Photoshop Elements :: Keep Crashing While Creating A Slideshow?
Mar 4, 2013
I have a Dell XPS 8500 with i7 3rd gen processor, 32 gb memory, 2 tb hard drive, AMD radeon 7800 video card, Windows 8, 64 bit. half way through the creation process the program stops and closes, after the first time losing everything I started saving the project every few minutes but it continues to crash. my PC is 2 months old and the drivers are up to date, what gives?
I just upgraded from Photoshop Elements 9 to PSE 12. (Oddly PSE remains installed which was unexpected. Most apps that I upgrade replace their previous version). When I try to use the slideshow feature, usually while displaying the first photo, the program crashes. (It gives the error that the Organizer is closing.)
My OS is Windows 7 64-bit. Running as Admin makes no difference.
Other features - general navigation and editing are working OK. PSE 9 does not crash during a slideshow on the same machine.
Slideshow is one of my most commonly used features so I'm not impressed that I spent $80 to get a worse experience.
I've just upgraded to PSE12 and it works fine in most instances. Howver when I try to create a slideshow from a selection of photos it simply stops working and then crashes. Is this a common occurrence?
When creating .WMV from a slideshow in Organizer (11), the photographs aren't showing up. They seem fine in the slideshow, but when I output to .WMV I get the audio but not the pics. I have done this many times before and it has worked fine, not sure why it isn't working now.
I am trying to take these to Premier Elements to create a DVD with menus. If I take the slideshow/project, rather than a .WMV, it tells me it doesn't like .jpg and I get some black frames. In the past, if I created .WMVs.
I am creating my first slideshow from Photoshop Elements 10 and get the error message that the proper codec is not installed. I have already converted the original .m4a file to .mp3, and that .mp3 file will play in Windows Media Player. But I cannot add it to my show.
I am using Photoshop Elements 10, and in Organiser I am creating a photo slide show, but when I come to burn the slideshow to a DVD, Help seems to indicate that I can only burn the slideshow using the Premier edition.
It seems pretty simple to just select a few pictures from the organizer, select create, select slideshow. A box comes up asking my preferences and when I say OK, the program freezes.
once I click OK, my program freezes up... I can still use other programs on my computer. photoshop elements 10 freezes when creating slideshow from album.
By relaunching Organizer, I mean close Elements Organizer and Editor if they are open > Delete both the files I mentioned earlier > NOw open the organizer again. Attach the screenshot of the preferences dialog that comes up when you go for creating slideshow?
yes I did get a error message but it was too long to copy here.I've paid good money for Lightroom. I'M spending a lot of time using it and perfecting my stuff. If it crashes all the time, what's the point? I am about my work and I don't feel very much respected by this version of Lightroom.I'm using the most recent version, 4.1 .
I'm studying animation and am working on my first animation assignment.Every time I try to create a new key frame for my whole object, the program pops up with an application error and the program crashes. I'm not using any third party plugins.
I have created a couple of collections but when I go into slide show the images are not visible for creating a slide show. Works ok with some collections but not all. Presumably there is a linkage problem. Using v4.4 on a Mac.
I'm using VideoStudio X3 and installed SP2, but creating AVCHD files constantly crashes machine.Using AVCHD videos and overlaying text, then outputting using preset AVCHD > PAL HD 1440
99% of time just crashes, which makes program unusable!!
Windows Vista 64, corel crashes on creating new document or opening existing one. It crashes twice actually. First crash spews out this:
Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH Nazwa aplikacji: CorelDRW.exe Wersja aplikacji: Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4f4c60a4 Nazwa modułu z błędem: MSVCR100.dll Wersja modułu z błędem: 10.0.40219.1 Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4d5f034a Kod wyjątku: 40000015 Przesunięcie wyjątku: 00000000000761c9 Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6002. Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045 Dodatkowe informacje 1: e139 Dodatkowe informacje 2: ed2429a1e405cd1a6fea3328235a733b Dodatkowe informacje 3: 08d2 Dodatkowe informacje 4: 7206fe9a4464dcae865f27c5d1766c68
second with this:
Nazwa zdarzenia problemu: APPCRASH Nazwa aplikacji: CorelDRW.exe Wersja aplikacji: Sygnatura czasowa aplikacji: 4f4c60a4 Nazwa modułu z błędem: mfc100u.dll Wersja modułu z błędem: 10.0.40219.1 Sygnatura czasowa modułu z błędem: 4d5f1436 Kod wyjątku: c0000005 Przesunięcie wyjątku: 0000000000001b33 Wersja systemu operacyjnego: 6.0.6002. Identyfikator ustawień regionalnych: 1045 Dodatkowe informacje 1: 433d Dodatkowe informacje 2: c4f485ce7f6b39f48369e75a4a5c6af7 Dodatkowe informacje 3: f657 Dodatkowe informacje 4: bc294d6383f97effacd7dcb23980b3fe
Both are Visual C++ related as far as I can see. I have all the Visual C++ redistributables installed and up to date.
I have Photoshop Elements 4.0, and am getting started moving around and playing with the program.
I have compiled and saved a slideshow with audio, and am pleased with the outcome, HOWEVER........when I try to record it to a DVD it won't allow it (says wrong media) and will only let me record to a CD-R. ('s a DVD recorder) Afterwards, the CD-R won't play on my DVD player.
I received a copy of Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 with a Epson Scanner. I want to make a basic DVD slide show (interactive) that can be viewed on a TV. I do not need audio or any other options.
The program said I would have to upgrade to Adobe Premier Element to do that, but when I checked the specs on Adobe Premier Elements 11, It did not give any indication that I could do that.Everything appeared to be for video and adding a multitude of options (that I do not want or need). What do I need to make a basic DVD slide show for TV?
I am trying to add an mp3 purchased from Amazon to a slide show. I'm getting a message that I don't have a compressor / decompressor? how to add music?
Have P E 5. Wish to create and display slide shows on HDTV. Have created a show, but just learned that my version cannot burn the show to DVD. Are there other options? Does the latest version 10 have this feature?
I am trying to add music to my slide show and I get this error: The selected file cannot be played because your system does not have the required compressor/decompressor (codec) installed. I went to the Adobe site and downloaded a codec program, and restarted but still got the same error.
I have PSE 11. I created a slideshow and output it to a CD for a VCD. My TV, 2 years old, wont recognise the format. How do I get a CD or DVD that will play my slide show on TV?
I tried many times to output a slideshow to DVD on PSE 8, and it crashed. A message will say that it has stopped working. Possibly could I solve the problem by re-installing PSE 8? If so, do I need to uninstall first? And any chance of getting media catalog or saved albums?
I made my first attempt with my new photo shop Elements 11 and adobe Premier, to burn a slideshow using photos and music. I was able to burn it with no difficulty but some of my photos had been turned sideways on the finished disc. They were not this way on the slideshow. How can I correct this for a reburn?