Photoshop Elements :: 10 Printer Setting Defaults To Rear Tray?

Feb 1, 2014

I have PSE 10. My OS is Windows 7. My printer is a Canon MG6120. The default print tray selected for the computer and all programs is the Cassette. It was selected under Devices and Printers (path: Control PanelHardware and SoundDevices and Printers). All my programs accept the cassette as the default paper source or Tray, except for PSE 10.
In all other programs, I manually change the Paper Source for rear tray selection through the Printer Properties dialogue window. However, the paper source for my PSE 10, after manually changing from Tray: Rear Tray to Tray: Cassette, resets back to Tray: Rear Tray after printing and even after using the Change Settings and Advanced Settings dialogue windows.  see the image insert.
I generally print on bond paper. The rear tray is normally closed. If I'm want to print on photo paper, I open the rear tray and insert the photo paper. I verify that I have the printer set to use the rear tray. After printing on photo paper (from any program) I reset the paper source back to cassette.
My questions are, "How do I correct or override PSE 10's automatic resetting of the paper source to the Rear Tray. How do I convince PSE 10 to accept the front-loading cassette as the default paper source?"
PSE10 also insists on reverting to Landscpe orientation. Please see the image insert.
My questions are, "How do I correct or override PSE 10's automatic resetting of the paper Orientation to Landscape. How do I convince PSE 10 to accept Portrait as the default orientation?"

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Lightroom :: Kodak ESP Printer Defaults Ignored?

Apr 4, 2013

I'm having problems printing from Lightroom. I'm printing on a Kodak ESP C315 with Epson (not Kodak) premium quality paper. As per Kodak's instructions, I turned advanced dot placement mode off. The problem is - even after I've done this and set it as a default in the printer control panel (I'm using Windows 7 pro, by the way), Lightroom insists on turning it back on. Because I can print using the same settings perfectly happily from Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: Setting Defaults For Free Transform

Apr 6, 2008

Is there a way to set and have Photoshop remember the settings for the free transform, especially the width and height fields.

I always want the scale to be in pixels, but the default seems to be percent.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Setting Defaults

Feb 28, 2013

I am using Coreldraw X5 and experiencing the following problems.

After writing text and clicking the Pick Tool, the text is instantly 'emboldened'.  the only way I can correct this is to select No Outline.  Why does this happen?

I can get round this using this procedure: With nothing selected.

From the Outline Pen tool - select No Outline - and tick the Artistic and Paragraph text boxes. And then from the Tools, Options menu, selecting Save Settings as Default and also Tools, Options, Documents, Save Options as Default for New Documents.

The best that happens is that setting the defaults in this way works for that current page.  If I open a new page the problem is back.

The above also occurs with text point size, every new page offers Ariel 10 point, I can change this using the above procedure but it is also not permanent. I would be interested in why setting defaults has no affect, and a permanent solution. I have also restarted the computer after 'setting the defaults' to no avail.

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VideoStudio :: Font Defaults To Ridiculously High Setting

Nov 1, 2010

I recently had to reinstall Corel VideoStudio Pro X3 because of some missing/damaged files (long story). Anyway, I downloaded Title Pack 6 so I had some more, well, titles. Afterwards, when I tried to use the new titles, after moving them to the timeline and double clicking to edit the text the problem starts...

1) There is no text box to edit text or the text box is REALLY tiny (so tiny I cant resize it) and tucked away in the top-left corner of the preview box.
2) The font defaults to a ridiculously high setting (~150-200).
3) When I try to type something in, nothing happens.
4) When I click off the text box I get an error message saying "Font Apply Error!".

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Lightroom :: Setting Defaults For Importing To External Drive?

Apr 16, 2012

I am looking to set the default drives used for importing images.
I do not store my images on the C: drive which Lightroom seems to default to. I want to set it to use an external drive, drive F:.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Network Layers - Setting Defaults

May 9, 2012

I can't find the setting for setting the default pipe network layers - dialog that opens when I create a network.

I have different utilities, obviously want them on the right layers. 

E_WM --> exst. WM layers plan/profile
E_SAN--> exst. sanitary layers plan/profile.

I have a template drawing I am getting my styles from. where in the template are these things set?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Default Dimension Styles Different Than Object Defaults In Style Library

Apr 5, 2012

We have, as our standard library default dimension style, a 1/32 fractional style, called "1/32-FRACTION". Various Object Types, like Linear Dimension are set to this Object Style. When I create a drawing, then these Object Defaults are in effect.

This means that, doing nothing while executing a dimension command, I get fractional dimensions by default. This works good.

However, sometimes I want to create a drawing where the default dimension style is "X.XXX-DECIMAL" without changing the Object Defaults found in the style library. I've tried to make the changes from within the style library and then save this as a template. However, when I try to make a drawing based on this template, Inventor states that the styles in the template differ from the styles in the library" and then busily goes about undoing what I careful did.

So I'm hoping there is something in the API I can call on to do this with a macro. Is it possible to write a macro that after you start a drawing, flips all the various Object Styles from "1/32-FRACTION" to "X.XXX-DECIMAL"?

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Photoshop :: Print Setting On a Printer Dialog Is Not Responding

Oct 14, 2012

Print setting on  a printer dialog is not responding. Now I  have a new printer driver (Epsom stylus Photo R800)I cannot set paper size.This is a recurring problem. I have been trying to relaunch app holding control+ option+shift without effect.

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Photoshop Elements :: 11 Doesn't Show Photo Tray Option In Printing

Nov 14, 2012

Doesn't Photoshop Elements 11 support a photo tray option or is it just the main tray on your printer?  My printer has a photo tray that I always used in previous Elements versions.  Elements 11 doesn't show a photo tray option in printing, what gives???

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Photoshop :: C6 - Get Warning That (No Color Management) Setting For Printer Isn't Supported?

Jun 2, 2012

I'm using Photoshop Extended CS6. I'm printing to either an Epson Stylus Pro 9900 or an Epson SP4900. In the print dialog, I get a warning I haven't seen in a long time. It says the setting "No Color Management" at the printer is not supported. This is patently false. I am given a link to download the Adobe Color Print Utility (which gives abominable results; I know this from repeated uses in the past), and a service note saying this issue is for Photoshop CS5. Clearly there is a problem, possibly a bug.
I have never had CS5 installed on this machine. I do have PS CS5.5 and PS CS6 on this machine (I have used all versions of CS in various suites from the start of the product line). Of course "no printer management on printer/Photoshop manages color" works..

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Setting Up Printer Format

Oct 2, 2012

I have to set up my drawing on the model page so that I can save it as a PDF and then transfer it into adobe illustrator. My scale is 1:1, and when I put it on the model page I'm doing a 1/8" : 1' scale. It should fit on the page no problem, its only a 9" model plan on 1/4 scale, so it should be 4.5" on the page. However, it's too big for the page.

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Photoshop :: How To Remove Rear Work Plan In CS6

Mar 28, 2012

I try to find how to remove rear work plan in Photoshop CS6 ? I still looking in the "preference" but I don't find the solution. I really prefers to have no background like the CS5 because I always work with "drag & drop" and now, it's impossible to see my desktop.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Setting Margins And Putting In Printer Marks

Sep 16, 2013

 I am new to Corel 12, I am a little behind the times. I need setting up my margins and putting in my printer marks.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 2013 Crashes Setting Up Kip 5000 Printer

Apr 23, 2012

AutoCAD 2013 crashes during the plot configuration for our printer. When I select Custom Properties for our Kip 5000 Series Printer I get an Unhandled Exception popup. When I click continue I get a message that "AutoCAD Applicaiton has encountered a problem and needs to close", the program crashes.  AutoCAD 2013 will not let us select the kip 5000.pc3 file we used for Autocad 2012.

How can I set my printer up if it keeps crashing the program. Is there a new driver for 2013, if so where do I find it. Is it from AutoCad or the printer company Kip America (who have yet to reply to my email).

I have attached the error message

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Photoshop Elements :: Adobe PSE 11 Installer Defaults To Uninstall Routine

Apr 20, 2013

I’m trying to install PSE 11 from a downloaded < >.  Preferring a “clean” installation, first I uninstalled PSE 10 (Windows7 Control Panel / Programs); however, PSE 10’s program folder did not delete.  So, I deleted it manually, then ran Adobe’s <adobe_creative_suite_cleaner_tool>, and selected “All.”

Now, unzipping and installing PSE 11 causes the installer to default consistently to "uninstall."  I’ve performed cold boots between each step, and repeated the entire process with identical results.  How do I "reset" Adobe for a clean installation?

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Photoshop Elements :: Color Selection For Text And Shapes - Defaults To Shades Of Gray

Nov 28, 2012

When I select a color for text and shapes, the software defaults to shades of gray, although black and white are available.  I use the eyedropper to select red on the pallette, for example, and the red box is framed.  But the color sample on both the menu bar and the tool bar sets to gray.  Is there a swicth somewhere that inhibits red, green, blue, etc.?
I even reinstalled the program, thinking I had a glitch--no change.  The color selection had always worked in the past.

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GIMP :: How To Create Lamborghini Grille For Front And Rear Bumpers

Mar 4, 2012

How to create lamborghini grille for the front and rear bumpers as well as the intakes?


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Photoshop Elements :: Calibrate New Printer For Use In 10?

Mar 1, 2014

How do I calibrate a new printer for use in Photoshop Elements 10?

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Photoshop Elements :: Print Goes To FAX Instead Of Printer?

May 25, 2013

In Photoshop Elements 8, I select my printer, HP C410a, for printing. Elements decides to print to FAX. How to print to my printer?

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Photoshop Elements :: Don't See Printer In Import List

Nov 5, 2013

I do not see my printer in the import list.I have trial of pse 12.

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Photoshop Elements :: Colour Difference Between 10 And Printer?

Mar 22, 2012

I am using PSE10 and am finding that the colour showing on my edited photos is different to what displays on the Print Preview screen.  This displays and prints much darker.  I am using a Canon Pixma IP4950 printer recently purchased.  I have tried various adjustments to settings but with no success.  I find that I have to lighten each photo x 2 to get a decent colour print. 

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Photoshop :: Action Tray Frozen?

Feb 19, 2013

I am trying to edit photos using actions I purchased for PS CS6.  I started on a batch of photos from the same shoot.  I got about 7 shots deep and suddenly I can't "Play" any of the actions.  I can't do anything with regards to actions. I do not know how to fix this!  I have a client waiting for photos and I can't do anything.

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Photoshop Elements :: Formatting 10x16 Page For A Printer?

Jan 20, 2014

I can build a 10x16 page in PhotoShop Elements 10, but my printer can't handle that size. How can I format it so an outside printer can print the page?

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Photoshop Elements :: Make 11 Recognize Scanner / Printer?

Feb 24, 2013

PSE 11 does not recognize my scanner/printer.  How do I make it connect?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Printing To Dell 3000cn Printer?

Sep 18, 2012

I am using Windows 7 and recently installed Photoshop Elements 10. If the Dell 3000cn is set as my default printer, as soon as I click on print, I receive the mssage I need to install a printer.

I have verified that I have the latest Dell driver. If another printer is the default, I can print one image to the Dell printer. If I try to print a second image or change certain prnter settings, such as setting a custom size, PS Elements just show the waitng icon and never moves on so it has stoped  working and I receive the following dialog box from Windows.

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Photoshop Elements :: 8 Always Uses Landscape As Printer Orientation By Default?

Dec 2, 2012

Windows 7x64.
I have a number of multi-page docs created in PSE. No matter what printer I select, and despite them being in a standard portrait size/orientation, the print options ALWAYS default to landscape. I've checked the actual printer under "printers and devices", and the actual settings there are portrait.
This is worse because I must actually use the print options dialog box to move manually through EACH PAGE of the document to be printed, and set the printer options to "portrait" on every page. If I fail to do even one page, the entire document is printed landscape, cutting of page contents.
The preview shows each page is indeed landscape until I do this procedure, at which time it flips the page to portrait, one at a time.
Doesn't matter what printer is used.
Also, once printed, if I immediate open the print dialog again, same printer and everything, once again it has landscape.
There seems to be no memory whatsoever for orientation (other settings, like resolution, are maintained during the run on PSE, but are always lost when PSE is closed). Again, in particular, orientation for every page, individually, on each print attempt, is always set to landscape, no matter that the document is not in that orientation.
Is there even a way to specify document orientation? Is there something PSE does to attempt to determine orientation that might be wrong? Can I make PSE remember printer settings, or at least use the system defaults for the printer?

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Photoshop Elements :: 10 - Can't Print To Epson R3000 Printer

Jan 24, 2013

I can't print to my Epson R3000 printer from the Photoshop Elements 10 I have installed on a Mac OS 1.7.5

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Photoshop :: Sending Bridge CC To System Tray

Jun 20, 2013

In CS6, when using mini-bridge in PS, Bridge is working in the system tray ... this is not the case with CC. How can I send Bridge CC to the system tray on windows OS?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Print Panorama Photos On Canon Printer

Sep 4, 2013

I have stiched together six photos to make a panorama photo.  When I go to print that combination photo only one of the six photo shows up in the Print window.  Only one photo is printed, not the panorama one.  I tried using the Finder > Print box and the copy of the panorama photo I had in a folder on the my desktop. That worked.  I want to use photo paper for the print and make some adjustments, that  doesn't work from the Finder > Print selection.  The original panorama photo was a TIFF file and ended up to be 155MB, but I made a copy in JPEG and that file was 13.2MB.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Combine Several Tagged Folders Together To Upload To Printer

Apr 14, 2013

Want to combine several tagged folders together to upload to printer.

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