Photoshop Elements :: How To Change Size Up To 600 Px
Jan 7, 2014
Yesterday I installed Elements 12. My previous version was Elements 7. When I scan photos with my scanner Canon PIXMA MX340, I used to have advanced scanning options with Elements 7, but now with Elements 12 there is only a simple option. How can I get this advanced option again? I contacted Canon, but they said I should contact you instead. In the advanced option, I could zoom, scan 200% or more, up to 1200px. The only option I've got now is to change the size up to 600 px.
Is it possible to change the print font size. I have printed off the reader manual to assist me, but unfortunateley , as an 80 yr/old and with only one eye, I am finding the small font difficult to read and follow. It is not possible to change the printer font size, as I am informed by H P tech dept that it is controlled in the elements 12 programe
I am using PSE12 with Mac OS X Mavericks. If I use the type tool, type some text then want to change maybe the font or size, the text disappears! If I set the parameters before typing everything is OK, but it is really inconvenient.
Also when I do a return in text the first letter of the next line is always a capital whether or not I start a new sentence!
I need assistance. How doI change the font size or sizes of menu options on photoshop elements 9 so I can see to use the program, everything is so tiny, even the X's to close out the program.
I'm working on a large image and while the Organizer is fine with it, neither the Editor nor the Full Screen view of the Organizer will work with it.
Currently I have MaxImageSize at 200M, but can't find a similar setting for the Editor, and clearly it doesn't work for the full screen view either, so if there is a setting that enables these functions, that would be useful information.
I have 300 pix that all need to be shrunk in size and resolution to a fixed size and resolution. Rather than one-at-a-time, can this process be "batched" to eliminate some number of key strokes??????
After spending time in PS elements 11 making changes in color and applying frames etc. I noticed after saving the file my resolution went from 5.5Mb to 847kb. Why is this?
The feature where you can quickly change a brush size/ diameter by pressing Alt + hold right click (for Windows) (In Mac, control + alt + left click) is neat but is there any way to change that shortcut to a different combination? I can't find it in the shortcuts list.
I create a text box and paste in the info into it. Now I want to resize the box to fit the space available but the handles end up changing the font size. I need the software to change the auto line feeds as the box's size is changed.
how do i match on screen document size to view print size? when i create a new document and put in its dimensions when i press view print size it appears alot smaller on screen
Mleader arrow head didn't change size when change the scale on Object property?
The Arrow head size didn't change corresponding to the scale, i included the pic below, the top picture, the arrow head was set at .18" but was really small when i plot out, so i wanted to make it bigger, when i changed to .50" or .75" or even 1" the arrow head became even smaller than .18". Only when .18" than the arrow side is legible
I am using Photoshop CS3 extended 10.0.1 on Mac Intel. I have made a layer of one photo that I want to blend into another. Last time I did this in the distant past, there were handles in the selected layer that I wanted to blend and I could grab and drag those handles to change the size of that layer in relation to the other.
It was very simple. I have been at it for quite awhile now but those handles are not there and I can find no way to make them appear. I cannot change the size of one layer in relation to the other.
I want to print an image using an online service and the attached image shows the dimensions. I'm VERY new to Photoshop and want to know if I can just enter a larger size into the fields to print it at say, 8.5 x 11 and, if so, do I need to do anything else to prepare the image for this?
I have my preferences set up for my cursor to show as brush size, but suddenly my brush shows up as a tiny dot no matter what size I change it to (I've gone all the way up to 5000 pixels with no effect when using the brush, healing brush, and clone tools). My image is 1402x996 pixels at 200ppi. I've tried zooming in with no effect. I'm probably missing something obvious, but I can't think what.
I have PS CS4- never had this problem-today I can not change the size of an image- it indicates it is changed- but when I forwarded it to another site-it was not changed- I checked for updates and i turned the computer off and on- nothing worked
In CS 3 suddenly i cant change the size of my brushes anymore. Well i can from very tiny -when you only see a cross- to about 45 pixels (with a default brush) when i use the slider it can show 2500 pixels but its still the 45 pixels from before. I dont understand, everything worked fine, i was working already abour 45 minutes without any problems, and suddely this happens....can anyone tell me what could be wrong or what to do about this?
I'm trying to adjust the size of a specific image after the initial placement. I have tried "image size" and adjusted either by pixel size or percentage- but each time I do this it just adjusts the size of my entire canvas- not the individual photo I'm trying to adjust.
I just downloaded the Photoshop Editor 11 app from the app store. The installed app is 2.7 gigs! This can't be right, can it? That's more than twice as big as any other app I have.