CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Crashing When Opening / Saving File And Export To JPEG
Jan 16, 2012
I've recently got a new computer, and after installing corel on it, I've found that I am unable to open files with corel, as soon as i press the open button corel crashes, but i am able to open the files when i goto the actual file in my documents and click open in there, and i am unable to save files any way whatsoever (due to crashing isues again) i am also unable to export my artwork to a jpeg, also an immediate crash.
I've created a poster on corel draw x5 and I want to save it into a jpeg file, how can I do this? I have tried opening the file in corel photo paint but it loses some of the effects I have added.
Also, I want to be able to upload the poster on my website but being new to that as well how do I get the poster web ready?
I find when i open any file i have saved as an X6 file CorelDraw crashes ...the only way it works is if i open a blank template or older file (not saved in x6) first
Is there a way to set the default setting to rgb when exporting to jpeg. The current setting is set to cmyk and I want it to be rgb so that everytime I export I don't have to change the settings.
I am adjusting colours on photos with Photo Paint X6. When I try to save with original settings the OK button in the "Export to JPEG" dialog box is grayed out. There are no error messages or hints on the screen as to what to do to proceed with the save JPEG with orginal settings.
I opened a document and it popped up a messages asking if I want to revert to the saved version YES or NO. This is weird because I didn't try to open the document twice. I suspect it is a macro that was causing this problem but I have many so it could take a while to locate the culprit. I also suspect a windows 7 update may have caused an interference with the macro.
I am using corel X6 64 on a Dell optiplex 9010 intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770 @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz. 8.00GB of RAM. Its taking about 1-2 minutes to copy/cut/open a file/save a file or even publish to PDF. On the same machine Same circumstances but different User i have no problem. I have to use my user because its connected to my email and at this company i cant change that. I have researched many forums and its not color styles or object styles. It does it on a new file with only one object created. I got a new computer signed on to my user account and the problem persists.
when you export any size graphic as a jpg (selected only or not) the dialogue box comes up empty, completely! when i go to close it, it crashes corel. If I tick the donot show filter dialogue box It makes a jpg image but i have no control over the settings. It works when I export to bmp! this is getting frustrating as I often have to jpeg some graphics for customers.
Quick question, I just created a logo and I'm wondering if there is a way to export the logo into jpeg without the white background. I create posters for my husbands business and it will not be a problem when i add our logo to our posters because I can just remove the background myself.
My problem will be when I have to send the logo to other companies, they usually ask for the logo in jpeg. I've already exported the logo into a jpeg but of course the white document background appears. Is there any way to export ONLY the logo into a jpeg?
I am using CorelDraw X5 and my system is Windows 7 and is a 64 bit.
Most of the time when I am drawing and go to save my file, CorelDraw X5 will freeze up (not responding) and then crash. Most of the time, I can go and restart Corel, open my file and it will have saved where I wanted it to; but sometimes it will cause me to have to use the auto-backup or just the back up file.
I have some Ai files that I need to open in X6 but they use linked images which I have, but when opening in CorelDraw all I get is the basic Ai stuff but not the linked images, is there an easy way to open the Ai file and see it as it was intended?
As a sub note I can't go back to the supplier of the Ai file to make any changes.
Corel X5 is getting better but Im having trouble making my files to jpeg, last version (X4) you can make your own percentage on making jpeg, right now, I dont know what kind of jpeg will I choose to make my file print on any medium. the choices are only Highest, High (80%), medium (50%) low (20%) and lowest at 0%, every time I choose some and make it CMYK version, the file was damaged and discoloration, how can I do it on coreldraw 15 like what im doing last time on coreldraw 14.
I have several Coral Draw-12 files saved in a particular folder. The problem is when i am trying to open a particular file it's fine but, when trying to open a second or third .cdr file (with the first file opened) from the same folder it' s not opening.
i have a problem with CorelDraw X5where the file i open is bigger than A4 and on a custom set page size. and it opens like this.and in signcut it is
i need to edit the file and i dont know why coreldraw X5 is not letting me view the entire file. How i can overcome this or if there are any settings that i may have chanced of hot key shortcuts that i could have pressed by accident. also i have been using draw x5 for about a year put i only use half the program for what i need it for.
I'm trying to open a large file (1.2gig) but corel is having a error reading (dialoge box pop up). I have another file 1.19 gig which takes a few minutes to open but is fine.
I have 2gig ram so just wondering what the limit for file size in x3 file is? The file in question was running sweet yesterday so I didn't realise it was so large.
Is there any way to recover the contents ? I can see it in preview so I don't believe it is corrupt....the back-up has the same issues.
When I draw an image on coreldraw 11, and save it as, or export it to a .plt file, it adds lord knows how many nodes, which creates issues for my plotter. How can I fix this issue? when drawing the images I use as little nodes as possible, but as soon as I export it or import it into artcut it has hundreds more nodes than I put in.
When exporting a file to jpeg the dialog box that normally appears and lets you select the quality of the jpeg is not popping up but the files saves but I now have no options in saving the file.
I have recently upgraded to X6 from X3. After design work I would export the file to jpeg for client approval. I used Apple Mail 5.2 to attach the jpeg file but my problem is the client cannot open the file. It just turns out blank with a little cross. I cannot figure out what is the problem during the export process. I have no problem at all with X3.
Is there a way to have the status bar show up whenever a file is printing or saving. So far the only way it shows up is if you click on the little icon at the bottom right of the window.
Is there a way to either save/export a vector file that can not be edited.
I know there are tracing programs available, but I want to make it as hard as can be so this logo will not get re-edited.
I designed it for a customer (belongs to us) they did not contract/pay us for it. We do all of their clothing. She is sponsoring an event and the event coordinator wants the logo to put it on their advertising. Just don't want it to end up on other clothes.
I know this happens sometimes when a file won't open after saving and closing it. Usually I can open the backup file with just some lost work, but not this time. Problem is this time it happened with a file I spend a long time working on. I tried unzipping and opening riffData.cdr with no luck. I've uploaded the file. It is a complex drawing with over 20 pages including vector and bitmap objects.