Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Sort By Filename In Organizer 11
Dec 8, 2012
I notice that in PSE11 Organiser, it is not possible to sort images by "filename". As this is such a fundamental feature in any file manager, I assume that this must be an oversight and not intentional.
How can I sort the files by filename in Media view in Elements Organizer 11?
I know I can do this in Windows Explorer, but it's important that I be able to do this in PSE, because I have a lot of files, and managing them is getting time-consuming.
I have tried numerous times to turn off the facial recognition in Elements Organsiser 10 but the "who is this" boxes keep coming up. why this will not turn off.
I am using the trial version of Photoshop Elements 12 that I just downloaded and installed. I'm trying to sign into Elements Mobile Albums- I put in my adobe ID and password and click "sign in" but nothing happens- the login spinner runs but no error message comes up and it doesn't log in.
I've setup and added pictures to my Revel account (there are a few hundred now). I can access them fine via the web, iPhone, or Mac app. I have nothing in the Organizer except some system mp3s that it found.
If I put in the wrong password, it gives me an error, so it's not entirely broken. I tried the "trouble signing in" link and reset my password, but no change.I'm running on OSX Mavericks. I've not tried any other platforms.
I am unable to import pictures from an iPhone into a fresh install of Elements Organizer 12 which was installed on a brand new installation of Maverics on our iMac. I receive a nasty looking error. Are there any known issues? I would think there would have to be known issues as both my Organizer installation and Mavericks version is freshly installed.
Organizer starts searching for missing files. files that i have deleted, and the programme just keep on forever searching for those already deleted files. When i try to turn off that function, the organizer just stops. Running the program on Imac 2010.
All my pictures are in folders by date, not by events...! How can I create virtual folders (like albums in PSP) to group photos from same occasion but from different folders?
How do I transfer the entire organizer of Elements 9 to the empty organizer in Elements 12? By the way, Elements 9 is so defective, it will not even let me back up my organizer in 9. The 9 organizer would let me select a photo, bring it into the editor, print it and then it would crash... then I had to start all over again... the darn thing crashes as it was prone to problems that adobe ignored. Is it better to just re-load all the photos from a fresh folder that is on my desktop? There are 5,000 !
I'm using PE9. Every time I go to the Organizer (even after switching to another program briefly) the Update box appears, searching Watched Folders for new pics. It always finds them, frequently the same, imports them and then tells me they're already in the Organizer. During this process, which may last 5-15 minutes, I can't use the program.
I am using AutoCAD 2012. I’ve come to realize that my Sheet Set command won’t work, as I cannot get any sheet sets to open. When I select a sheet and try and open it, nothing happens at all.
Also, I did get an error message when trying to create a new sheet set, “Unable to create sheet set file: *filename*”
I am unable to fill objects with any sort of hatch in my current drawing. Other drawings are fine, but in this one, nothing will hatch, either form the tool palettes option or from the hatch menu.
I just installed Photoshop Elements 11 and want to use the PSE 11 Organizer to manage my photos. I currently have about 45,000 photos on my harddrive organized in folders. The filenames of the photos in these folders are whatever the default naming convention is for my camera - IMG_00001.jpg etc. So you can imagine that the possibility of having the same filename for different photos is quite high.
My problem is that when I want to import all these photos into PSE 11 I get an error saying there are duplicate photos and the duplicates are not being imported. I have a lot of these conflicts and I can't seem to find any option to allow the files to be imported. Are there any workarounds to this issue that don't involve manually renaming all the conflicting files? What are my options here?
After I download my photos & I have them in a file folder in the organizer, how do I sequence & sort the photos by the filename & not the date/time? I try renaming some of them so that the file name is in an alphanumeric order between some other photos & hope that it moves them in the organizer, but it doesn't. No matter what I do, the photos remain in the date-time sequence. I was able to move the files very easily in Ver 8, but it doesn't work the same in Ver 11.
My camera creates files like IMG_3456.CR2 and MVI_3457.AVI. I want to find all the files that have a pattern like "_345" in the name but when I search with Find>By Filename in PSE 11/Win the underscore is ignored. Why? How do I limit the search to just these files?
I want to find names like this because they do not necessarily appear near one another when sorted by date because PSE sorts the CR2 files by the date shot but the AVI files have some other date, perhaps when I copied the file off my flash card.
i'm a hobby sports photographer. I shot lots of fast series. After an import into organizer pics with same time stamp are arranged in random order so the series get mangled. It is no fun to bring back the correct sequence by hand for hundereds of pictures. Slideshows, Video etc. are senseless.
A simple "sort by name" would solve this. So, how to sort by name?
In previous PSE(8/9/10), after change to folder view in EO, the files/Photo in folder selected will be sorted automatically by name, but I cannot sort by other methods (no [Sort By]).
However, in PSE11, folder view has gone. I can sort by Newest, Oldest and Import Batch. but I want to know how can I do auto-sort-by-name?
I recently upgraded to PSE 11 from PSE 9. I actually did this by buying a new comptuer and putting PSE 11 on the new computer. I used the Windows File and settings transfer wizard to move all my files to the new comptuer. So inside MyPictures folders, they are in the same location as in the old comptuer. But when I soft by date order, it sorts by the date of the file (which seems to be random based on when windows copied the file to the new comptuer) instead of the created date.
Furthermore, on the old comptuer, in PSE9, i set the date and time of each picture so it would be right. This seemed to set the created date (which was missing for a lot of my scans or was the date of the scan) and made the PSE9 organizer sort them correctly. Seriously, are people expected to do that months of work again every time they move to a new computer? or am I suppose to have tell my wife, "deal with seeing your kid's pictures in random order -- Adobe thinks that is best."
Is there a way to set all the timestamps in windows to the created date of the picture in one swoop?
Using PSE 11. I am trying to sort my photos in order Newest first. I select Sort by: Newest and they are sorted in newest DATE order but within each date they are sorted on oldest time order, which seems odd... how can I get PSE to sort so that Newest is based on date and time?
I want to sort the photos in an album into date sequence, that is to say, oldest first. I want to keep the photos in the organiser in newest first sequence (I don't want that photo from zillions of years ago top of the list every time I open the organiser).
I can see "Sort by" at the top but that seems to apply to the selection of photos I have showing on the screen and does not appear to be an attribute that can be attached to an album. So if I select "Oldest" as the sort order, that works nicely for the album but then I go back to the organiser and it's in oldest first order. Not what I want. So I select "Newest", then go back to the album and the "oldest" sequence has been lost.
It was really easy in PSE8. It appears that what I am trying to do is impossible and Adobe have dropped the ability to associate a sequence with an album.
Incidentally, what does "Album order" mean? That implies that it is possible to set an album order somewhere.
The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success.