Photoshop :: Couldn't Save File Name Because Filename Was Not Valid
Jun 17, 2012
I have recently purchased a new desktop under WIN 7 as well as Adobe Creative Suite CS6.My first internal hard disk is 2 TB, the second one installed is from my old PC, 250 GB.
I am getting this error when trying to save a file over an existing file using the “Save” command.The message is wrong, because the filename IS valid. This error is persistent.This error does not occur when doing the same action on my second internal hard disk.This error happens on files larger than about 1MB in weight.
What happens is that the original file over which I try to do the ”Save” command gets corrupted and lost.If I don't use the “Save as” command to save my work under a different name, my work is lost.The same problem occurs with both PS CS6 versions, 64 Bit and 32 Bit.
So, I tried opening this document that was originally created on a Mac. I'm running photoshop on PC (windows 8, CS6). I keep getting this error message on many of the docs that my friend created on his mac.
"Could not complete your request because it is not a valid photoshop document"..I've checked the document extensions.
I just upgraded from CS5 to CS6 and for the most part love it. I have run into a very serious problem when it comes to saving. I am on Mac 10.6.8 and have a server that I save all my files too. In CS6 anytime I try to save something to the server's HDD I get the error below,
"Could not save as “avi_horizontal_logo.jpg” because the file name was not valid"
Now, the file name is valid, obviously. I can load the file into cs6 but whenever I try to save over or as a copy I get this error. I still have CS5 installed and have gone back and verified that I can save files to my server via CS5 since coming across the error in CS6. Additionally I have no problems saving to my server via Illustrator or In design
This issue is not occurring on one version on only one workstation either. I have both Design Premium (on 2 computers) and Design Standard (on 1) and all three are replicating this issue but the issue is non-existent in CS5.
We have a few iMacs here all running 10.8.4 - we have PhotoShop CS 5.5 and all the artwork etc is saved on a shared server ( Windows 2008 r2) and we are forever getting these problems......
Only in photoshop we get the following error message......
"Could not save [filename] because the file is locked or you do not have the necessary access privilege. Use the 'Get info' command in the finder to unlock the file or change permissions on the file or enclosing folders"
For many years I have been edit photo montages in Premiere Pro. When I would find a photo that needs retouching so I would open Photoshop, retouch the pic, save it, and the new image would magically appear on the PPro timeline. But in my CS6 suite, I get the error message "Could not save "filename" because file is locked, you do not have necessary access permissions, or another program is using the file".
And this only happens when PPro is still open, regardless of where the CTI is on the timeline, or which pic on the timeline is selected. I never had this problem with any other versions of PPro and Photoshop. I don't want to shut down PPro everytime I need to retouch a pic.
Saving a Photoshop file as a PDF for emailing to someone else has always been complicated by the number of choices to be made, and now it's become impossible. Every time I try it now, I get this message, and I have to send a jpeg instead. I've tried different files, trashed the PS prefs, tried different settings in the dialog box that pops up after I hit "save", but it is no longer possible to save a PS file as a PDF. Every single file I try to save has "a program error", for some reason. how to save a PS file as a PDF.
If I uncheck the 'maximum compatibility' mode, the file size is 48.7MB. If the 'maximum compatibility' is checked, then it cannot save the document at all giving me an error message about it being larger than 2 GB.
I need to send this file into a printer and I cannot guarantee what version of photshop they are using, so I want maximum compatibility to make sure they can open it.
We were using Photoshop CS3 and decided to upgrade to version CS6. However, several times, to save images and if they are in network storage or servers, the message that you can not save them, because of a program error.
When I first installed Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was unable to run Photoshop or Bridge CS6. Photoshop would give me an error about "could not open a scratch file because the file is locked. If I ran either of these programs as an administrator they would run without issue, this led me to believe that there was a permission issue somewhere. After some digging I found out the both Bridge and Photoshop try to create a temp file (similiar to Photoshop Temp2777223910092) on the c: drive of the computer. In my case the user that I was logged in with did not have access to write to the root of the C: drive. Note that you run the program as the administrator and change the scratch disk location as that changes the preference for the administrator user and not the user that you are currently logged in as.
I first had to give the user that I was logged on with write permissions to the root of the C: drive. Next try and run Photoshop, you will get an error another error about the scratch disk and about and invalid or missing setting file. To correct this you need to have run Photoshop as an administrator, next you can go to Users AdminAppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and copy Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs and/or Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs to Users<your logged in username>AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.
I was trying to spare some room on my C: drive so when I went to save for web last time, I decided to save the images and html on D: drive instead of C:. Ever since then, when I go to save for web I get this error message: "Could not complete this operation. The directory name is not valid". I even uninstalled PS and reinstalled it to see if the factory default settings might override whatever I screwed up!
I am used to copying filenames into the save as window ... it is more accurate and mroe efficient than typing them. When I upgraded to CS1 and CS3, I can not do this, either on Snow Leopard or on Win7. How do I regain the ability to do this?
Have some photos of a warehouse fire in Plymouth Indiana. Files were saved as .jpg Can't get them to open.
One message is "Pain't cannot read this file. This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is not currently supported." Couldn’t display DSC-0023.jpg because a suitable graphics importer could not be found.
Elements11: Trying to make a photo collage, but get the message : "Could not complete your request because the file was not a valid frame file". What does that mean? I follow the instructions given how to make a collage, but it comes to a halt when I try to import the pictures to the collage.
I've got a catalog that work fine in LR4.4, but when I try to upgrade them to LR5 I get the error, "Lightroom couldn't update the format of its catalog file because the file appears to be damaged." The catalogs aren't damaged as they work perfectly in LR4.4. I urgently need to update them to a new mac with LR5.
I'd like to change the filename of a part before it's first save.The code would look somewhat like below.
Private Sub m_appEvents_OnNewDocument( _ByVal DocumentObject As Inventor._Document, _ByVal BeforeOrAfter As Inventor.EventTimingEnum, _ByVal Context As Inventor.NameValueMap, _ByRef HandlingCode As Inventor.HandlingCodeEnum) _Handles m_appEvents.OnNewDocumentDim oDoc As Inventor.DocumentDim Name1 As String = "New Filename...."oDoc = DocumentObjectoDoc = oDocoDoc.PropertySets("Design Tracking Properties").Item("Part Number").Value = Name1oDoc.DisplayName = Name1oDoc.FullFileName = Name1.
The code partly works when opening a template but doesn;t work when create a an in place component or frame generated part? What do I need to modify to catch and change the filename before it's saved?
in Autocad 2012 whenever I want to make a PDF from a DWG I use the Autocad builtin DWG to PDF, but it wont suggest the filename anymore. When I use pdfcreator is will suggest the filename, but i dont have the correct paper sizes,
Is it me or is 'save for web' totally broken in Illustrator CS6, when saving a file with a space in the filename? First it says the file already exists (whether or not this is the case) and when I click 'replace' it just doesn't do anything. Tried with different files, even after relaunching Illustrator.
Temp. Drive Full, File Copy Error?I got this error in CDR XIII. I have checked my Temp Drive Folder in C: I have sufficient space in hard drive but this error occuring again & again & I could not save my hard working graphic files.
I am using Paintshop Pro X2. I've created a script that goes something like this.
1. Save original size as jpg in folder 1. 2. Resize 50% 3. Save as jpg in folder 2. 4. Resize 100x77 5. Save as jpg in folder 3. 6. Close file.
Everything works great except for one thing. During the save as operations the script remembers the original file names from when I record the script. Is it possible to replace that old static file name in the script with the file name of the current image?
Whenever I want to save my DWG to PDF I use the builtin pc3 from Autodesk. Normally when I use it, the filename of the dwg is suggested as name for the pdf. But now this is empty and when you have to save 20-30 pdfs a day this is a pain to type over the names everytime. When I use PDFcreator however, it does suggest the name correct, but then I dont have the correct paper sizes.
I have Photoshop Elements 10. It worked until I upgraded to Mountain Lion.Now when I try to open it, I get two error messages: 1: "Could not open a scratch file because the disk is not available." 2: "Could not initialize Photoshop Elements because the disk is not available."
and i would want the outcome to be: variable.dwg, rather than filename.dwg. I have tried numerous different ways of doing this with command prompt and cant seem to get anything to stick. Everything that works just creates a file named "filename.dwg", which is not what i want to do.
I tried to launch Photoshop cc, but this time instead of lauching, it stated this "could not complete your request the internal file signature is incorrect". I have used this program many times and now it has stopped working.
An application that will let me choose a group of Drawing files (.idw) and perform "Save Copy As" to a PDF format on them. The Filename of each Drawing should be extracted from a custom Parameter I embeded in the IDW file.
I know I can use the Task Manager with a virtual PDF Printer to create these files, but then the PDF Filename will equal the IDW Filename, and I want it to be derived from the custom parameter I prepared inside the drawings.
When using save copy as to make an identical part with a different number, the file name in the top and the browser doesn't update to the new filenumber. only in the bottom file tabs is the name correct. if I go to file> save as I can also see the new filename. This is a hassle when doing this to multiple files in an assembly, as it makes it hard to keep track of which parts have been given a new name. It seems the filename input in the browser is only written once, and that is when the first file was saved for the first time.
I'm trying to add some efficiencies to larger projects buy reducing the number of steps required to export to pdf. I'm looking to add a custom file name to the string.
From: 20131006_KK_Brochure_v1.pdf
To: 20131006_KK_Brochure_v1_OUTLINES_PRINT.pdf
However, I'm experiencing problems with the following code that I have modified. The below code is adding "_OUTLINES_PRINT" as a prefix, rather than a suffix.
function getTargetFile(docName, ext, destFolder) { var newName = "_OUTLINES_PRINT"; if (docName.indexOf('.') < 0) { newName = docName + ext;
We have three old drawings (saved in the year 2009) that we are trying to open with AutoCAD 2013 and we keep getting the message "Drawing File is not valid".
I have done the following:
Files do have a file size. Sometimes, files have 0 KB size, but not these ones.
We tried to open the files using AutoCAD 2013, AutoCAD Architecture 2012 and DWG TrueView (downloaded today!) and in all instances we get the same message.
We tried recovering and the message is "unable to recover the drawing file"
We tried inserting as a block and, in the command line we get "...was created by an incompatible version of AutoCAD *Invalid*" Again, the file is genuinely older than our current AutoCAD.
I have edited my video using after effects. I have been unable to export my file to youtube using a valid file name. All of the results have issues with sound and quality.