GIMP :: How To Change Black And White Hand-prints Into Color
Feb 16, 2013
How to change black and white hand-prints into color for some art work for my kids. I am already able to switch between black and white between the foreground and background, but not able to change all of the black "color" to a different color including all the minor lines on the hand and foot prints.
I have many black and white antique prints which I want to colour in photoshop. They are scanned in colour because the paper is old and actually cream and black and white scans of very old paper come out a nasty, dead grey. (Not at all like crisp modern black and white graphics. The etching process of the original means that they are very, very finely detailed.
So far I have been cleaning up the image and then colouring over the top of the black lines. The disadvantage of this is that I lose the sharp blacks. I then go over the important bits with the eraser tool to get the black back but it is very tedious and much is lost. know about opacity and build the colour in opaque layers, and I know the tools to enhance the dark areas such as the dodge tool but these slightly alter the colour and dont restore the blacks lines.
QUESTION: Is there a way to colour in a print and then key out the negative space (white but really cream)and place the cleaned up original black image over the top of the coloured image? This way all the black shading detail would be fresh and clear and the colour will show through.
I have color pictures in TIFF and I need to change them to black and white pictures in order to be published in a scientific journal. My question is which is the best way to do that? Another thing that I have to do is make figures (which include pictures and graphs) I'm plainnig to prepare them in Illustrator and Photoshop, then I have to send those figures in a TIFF format with at least 300 dpi, any tip for that?
about black to white color changes and vice versa. I have a client that will often ask for this and i know its a pain in the butt but i have to do it. is there any layer styles i should be using or is it just a matter of levels, curves, brightness, untill you get it right.
What I am trying to do is change a photo of a bright red abd dark black car to a white car.
In all cases what I seem to be running into is the fact that the programs use the existing colour as the start point and allow only so much variation from that colour (ie about 180 +/- in each primary colour) which does not get me to where |I need to be.
I also tried creating a new layer and filling it with the desired colour then changing the layer from normal to hue. The result ends up being a mix of the original colour and the new colour so for instance if I want a yellow over a blue original colour I end up with some variation of green.
Photoshop CS 5.1 only prints in black and white. It is not a new printer (Kodak) and I have printed in color in Photoshop in the past. All other applications will print in color. Have removed the settings folder, but that did not do anything.
I have an image that is black and white, and I want to color parts of it with a brush. However, when I try to change the color, it won't change -- it just changes to a different shade of grey! What can I do?
I'm trying to print a document that has colour in it and when it comes out of the printer it prints in black and white. I'm not sure what the issue is or what I am missing.
I have been merrily taking screen shots for a recent work project, pasting them into Photoshop, adding a touch of sharpening via Highpass filter, and printing them to PDF. suddenly, with the most recent print, I am greeted for the first time with the message "Some PostScript specific print settings (Interpolation, Calibration, Encoding) will be ignore since you are printing to a non-PostScript printer." I also noticed all of my other prints to pdf were 72 dpi, suddenly this one is 121 PPI. The PDF is black and white, although the original document is full color, and it has the moire pattern of a scan taken at the wrong resolution, a pattern of little squares all over.
I have done a little work and created these images. The blur does not look completely right to me because I just used the free select tool and would copy the coin part of the picture out and paste it back on with a different layer and line it up as well as I could. I would really like to make it look a lot better with no blurred part of the coin in the back ground. I would also like to turn the background of the image B&W and leave the coin in color.
I printed a black and white scanned (gray scale) image on Saturday, no problems. On Sunday I noticed a small hairline from the negative, cloned it out and reprinted. The image had acquired a distinct purple cast. All attempts ticking a variety of appropriate (and possibly inappropriate) boxes in PS and the printer options failed to remove the cast. Rescanning and the cast is still there. Printing on another printer (HP) and the cast is there, so I presume it's source is Photoshop (CS).
I have been merrily taking screen shots for a recent work project, pasting them into Photoshop, adding a touch of sharpening via Highpass filter, and printing them to PDF. suddenly, with the most recent print, I am greeted for the first time with the message "Some PostScript specific print settings (Interpolation, Calibration, Encoding) will be ignored since you are printing to a non-PostScript printer." I also noticed all of my other prints to pdf were 72 dpi, suddenly this one is 121 PPI. The PDF is black and white, although the original document is full color, and it has the moire pattern of a scan taken at the wrong resolution, a pattern of little squares all over.
Every PDF I save from Photoshop is like this now, filters or no.
What the heck happened? How can I get my pdfs back?
I am currently trying to combine a color photo frame with a black and white image, but every time I open the frame in "open as layers" the frame turns to black and white as well as the photo. I have no problem when using color photos. Is there a way that I can do this so that my photo frame remains it's original color with the black and white photo inside.
For a person’s signature, I used the paint brush tool to make small changes to a text font and then saved the image with a transparent background in .xcf file. How do I now change the color of this image from black to another color?
I have been trying (without much success) to figure out a way to change all non-white color elements on a picture to a single set color, and was wondering if that is possible to do in GIMP.
For example, I'd like to turn something like this tri-color Italian flag. To this, where the blue color is a color of my choosing.
I have a scanned image which is black text on white paper. The paper comes out darker in some section because of scan. Is there a simple way I can make the off-white background white?
Because of the problems with wipeouts, I have switched to using some solid hatch set to colour 255. The hatch is in paperspace, sitting under titleblock and other Layout text. I am plotting to an HP1050C, using a .ctb file with 255 set with grayscale off.
The plot preview is fine, but the hatch blocks come out black on paper. I thought this was the problem with wipeouts, and that hatch didn't suffer from it.
I have a multilayered psd file. All layers should remain opaque except the black to white gradient layer where I need the white to be transparent. So that when I place the final psd on top of a block of solid colour in Indesign the gradient shows the background colour through where the black fades off.
I scanned a black and white print in color and am trying to replace all the black with dark green. Been trying for hours in elements 9. This is all so hard. Just to ask this question I have typed it into 3 different screens, set screenname, many other hurdles.