I'm using VideoStudio X3 and installed SP2, but creating AVCHD files constantly crashes machine.Using AVCHD videos and overlaying text, then outputting using preset AVCHD > PAL HD 1440
99% of time just crashes, which makes program unusable!!
What is the differences between those formats, so I don't know what to choose. My original clips are 25 frames/sec, does it means that I have to choose the 25P?
I recently installed VideoStudio Pro X3. Whenever I play back anything I tried edit the program crashes and a dump file error shows. I have tried using the smart proxy without success. I am trying to edit HD files *.mov. The files are only a couple of minutes so that should not be an issue. I also tried closing all other programs. When I try and playback I can only see a couple of seconds before it crashes. I am wondering if my computer does not have the resources to edit HD. I have 1024 MB of Ram.
I edited a wedding video that is over 90 minutes long (it was a wedding in Ireland). It was filmed in AVCHD on a pro video camera.
I wanted to produce a standard DVD and a Blu Ray copy to send over. The DVD copy rendered fine but the Blu Ray as well as the AVCHD file crashed every time and even crashed the computer to re-start. It crashed at around 30% in and I tried a number of different combinations to accomplish this render.
What I then did after a few attempts was to look at the last frame of the couple of files it did render to see where on the time line it was crashing.
It turned out it was on a transition I customised, I think using proDAD VitaScene. It was a transition that created a twinkling star effect from one scene to the next. As soon as I removed this one transition and it rendered a Blu Ray file with no problems at all.
One question though, I am not sure why there are so many choices of Blu Ray and AVCHD in the menu. What is the difference and which one would be the generally used one.
I am using VS2 and have been working on creating a "hybrid DVD" AVCHD video. I have a Canon HD video camera and an HP computer (w/regular DVD burner) with an i7 quad. Hybrid DVD is played on a Bluray player and HD TV. Everything is working well with editing the clips etc... Rendering has gone well with no real problems. I recorded video at the highest setting 24 Mbps. When I click on properties for a (m2ts) clip in the timeline it indicates 21,0000 to 22,000 Kbps that seems normal. I than go directly to the burn step (Create disc>AVCHD) and proceed to burn the disc at 4X. When I click on the middle icon (thumbwheel) these are the properties:
MPEG files 24 bits, 1920 x 1080, 29.97 fps Upper Field First (HDMV-NTSC), 16:9 H.264 Video Video data rate: Variable (Max. 18000 kbps) Audio data rate: 384 kbps Dolby Digital Audio, 48 KHz, 2/0(L,R)
These settings seem normal to me. Also, the "do not convert compliant......" is checked.
This is what I am not understanding. When the 18 minute HD project is brought into the burn disc module, it shows only 1.45 GB of data and after the disc is burned, the video file properties found on the disc show a total bit rate of 11,768. As a test with the same project, I did a (create video file>same as first clip) and created a mpg file that is 2.75 GB in size with a total bit rate of 21,649 which seems normal. I understand VS has a max of 18K but shouldn't I be able to create a hybrid disc with a data rate close to 18K. The video at the lower bit rate plays and look ok using my BR player but I wanted to find out if I could create a higher quality video on disc.
I have read probably every post relating to what I think my problem is and after trying a couple of things, I cannot increase the total bit rate of the video on my hybrid disc.
How can I burn the folders created at Step 3 of DMF 7 SE on a disc?
in AVCHD mode :
1.the folders are created in a folder named "AVCHD" (that consists of a BDMV sub-folder) . Do I have to burn the AVCHD folder on the disc or just the BDMV folder (that is a sub folder of the AVCHD folder created) ?
2.if I use Nero to burn AVCHD folders on a DVD, what type of DVD format do I have to select ? DVD-Video? (the AVCHD folders do not contain any VIDEO_TS files)? DVD-ROM(ISO)? DVD-ROM(UDF)? DVD-ROM(UDF/ISO)?
in Blu-ray mode :the folders created are in a folder named BDMV. Is it what I have to burn on a blu-ray disc (the BDMV folder or just the sub-folders)?
Earlier this year I purchased a Panasonic HDC-DS800 high definition camcorder. After years of editing ATI files, I'm going to use my VideoStudio (X4) to edit AVCHD files.
To get the files from the camcorder to the computer, there are 2 options. One is to go directly to the SD card on the camcorder through the My Computer option. This gives me .MTS files, which I can transfer to my hard drive.
The other option is to use the software supplied with the camcorder, which is HD Writer AE 3.0. This transfers to my hard drive .m2ts files. Along with the .m2ts files, it also transfers (or creates) .tmb files, .pmpd files, and .cont files.
I am at my wit's end here! U completely reinstalled Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit) and fully updated my drivers, software, and directx. I Installed VSX3 and I cannot render my AVCHD files from my Sony SR11. I get a dump error that points to the AVCHD dll file. I have used that last 5 versions of VS and my AVCHD files were fine with 11 and 12.
Are there users on here that are successful with Sony AVCHD files on Windows 7?
I use proxy files for my AVCHD editing. One of the options in the compression settings relates to " quality vs speed". Imo Proxy files are working files which content is not used for the final rendering. what the meaning / consequence is of the quality vs speed choice?
If the Pro X3 Service Pack includes dealing with AVCHD Lite video files?
It says "...the update provides: Updated camera support – broadened MPEG-4 capabilities add support for additional cameras, including selected cameras from Flip, Canon and more "
Just bought a Panasonic Lumix DMC-Zs7 wich shoots AVCHS Lite HD video and a lesser quality .MOV files as well. I wanna know if Prox3 can deal with these before I upgrade!! I have Prox2 right now.
I've purchased a sony VG10E camcorder that has sourced capture at 25mbps. I have been using premiere pro for years and now find render for the imported 1 hour source AVCHD files takes over a day ! (and still changes original source material ). I've heard that the latest video studio smart renders AVCHD.
Can this provides untouched source file reproduction after editing using my sony 25mbps quality?(i'd expect untouched to remain same, while touched/transitionss etc will require render).
My camera films in AVCHD 1080, 25fps. I currently use VideoStudeo x6. i have been using it for a while and when i export for youtube videos, i find its only quality video when you change the youtube video to HD. Is there a way to set the video, so its still crisp and clear at 360p/480p, as i find its always distorted at these levels, although the footage is amazing in hd. What are the exact project properties i should set and the file export settings.
I am fully aware of the settings for youtube, however is it because iam filming in AVCHd i cant get that clean crisp look at lower levels on youtube? as the best setting for youtube are mpeg files. for reference please check this video i did: [URL]......
I tested yesterday creating a video using "same as first video". All inserted files were AVCHD. The created video file, typed mpg, was missing audio no matter what I tried: tried mp4, avi, etc. I then turned off Smart Render in the options that pop-up when creating the video and it worked ( I have Smart Render turned off in the Preferences, BTW). This appears to be a bug or am I doing something wrong? In any case I am happy with this "work-around" Al
Using X5 pro with the updates applied. Over several versions and several years, I developed the habit of converting the video .MOD files created by a JVC camcorder to .mpg before doing any editing using them. For the purpose of this topic, the reasons for that are unimportant. But for the first time, in the last few days I needed to get several basic projects done quickly and elected to bypass this mechanism and work directly with the .MOD files in the edit mode.
And as a result, I am seeing for the first time intermittent crashing of X5 during an edit phase. It's happening on different source files and vsp project files. Never at the same place in a project file, nor during the same action activity. Occurs during clip mode and project mode.
When it happens, the X5 desktop just 'whites out' - the outline of the program desktop is discernable, but barely. The only way out is to kill the program and re-start. Wait long enough and windows will present that option anyway. If one has saved the vsp file (repeatedly) during edit, restart does not lose much. Otherwise - begin again from scratch.
Photoshop CS6 Extened won't play or process Dolby Digital (AC-3) Audio Files from my AVCHD video files.The video plays fine just no sound at all. When processed still no sound. Are there any (AC-3) audio codecs I can download and install. How would I install them. Do I need to convert audio files to another format & if so how & what format.
I've a professional Panasonic camera capable of 720p and 1080p AVCHD recording both at 50 or 25 frames per sec (PAL). My recent clips are AVCHD h.264 50fps @ 24000-26000kbps. I usually render the file to film first, then create a disc after. I use VSP x5
For a short edited film (less than 5gb), I'm happy to make an AVCHD full-HD disc and enjoy a seamless and lossless transfer from project to a standard disc. The picture quality seems true to the original recording.
Q1) For longer films where I need to use a Blu Ray, what exactly is the best route to take and what boxes should be (or not) checked?? I did create a Blu Ray disc using the largest output 35000kbps max and I thought afterwards the footage looked a bit "contrasty" and second hand.
Q2) I've read in the forums that 50fps for 1080p Blu Ray is not available yet (hence the conversion to 25fps). Is it available at 720P and what/where are the settings?
Q3) If I know before filming that I'll be needing a Blu Ray, is it advisable to shoot the original at 25fps to avoid deterioration at render stage?
Q4) For downsizing to 720x576 Standard Definition discs, do I need smart render on? Two pass encode? for best quality?
Bottom line = I want to avoid my footage being unnecassarily hauled through rendering hoops and the final AVCHD or Blu Ray to be as best it can.
I can't find an easy, out-of-the-box way to create a 1920x1080 file from my clips. My clips are shot in HD (1080p) and I can output in 1080 via .mp4, but not .avi. I've been producing in .mp4 and converting through an external tool to .avi, but quality is lost a bit.
I tried using "custom" and user-defined resolution, but the file size was enormous and didn't playback correctly in WMP. When I select the compression types, it locks out user-defined resolutions.
I am interested in saving my projects for both uploading to the web and for storing on my hard drive. I'm having some issues
I get by ok with the actual editing part of the VS 4 program. However, I am really struggling to figure out how to create the files in the most efficient format that would balance both quality/file size. I use two HD cams that record in the mp-4 format with h.264 compression 29.97fps. One is a Sanyo Xacti, the other A Kodak Playful. I like to record with the 720p/30 setting, and would prefer to retain the same frame resolution when I create the finished projects. Also these cams record at a rate of about 9000 kbps or so, but would like the finished project to be reduced to about half of that or maybe even less.
OK, so to this point I have experimented in saving my finished project to several different formats. And based on my first impressions, the AVI format looks best (when selecting ffd show and h264 compression). Only there's a problem...the audio is out of sync. About 1-2 seconds ahead of the video I have tried several times always with the same result. If I instead select xvid or h263 or h263+ as an alternative to h264, then everything seems fine. I have also tried creating a movie template with these parameters, as well as just going into the create custom file option and selecting AVI. Can't seem to solve the audio-video sync with h264 as the compression, no matter what I try.
Oh, and now that I've mentioned "Creating Movie Templates" I have another question dedicated just to that.
Why is it that when I save my project using my newly created template, the result is that I end up with several short saved files (portions of the complete project) instead of one single and complete file of my project? Have tried with both an AVI template in h264, as well as a WMV template. Doesn't happen when I don't use a template.
whether Video Studio could handle the video file format from a high end Panasonic prosumer camcorder. It seems the question I should have asked is whether Video Studio X5 can edit and export files in the new AVCHD 2.0 format, which is used not only by Panasonic but by other camcorder manufacturers and which, according to an email from a reviewer for camcorderinfo.com is not compatible with a large number of video editing software programs. Can X5 handle AVCHD 2.0?
I need to convert AVCHD footage to 1280x720 MOV (qt) files. VSX2 via create a video file, and VSX3 can do this via video file creation and batch conversion as well. The problemis that I can't find any setting to get the bitrate of the MOV files under contol. VSX2 generates files with very high bitrates, VSX3 with low bitrate, and when I select "check data rate" in the advanced options settings for the MOV file, I get a prompt at every new file start (and I have many files) like " the bitrate exeeds the settings...do you want to continiue" .
I have VideoStudio X5.I have saved my completed video as a video .m2t file and as an AVCHD file neither of which will replay on the computer if I click on the file folder. If I copy them to a USB stick they don't replay on the HD tv either. Both play as discs on my laptop quite happily but how do I transfer them as videos to a USB
I used a video light in lower light conditions to take an HD video (in AVCHD) which will be rendered to PAL SD DVD. Unfortunately the main speaker has red eye. Can my VSP x3 remove this?
have a newly acquired Canon HF S21 video camera that captures footage in AVCHD. I plan on using Corel for capture and edit.
My question is for other AVCHD users. Do you use any tools to convert the files to .avi? And then edit those in VS X3 in order to aid the rendering process?
Someone refered me to Cineform Neoscene. It is a bit pricey, but here it is: [URL]
Is AVCHD really a problem in VS x3? If I convert to .avi, will I be able to render to a BD DVD later on and still retain the HD image as good as that on the original AVCHD footage?
where to get more AVCHD disc menu templates than the 8 that come with it? I was wondering if the demo of DVD MovieFactory 7 has more and if I installed the demo if I could copy the templates over to VSX4.
why my Corel VideoStudio ProX4 program is having a hard time to run AVCHD MTS files.Seems like they are slowing my computer to a crawl.Causing the program to quite. My computer is a quad core, 3.00 GHz 4g's of ram.Lots of hard drive space.I don't understand it.