i.e. 10 minutes) and want to open a .png then, there comes the popup-window with: "Could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file"

The funny thing is: my file is NOT broken!! Because if I then shutdown PS and open it again, there is no longer a problem to open the .png-file.... after a while of course it comes back...

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Photoshop :: PS CS3: "could Not Complete Your...

Jan 29, 2009

I am using Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP Pro (Upgraded from PS v7.0 a few months ago) on about 10% of my images I'm getting an the error: "could not complete your request because of a program error"

when trying to save the file after doing changes to it. Oddly enough I do NOT get the error when doing "Save As" even after the recieving the error on a save. Nor do I get the error if I open one of the affected files in PS v7.

I believe from searching on line that the problem is "something to do" with the format of the metadata in the images. I am not sure exactly what, nor am I sure why it only affects about 10% of my images - all of which have been processed, captioned and keyworded the same way. However it is noticable that I cannot open "File info" dialog box in PS CS3 for any image that won't save. The error given is: "Could not complete the File Info command because of a problem with the File Info module".

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AutoCad 3D :: Extrusion To 3D Solids?

May 13, 2013

I'm trying to understand extrusion to 3D solids better. This started when I drew a joined, closed 3dpolyline and found it wouldn't extrude (the shape titled 3D POLYLINES 4 sides joined, in the attached DWG), even though everything lies in the same plane (z=0). It gives the error "segment chord not perpendicular to normal". A chord is part of a circle, and there are no circles in the .dwg, so I don't understand the error. If you join only 2 or 0 sides, then at least 2D extrusion to a surface is allowed, but not if all 4 sides are joined, i.e. one 3D polyline.

If I draw regular polylines overtop the 3D polylines, then join and close them, it extrudes into a solid. This suggests that 3D polylines can't be extruded into a solid when regular polylines can, yet if I draw some scratch 3D polyline geometry that is joined and closed, these 3D polylines will join. It's as if I've found some secret shape that AutoCAD refuses to allow extrusion on.

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Photoshop :: CS6 / Could Not Complete Your Request Because DynamicLink Is Not Available

May 17, 2012

Using CS6 Photoshop extended on iMac early 2008 model.....
Processor  2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory  4 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Graphics  ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB
Software  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 (11E53)
I get this message when I try to open a .mov file...
"Could not complete your request because DynamicLink is not available?"

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