Photoshop :: Filename Character Limit?

Feb 12, 2008

I've got an action that takes a file and spits it out to gif and jpeg, but when it does so it clips the filename of the original psd if its over like 29 or 30 characters (for example: "31character_long_filename_blahblah.psd" becomes something like "31character_long_filename_bl.jpg" after export).

One blog I read said disable the Mac OS 9 option in the flyout menu of the Save for Web Output Settings Dialog box, but it was already unchecked/disabled (though Unix is checked). Does anyone know if there's some way to get Photoshop to allow more than ~30 characters for a jpeg or gif filename?

This problem occurs in Windows, Photoshop CS2, on a standard office Dell. I'm pretty positive it's not a Windows problem because the original psds that have long file names are not being clipped. Only exported jpegs and gifs are being clipped.

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Photoshop :: In CS2 Typed Character Doesn't Display Until Another Character Typed

Aug 31, 2013

In Photoshop 8 (CS2) a typed character doesn't display until another character is typed or until I leave the text layer.

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Photoshop :: Changing The Filename

Jul 30, 2009

I couldn't find any tips with regards to how to use a "syntax" to rename the file just before "saving as" or "saving for web" options in PS.To understand what I'm trying to achieve, please let me describe the case on the example below:I have the file "picture.jpg" (1024x768)What I'm trying to do is:- Resize the image down to size 800x600- Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_large.jpg"- Resize the image again, this time down to size 600x480- Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_medium.jpg"So after the first step in my action I need to add the suffix "_large" and after the third step I need to add the suffix "_medium".

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Photoshop :: Printing Filename

Aug 21, 2006

I need to print a bunch of images with files names and automate the whole thing. I've been having trouble setting up a batch job to do this.

I have 5 directories with 13 sub directories with 33 .tiff's in each. They are bigger than letter size paper, so I'd like to scale them to fit, and print them all with the file name at the bottom.

I messed around with contact sheet 2 and it resizes the images fine and puts the file name at the bottom, but I can't find a convenient way to print them. I don't need to do the whole project, but printing each sub folder at once would be nice. Is there anyway to print everything open in the workspace?

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Photoshop :: 2 GB Limit

Dec 24, 2006

I've had PS 7.01 for a while now, been running it on a 1GB ram machine with no problems and I'm about to upgrade to a puter with 4GB, however i recall hearing a while ago that PS can only recognice 2GB ram, will this mean that i will have problems running PS7 ?

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Photoshop :: Is There A Limit?

Feb 19, 2009

to the number of Brushes , Actions , Gradients you can have in Photoshop CS3?? I have noticed that not ALL my brushes/actions show when I try to use them? Is there some where to fix or adjust the number that show?

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Photoshop :: Adding Filename To The Image

Feb 25, 2006

to add the filename to the image; i.e. print it within the picture, in a way OTHER than using Picture Package?

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Photoshop :: Activation Limit

Jul 2, 2008

Recently I became aware that PhotoShop CS3 has a limit of activation / deactivation. I have always supported companies in fighting unauthorized use of software and in fact lost my job and was out of work for a year after refusing to pirate software for clients. This stand has cost me greatly in personal finance due to being out of work and it angers me to know of companies using software without a license. Even when I reported the issues it seems no action gets taken which I guess is due to the small sizes. Thankfully I now have a new job at a place that follows my belief of requiring licensed usage of software.

Being a network engineer I am always tinkering with my home computer and testing out new software. This means that I run betas, release candidates and even demos as a part of my profession. Consequently this has me needing to wipe out the hard drive from time to time. I always thought of the Adobe activation method as the best as it allowed one to deactivate the product prior to having a reload as the best way to go as it allowed the person to not have the hassles with reactivation. Also to keep within the license I have PhotoShop install on my office computer so that I may do work with web images from time to time. To ensure that nobody at the office uses my PhotoShop I have been deactivation it and removing the key.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Could Not Print (filename) Due To Program Error

Apr 30, 2013

I keep getting message in cs3 "could not print (filename) due to program error!" why?

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Photoshop :: CS 5.5 - Could Not Save (filename) Because File Is Locked

Sep 20, 2013

  We have a few iMacs here all running 10.8.4 - we have PhotoShop CS 5.5 and all the artwork etc is saved on a shared server ( Windows 2008 r2)   and we are forever getting these problems......
Only in photoshop we get the following error message......
"Could not save [filename] because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privilege. Use the 'Get info' command in the finder to unlock the file or change permissions on the file or enclosing folders"

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Photoshop :: CS6 Could Not Save (filename) Because File Is Locked?

Feb 6, 2013

For many years I have been edit photo montages in Premiere Pro. When I would find a photo that needs retouching so I would open Photoshop, retouch the pic, save it, and the new image would magically appear on the PPro timeline. But in my CS6 suite, I get the error message "Could not save "filename" because file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file". 

And this only happens when PPro is still open, regardless of where the CTI is on the timeline, or which pic on the timeline is selected. I never had this problem with any other versions of PPro and Photoshop. I don't want to shut down PPro everytime I need to retouch a pic.

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Photoshop :: BRIDGE, How To Show Filename With Thumbnail

Apr 17, 2006

I lost my program [C] drive and am in the process of reloading everything including CS2 and Bridge. I can't remember or find where I cause the fle names to show under the thumbnails. I hope some body out there has a better memory than me.

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Photoshop Elements :: Import Different Photos With Same Filename?

May 7, 2013

I just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and want to use the PSE 11 Organizer to manage my photos.  I currently have about 45,000 photos on my harddrive organized in folders.  The filenames of the photos in these folders are whatever the default naming convention is for my camera - IMG_00001.jpg etc.  So you can imagine that the possibility of having the same filename for different photos is quite high.
My problem is that when I want to import all these photos into PSE 11 I get an error saying there are duplicate photos and the duplicates are not being imported.  I have a lot of these conflicts and I can't seem to find any option to allow the files to be imported.  Are there any workarounds to this issue that don't involve manually renaming all the conflicting files?  What are my options here?

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Photoshop Elements :: Sequence Photos By Filename In 11?

Dec 10, 2012

After I download my photos & I have them in a file folder in the organizer, how do I sequence & sort the photos by the filename & not the date/time? I try renaming some of them so that the file name is in an alphanumeric order between some other photos & hope that it moves them in the organizer, but it doesn't. No matter what I do, the photos remain in the date-time sequence. I was able to move the files very easily in Ver 8, but it doesn't work the same in Ver 11.

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Photoshop :: Limit Number Of Colors Used

Aug 18, 2012

I have created a design for a t-shirt competition. I have not read till now that you are only allowed to use a maximum of 8 colours in you design!! Trouble is that I do not know how many colours I have actually used :/I have read blogs on how to convert the colours by saving the file as a giff as well as posterising which all seem to make my work look like a waste of time..

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Photoshop :: Increase History Log Limit

Jun 8, 2012

In CS4, I could have as many undo as I liked, while there only seems to be a default of 20 in CS5 and CS6, or maybe I just can't find how to increase this limit.

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Photoshop :: 2 GB File Limit Exceeded

Sep 30, 2013

Why does the warning panel tell us we have exceeded the 2 GB file size limit for psd and go see the help files, instead of saying, "save using Large Document Format"?

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Photoshop :: Batch File Limit

Sep 9, 2008

What is the maximum number of files you can open when using batch-processing?

I need to process more then 100.000 files one by one. The files are stored in a folder structure. I try Automate -> Batch -> Source: Folder, but it will not start with the first image.

Are there other solutions (Scripting, Bridge, more memory maybe)?

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Photoshop :: How To Paste Copied Filename Into Save As Window

Sep 20, 2012

I am used to copying filenames into the save as window ... it is more accurate and mroe efficient than typing them.  When I upgraded to CS1 and CS3, I can not do this, either on Snow Leopard or on Win7.  How do I regain the ability to do this?

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Photoshop :: Couldn't Save File Name Because Filename Was Not Valid

Jun 17, 2012

I have recently purchased a new desktop under WIN 7 as well as Adobe Creative Suite CS6.My first internal hard disk is 2 TB, the second one installed is from my old PC, 250 GB.
I am getting this error when trying to save a file over an existing file using the “Save” command.The message is wrong, because the filename IS valid. This error is persistent.This error does not occur when doing the same action on my second internal hard disk.This error happens on files larger than about 1MB in weight.
What happens is that the original file over which I try to do the ”Save” command gets corrupted and lost.If I don't use the “Save as” command to save my work under a different name, my work is lost.The same problem occurs with both PS CS6 versions, 64 Bit and 32 Bit.

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Photoshop :: How To Add Logo/filename To The Image, As A Separate Layer

Aug 30, 2006

way to automate the process of adding my company name and most important file name to the image. What I want to do is, before sending a preview to the client, to put my company logo and name of the file directly on the image, let's say in the right and left lower corner of the image. My clients usually want to print the images and have the file name right in front of them so that after they choose the image they can tell me which of the versions/files they like, without going back to computer and looking for the file name there.

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Photoshop Elements :: Find By Filename Ignores Underscores?

Nov 2, 2012

My camera creates files like IMG_3456.CR2 and MVI_3457.AVI. I want to find all the files that have a pattern like "_345" in the name but when I search with Find>By Filename in PSE 11/Win the underscore is ignored. Why? How do I limit the search to just these files?
I want to find names like this because they do not necessarily appear near one another when sorted by date because PSE sorts the CR2 files by the date shot but the AVI files have some other date, perhaps when I copied the file off my flash card.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Sort By Filename In Organizer 11

Dec 8, 2012

I notice that in PSE11 Organiser, it is not possible to sort images by "filename".  As this is such a fundamental feature in any file manager, I assume that this must be an oversight and not intentional. 

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Photoshop :: Limit Of Reframing With Rotation Stops In 0,6 °

Oct 1, 2013

I read on this forum that more than a year ago that this subject had already been approached here about CS6, without any proposed solution, and it continues with CC:- The limit of reframing with rotation stops in 0,6 ° - what was not the case of CS5- This limitation returns impracticable CC, in particular during treatment  of reproduction of picture..I find that products CC bring me more inconvenience than profits. I believe that I am going to return to the previous version and to delete  my subscription to Cloud (the same kind  of unpleasant surprises with Dreamwaever !)

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Photoshop :: Way To Posterize And Limit Image To 3 Spots?

Mar 22, 2013

I need to turn a B&W photo into screen print art without using a line screen (just block colours) - essentially I'm creating a 3 colour black and white images using:

- PANTONE 4625 C
- PANTONE Warm Gray 6 C
- PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C
Using a bunch of techniques (unsharp mask, tritone and posterize) I have line art that looks  great with a posterize level of 4. But I've noticed that Photoshop is using my Tritone colours to mix itself an extra tone - and if I switch to a level of 3, Photoshop chooses to remove the level that PANTONE Warm Gray 1 C uses which deletes all the highlight detail.
Is there a way I can specify colours that Posterize  uses?Or is there a different approch I can use to split the tones into the ones in the Tritone?
I've tried playing with the curves in the Tritone window to try and influence the colours photoshop uses (so no colour mixing) but maybe I need to somehow save the Tritone layers into the channels pallate?

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Photoshop :: How Do I Limit The Information In EXIF Data

Apr 14, 2009

When I upload jpg files that have been saved in photoshop CS3 to my account on Flickr, an excessive amount of information appears in the exif data. In particular, there is a list of every time that I have edited and saved the file. How can I eliminate this information?

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Photoshop :: File Size Limit On Photomerge?

Aug 20, 2008

Im getting not enough memory (RAM) error messages attempting to photomerge or auto-align large images. Any other filter or tool that I need works just fine on these size files. Neither tweaking CS3 preferences (as has been discussed rather thoroughly on this forum) nor toggling the 3 GB switch under XP (my PC has 4 GB ram and >200 GB scratch) helped. Given optimal settings, what are the upper dimensions that I might reasonably expect to photomerge, either under XP or Vista 64? If its not unheard of to photomerge and auto align huge files, Id upgrade my system. Otherwise, Ill plan the upgrade and wait for CS4.

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Photoshop Elements :: Limit Size Of Any Picture

Sep 28, 2012

Any time I try to print a picture I get a purple frame which limits the size of any picture to 5X7. How do I remove this frame?

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Photoshop Elements :: PSE 9 Activation Limit Reached

Oct 8, 2013

Purchased PSE 9 via ebay. Arrived OK complete package. Installed with no problems, but today it came up with "Activation Limit reached".

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Photoshop Elements :: Is There A Limit To Size Of Catalog In PE6

Mar 13, 2013

Is there a limit to the size of the catalog in PE6. My Catalog is approaching 178 MB and thumbs cache is nearing 1.5GB. The Organizer Keyword mapping function is responding very sluggish even after performed a Catalog repair and optimization.

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Photoshop Elements :: Search For File With Part Of Filename In Given Folder?

Nov 23, 2013

How can I search for a file with part of a filename in a given folder?
Or can I change the columns in Advanced Search so that the heading is filename?

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