Photoshop Elements :: 5.0 Attempt To Access Invalid Address Error?
Jan 28, 2013I must have this item working.
No I don't have Google Chrome or the anti-virus programs mentioned I have Kaspersky Pure
I must have this item working.
No I don't have Google Chrome or the anti-virus programs mentioned I have Kaspersky Pure
Everytime I try to run the program I get an error message saying "Attempt to access invalid address". I am using Windows 7 64bit.
I have unistalled and reinstalled PSE5.02
Unistalled Google Chrome
Set antivirus to silent/gaming mode
Ran as administrator
Ran in compatitibly mode, Windows XP service pack2
I really need this working, I need to use it for a project thats due Monday!!
When I click "Show Map" I get a blank map at all. When I try to place a photo on the map, I get an error message: "The address you requested could not be found, please try again." It doesn't matter if it's a point of interest, a city, or even a state or country.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhat good is the email function in Lightroom 4? It doesn't access the address book on my Mac. You expect me to import my email addresses one at a time?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI get, on attempt to go into extensions.Could not complete the Manage Extensions command because Photoshop was unable to find the JavaScript plug-in.Also some components of PS CC and InCopy could not be updated successfully.
View 1 Replies View RelatedEverytime I open my 3dStudio max 9 program I get this error message: DLL<C:program files (x86)3ds Max 9stdplugsDx PluginsDxDDS.bmi> failed to initialize. Error Code 998 - Invalid access to memory location
What is this and what does it mean? I have reinstalled the program in the hopes of ridding myself of this but nothing has worked.
I have recently upgraded to Lightroom 5. When I try to export a fairly large number (about 60) images as JPG, I get an error message "attempt to index a nil value" and some images do not export. When I view the images in the library and export them individually, the export works. So I conclude that the images are not corrupt, but that there is a bug in the software.
View 1 Replies View RelatedError message:R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am getting an application error (0xc000007b) when I attempt to start LR4. I have uninstalled and reinstalled application with same result. what is happening and how I can get it up and running again?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIt appears when we attempt to open the file then C3D crashes.
Modeling Operation error: Attempt to evaluate a plane with zero normal.
One of my users got this error in a drawing with about 8-10 fairly complex grading objects in it. I had told him not to leave them as grading objects but he was convinced he could make it work.
HP 4600 4 GB Ram
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66
ATI FireGL V5600 (8.453.1.3000)
Windows XP PRO (SP 3)
2008; (All SP) LDT, MAP 3D
2009; Civil 3d 2009 Update 2 Version 3, Map 3D, Raster
I recently began using lightroom and stored the files on the local drive of my macbook pro (current os) until I ran out of space. Exported the catalogue to an external HD, then deleted the files from the local drive. As I tried to import the .lrcat file associated with the export to the external HD and received this error:
"Can not import from this catalog at this time. The catalog is either in use by another copy of Lightroom or was closed improperly. If it was closed improperly, please consider doing an integrity check when opening."
I am not running LR on any other computers so I figure Lightroom was "closed improperly".
Lightroom 5.3 has been working fine, but now after locking up while trying to do 1:1 previews it will not open and gives an error box about cannot address preview cache. I have deleted and re-installed with no dice.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have version 11 of PSE and it has been operating great with one exception. Whenever I attempt to do a full back-up it goes through the regular process including reconnecting missing data but then at the end when it should start backing-up it stops responding.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the middle of a photoshop session the application spontaneously quit (when changing colour palette). This is a totally legal copy of CS2, recently successfully transferred to a new-ish Mac running Snow Leopard. When I tried to restart P'shop it came up with an error message "Your Adobe Photoshop user name, organisation, or serial number is missing or invalid. The application cannot continue and must now exit."Subsequent attempts to launch p'shop came up with a supposedly humorous "Space Monkey" splash screen.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to open the program, it gives me the following error: "Could not initialize photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted). I've uninstalled and re-installed the program.
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Should I save a picture? I look on the picture and can draw. I using Adobe Photoshop CS5.
When the IP address of one of my scanners was changed (due to power outage), two listings of the scanner now show up as separate devices with the same name in the PSE9 WIA list - one of these with the old obsolete IP address. The same device is also listed with the new address and it works. How to I delete the WIA listing with the old IP address?
Only one entry with the IP address for this HP printer/scanner shows up in the Windows 7 list of printers. So this WIA list is a remanent of the past. How do I get rid of it?
How to use my address book in MSN when using elementc11
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow do I get my address book from imac into elements 10 to be able to use the share tab.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen Sharing photos under Share. Address book doesn't seem to be connected to Sharing. Recently installed PSE 11. Catalog moved okay, but having trouble with Address Book.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have in excess of 64,000 photos catalogued in Photoshop Elements 11 stored on a NAS drive in various folders such as: \10..253.20.37photo2013USA, \ . The problem is that I have recently changed ISP & the internal IP address of the NAS drive has changed to \ consequently the ‘location’ of files stored in the catalogue is now incorrect. I wondered whether I could do some form of update on the catalogue database file to replace with
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it prompt up a alert box and said'Could not complete your request because of missing or invalid personalization information'
i try to uninstall it and reinstall it, but it still appear.
How do I add a new email address in Elements 11 - to send photos?
The Preference tag in Edit is not active.
I'm trying to import files from my GoPro's, i can watch the video's on Quick Time player, but when i go to import them to either V4 or V5 it comes up with a invaild file error.
View 1 Replies View RelatedJust installed 2014 and have a few issues right away. I checked out the New Features webpage and attempted to change the Viewport Layout using the new Menu dropdown. When I click on any other layout other than the default the whole UI begins to flicker and Max completely locks up and I have to end the process to close it.
Now when I load Max I get an error box that says: "Invalid flyout button ID!" After clicking OK on 6 identical successive Error boxes they are all gone and Max is OK.
I uninstalled my display drivers and installed the latest Max Performance driver 311.50 for my Quadro 4000.
Update: I removed a custom toolbar that I created thinking it might be throwing the error and then relaunched Max. Same error. Then I reinstalled Max using the Repair/Reinstall feature instead of completely uninstalling and reinstalling. When I open Max I still get the "Invalid flyout..." error. FYI, upon my initial install and first opening of Max it opened normally. It was only after I had the switching workspace event that this error stated. The Reinstall feature did not solve it.
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard,
Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram,
Quadro 4000 Display Adapter
How do I attach photos from PSE Organizer to email without my address verification?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I populate the address book when trying to send a photo(s) by email?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I switch renders layers I get the following error
/ Error: ...cameraMaskChange(unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColum //
// Error: Invalid use of Maya object "unifiedRenderGlobalsWindow|rgMainForm|tabForm|mentalRayTabLayout|mentalRayCommonTab|scrollLayout|commonTabColumn|rgRenderableCamerasFrame|renderableCamerasSW|mayaSoftwareCameraLayout|columnLayout27|columnLayout28|columnLayout29|checkBoxGrp71". //
Error: Invalid use of Maya object "persp" will happen for every camera in the scene until I close and re-open the scene! I do not know what causes it but it seems like whenever I delete a render layer it starts happening and it is driving me positively bonkers!
I am getting a Error with this
Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.SetSystemVariable("DIMSCALE", 12.0);
I am getting a "eInvalidInput" error.
"Unknown value "AC1027" encountered in drawing version.Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded. Press Enter to continue." (then the file disappears)
MY workflow:I am opening up DXF files created by me with RASPLOT 2.5 and RASPLOT 3.0 (an Army Corp of Engineers Hyrdraulic model extraction program) I bring the DXFs into AutoCAD for better cleanup of the 2D graph it creates of flood profiles.
OBSERVATIONS:Others in my office have opened the same engineering models in RASPLOT and been able to bring DXFs into AutoCAD 2011/2012 in with no problem. It had worked for me in the past, but I can't recall what happened to all of a sudden make it not work, EVER. My co-workers can work with the RASPLOT DXFs in Windows XP and Windows 7.
ATTEMPTED SOLUTIONS:-I upgraded my RASPLOT version first from 2.5 to 3.0, then upgraded my AutoCAD2011 to 2012. No change.
-If I create the DXF on my computer, then open it remotely from another computer's AutoCAD, I still get the same error message. (My only solution has been to create my DXF by remotely logging into another computer with RASPLOT then it will open in my computer's AutoCAD.)
- I tried changing the .dxf file path to .dwg but that doesn't work.
I received the drawings with comments from consultant.The cad drawings are infected with stamps.I was ordered to use such drawing to update the routing of the services.When I use DXFOUT to change it to the DXF version 2000.I can't open it the dxf drawing.the error like below when i tried to open the dxf:
Undefined shape 4
Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.
Press ENTER to continue.
what can i do now?