I just got PS after using Paint Shop Pro for years, and since I'm so adjusted to the PSP tools, I'm wondering if there's a way to customize Photoshop to what I'm used to. At the moment, this means reversing the direction PS zooms when I scroll the mouse wheel, and also getting it to actually ZOOM whenever I do this, rather than scrolling. Is there something I can do to tweak these settings?
I've noticed that the Magic Mouse for Apple Macs seems to interrupt actions when the finger is left on the surface of the mouse after scrolling about. Adobe, is this something that you're looking into?
I downloaded a couple of actions from the web to my actions palette and they worked fine, but then I got greedy and downloaded a few more and that’s when things went south. Now none of the actions work - by not working I mean when I mouse over the Play Selection icon at the bottom of the action palette I get that little circle with a line through it. This happens with the PS default actions as well (I also get the circle on the Stop Playing/Recording and Begin Recording icons).
Somewhere in the following is probably what messed things up.
I downloaded actions to my computer in zip files. Copied them over to the actions folder (or somewhere) and unzipped them. I went back to the actions palette and hit “load actions” and loaded them. On the second set of actions that I downloaded I remember thinking “why am I copying and pasting these files - I bet I should cut and paste them, so I did and that may have been the start of the great crumble of 2004. PhotoShop help says: (under Saving and loading actions) “Actions are automatically saved the the Actions Palette folder in PS7.0 Settings folder. If this file is lost or removed, the actions you created are lost”.
I have searched for the settings folder and couldn’t find it, but the actions still show up on the actions palette - they just don’t run.
I’m a little fuzzy on the details on the above steps. In fact, I probably did something different on each download.
one more thing, I reloaded PhotoShop, but still nothing.
My computer crashed and I removed all apps and reinstalled so now none of my actions appear. However I do have a backup file of all of them and want to reinstall but before when I was using cs6 ( Im assuming same thing as CC as it was all on the subscription plan ) I would click actions then the right arrows and it would bring me a big screen of all the actions ( even the ones that were just preloaded in ps ) and it was a big box with all the actions and some options to record etc...Now that box isn't there and it's just a single column drop down menu.
i just turned 17 so im looking at cars and i want to see how they would look with tint and rims. if someone can help me i would really appreciate it. basically what i have to do is erase the previous rims and put on the new ones on top and i have to resize the rim perfectly, etc.
how to turn off the mouse function when the mouse cursor moves over a feature, such as an edge, point, or surface, and highlights it. I don't want it highlighting the features automatically. I want it to highlight once I click over a feature. My colleagues and I are very distraught by this feature, and will be discontinuing our use of your products that do not allow us to turn this feature off. I'm not sure why you'd want to weed your customer base like this, assuming that I can't turn this option off from the research I've done pouring through the hundreds of complaints related to this issue. I haven't been able to find any posts recently, or regarding Inventor 2013 specificially on this issue, so I was hoping this version had the option of turning it off. Does any of Autodesk's software, such as AutoCAD, have the option of turning it off?
I followed the tutorial on this page: [URL]. However, my animation auto plays and mousing over has no effect. I have searched and sreached to no understandable (to me) avail. Here's a link to the file: [URL]
I'm trying to make full face labels (that go all the way to the hole), but I can't even find any label maker software that offers this. I don't know of a way to make anything but quadrilateral images in Photoshop.
I just purchased CS4 and I am trying to set up the bridge screen to my specifications. On the left hand side of the Bridge screen there are several tabs near the top of the screen (e.g., favorites, Folders) and also mid way down the left hand side of the screen (e.g., Filter, Collections). On the right hand side of the screen, there are tabs only at the top of the right side (e.g., Preview, Metadata). How can I place tabs mid way down the right hand side? Every time I try to grab a tab and move it down on the right hand side, it just pops back up to the top.
I've been collecting all kinds of small cards and tickets. Like those that are clipped to a new set of jeans, or a ticket for a bus fair from vacation. Small pieces of paper that tell a story.
I'd like to make a poster, an image, out much smaller ones. I don't know how they are called, but everybody knows them. Those smaller images are put together in a checkerboard-pattern. Together they form a big image, that you one see when you take some distance, look between your eye lashes.
My question is: Is there a photoshop-filter that can do this, or is it a stand-alone application? Where can I get it?
Is there a way to customize Picture Package Layouts in PSE 10? I have one image that I want to print 1in x 1in and completely fill a letter size sheet with that same image. Or, is there a way to tell PSE 10 to print out the one image 56 (or however many) times on the page and it would size it automatically?
I had this new script which is used in Unwrella2 so I placed it in the user interface as a new button in the tool bar, the problem is it has no icon so, I wanted to customize one for it. I start searching tile I found how to and I followed the description..I customize a button icon 24*24 it had to be *.bmp 24-bit(I also found that to have an alpha channel it has to be 32_bit 8red 8green 8blue 8alpha) or 16 bit it must contain an alpha channel which I did all of this I even toke one of the original ones from the UI folder and I customize it then every time I copy the new button in icon folder and restart max 2012 and go to “edit button appearance” and search for the new button nothing there I named the new button right “group-name”_24i.bmp but still the max 2012 don’t want to read it.
in the image attached a button icon which should give me a new group called Unwrella with two buttons. I even found some original buttons which is split in two file (file *_24a.bmp contain the Alpha as RGB) and (file *_24i.bmp contain 24_bit colored RGB) I even tried this but still max 2012 don’t read it.
I would like to be able to move different tool order around under the selection window. IE: Freehand tool - I would like the three point curve tool to appear right under the freehand tool rather than on the bottom. This would be a time saver for me - how do I accomplish this?
I'm finding that setting up views on a sheet is a bit cumbersome especially when creating a sheet with a lot of views. Â For example, I'm creating casework details & elevations and our firm's stardard is to basically set up a grid on the sheet to frame each detail drawing. The process I've been using is: 1. Place the view on the sheet, 2. change the viewport to a modified template that simply changes the text and gets rid of the default # & circle title. 3. I then have to realign the title text with the view. 4. THEN I essentially draw 2d linework to create the view frames on the sheet for each detail view. Â This just seems like a cumbersome process for a program that's so intuitive. I would imagine/HOPE there would be a way to change the default for when I place a view on a page. I'd like the views to automatically show the view frame/border when they are placed on the page and then I could simply manipulate the frames to fit each page. Â If there's no way to really change this default then I would imagine it would be better to change our office standard to save time. Below is a pic to show our standard sheet layout.
I am using AutoCAD 2011. Because when I typically draw a circle I use the center, diameter style to create a circle. The factory default is Center, Radius. I would like to make the center, diameter my default setting whenever I chose to draw a circle. I would like to know how to make that change then how do I get it onto a custom tool palette?
using custom workspaces in Illustrator CS5. I already have a custom workspace that works just as I like, but I accidentally move the panels off of the sidebar nearly every day. Is there a way to lock the panels in place so that I can still open and close them (I use the icon view) but that will not allow me to panels? Â In addition, I use Pantone colors on a regular basis and I would really like to be able to keep the swatch color book on the sidebar at all times. I've read before that checking "persistent" is supposed to keep the color book open, but each morning when I start the software I have to reopen the color book (and persistent is still checked). I'd like to be able to save the Pantone color book as part of my custom workspace, but I have tried several times with no luck. How to save the Pantone color book as part of my custom workspace?
I have recently started working with CorelDRAW Technical Suite X6. I am trying to figure out if there is any way to customize the Workspace, change the color of the entire background like you can do in autodesk autocad? Are there any plug ins I can download for different menu bars or completely change the layout of everything?
Someone just emailed me that she is "suddenly" able to customize the Layers palette - she even included a screenshot! How to do this???? I can't, no matter what I try. I have PSP X4 - the last drop given to us during beta testing, with the sp1 patch applied.
I am customizing context menus and on the customize menu there is, on the left, Application Frame Menus, then under it says, Show Menus for: the only one that shows is Default Menu. How does this work or change. Can I put a custom menu there. It never changes and how to use it.
Whenever we use measure tool it will show the a dialog box with valves of x,y,z, delta X, delta Y & delta Z. I want to customize the same as per the attached image.
Customize this, dialog box will not disappear(modal) after entering into any other command so no need to remember the values of x,y....etc.
How can I customize the title block where it says Drawn, Checked and approved?
I want the dates with initials to place automatically. However, I want the date of approval and checked to be 2-5 days after the drawn date. (using Inventor pro. 2012)
I would like to create a pull-down menu so that everyone can select a specific client and have all of the client specific settings be automatically set up like template file location, client block libraries, etc.Â
We have a lot of users with varying amounts of experience and have had trouble with people using the wrong templates, blocks, etc. Is there a list of key-in commands where I can find what I need to add into the .cuix file? Is there an easier way to set up client standards without forcing users to use a specific workspace?
Customizing the leader style further,I’m not sure if the leader style can be further customized to obtain the style shown in the attached screenshot.
Our company prefers to call out Sections and Elevations with a letter and Details as numbers. How can I make this happen in Revit? Can it happen in Revit.
ACAD 2007. I recently had to reload the stock ACAD 2007 interface.... I would like to customize my right click menu (when selecting any drawing space object) to display only clipboard and properties..... right now, when I right click it displays EVERYTHING!
I'm wondering, to what extent can I customise my shortcut keys on my keyboard? Example, currently AC has "C" set to CIRCLE, and "CO" or "CP" as COPY. Id like to assign "C" to COPY instead as I use it constantly and would work quicker this way. Is it possible?
In the I properties project tab I would like to change the "Stock Number" name to "A.R.M.-PN:". I need to reference 2 part numbers in my IPT I properties. This will then show up on the Parts List as a column which I can add. Or I would like to add a new dialog box to the "Project Tab". Is there a easy way to do this in 2011 Inventor Professional?
I have an embedded Excel file in my dwg file. Â I'd like to make it visible on the drawing. Â On the drawing though, it only displays however many rows existed when the sheet was inserted.
For example, when I clicked "Insert Object", only 1 row existed in the Excel sheet. Â I've now added 10 more rows, but still only the first row is visible. Â
How can I make the table on the drawing display the full view of the Excel file?