I've deleted the preferences, restarted my computer and it still crashes everytime I try to save anything. I have a printer/scanner hooked up do I need to do something to that to make it work again?
When I try to save my work in PSE 9 it crashes every time. I've removed preferences by pressing shift, control, option after launching the program. The window came up if I wanted to remove preference I clicked yes. Restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 still crashes.
I've also removed the twain plug in this way: Program FilesAdobePhotoshop Elements 9Locales<locale>Plug-InsImport-Exportand you will find twain plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere else.
I dragged it twice to my desktop but the file still seemed to remain in place (even though I had 2 new copies on my desk top), so the third time I did it, I clicked it and moved it to trash. Again, I restarted my computer and relaunched PSE9 and it still crashes when trying to save.
I've had about 10 crashes so far this morning everytime I try to save out! I've ran disk utility, copied the file thinking it may be corrupt, emptied the P RAM, cleard all the cache files, restarted about 5 times, used different versions of PS and still get the crashes, either using 'apple S' or 'Save as'...
Here is the crash report:
Process: Adobe Photoshop CC [277] Path: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CC Identifier: com.adobe.Photoshop Version: 14.0.0 ( Code Type: X86-64 (Native) Parent Process: launchd [176] User ID: 501 [code]....
I am running Adobe Illustrator Cs6 on my Windows 8 computer. I have been using the program with no problems for a few days now. However today the program is crashing when I try to save a file. It starts saying it is not responding. I have tried restarting the computer a few times.
This happens almost evertime I go to a .ipn to update changes and save. It freezes w/ no cahnce of coming back. Two other things that is troubling me about the .ipn is that sometimes it will rearange itself w/ all the parts at 0,0,0 and or won't let me ballon any parts. After closing the file and opening it again it either does the same exact thing or takes the balloons but throws the pick points of into space......
Inventor 2010 SP4 Windows 7 Pro SP1 Dell Precision T3500: Xeon W3550 @ 3.07GHz Quadro 600 12GB ram
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
I've recently got a new computer, and after installing corel on it, I've found that I am unable to open files with corel, as soon as i press the open button corel crashes, but i am able to open the files when i goto the actual file in my documents and click open in there, and i am unable to save files any way whatsoever (due to crashing isues again) i am also unable to export my artwork to a jpeg, also an immediate crash.
I just bought elements 10 and it wont start; its crashing trying to open editor...I haven't had a chance to use it yet. It shows it's starting and then its not responsive. Now the program is completely unresponsive and not opening at all.
My Elements 9 program keeps crashing. This occurs often -- after I have edited, saved, and closed a photo image file. I then cannot get back into the Organizer. I have to shut down and restart Photoshop Elements in order to work on the next image. My operating system is Windows 7, 64 bit processor.
I just upgraded from Photoshop Elements 9 to PSE 12. (Oddly PSE remains installed which was unexpected. Most apps that I upgrade replace their previous version). When I try to use the slideshow feature, usually while displaying the first photo, the program crashes. (It gives the error that the Organizer is closing.)
My OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Running as Admin makes no difference.
Other features - general navigation and editing are working OK. PSE 9 does not crash during a slideshow on the same machine.
Slideshow is one of my most commonly used features so I'm not impressed that I spent $80 to get a worse experience.
I have a problem using the Selectiom tool (mask). I am trying to repair an older photo with folds and scratchs. After using the Selection tool and masking the children, I then inversed the selection and tried to apply the Scratch and Dust filter but the program crashed every time I tried. I was however able to use the quick selection tool and apply the scratch and dust filter without any trouble. I would like to use the selection tool but I am having difficulty as noted above. I am using a IMac computer with OX10.8.3. I also reinstalled Photo Elements 10.
I have an infuriating problem with Elements 4 crashing immediately after an install on mac OSX 10.4.11, I was given the computer, which still had Elements 4 on it although it always crashed on opening, i removed the program and bought a 2nd hand hard copy of Elements 4 from eBay.When i install the new copy it opens up with the "credits" but at the bottom right it still shows the past owners name as licensee briefly, then crashes before fully opening.
I have a Dell XPS 8500 with i7 3rd gen processor, 32 gb memory, 2 tb hard drive, AMD radeon 7800 video card, Windows 8, 64 bit. half way through the creation process the program stops and closes, after the first time losing everything I started saving the project every few minutes but it continues to crash. my PC is 2 months old and the drivers are up to date, what gives?
I'm running Photoshop Elements 12 with Windows 7 on Intel i7-3960x. OS and program are on SSD. Files on HHD. Experiencing frequent Organizer crashes especially while updating faces or scrolling, but it will also crash when it not active (just sitting in background). I turned off auto analysis and so far no crash. I have tried remove and reinstall, repair cat, optimize, etc. No luck. I have about 50,000 files in catalouge.
Well, after two days, Organizer 12 still crashing whether or not analyzer is active. Tried reloading program to same drive photos are on. Still crashing. Removed Premiere 12, still craches. Also, running face analysis on a single picture faile to find any faces - even on pictures with clear, easily identifyable faces. I am getting tired of seeing "Elements 12 Organizer has stopped working". I did not have these problems with earlier editions.
A day later. So I had a chat session with Adobe and the recommendation was to create a new catalog and start over. The suspected cause of the problem was corrupted imported tags. I did not follow the recommentation. I went back to my catalog and looked through the imported tags (using the large icons selection). I found one tag connected to Facebook and a couple of tags with busted icons. I deleted them. I created new tags to replace the imported tags and deleted all the imported tags. The program has been solid for two days and a lot of usage.
I'am using Photoshop Elements 11 on my Windows 8, but when creating a catalog everytime I press the button the organizer will crash "Elements 11 organizer has stopped working".I had done re-installing and deleting the file folder before re-installing the software but the problem still occur. I haven't used the software because I just bought it and had done nothing yet with it.
PSE 9 crashes on opening if the Organiser icon is selected. Edit icon does not crash program. Windows states "PSE 9 Elemnts Organiser has stopped working, will look for cause/reason then closes program.
Just downloaded and started using PSE 12 Editor and Organizer about a week ago. (An upgrade fron PSE11). Today for whatever reason, when trying to import any file, say from my desktop or a download foler, the list of locations to import appears for a second, then disappears. I am unable to do any other action and have to quit or force quit. In PSE Editor, I am able to open a file, but when trying to save it, I get an error that "Could not complete your request due to a Program Error". I use a Mac and just recently upgraded to OS Maverick. I also tried using PSE 11 and run into the same problem.
I received PSE 8 in a bundle with a Bamboo tablet. I loaded it up and have been editing pictures just fine. Yesterday I downloaded and installed some actions from MCP's site and messed with a few of them. Today I downloaded and installed the MCP Facebook actions. I was able to mess around with it a bit along with some other action until after a few minutes I reveived a message from Adobe telling me that it has detected that a program closed unexpectedly and asked if I wanted to send an error report, which I have. I gave it a rest for a while but it is still crashing. I can get into the Organizer but when I attempt to go into any of the edit areas, it will load up and after a few seconds I get the message. I am using Windows 7
Today I can't seem to save my image as a GIF file. I used the Magic Extractor which saved my photo as a PSD but now PSD and PDF are the only options in the Save As window.