I have compiled a gif animation in ImageReady, but even with the delay set as 0sec, the output runs slow. When I preview the animation in the program, it runs fast, but as soon as I saved it, it becomes slow again.
For some reason when I scrub through my animation, it runs really slow. And it has nothing to do with my computer itself. It is the particular file. I tested this by opening up one of my others (i saved in iterations) and they all scrub just fine. All I was doing was animating with a rig, so there isnt any extra polygons or whatever. And on top of that, it worked just fine before I exited the program earlier, I even playblasted it and everything, and then I looked at the playblast later and decided I wanted to change something, reopened the file, and the timeline has been chugging ever since. I tried opening and closing maya already.
Could you peeps offer any suggestions on what this problem could be with my pc? In the last few days my system as really slowed down to the point of stopping. I have 1gb ram and 140gb hd, p4 and top graphics card. i`m running norton av to check. If anybody thinks they know what the prob could be please do get in touch.
I recently upgraded my Mac Pro 1,1 with the following:
CPU Upgrade to 2 x 2.66GHz Quad Core RAM Upgrade to 14GB GFX Upgrade to ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024mb VRAM
Everything seems fine. My temperatures are normal and things are seemingly speedy.My problem is that Photoshop CS6 seems to run a little slow. I'm only working on web files (72dpi) that are yes, sometimes quite long in length (5000px high), but that has never been an issue.
Some problems I've noticed:When I click to edit text, it may take 2 seconds before I can start editing itWhen I scroll upwards it chugs a littleIf I grab an object/shape and drag it around too quick, it might lag a little
Same system... CS6 runs perfectly fine, close it, then load CC, not even workable. Close CC and reload CS6 and it runs fine...
Is CC really that much more hardware dependent? I feel like the issue is software related and has nothing to do with my machine... My Machine isn't some kind of powerhouse, but it does have 8gb of ram, and again, no real issues with CS6...
My PS one day outa the blue just started to lag im thinking of reinstalling but before I do that, I have a question. setting up PS for your puter to have PS run smoother or just not lag.......talking about PS7
Is this happening with anyone else? I am running Bridge and it is WAAAAY slow, sometimes 15 seconds to bring up an image from the film strip view. Tagged a couple with a green tag and it's taking forever. Nothing like cs2 that runs great.
Also, right after I installed CS3, I found "mDNSResponder.exe" on my hard drive.
I installed Photoshop Extended CS4 64bit. I opened a 24mb PSD file, there is some text with some outer glow when I move it I get redraw. CS4 just feels sluggish compared to CS3. My system is not that bad, e6600, 4GB, 8800GTS 640, Vista Home Premium x64.
I have updated to the latest drivers for my GPU. I am considering just a reformat and install.
Periodically I am having problems selecting text! I will select my text tool and go to edit text and the type tool changes back to the selection tool. I have to fiddle around an click on different layers then go back to the type tool and then it will start working. I am not the only person in my company who switched to CS6 and is experiencing issues with this new program running slow. Switing from layer folders also causes thing to freeze up. I am running off a Mac Book pro with OS Lion 10.7.4. I uploaded CS6 just over a week ago.I only used the CS5.5 trial version so there should not be a conflicting problem with a CS6 trial version.
I'm new to the animation aspect of 3Ds Max and I have a running cycle that is stationary but would like to figure out how to get it to move forward? I didn't use Footsteps in the Motion Panel to have a base to work with and modify it. What are my options? I have the weekend off from work to mess with it and if I have to do the hard part of moving the biped forward myself, I'll do so. Would I be able to create Footsteps and attach them to my biped with the animation I have? Or is there a system, option, etc. that I should set up in the beginning before animating that would allow me to move the feet and the rest would follow using the biped?
I'm working with a 2.73G PSB file that will be printed in a large format printer and eventually end up as a vinyl wrap for a cargo trailer. I've never worked with a Photoshop document this large but from what I've read, PSB's can be up to 4G.
When I open the file, photoshop goes through the trouble of loading the file (the progress bar loads all the way) but when it trys to actually open the document, I get a message from Windows that the program has encountered a problem and has to be closed. At an early stage of working on the document, when the file was less intense with layers and blending modes, the file would open but crash when saving.
The funny thing is that my co-worker runs a MAC with lower specs than mine and the file opens and seems to run stably. I'm thinking it could be a RAM issue but according to CC spec's my machine should work fine?
On my machine, I'm running:
Windows 7 - Service Pack1 Intel Core i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz 1.60 8.00 GB (2.98 GB usable) 32 Bit
I've also read that to access your full RAM's capability you have to be running 64 bit but I'm not sure about this?
Our company purchased two brand new computers and upgraded to Map 3d 2011 and it has resulted in major time lag and running slow issues. We use a 15mb city map as are main drawing file and in AutoCad Map 2004 it runs smoothly. After the upgrade thing are running very poorly. Selecting and deleting files that could be done in seconds in 2004 now can takes a 1/2 hour. The program also seems to get stuck periodical on a selected item , requiring restart. We have upgraded all the drivers and I have tried several different display drivers. I have saved the map as a 2011 file and I have repaired it. I have tried upgrading to Map 2012 but the problems persist.
I am trying to work out a plan in Autocad and it goes so slowly. The slowest of all actions I do is always drawing a simple line. No other program is running on my laptop.
When I save any work I have completed to my desktop or to a server I get a response that my Illsutrator is not responding. Eventually it saves the document but it takes a very long time to do so.I have cleared my cache and mediabrowser.
I used X3 on a very low grade business computer at my last job and it worked flawlessly, now I have a stacked HP system with X4 and it runs doggie. I notice it most when cropping bitmaps with the node edit tool. I will get an hour glass (blue ring) when I do this.
Is my illustrator running slow? I have an i7 3770K, 16gb ram, gtx 660i 2g, h100i, ax1200i and maximus formula v. I'm running dual 24" 1920x1080 monitors. File size is 800x600 pixals with 5 layers and 100+ paths in each layer. Is the program running slow because the file is too big or is there a problem with illustrator?
Have recently upgraded to corel 11, from 9, but at the same time upgraded my computer.
When I try to plot a simple circle shape on my Roland CM24 the image cuts twice and is extremely slow (juddering).
I believe the double cut is caused by the hairline & fill but messing around have only gone from double cutting each shape individually to do double cutting the whole image.
My company has upgraded to AutoCAD 2012 on VDE but CAD seems to be running a bit slow/sluggish. Is there any settings I should tweak in order to improve performance?
I'm a contractor, I've created a really impressive form-driven assembly containing various iLogic rules. However, as i add more rules it is beginning to slow down (increase rule processing time). Should I suggest upgrading to 64-bit and increasing RAM?..could be costly with no increase in performance.
In Videostudio X4 pro - can I insert a NORMAL slow vertical ticker (without any stupid effects) inside my running Video. I try this now for hours, but it is impossible.
im currently using Autocad 2013 and it is running painfully slow when drawing lines and copying lines and objects... my experience on autocad is very minimal and how to speed things up a bit. also icons appear next to lines when i join 2 or more line, one for each join, but i suspect they may also be causing my drawing to lag.
One of our employees logs in remotely to a local PC running Revit via terminal services so that all work is done on the local network. The employee is acting through screenshots. All worked well using 2009 Revit or Architecture on XP machines. However, we added new faster Windows 7 machines with 2012 products. The PCs are all 64 bit with 16g RAM and a 22mb internet connection.
i created an animation for my index page of an already existing website. i tried to "publish settings" but app would not allow me to publish to my directory however it did allow me to "publish". when i uploaded the files to my server, only the splash image came up but the rest of the animation did not run. what am i doing wrong?
So i've rigged some characters for a school project. Now when I start animating it's fine, but when I've animated a bit (3-4 key poses) and I want to adjust things in the curve editor, the curve editor is really slow. Can take up to 3 min to adjust a block of keys.
Now the scene it self is running ok, and I'm using proxy meshes to get more speed, so I guess the problem is in the rig. Is there any way to trouble-shoot my rig, and optimize it to gain more speed?
I am looking to slow down my animation between frames. Is the only way to slow it down by adding additional layers? There is two slides that I have rotating, but they are moving too fast and I would like to slow it down. I have a limit of 250KB and if I add any more layers I'm up to my limit.I have a gif file as the background and the two rotating slides are text....
I have an animation of a wine glass breaking. I simulated it using mass FX and particle flow. I will import it to After Effects, add finishing touches and render out a super slow mo clip like you would see on Discovery HD or Time Warp. In essence, I want it to look like it was shot on a high speed camera.
I tried a test render out of max at 960 fps and importing into AE at 25fps but the results aren't quite white I want.
My question is, what frame rate do I render the animation out inside 3ds max and what frame rate do I import/interpret it in After Effects?