Photoshop :: Evaluate Total Relative Area Of Part Of Photo Image Selected By Its Color

May 22, 2013

How is it possible to evaluate the total relative area of the part of a photo image selected by its colour in Photoshop (in % to the whole image)??

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Paint.NET :: Select Area Within JPEG Image To Blur That Selected Area?

Sep 19, 2011

Photo editing. How do I select an area within a .jpeg image so I can blur that selected area?

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Photoshop :: Entire Image Black And White Except For A Selected Area?

Sep 16, 2006

how do you make the entire image black and white except for a selected area?

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GIMP :: How To Make Auto Fill Selected Area With Color

Oct 5, 2013

In MS Paint when i select part of image with Polygon tool, this part is auto filled with background color. In GIMP i have to use first Selection tool (Free Select) and than switch to Bucket Fill for filling selected area with color. How to make auto filling selected area with color in GIMP as it in MS Paint ?

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Corel PHOTO-PAINT X5 :: Mask Shifts Relative To Image After Closing

Mar 14, 2011

I am creating a mask in Photo Paint and feathering the edges.  Everything works fine up until I "Finish Editing" and the object is returned to Corel Draw.  The mask has shifted up from the image and the wrong area is masked. If I save the image from Photo Paint and re-open it it's fine...just not when it's sent back to Corel Draw.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Unable To Apply Color Balance To Selected Area

May 5, 2012

I have PSPx4. If I select an area of the image and try to apply color balance (Adjust|Color balance), the effect gets applied to the entire image, not just the selected area. Is there a way to apply color balance to just a selected region?

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Lightroom :: 3.4 - Making Color Photo Into Black And White With One Specific Area In Color

Nov 24, 2011

I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that?
Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?

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Xara :: Removing Selected Coloured Area From Image?

Jun 4, 2012

effective way of removing a selected coloured area from an image (a jpeg in this instance) without affecting other parts of the image. I've added a sample to illustrate what I mean.

I,ve tried the select color/ erase tool but find that it select the white from all parts of the picture, even from other colours.The picture is too complex for the freehand mask tool and time consuming.

Is there another way, or even a plug in that could vouch for?

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Photoshop Elements :: Change Color Picture To Blank And White And Keep A Selected Part Colored?

Sep 15, 2012

How can I changed a colored pictkure to black and white and keep a selected part colored (color swap)

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Photoshop :: Adjust Ink Limit (total Area Coverage)

Aug 26, 2010

I've done this a number of times and have seen excellent results and after a few times running through it I can do it in my sleep. I also feel that this is the least damaging to my image and keeps the file from changing visually too much.
1. First, open the offending image and save as so that you have an original file to go back to if you have to. Here is my example image. I am being informed by the publication I am sending it to that my ink limit should be under 300. But when I check my image with the eyedropper set to "Total Ink" I am seeing 320-350 in many areas.
2. With this new file open, duplicate the file so that you now have two images open. In the "copy" select the black channel and duplicate that channel within the file. In most cases, your high total ink areas will be found in the "darkest" parts of your images. By duplicating the black channel, I will be using this as a selection mask.
3. Now on the "copy" image, you want to choose Edit > Convert to Profile. Here you will choose Custom CMYK and in the next dialog box change the Total Ink Limit to the desired amount, in this case 300.

4. After this conversion, use your eyedropper and check the Total Ink in the areas that previously you discovered was too high. You will now see much lower numbers, and actually the numbers may have gone too far and you'll see that your converted image looks very different from your original image. But, not to worry, the following steps will solve that.
5. In the "copy" image, with the CMYK channels active, select all pixels.
6. Go to your other, "original" image you have open and Select > Load Selection. Choose the "black copy" channel from your "copy" image and also choose invert. This will load a selection mask in your image of just the "darkest" parts of your image.
7. Now with this selection active, you want to Edit > Paste Into. You are now pasting into the selection your converted image, but it will be only affecting the darkest parts of your image. The result will also create a new layer and layer mask. If you turn off the view of your bottom layer, you can see what you have actually pasted into your image.
8. Now what I do is use my eyedropper to check the Total Ink with the top layer turned on and then off. I then use the Opacity slider on the top layer to get my image so that the Total Ink meets my desired 300 level. Once it's where I want, I flatten my image and then all is done. Your "copy" image you can just close and no save.

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Paint.NET :: Resize / Distort Selected Part Of Image?

Jul 22, 2013

But I only have (can only afford) the Photo Net free Version 3.3x, 3.5.I have a photo, say 2000 x 1500 px.  But it is distorted.  It looks like the two people in it have 25-inch legs. So I need to select the bottom half (rectangle select)

- and "stretch" that selection (not the whole image) from 1000 x 1500 px to 1250 x 1500 px!
The revised image with therefore be 2250 x 1500 px. 

- but it will no longer be distorted

- and will include all the data in the opriginal photo. 

All Serif PhotoPlus does is:-

- stretches the selected rectangle

- but keeps the same 2000 x 1500 dimensions

- simply by cropping off the bottom 200 or so pixels. This is not what I want.  instead, whether or not Photo Net Version 3.3x, 3.5 is capable of resizing / changing the dimensions of a selected part of an image, i.e. stretching it along one axis? 
It will really get me out of a hole that could never have been envisaged for such a simple, routine photographic requirement. 

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Revit :: Total Area Of ​​the Same Material?

Nov 13, 2013

How can I calculate the total area of material similar to a project.
For example, ceramics, In my project I want to calculate the total area of ceramics, but I do not want a separate display
Instead, I have only one row show the total area of ceramics.

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GIMP :: Select Part Of Image And Copy It To Another Area

Dec 16, 2013

I've tried using GIMP many times, yet I've accomplished very little, given all of GIMP's functionality. For example:

If I want to select part of an image and copy it to another area or to a new image/layer, and also FEATHER the edges, here's how I'd do it in an old graphics app I often used years ago:

1. Select the area.2. Hold Ctrl while moving selection with Move tool.3. Use the slider to soften the edges to my liking.4. Press Enter to anchor selection. Done.

And there were sliders also for opacity and other things. So very SIMPLE because the prog. was designed very intuitively. How would I accomplish the same in GIMP? Well, most of the time, I WOULD ACCOMPLISH NOTHING! At best, I'd enter values into the box, not like the result, enter new values, repeat. And that's on a good day.

Somebody write a SCRIPT/PLUGIN that allows the use of sliders exactly as described above! I desperately want to be a HAPPY GIMP user, but I'm growing ever more hopeless. I don't want to turn on my older PC just to use a graphics app that actually lets me get things done.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Using Magic Wand On Already Selected Image Part

Feb 8, 2012

In my image there is an white sky background, where in front there is an person wearing white shirt.

I want to select a by color part of the sky. So I am using magic wand (match mode "color"). The problem is that it select the white shirt as well.

So, using freehand selection, I selected just the sky. Once I want just a color (not all sky), I am trying to to use magic wand (match mode "color" in mode "replace"). But once already exist a selection, the magic wand isn't available to "replace" (just in other modes - add or remove).

How could I make this selection without selecting the shirt? The intent of my first freehand selection was to protect the magic wand of selecting the shirt...

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AutoCad :: Calculating Total Area Of Windows

Oct 31, 2012

I have a building like this and it has a lot of windows.

I know how to calculate an individual window area by using 'area' or 'ls' command. But this is just partial drawing and the whole building has hundreds of windows and it will take forever to calculate one by one and add them together to get the total area. Is there any way to get the whole area easily?

windows are just rectangles (and solid hatch inside the rectangle).

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Get The Total Length Of Selected Lines?

Apr 23, 2013

Is there any easy way to get the total length of selected lines (even if they are not "connected") ?

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AutoCAD LT :: Area Command Not Ending And Not Offering Total

Jan 23, 2013

Area Command Not Ending and Not Offering Total

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Revit :: How To Work Out A Total Gross Internal Area

Jun 2, 2013

Is there a way to report the total internal area for a building ? As in - the total area of a building up to the internal face of the external wall (including all internal partitions and walls).
We can use the Gross Building Area - but this includes the external walls - and doesn't update as the external wall envelope is added to. Ideally we would like a like reporting on the total internal area as the design / model is progressed.

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Revit :: Area Takeoff Of Only Selected Faces (red Area)?

Sep 19, 2012

See attached file.

How can you do the area takeoff of only the selected faces (red area)?
Right now I have to use the 3rd party software to do something like this.  I'm curious if there's a way to do inside Revit?

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AutoCad :: Length To Change Relative To Selected Grip

Oct 18, 2011

It seems there have been a change in some system variable i ACAD2012 that changes the way a line lengthens when you use the grips.

I want the length to change relative to the selected grip not determine the total length of the line!

I'm guessing that it have something to do with polar tracking, if I turn it of the stretching works the way I want.

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Illustrator :: Object Coordinates Relative To Selected Artboard

Aug 1, 2013

What controls origon (x,y = 0,0) of a objects coordinates? I'm not refering to which the "Reference Point".I use a bunch of artboards and sometimes origon originates from the newest artboard i have created, which is great for my workflow. I place a lot of objects using the top coordination tool.

But often the origon fixes it's position to the first artboard. Is there a way to control the origon?Specs: Win7, 64bit, Illustrator CS6 16.0.3.

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Photoshop :: How Do You Convert Only A Certain Part Of A Color Photo To Black And White?

Feb 5, 2007

I'm totally new to Photoshop and I was wondering if there was any way to get only part of a color photo black and white but keep the rest of it in color. I want to highlight some people in my pictures.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Area Command Not Ending And Not Offering Total

Dec 3, 2012

I've read through some of the discussions on this subject. I have three lines of command visible. I blocked out my file. I audited my file. I have Service Pack 1.1 installed. I still continue to have intermittent problems with the area command. Please see in the attached video how it works in one area of my file, but not another area of the same file. URL....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Calculate Total Surface Area Of Manifold

Sep 23, 2011

I want to calculate the total external surface area of the attached manifold.  When I use the iProperties tool,  it give me the surface area including internal surfaces of tubulars etc. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Total Area From Multiple Assembly In Drawing

Jun 12, 2013

I'm laying out a drawing with all tabletops used in our project for a linolium- fitter to set a price on covering the about 12 tabletops in total.

I dont know if this is correct English or if it make sense at all, but what I was wondering about was: Could you retrieve the total m2 of all the tabletops in a drawing? Or do I have to go back to the aim and get them one by one?

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AutoCad :: How To Extract Total Area Of Layer Which Has Extrusions Of Polylines

Oct 25, 2011

I created walls for a structure by drawing a simple polylines and extruding it by the Z axis, so that i get a vertical plane. I created a number of such planes in the layer. I want to extract total area of this layer which has these polyline extrusions (planes). I know the command of add area, but it is a tedious process and does not work for curved planes. How do I extract the area for the entire layer in one go ?

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Illustrator :: Constrain Total Area Of Rectangle While Adjusting Its Proportions?

Sep 13, 2012

I am making a graph template that I would like to be able to quickly adjust when needed. I am wondering how to constrain the rectangles so they maintain their total area while their proportions are changed?

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Photoshop :: Calculate Percentage Of A Color!! (know The Total Amount Of A Certain Color)

Nov 22, 2005

How do you know the total amount of a certain color from an image (in percent%)?
Is there a way to calculate it?

Let's say I have an image with a white background and a red figure.
If the whole painting is 100%, what's the percentage of the white background
or the red figure?
I need to know how to calculate this (accurate)

I make paintings with only 2 colors (a 'background color' and the 'main color')
To put an objective price on my paintings I decided to calculate the amount
of 'main color' (or background color) and base my prices on this information.
This is the only way I could price my art fairly an objective.

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Photoshop :: CS3 - Create A 3 Part Photo Image From...

May 5, 2009

i want to create one photo in 3 parts for a verical visual effect on a wall. using 3 separarate 8x10 frames, placed slightly apart to create the one image.example: a waterfall in 3 parts, spaced accordingly on a wall.any ideas?  i tried the rectanglular marquee to select and print part of the image,but the "print selected area" box is grayed out.

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Photoshop Elements :: Copy One Part Of Photo And Paste In Another Part Of Same Photo?

Oct 5, 2013

How do I copy one part of a photo and paste in another part of the same photo. element 12

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Photoshop :: Changing Piece Of Photo To Black And White And Leaving A Part In Color

Mar 27, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to change a photo to black and white but leave a handband in the photo in color? I just can't quite figure it out!

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