AutoCAD LT :: Batch Prints Intermittently Failing - Color Only
Mar 30, 2012
Our CAD operator is attempting to print batches of DWG files from within AutoCAD 2010 LT, but every time that he does a batch of jobs, only half or less of the jobs actually print, while the rest leave his queue and then display in the printer status as 'Canceled.' This only occurs for color prints. The same batches of jobs in black and white print fine. Also, if we take the same data and convert it to a single PDF and send only that one PDF as a color print job, it prints. On the printer side, the DWG jobs are marked as 'Deleted' with an explanation of "Insufficient accounting allocation," which refers to the printing limits that we have assigned our users for the printer. However, the user is not over his limit, and any non-CAD job prints without any problems. I checked with our printer company but they think it's an issue with the software. Is there a known issue with AutoCAD 2010 LT failing to print batches of color drawings?
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Sep 16, 2011
I use a company batch that allows you to batch run scrips and lisp.
The only problem is that my i send my prints to the printer they all get out of order becasue they are sent as indivisal jobs and people look through them to find where there prints have snuck in.
It has just become to annoying and i was thinking there must be a better way.
I was thinking like a vertual printer that the batcher can send the prints to and then transfer them to the printer you want when they are all there.
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Jun 25, 2007
Photoshop fails to load the color table when you do a CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + S to SAVE FOR WEB and saving as a GIF format?
I don't understand why this bug is still around. But you just gotta close down the SAVE FOR WEB palette and then try again and again until it decides to load the palette.
Is there a REFRESH PALETTE button somewhere?
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Apr 12, 2012
So I have an action that I've been using for the past couple years (?) now that involves opening an image, applying an auto color and auto levels, saving and closing. This has been working for me since probably a couple years ago when I made the action. Yesterday, I was working on a scanning project where I have groups of images in separate folders. I ran the action on the first 2 folders which went fine.
When I got to the 3rd folder all the way up to the last one, PS just loads all the images, does the levels and color then fails to save/close them when done. On one of my folders, it gets through a few of them when it drops the ball and just opens all of them. I'm not sure what's going on as there's no real explanation as to why this is happening.. especially when I've been using this action (and I even made a new action with still no luck). Last week I had about 300 images I had to work with and PS decided to pull this move on me after doing the first 30 of them fine...which is when I first noticed this happening.
To further add, I set my action to show everything step by step and it seems to happen with select images (in some cases, these select images are entirely what is in the folder). With the select images, it is not doing the actions entirely in order. Typically it does it in this manner:
What I'm now experiencing is this:
(Skips 3 and 4 since it is starting at 2 and working upward).
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Nov 2, 2012
When I go to print a copy it automatically prints in color. If I want to go just black, which I like to copy everything in just black and white, I have to manually do it. Is there a way to make black and white the default.
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Sep 6, 2013
This problem has cropped up in the last few months. It only happens intermittently.
Typically I select Trim, or Extend command, right click to select All rather than a specific object, then selcet the objects to be trimmed or extended.
Sometimes though, the All command is not activated and I have to select the object to be trimmed or extended to, then select the objects to trim, etc. Then the next time I right click for All it works.
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May 31, 2010
We have experienced what we think is a bug in AutoCAD 2010's printing. We are running A2010 with Update 1 & 2 installed. Same issue on both x32 & x64 hardware.
Each project is setup with a title block xref'ed into the sheet (quite common method).
The Title Block xref generally has images loaded & therefore the image is a child to the sheet file when the TB is referenced in.
We have used this method for about 15 years across most versions of AutoCAD with no issues before now.
Now on AutoCAD 2010, when we print the sheet, the xref'ed TB images print black & white, rather than color. However if we use AutoCAD 2008 with same pagesetup/ctb/pc3 etc, we get the same print, but image is colour (as we would expect & want).
This leads us to think that there is some issue in AutoCAD 2010 with xref'ed images & how they are treated when plotting.
To complicate matters further, if we bind the title block, thus making the image embeded within the sheet, the images now print fine in full colour.
So, if a image is loaded via a xref'ed dwg, it plots in Black & White. If image is referenced into live sheet (not via xref), then it plots in color. All other xref'ed linework prints as expected (defined by ctb).
Is there any new variable which manages the colour printing of the image in A2010 which we are not aware of (that didnt exist in A2008)?
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Mar 24, 2003
Because of the problems with wipeouts, I have switched to using some solid hatch set to colour 255. The hatch is in paperspace, sitting under titleblock and other Layout text. I am plotting to an HP1050C, using a .ctb file with 255 set with grayscale off.
The plot preview is fine, but the hatch blocks come out black on paper. I thought this was the problem with wipeouts, and that hatch didn't suffer from it.
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Aug 24, 2013
I print out of Lightroom, monitor and printer calibrated with Colormunki. Soft proof with the paper profile looks fine (whether the manufacturer's or mine).
Print into jpeg file - looks fine..Print to printer with identical profile - colors don't match. It makes a significant difference whether perceptive or relative is chosen in color management, but in both cases colors just don't match. Perceptive - colors look completely different, relative - most colors are good, but deep black shadows for example are dark grey instead of black.
Printing the colorsamples for the colormunki - all colors look perfect.I've spent a fortune meanwhile on paper and ink..
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Feb 8, 2013
I reformatted my computer and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 service pack 1 and installed Photoshop CS6 and when I print my work the color gray prints as brown and the yellow green has a shade of brown in it as well so its darker. I did calibrate my monitor, I use sRGB IEC61966-2.1 as ICC profile and RGB in working spaces, and US Web Coated v2 as CMYK. I changed the mode to CMYK 16 bit and proof setup to Working CMYK. In printer setting I set the color handling to Photoshop manages colors and set it to hardproofing. I did match it with the color management in display settings.
I think my Epson T1100 printers are fine because they both print the same color gray as brown so it must be in Photoshop where the problem is.
This is frustrating..Before I reformatted I was using Photoshop CS5 and my prints are fine but when I reformatted and installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 and Photoshop CS6 the printing problems starts, I reinstalled Photoshop CS5 but the print outs still has problems, color gray prints as brown..By the way, I print on white bond papers and white box boards, so color blending is not the case I'm sure..
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Sep 25, 2013
I've been having trouble printing color prints with PSE 9. They appear kind of pale or less vivid (unacceptably so), the colors are just not as they appear on my monitor. I'm using an Epson R2880, iMac 10.6.8. It prints b&w beautifully. I've been through Epson tech support, checked nozzles and cleaned heads. While speaking with Espon they suggested I print from another application, so I tried using iPhoto, colors came out accurately there. I happen to still have PSE 8 still on my computer, so I attempted to print from there, the colors were also more accurate there (and that's without using the ICC profiles I have in PSE 9 ). It seems the issue is unique to PSE 9. I've tried changing my color setting, typically I have it set to AdobeRGB, but have tried "no color management". I have my monitor calibrated, use proper ICC profiles for any papers I use (and have tried multiple papers).
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Oct 27, 2012
Using X5 pro with the updates applied. Over several versions and several years, I developed the habit of converting the video .MOD files created by a JVC camcorder to .mpg before doing any editing using them. For the purpose of this topic, the reasons for that are unimportant. But for the first time, in the last few days I needed to get several basic projects done quickly and elected to bypass this mechanism and work directly with the .MOD files in the edit mode.
And as a result, I am seeing for the first time intermittent crashing of X5 during an edit phase. It's happening on different source files and vsp project files. Never at the same place in a project file, nor during the same action activity. Occurs during clip mode and project mode.
When it happens, the X5 desktop just 'whites out' - the outline of the program desktop is discernable, but barely. The only way out is to kill the program and re-start. Wait long enough and windows will present that option anyway. If one has saved the vsp file (repeatedly) during edit, restart does not lose much. Otherwise - begin again from scratch.
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Oct 13, 2004
I want to find a quick way of merging my thumbnailed prints with different colour mounts and maybe my frames. So i can display the different options i offer my products in, also because i have a lot of prints ( 1000+ )
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Sep 17, 2012
Throughout a project using Photoshop CS4, I print out the pages to make a dummy booklet. Once, upon opening the file and wanting to print, the preview window for Epson Stylus Photo R2400 printer showed a color inverse for the entire file. Viewing the images is normal in all ways. I had been making routine nudging, text editing, etc., on various layers and everything looked and behaved fine. It's only in the printing. I looked to see where a correction could be made, but I can't see anything. I tried to have the printer make color adjustments and have Photoshop make them.
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Jul 23, 2012
I have many black and white antique prints which I want to colour in photoshop. They are scanned in colour because the paper is old and actually cream and black and white scans of very old paper come out a nasty, dead grey. (Not at all like crisp modern black and white graphics. The etching process of the original means that they are very, very finely detailed.
So far I have been cleaning up the image and then colouring over the top of the black lines. The disadvantage of this is that I lose the sharp blacks. I then go over the important bits with the eraser tool to get the black back but it is very tedious and much is lost. know about opacity and build the colour in opaque layers, and I know the tools to enhance the dark areas such as the dodge tool but these slightly alter the colour and dont restore the blacks lines.
QUESTION: Is there a way to colour in a print and then key out the negative space (white but really cream)and place the cleaned up original black image over the top of the coloured image? This way all the black shading detail would be fresh and clear and the colour will show through.
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Jan 11, 2014
I have an image that has elements pasted in from PNG files, and those elements have some shades of green. I want printed output in gray scale only, so I did Image -> Mode->Grayscale. The image on screen went gray as I wanted. When I print it, however, I get an image in which *some* of the colored parts still are colored!
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Feb 16, 2013
How to change black and white hand-prints into color for some art work for my kids. I am already able to switch between black and white between the foreground and background, but not able to change all of the black "color" to a different color including all the minor lines on the hand and foot prints.
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Aug 19, 2013
Photoshop has started acting very strange. It's incorrectly detecting less than 512MB VRAM (AMD 5770HD, 1024MB VRAM). I thought it may be a graphics driver issue but neither the latest stable nor beta seem to effect this.
Since 3D features have been disabled, the application is unstable. Changing tools a few times will always result in an appcrash exception.
System specs:
Windows 7 x64 ultimate
Core i5-3470
AMD HD5770
I have a feeling I know what's causing 3D mode to disable and that's the integrated card on this motherboard. This currently acts as an additional monitor output and is set as the primary device in the bios (and I can't change this) but shares some state via some LucidLogix thing on the motherboard. Is there any way to disable this VRAM check?
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Jun 19, 2012
having just purchased version 4.1 a few days ago. I've imported about 2,500 RAW image files into the program and am learning the ropes for developing and organizing them.
The problem I'm having is that much of the time I'm unable to select photos in the grid view. When I place the mouse pointer over a square in the grid containing a photo, I expect it to "light up" and display the icons for flagging/rotating/rating the photo. In practice, this doesn't happen most of the time and grid squares that won't "light up" cannot be selected. As I move the mouse around the grid, the occasional grid square will act as expected but most of the others will not. The behavior seems random -- a grid square that acts properly one moment may not respond the next time I mouse over it, and other grid squares that were unresponsive may now act as expected.
I've tried pausing over the image for an extended period of time in case this is a performance issue, but if a grid square doesn't light up when I first put the mouse pointer over it then leaving the pointer on it won't get it to respond. If I move the pointer elsewhere on the grid and then bring it back, the square may or may not react.
My setup:
4-core Mac Pro
5GB of memory
Mac OS 10.7.4
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Jul 9, 2013
I get a slight difference in color in my prints my when I use LR prifile vs Canon printer managed. The Canon is much truer to what I see on both monitors which, btw, are calibrated. LR throws in a slight magenta cast. Is there a way to correct this?
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May 3, 2012
After reimage of hard drive, install fail to Activate. Too late to get old drive information, need a way to activate after failing to export.
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Feb 1, 2012
the newest model I have made I have run into some troubles. When I switch between one member and another most parameters update correctly but the part is still requiring an update before the finished part is created.
When the feature small sheds is enabled the pattern isn't working correctly.It seems as though the height that controls the sheds is not updating during the member change process and is causing the pattern to be the wrong length.
I have set up a form to add my parameters as there are a large number in the ipart table.I can't generate my member files as they show the member before it is updated and is wrong.
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Oct 2, 2012
The subject basically says it all. I am trying to emboss two words onto a solid model. Unfortunately it keeps failing. I am copying this model off of U-Tube models "LED LAMP"
Try and use the emboss feature and engrave the words "LED LAMP" On the centre of the top of my solid model part. Top View reads vertically going up the way.
Please edit part 8. Then start the Emboss process. 1/64 = Depth. Flat White colour. Following the video on youtube they use engrave from face then reverse the direction the arrow points towards the model. Then OK. That's the way I am showed it and I can't get it to engrave.
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Jul 4, 2005
my app permits to the users select multiple DWG files, inserting them into a MSHFLEXGRID.
After this the user can select a DWT file and store in a matrix (PC) all its AcadPlotConfigurations.
The user can select distinct Page Layout for each DWG file selected.
Then running the code below, each file is opened in ACAD and then printed using the specific Page Layout.
This was running very good in ACAD 2002. After migrate to ACAD 2005 only the first file is printed. The others DWG files return FALSE to the PlotToDevice command.
Is it missing some command ?Does ACAD 2005 need anything extra to run ?
Obs: the DWT Page Layouts were created for MODELs and the files to be printed are using only the model space too.
Dim PC() As AcadPlotConfiguration
Private Sub Plot_Click()
Dim Layout As AcadLayout
Dim LayoutBase As AcadLayout
Dim indice As Integer
Dim retorno As Boolean
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Dec 7, 2011
In an idw of an assembly, I have made a section view and gave it a distance of 10in expecting to only view my assembly 10 in from the section line.
However, all I get was a slice 10 in deep from the top, my section view wasn't looking at the full height of my assembly.
I started a new print, inserted the same model and the same thing happened. This is only occuring with this model, other models are working just fine.
IV2012 sp1 Win7 x64
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Aug 9, 2012
I'm looping trough positional representations in a assembly and I would like to determine if one of them is failing.
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Mar 7, 2012
I created the attached parametrized CF Flange iPart (one can change size, bored/blank, tapped/through, fixed/rotatable). I wanted to extract the cross-section sketches as iFeatures, so that I can reuse it also as sketches. I can extract the "Cross Section (Fixed)" sketch as an iFeature, but not "Cross Section (Rotatable)". I created this iPart file about half a year ago, and as far as I remember I created these two sketches in exactly the same way.
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Feb 14, 2013
I have gone thru what appears to be the correct steps in creating a custom material library a total of 3 times.
Once I finish customizing the library while in Inventor, I add it to my project file and make it the "active" library. I test it with each of my part & assembly templates on my local machine without an issue. When I log into another work station, locate and add the new library to their project file Inventor gives me a "no materials found". So I go back to my machine to check and the library is no longer valid for me either.
I can see the library on the server, the file size is 3.6MB so it has substance. I cannot figure out what I am doing that is causing the library from locking up completely when I try to use it with another work station. Also, if any way to make my library usable again that would save me about 8 hours of work.
all of our stations use the "generic.ipj" project file.
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Oct 31, 2011
Just when I thought I was getting somewhere I come to a complete standstill. I'm attempting to insert an iFeature, louver to be exact. I inserted the one from cbliss easily and was able to edit the width, length, thickness etc. but had trouble trying to change angles. I later tried inserting one someone emailed me, so I removed the other one and now I can't insert new one and I can't even go back to insert cbliss one. Not sure what changed or what I messed up. I'm new to IV and not overly experienced in AutoCAD period.
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May 1, 2012
i'm trying to do is copy some linework in a sketch i have on autocad 2011 (i havent upgraded it yet) and paste it into a sketch i have on inventor 2013.
Copy and paste works fine with other versions of inventor or autocad, but i can't use 2013 inventor for pasting.
When i attempt to paste the linework into my 2013 inventor sketch i recieve a long hefty error message:
"String resource could not be loaded (and is missing?) for id 5239 (error 2fee34a0)"
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Feb 7, 2013
I am having trouble using the publish command when I set the plotter to a 22x34 sheet. We are able to print to an actual plotter just fine at that size, but when we try and make a pdf set at that size, it just errors out.
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