Photoshop Elements :: 5.0 - 3 Pointers On Screen At One Time
Feb 24, 2013
Windows 7, PS Elements 5.0 and all these years I have never had a problem. But now when I open the program my on screen pointer has 2 shadows following it around. Meaning, there's three of them now.
This only happens in the main screen. When changing tools or using the menus,, the pointer changes back to an arrow to make your selection.
with practice over the last week, I've gotten pretty good at using the pen tool to make selections. I was wondering, when I go to use the direct selection tool to refine my curves…
The pointers sometimes get in the way when I'm trying to be as precise as possible when I want to refine my curve . Is there a shortcut key that I could press to hide the pointers while I am trying to place my curves?
I only installed Photoshop last week, the screen goes black almost constantly and I have to click a few buttons for it to suddenly reappear. Its running on Windows 8.
know the Line/Curve only have 4 pointers/handles/nubs (To be honest, I do not know what it called). There one at the start, two in the middle and one at the end but I need to add more as I need to make more curve so, is there a way to add it or at least any plugin.
I just wondered if there's a way to get Video Studio 11.5 to capture video from your PC screen?
I ask because I've been trying to find a free program to do this (not having any money for stuff like Camtasia) when I remembered that I had Ulead Video Studio 11.5 - and I hoped that could do this instead.
Can it? If it can, can it also record audio at the same time? (I have a headset with Microphone)
I'm a bit of a Newbie to Is there any way to have multiple images open at the same time on ythe screen -- and to be able to select parts from one image and paste them in another -- that sort of thing?
I imported a number of Powerpoint slides into VideoStudio Pro X6 and am now recording voice audio for them. My problem is: I don't know how to stretch each slide's duration to match its audio. By default, all the slides came in with a 3 sec duration. I can increase each to a max of 6 sec, but that's not long enough for my audio.
I've dug around the internet and watched tutorials on Corel's site, but they don't work. Everything I've looked at (even page 60 in the User's Guide for X5) says that to change a photo's duration, double-click it and select "Speed/Time-Lapse" on the Edit screen.
When I double-click a photo, there isn't a "Speed/Time-Lapse" option on my Edit screen (see image). So how am I supposed to change the slide's duration?
i just installed the 2012 autocad on my laptop and everytime i use trim or rotate or anything else the screen just goes black and the computer freezes for a few seconds and then it comes back and tell me that its trying to adjust the program with the monitor but it never ends and it keeps doing the same thing. btw my laptop specs are: windows7 home premium, intel i5, 6gb ddr3, intel HD3000 graphics.
I already have all my settings the way that I want the users to see them when starting AutoCAD 2010 for the first time. But when you first start up AutoCAD 2010 it brings up the Initial Setup screen. I was wondering if there was a way to get that not to display but just open AutoCAD right away.
I did take a class for it in college so I know the basics, but still learning. I am trying to create a very basic animation where I have 2 assets that begin off the stage on either side. I would like the elements to slide in from the sides and meet in the middle with about a 20px overlap. I tried setting a keyframe for both elements at 0 seconds and setting the X translations to -2000px and 2000px and then setting another keyframe at 5 seconds and changing the X translations to 48% and 52% respectively. This got me the desired effect, but only because I have such a large monitor. If the browser window is resized or the screen is smaller, the effect does not stay the same due to using percentages to center the elements.
is there a way to animate elements to the middle of the screen without percentages(maybe by using margin:0 auto or something)? Or is there a way to accomplish what I am looking for so that the positioning of the elements is the same regardless of browser window size?
Organiser tags will only find one tagged category at a time. E.g Typing "gill" in the find bar will return all photos with Gill in. Likewise Laura returns all photos with Laura in, but type both Gill followed by Laura will only return photos of Gill. I did not have this problem on Elements 10.
Every time I run the editor, the program crashes. The organizer works fine. I have a i7, Win 8.1 16GB RAM and 2GB video memory. Lightroom 5.3 works fine. I have the same problem with the editor of Premiere Elements 12.
I recently had to reload PSE9 on my Vista 64-bit machine after a motherboard/hard drive failure (yes, supposedly both components failed). I edited a few images tonight and noticed that the time-stamp metadata on the imported images does not match the metadata on the originals--everything is an hour off. I made the original purchase of the product a few years ago and it was fixed by a later update. If it matters, the images are RAW format images and I was using the full edit functions of the software.
I recently reloaded my files from Time Machine, after having my had my hard drive replaced. Elements will not run, giving me error 150:30 and a message to the effect that my license is not working. Do I have to reload from disk?
How do I get rid of the time clock in organizer. If I click on the time clock and go to editor, the pick shows up fine in the edit mode. Any new pics come in as time clocks instead of pictures and this is before I edit them. When I do edit and return to editor, after saving, I still get the time clock.
1. Pressing shift, contron and option right after launching the program. The window came up to delete prefernces I clicked yes. Restarted my computer relaunched the program, still quitting every time I try to save anything.
2. I went into Program FilesAdobePhotoshop Elements 9Locales<locale>Plug-InsImport-Exportand you will find twain plug-in. Remove that plug-in from that location and copy it somewhere else.
I did this 3 times, the first 2 times I dragged the twain plug in to my desktop, but I guess it was just making a copy. I can see the two plug in's on my desktop, but the plug ins remained in place. So the 3rd time, I clicked it and moved it to trash.
Again, I restarted my computer and relaunched PSE 9 but it still was crashing when I tried to save anything.
3. Just last night I ran the disk utility and repaired disk's. Again, restarted my computer and relaunched the program, and still it quits every time I save.
Every time I open a photo in Organizer with Editor, Editor changes the time specificaciones of the photo to one hour earlier. So the photos changes the order in Organizer. What is the reason and how to repair it?
Is there any way to have the sub folders show all the time? I move photos to the sub folder then they disappear and I have to right click and show sub folders again to add another photo. I have around 2800 photos to do this to.