Photoshop :: Preview Of Brush-size Get Almost Invisible When Working With Low Opacity?
Jan 23, 2013
In Photoshop 6 the preview of the brushsize get almost invisible when working with low opacity, the same problem occurs when working with Dodge tool and low exposure.
In earlier versions the preview showed in 100% even if working in low opacity. Now it's impossible to se how big feather och the size of the brush without first going up too higher opacity. Can I somehow show the preview in 100% even if working in low opacity like 3%?
brush painting on adjustment layers is not working at the correct opacity. For example I have it set for 100% but its only working at 10 or 20%. How can I fix this?
I was trying painting with gimp and there is a shortcut in gimp to change the size of the brush/opacity my moving the stylus like you can on photoshop or sketchbook pro.
ALT+ctrl on a mac
This would be an incredible time-saver for us artists and not very complex. If not I will suggest this feature to the gimo developers.
For the last three versions of Photoshop the shortcut keys [ ] for brush size stops working. Why is this not fixed? The other shortcut that shows brush size in red.
I am having problems with the keyboard for adjusting the brush size (for eraser/clone stamp/brush etc) I used to use the ][ keys for this but they no longer work, i've tried just about every combination under the sun using the shift, command or alt keys but nothing seems to work.
I am constantly shifting the size of the brush up and down as I work so if I have to go and click on the brush tab every time and type in a new size it's going to make work incredibly slow. I live in spain and the mac keyboard is a spanish one but I have tried with my old keyboard that used to work fine on the old mac but not on the new one?
Does anyone know how to photo shop calculates the resulting color when using brush opacity?
For example If I paint over a section with 100% brush opacity, then go over it again with another color with 100% brush opacity then the new color replaces the old. But what happens if when I go over the first color with a new color set at 50% opacity? How does Photoshop calculate the resulting color?
I have a really annoying problem when trying to use brushes. It existed in CS3 and is still there in CS4.
Whenever I make the brush diameter somewhat large, for instance above 100px, it begins to crop the brush outline so it only shows a small portion of it. If I make it large enough, ~500px, there's nothing left. Even if I have show crosshair enabled, the crosshair is cropped away.
In CS6 when I increase/decrease size of my brush using alt+right-click on pen tablet, sometimes I also unintentionally change brush opacity by couple percentage (obviously my hand won't move perfectly horizontally every time I want to do it). It kills flow during work of course and I have to stick to CS5 for now unfortunately.I have only found option for turning off hardness change in preferences.
1. When I use a low opacity to gradually build up highlights in a drawing the opacity seems to skip a few strokes: Nothing is actually happening after a fes brush strokes and then suddenly there's a bright line, nothing inbetween. It looks like i was drawing with 50% opacity even though it was actually 5%. All other option such as pressure sensitivity are turend off.
2. When drawing a straight line with the brushtool, and then zooming in, I can see the individual spots that make up the brushstroke. It looks like brushspacing was on even though it wasn't.
I use cs6 on a windows 7 platform and have a wacom intuos 4.
I just got an Intuos5 and I'm not very experienced with the Photoshop settings regarding tablet usage. I want to replicate the effect of drawing on paper with a marker, without lifting my pen. If you go back and forth over the same spot 15 times on a piece of paper with a marker without (lifting the marker), that spot will be much darker than if you make one stroke. I understand that in Photoshop I can lift my pen off the tablet and do the same stroke 15 times, but logistically, that just doesn't work with the way I draw.
Basically, I'm wondering if there's a way to make it so opacity is purely dependent on how many times a certain spot is covered WITHOUT LIFTING MY PEN.I know there are controls to switch brush opacity to coincide with pen pressure, but I don't want to destroy my new tablet by carving into it to have a pure black stroke.
To demonstrate what I mean by this, here's an extremely crude example in which the left represents how photoshop works for me now, versus how I'd like it to work. Notice how going over the same spot within the same stroke, those intersections are darkened.
I have a problem whereby my brush does not deliver the full color opacity even at 100%. It only delivers up to 50% (sort of). But I had to stroke twice to get the color that I want. This happens when Transfer option with Opacity Jitter is set to Pen Pressure. Why is this so?
However, Flow Jitter does not seem to have a problem with delivering the full color under Pen Pressure. I'm using a Wacom Intuous 4 Medium tablet.
Opacity is shown along with Diameter and Hardness, when Alt - Right click is done while using a round brush (in this case, with the Dodge tool).I guess it's late, but I don't sense a gesture that causes the Opacity to change in this mode. I tried all the modifier keys and moving the mouse every which way. I even tried the scroll wheel, but couldn't get the Opacity to change.
How do I change the Opacity (besides the old traditional way)?
Photoshop CS5...For whatever reason the hotkeys for controling brush opacity and flow switch randomly, and its a bit frustrtating in my work flow.For the hotkey for Opacity will atlernate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9
The hokey for Flow will alternate between 0-9 and shift + 0-9 as wellOne project I will be used to useing shift + 0-9 to adjust the flow, but in the next document it will alter opacity instead.
I always used the number keys to set opacity in brush tool. Suddenly it now affects flow, not opacity. At the same time this functionality changed I started having to click on a mask for the [ ] keys to change brush size. I used to be able to change size without selecting the mask. Did I inadvertently change some setting? I am using CS5 12.0 x 64 on Mac in 10.6.8.
When I apply an adjustment brush to the photo, close the brush and then reopen, in the past I've been able to see the round grey button to reactivate the "old" brush I applied. Now I can't see one.
I was wondering if anyone had any idea about this problem that I've been having. For some reason when I create a gradient that goes to zero opacity on either end it gets all scattered.
It was working fine and now I've reinstalled it in Windows Vista 64bit. I remember I had this problem the first time I installed it as well but then I turned the update on and it just went away before I really cared too much. Now I've got the update on and went and downloaded the 10.1 from the website and it's starting to bother me .....
If I select Layers\Import from File... to import a new image into my current project, then anchor the cloning brush (in the newly imported), then select a location from the existing image...I can successfully clone.
I'm trying to figure out how soften or reduce the opacity of just the brush. In other words, what I'm cloning comes out way to strong. In some other packages, I'm able to set the opacity of the brush to soften what I'm copying.
I'd like to scatter a small image randomly, like you can with scatter & size jitter. I can't think of any way to do that on this image other than make a brush out of it, but creating a brush from the image will change its color uniformly. I'd like to keep the color and opacity of the image the same, but have it scattered. I
In the image below on the larger element i have a stroke with 0% Opacity but as you can see the stroke is white when it should be transparent? I even changed the blending mode to multiply and the white color stroke still remains. I put the Opacity on 0% to test if something was wrong and this confirms it.
I completely reinstalled GIMP 2.8 and put Andrew's Script (found here: URL....) into "C/USER/ADMIN/GIMP 2.8/SCRIPTS" (I'm stuck with Windows Vista Home Premium) running on an Acer laptop. Now the "Opacity" and "Brush Size" sliders have shown up where they're supposed to have been on the first install.
My middle mouse wheel used to control brush size - I recently reinstalled my updated Logitech mouse drivers and I'll bet if I go to "Setpoint" in my system tray, I'll be able to configure the mouse wheel from there. That's where I had to go in order to fix the tilt control in Google Earth after I updated the mouse drivers.
I just installed GIMP 2.8, with Andrew's GIMP Script FU and now I can't find the brush opacity slider anywhere (EDIT: Or the brush/eraser/pencil etc SIZE slider - there also appears to be no way to set my middle mouse wheel as the controller for the brush size). I've used GIMP for awhile and I know how to move around but I'm not very good with it.
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).
I have a corrupt version or if there's a setting I'm not aware of. When I try to change the size of my canvas on screen (zoom in or out) but don't want to take the time to select the magnifying glass tool, I typically just type a percentage in the small percentage box lower left corner of my canvas.Sometimes this works fine. Sometimes it doesn't and it actually changes the opacity of whatever layer I'm on instead?? I don't want it to serve this function. I can change opacity in my layers pallette. How can I turn this function off?
I'm trying to put a watermark on an image using the opacity bar for the text. However, the text remains 100% opaque until I get down to 50% opacity, at which point it completely disappears. I thought there may be something wrong with the text layer (not sure if that's the right term.. layers and paths, etc. are all new to me), so I tried it with other tools such as the eraser and the same problem occurs. Is there a bug in my program or am I just really new at this?