Photoshop Elements :: Using Selection Tool And Crashing 10?
Jun 1, 2013
I have a problem using the Selectiom tool (mask). I am trying to repair an older photo with folds and scratchs. After using the Selection tool and masking the children, I then inversed the selection and tried to apply the Scratch and Dust filter but the program crashed every time I tried. I was however able to use the quick selection tool and apply the scratch and dust filter without any trouble. I would like to use the selection tool but I am having difficulty as noted above. I am using a IMac computer with OX10.8.3. I also reinstalled Photo Elements 10.
In Elements 2.0, the selection tool literally only selects what you want it to (like a brush). In CS6, I can't find a similar selection tool. Quick select always makes the selection too broad and I end up having to constantly add and subtract from it to little avail. I know there's more advanced ways to define the selection, but I want to know how to easily select only what's in my brush path.Â
I cannot get the tools option to be available in Adobe Photoshop 11. I can see the selection tool that lets you outline a person or thing but cannot get to the selection tool that allows you to select a total picture from a scanned page with multiple photos on it. I would like to have this selection tool appear on the left side of the screen as I use it so much. how to get it there and most important - get it to stay there?
When I select "crop," and crop my picture, I then click on crop again and the step is inactivated until the next crop. I cannot do that with any other tools. If I select the quick selection brush and make a selection, how do I get it to do what I want? Then, after the action is completed, how do I deactivate the quick selection brush? (I have Adobe Photo Elements 11 and my OS is Windows 7, on an hp computer.
This morning, my Selection Tool (the filled-in arrow) is acting like a Direct Selection Tool (the hollow arrow), but only when I click and drag on a group. It ends up select the anchors within the group rather than the whole group itself.  I've checked my preferences, quit and relaunched Illustrator a few times, and nothing seems to fix it. The problem briefly went away a few minutes ago, but came back when I quit and relaunched for good measure.  It's happening in Illustrator CS 5.1. I have CS6, and that version works fine, but I'm waiting on some plugins to be updated for it, so I'd like to use CS 5.1. I'm also running the latest Suitcase Fusion 4.
Photoshop 10. How do I adjust my selection after using polygonal lasso tool to refine my lines before I commit? I know I can use delete or backspace but sometimes I get cought up trying to finish my selection and with so many points made, that doesn't seem like a cool things to do. I just want to go to one area of the selection and move it a bit.
The lasso selection tool in PSE9 is malfunctioning. When I draw a selection, I immediately get a message saying: "Warning: No pixels are more than 50% selected. The selection edges will not be visible." Â This is the kind of message I would normally get when I select wrong numbers for feathering. But now the message comes up when I use the lasso tool to try to select an area. When I hit cancel the message, the selection disappears. But the pulldown menu shows that I can "deselect." When I do that, and start all over, I get the same problem. Â I quit and restarted PSE9 to try to fix this but it didn't work. Then I restarted my Mac computer, but that didn't fix it either
I'm trying to get use to this quick selection tool , i have an image i need in the middle of the photo and all round the sides i want to whiten, the tool once draggin down either side selections all the picture no mater what setting i use,
Using the selection tool i should be able tp reduce or shrink the size of the box or an image as a whole without changing the format. Iam not able to do that. I think i disabled something in my illustrator.
I have been continually annoyed, when creating a vector mask-heavy document, with trying to select vector mask points by dragging a rectangle only to find that it instead selects a layer higher up which has a larger vector mask. Â The only workaround is to manually select the points of my mask or to drag a rectangle from outside the canvas, meaning I have to zoom out or scroll to the edge - sometimes annoying if I am zoomed in quite far. Â I know that the move tool can be set to automatically select a layer, depending on what part of the image is clicked, but why is there not an option to turn this off for vector editing?
If you look closely in the attached picture, there is a spot of light blue on the player's helmet, that looks like a mistake (think it should look like the grass behind it)...though it actually may be part of his helmet. Â Regardless, I'd like to take it out. My idea was to select the blue with the quick selection tool, then bring that selection out to the grass, select the grass with that size/shape of selection, copy/paste and then bring the grass selection into the blue part so it looks like grass in what was the blue part. Â The problem is I don't seem to be able to move the selection without taking the blue with it (so it's not an empty selection and therefore can't select a piece of the grass.)
I try to use photoshop CC and it crashed EVERY single time I click the move tool, no matter what document I have open. I haven't been able to do much else with it to see if it crashes in other places or not. It crashes on both the 64 bit and 32 bit version.   I have windows 7, 64 bit. I have an AMDHD 7700 graphics card and I also use the integrated Intel 2500 graphics for more monitors.  I have 16gb of ram. I have just updated both of my video card drivers to try and correct the problem, but it has not fixed the problem.  I also get the "Photoshop has detected an error in your display driver" when I go into the performance tab in preferences.
I did something and I'm not sure what. But my selection tool has changed. Now when I try to alter the length of a clip in a timeline, it automatically switches to the rolling edit tool with the 2 arrows on either side of a line. If I try to just grab the end of a clip it also drags the end of the clip beside it as well. It affects inserts and almost anything I do. I can't figure out how to return my selection tool to normal.
I don't understand if the problem is the same of this: [URL] Â Any way i do not understand with after using -convert point tool- the tool -Direction tool- (2) do not leave me to manage both the direction handles (3). I try to upload a screenshot: Â (1): how work Direction tool (it moves both the direction handles).
In Indesign CS6 using Mountain Lion, the hand tool appears and I can't select or work with any other tool. All I can do is move the document around. After trying the space bar and other key commands I restarted and it worked for a while. Then it happened again. I work on a Macbook pro, so when I removed the mouse and worked only with the trackpad there was no change. When I quit and reopened, no change. I then deleted prefs and restarted and it worked, but it's been happening from time to time. Any other fix without restarting or deleting prefs.
and probably more, but when you consider how little functionality the loss of those three buttons give me, you can understand how little use I am getting out of CS6 so far.It makes no difference whether I use 32-bit or 64-bit. Â I am using Windows 7 Home Premium on a relatively new Toshiba Satellite C660-1LD with 2.53 gigahertz Intel Core i3 M 380 with 3892 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory* with onboard Intel(R) HD Graphics.(Processor & Memory details from Belarc Advisor) Â I sometimes get a message on load saying that Photoshop cannot find my 3D settings (although my Graphics card has 3D capability), but as I'm not using Photoshop's 3D editing tools, this is no issue to me at present.
When creating a selection Command using the PromptXXXOptions and PromptXXXResult. The entities are selected on the current view, but once the selection ends the entities return to an unselected state.
Is it possible to leave them in selection mode.
I want to this, because it will be better to use Editor.SelectImplied() instead of saving the last selection object Ids.
I just bought elements 10 and it wont start; its crashing trying to open editor...I haven't had a chance to use it yet. It shows it's starting and then its not responsive. Now the program is completely unresponsive and not opening at all.
My Elements 9 program keeps crashing. This occurs often -- after I have edited, saved, and closed a photo image file. I then cannot get back into the Organizer. I have to shut down and restart Photoshop Elements in order to work on the next image. My operating system is Windows 7, 64 bit processor.Â