Photoshop fails to load the color table when you do a CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S to SAVE FOR WEB and saving as a GIF format?
I don't understand why this bug is still around. But you just gotta close down the SAVE FOR WEB palette and then try again and again until it decides to load the palette.
Many of my iFeatures are failing to load & I get the following error message:
! Loading catalog D:....Boss_round.ide failed. The file has 0 Hole Centers in it's Interface Sketch.
To be a valid Template, the interface Sketch must contain exactly 1 Hole Center.
I have a sketch with a hole center on the sheet metal part I want the iFeature in. And I tried putting a hole center on the sketch in the failing ide files but I still get the error & cannot use many of my round,square, pocket_obrounds, press rib or boss iFeatures. None of the geometric shapes work either.
Our CAD operator is attempting to print batches of DWG files from within AutoCAD 2010 LT, but every time that he does a batch of jobs, only half or less of the jobs actually print, while the rest leave his queue and then display in the printer status as 'Canceled.' This only occurs for color prints. The same batches of jobs in black and white print fine. Also, if we take the same data and convert it to a single PDF and send only that one PDF as a color print job, it prints. On the printer side, the DWG jobs are marked as 'Deleted' with an explanation of "Insufficient accounting allocation," which refers to the printing limits that we have assigned our users for the printer. However, the user is not over his limit, and any non-CAD job prints without any problems. I checked with our printer company but they think it's an issue with the software. Is there a known issue with AutoCAD 2010 LT failing to print batches of color drawings?
In some cases (especially with files imported from dxf format), the tables of print style are only with .stb extension but I need to use the Monochrome.ctb. How Can I load this table if it doesn't appear in the list?
I was wondering what is the best way to save a photoshop file such as a business card or stationary labels so they "KEEP" their color you see on screen.
I am already building in CMYK mode. My Client has a nice gray scale scheme but I am worried that the print shop will mess up the colors.
How do I create a custom set of colors and adhere to that scheme throughout the clients stationary and media. ie. Cards, Labels, Signs, etc.
Is there an option to print a color scale along with the image, sorta like when you calibrate your printer?
Is there any way to print a custom color table without having to either spend $500+ on a plugin or having to draw each color and label by hand?
I regularly create color tables from images, convert to .aco or PS color palettes. Lately I have needed larger palettes and the process of creating these by hand is grueling.
I have simple but very troubling problem. I have some vector text over a wood-texture background. I crop it and go to "Save for Web." I use the preset "PNG 8 128 Dithered."
Now, I want to get rid of the most of the background (but keep a touch of brown surrounding the text) by making it transparent. I hold down SHIFT and select the darker hues (see Screenshot #1). Then I click "Map Selected Colors to Transparency."
I'm seeing a lot of poster art these days online, and many of them have a really nice textured effect to the color fills. It's not your typical Photoshop filter, however.[URL]...
How is this done, do you think? A custom brush of some kind? Or load a selection and mask the color?I can't find the exact poster right now (that figures!) but sometime this texture looks almost like poor ink coverage, or a bad Zerox copy (low toner.)
I'm getting them from a DVD, straight from the player (prog). When i paste it into PS, everything looks great. But, after I've saved it and reopened it's just a black screen. Could I get a better screenshot using Premiere,
I just tried to install updates for ACR 5.3 and PSCS 11.0.1.They downloaded ok, but all the updates failed to install. I tried this from Bridge and also from PS, same results.I'm on XP Pro, Quad Core, 250G C-drive, 500G storage and scratch drive, 4GB memory on board.Is there a problem with Adobe or my computer?
In X3 you could open "Color Management" window, click on the screen icon and load the color profile of your monitor, but in X5 this window has changed and there is now option for the monitor color profile so I can't find how I could import it.
I'm sure there are many of you out there that at least every once in a while struggle to match a certain color - as CLOSE as possible. You can tweak your RIP settings, color management settings, etc but often I find myself just generating some random color samples to get the closest color. I have CMYK charts printed off, but they are only going to show so many colors, you know? What I am looking for (and will pay good money for, too - Nazdar's Catzper software does something along these lines, but is much too complex with Lab values, etc and lists for $295) is a macro that will take a color swatch and generate a bunch of other color swatches (maybe by user preference?) just adding and subtracting C M Y K - you print this off and pick the closest color! Thereby making it a 1-step operation instead of back-and-forth many-step operation. I have to admit, we are very picky about matching colors here.
Nvidia GeForce 8600GT 256mb downloaded the drivers last week (Driver Version: 6.14.0011.7824) Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 3 Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6850 @ 3.00GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 2814MB RAM Page File: 1049MB used, 3652MB available DirectX Version: DirectX 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
Tech support says I am configured fine. But I need to have a compatible video card. I say based on specs it is. They say but it might not. I ask for list of "approved cards" and they can't tell me... they then tell me its Nvidia & Wacoms problem (but Autodesk works fine?) and transfer me to customer service to get me the mysterious list of approved vid cards (which I have searched for on the site - can someone point me top this?)and then cust service is reading off the side of the box "must have 1..2..8.. mb of " not even aware of what it is she is reading... then when I ask for SPECIFICS I am cut off. No call back even though she asked for my number in case we were... you know... cut...
Why is my Wacom Not working?[downloaded latest drivers and called their support] It shows up all cursor function fine, except when you try to paint... NOTHING appears. (Invisible ink, perhaps? Is this a feature?)
How can I change the horizontal line color of a table (not the border line color)? I would like the border to be black, but the horizontal lines to be gray.
When using "convertpstyles" to convert from ctb to stb I am asked to select a stb file. When I do I am given an error that says the color mapping table I have selected does not contain a color mapping table and cannot be used to convert the drawing.
You have an image of a wooden table, but would like the table to be a bit redder.So you would select the table and use a "blend with color" tool that would work like a bucket, but instead mix the default color of the table(or the selection) with the color you pick.So you pick red and... You got yourself the same table only instead of it being wood-brown, its reddish wood-brown.
I'm using PS CS5 extended on two different systems and having the same problem. My right control key is often getting stuck on - even though the key is not physically stuck. Occasionally it also just seems to stop working, as does the right alt key. It only affects Photoshop, and I can fix it by quitting and restarting. This happens on a Vista 64 system and my Windows 7 laptop. They have two different keyboards, obviously, and I think two different drivers. I use custom keyboard shortcuts for a few things, but reverting to default did not seem to work that I could tell.
my keyboard acting up until I got the laptop and started having the problem there too.
Every time I use Quick selection tool it selects the area which I don't want to use. I have a website called JoGuru Social Travel Network for which I need to edit it's logo. Now since the logo has many green and blue variation I can't select the area I need.
I thought of changing the color of logo so that it looks refined but green color signifies travel and i can't think of using any other color. It would have been easy to pick other color. For me Green is God. I must use that only. I also need to encorporate small road in it that defines journey to infinity. This tool use to work well before. It's giving me problem for the first time.
I have A windows 64 Ultimate system, PSE 10, with the latest updates. I have a core I7 procesor and 12GB of ram. I'm using a Nikon D800 with a 24-70 lens and a full spherical pannoramic setup, to eliminate paralax. Prior to this setup, I was using a D7000 with a 17-55 2.8 and a standard panning tripod and dropping it into the notch for vertical pannoramic stitching.
Prior to the gear upgrades, I was not having problems stitching pannoramas together. I just exported them through lightroom (as an 8bit PSD file) or from a folder and used auto mode. I exported the end result as a high rest TIFF. Now I'm getting an error message that says, could not merge images/some images. I even reduced the number of photographs, to three, and I still couldn't get it to work. I generally take photos 20-40% overlapped (as recommended) to assist the software in stitching. I've had partial success with the interactive mode, but I've still have some ghosting present. I don't understand how my success rate has gone from 100% to only partial, yet my gear and technique has improved. I'm wondering if PSE has problems with the large file sizes of the D800. That's the only thing I can think of that's changed in my workflow. Am I hitting some inherent software limiations that a full vesion of photoshop does not have? A friend of mine has a copy of the raw files and has successfully stitched them together with a full version of photoshop cs5 (all done with a less capable system).
We want to substitute drawings with a color-palette. This means, we have to set different colors to different kind of features ( i.e. H7-fitting to red, thread to yellow, ....). We do this manually by now.
I mean, if on makes a fit-hole then automatically it appears in red. All threads he makes are in yellow and so on. Is there a chance to make a feature-based color-table in inventor and if it is so.
I have attached a free macro to change the text color of cells in a table. Without the macro there is currently no way to select more than one cell and change the text color.
The macro allows the user to either:
click on a table (to select it) and then apply a new color to ALL text in the table; or choose a new color from the macro from, select some cells in a table and then apply that color to the text in those selected cells
Please note in step 2 it is important you choose the new color first and then select the table cells. If you do it the opposite way around, while choosing a colour you will deselect the selected cells and apply color to all of the text in the table.
I'm able to print pasted excel table with default colors ( ie: cell with text and fill with color background in autocad. By using Autocad 2013, with I can see the default colors when preview, but once I printed out to hard copy or PDF format, its only printed text but without any color background, I have try to print the pdf file by using DWG To PDF.pc3, Adobe PDF & CutePDF Writer, HP Design Jet T1120 plotter, all have the same result.
I have noticed in the last few days that my Lightroom 5 (CC) is failing to quit. I run it on a mac with the latest OS. I have to force quit the program.
The following snippit of code is changeing the color of text in a cell of an AcadTable. It will set the color to an RGB value and works great. But what if the color is a normal color 1 through 255 from autocad's pen table. How would I set the cell text color?
(setq objColor (vla-getcellcontentcolor eVLAMT R C)) ;sets a Color Object, whatever that is (vla-setrgb objColor RED GRN BLU) ;sets the new color of the Color Object (vla-setcellcontentcolor eVLAMT R C objColor) ;sets that new color object to the cell
the newest model I have made I have run into some troubles. When I switch between one member and another most parameters update correctly but the part is still requiring an update before the finished part is created.
When the feature small sheds is enabled the pattern isn't working correctly.It seems as though the height that controls the sheds is not updating during the member change process and is causing the pattern to be the wrong length.
I have set up a form to add my parameters as there are a large number in the ipart table.I can't generate my member files as they show the member before it is updated and is wrong.