Photoshop :: How To - Invisible Man Fashion Images
Dec 26, 2008
I run an ecommerce business selling designer men’s underwear and was wondering how I could achieve an image for my products similar to the ones shown via the links below?
These illustrate different product images of men’s underwear and they look as though they have been photographed whilst being worn by an invisible man.
One of the links is to a product of a thong, which I have included because it illustrates how detailed and clear the washing label is on the inside of the waist band.
They have over 200 products photographed and illustrated in this way and I can not figure out how they have achieved it.
I have been using Photoshop for a few years now but would not consider myself advanced in any way!
I have to complete a textiles assignment and need to screen print some tshirts. I have been told by the printer that I have to pay per colour, and was wondering if anyone knew of a way of restricting the amount of colours in Photoshop?
Anyone know how to make a frame on the top and the bottom of several pics so it looks like an old fashion filmstrip (negative/positive) you know where the number of the pics stand under each picture and iex "Fujifilm" on top....
i just play around with GIMP and do some graphic works – in order to get familiar with GIMP .I want to create a image where i have some balls – in a randomized fashion -
can i tell G I M P that it draws colored balls in the field in such a randomized fashion -
Would you do it
1. drawing balls without color (defining a ball its certain size
2. defining the area where the ball is - within the whole field.
Looking for technique for assembling a grid of dots in a pseudo-random fashion? Â I hope the attached image makes more sense. Â Basically the final result is pic3 with the dots appearing over time via pic1 and pic2.
Sometimes when I'm working with Photoshop CS2 all of the sudden my cursor disappears! (This can occur with brushtool, ellipse tool, etc)
Well.. It's not totally gone; It's just invisible above the window I'm working in. When I put it on my toolbar for example it's there. And when I want to put it above my canvas it disappears again. When I try to draw something anyway, it gives some sort of very thin line which kind of shows what I'm doing, but as soon as I release the mouse button it all disappears again. Closing/opening Photoshop or rebooting the computer don't help.
I have Photoshop CS2 and am having problems with project windows. Whenever I either try to start a new/open and exisiting document, the window never appear. I can see the image in the navigator, but there is nothing on the workspace, it's just blank, as if I don't have a project open.
It was working fine, has been for months until now. I've tried to search for the project by dragging the photoshop window out, in case it has minimized and been placed down thew bottom right hand corner, but found nothing.
when i click on text tool all i can see is tiny box no line just a tiny box and my text is not showing in my project but does show up in my layers i have put size at 80 pt made sure was not same color as background tried black text w white background everything i can think of thx to anyone in advance much appreciated sorry using cs4 vista 64 bit
For some reason, all of my selection tools (like marquee tool) become invisible as soon as I let mouse 1 go. So I can't really see what I have selected, however I can modify my selection, cut it, transfor or do anything else I want..
A friend asked me to make an animated forum signature for him but their forum has a rule the sig size must be 650x200.
So i thought i would fit it in my own 650x200 signature and cutting everything outside that out using the wand tool on every layer (125) I made them visible cut out the outskirts and made it invisible again one by one , with the little eye next to the layer.
After u import Video frames to layers only the first one is visible , but in order to cut in a layer i needed to make it visible , and apperently after u make a layer visible its invisible in the saving (Save for Web option) After i was finished all i had left with was one layer that was visibile the other 5 seconds were just invisible  how to fix this , i ran into it a couple of times now its getting pretty annoying.
I was using Baskerville BT in PS CC and everything was invisible. It said something about it be "masked" but the only option I seem to have is the undo type mask or keep it invisible and masked.I just want to type in whatever font that is available with my account and have it work.
Just come back to a piece of work afte my son was playing with the computer, and he's set up something in Photoshop that I've never seen before. Really strugling to describe it – there seems to be an invisble grid or chequerboard over my image somehow. When I try to paste another image into a new transparent layer (I'm trying to combine two images), it doesn't appear solid but has transparent squares all over it. Also, if I try to select a block of colour with the magic wand tool, the marching ants go into a chequerboard shape. In the hope of un-setting this I've taken the history way back to beore I last worked on the image, but no joy – it's some kind of option that will have to be switched off. I'm sue it's something incredibly simple and obvious, it's just that I can't find it!
I've heard of a way to make an invisible watermark but I cant figure it out. I just need a way to put my name on an image without it interfering with the content of the image. Is there any way to do something like that!
I made a little profile image for myself to put on my site for when I redesign it. It looks fine. But the problem is, I have these 2 items of text proportioned so they look to be the sides of an invisible 3D rectangle... Problem is, I'm having trouble figuring out a way to make this 3d rectangle rotate so it will show one side (first text item) and then rotate to the next side (smaller item of text)...
The other 2 sides arent visible in this image, but they are the same as the 2 shown as to be a repeating animation. how I can achieve this either with Photoshop/ImageReady or 3D CG program?
if there is a plugin or a way to select all the invisible layers from a photoshop file autmatically with just one click?This would be really handy when it comes to huge photoshop files with lots of folders & layers...
I need to add an invisible water mark to the file before it goes to publishing. Is there a way to add an invisible copyright water mark to the file with out using metadata? is there any software that can track images on websites?
For some time now i experience a really strange problem with my layer masks: the parts of a layer I hide with a black layer mask are still slightly visible in my picture - like these pixels still have an opacity of about 5%. The colour in the mask is definitly black and not dark grey (this was my first guess what could be wrong). I have no idea when this problem started, but I believe it was not there when I started to use CS6 (which I still do and on which the problem appears).
OS X - 10.6.8 Photoshop CS5.1 (From CS5.5 Suite) AND Photoshop CS5 Â When we open a PSD file, then save the file overwriting the previous version, the file becomes invisible. I can use Terminal to set the file to visible, but when we save it again it becomes invisible again. We were initially working on a network, but it also happens when we try to save it to the desktop. When the files are saved under a new name, or in a new location, they are visible, it's only when overwriting. We have 14 Macs working on the same network, but it's only happening on one. We tested it with the same files on another Mac overwriting on the network, and it worked fine. Files that are overwritten and become invisible are then invisible to every computer, not just the one causing the issue. Â This is happening with both CS5.1 and CS5. Â The only work around we've found is to either individually set the files to visible, or set all files to visible. We can't leave all files set to visible because several people work on each computer every day, and one of them is bound to start deleting every file that they don't know what it is...
I'm currently using Photoshop CS6. Currently I have my Grid set up for every 10 pixels and 1 subdivision for each. I know how to use the "Control + ' " shortcut to toggle the Grid on and off. When I have the Grid turned on, items will snap to it. However, when I have the Grid off, items won't.
This was one thing I really liked about Fireworks, was that it would continue to snap to a Grid even if it wasn't visible. Any way to accomplish this in Photoshop?
I have a really annoying problem when trying to use brushes. It existed in CS3 and is still there in CS4.
Whenever I make the brush diameter somewhat large, for instance above 100px, it begins to crop the brush outline so it only shows a small portion of it. If I make it large enough, ~500px, there's nothing left. Even if I have show crosshair enabled, the crosshair is cropped away.
is there a way to make a drop shadow for an invisible object. because i want only the shadow of the pipe im drawing. when i set the opacity of the pipe to 0, the shadow turns invisible too.
i tried the dodge/burn tools, but they dont give me the same shadow as the other pipes in the image.
I was adding in some text to a hand drawn image that I scanned in. I put in the first label and it was going smoothly, then I highlighted it and changed the font and the black lettering I put in disappeared.
It still seems to be there, and it shows up in the Layers box. It's just as though the opacity has been turned down to 0% (which it hasn't). It's not stuck behind another layer and it's not the same colour as the background. I can still copy/paste text in and out but I can't make the text visible. Even if I put a colour overlay using the Layer/Layer Styles/Blending Options, it still won't show up.
Even if I start a new image, the same thing happens when I try and put new text in. Basically, my ability to add text to an image has been totally incapacitated.
Have I leant on the keyboard and triggered a short cut I didn't know about? Is it a glitch or a screw up with the program.
doesn't have black and white dots fidgeting around all the time.
about the Layer masks. I've just started using them, and I've seen artists on Ustream who can work on single colored flats on an entirely colored layer without touching areas with a different color than the one they're working on.
I've tried back and forth with the layer mask, but I've still got no clue.
I'm trying to create an invisible mannequin look using the Cs6 free trial. The tutorials that are available are saying to use tools such as polygonal lasso and the background eraser which aren't available on the free trial. Is there a way around this?
I just downloaded PS, ID, and Ilus for the Creative Cloud. I also have the CS6 versions. In my CS6 versions, I can see a particular drive that I've set as my primary scratch drive (I have four internal and two external drives); but I cannot see this same drive in the CC versions of PS, ID, Illus.
In Photoshop 6 the preview of the brushsize get almost invisible when working with low opacity, the same problem occurs when working with Dodge tool and low exposure.
In earlier versions the preview showed in 100% even if working in low opacity. Now it's impossible to se how big feather och the size of the brush without first going up too higher opacity. Can I somehow show the preview in 100% even if working in low opacity like 3%?