I'm trying to make a new .gif but I'm having problems with the black line that you get when you make a new image. I'm using a transparent background and I'm wanting to get rid of the black line around the image or change the color of it to match the logo.
I'm trying to creat this effect. The best example I could find is the Windows Media player. Notice the beveled areas. They are not square with sharp corners or rectangular in shape. They are wavy. How is this done?
I'm trying to make my website look a bit more professional. I want to make the images (in my sub categories) on my website into web buttons with rounded corners to fit a white background & with some depth & gradients etc instead of just flat squares like the buttons I have at the moment
Here a link to the buttons for my sub cats [URL]....  I thought here would be the best place to ask. I know how make buttons from text but I need to make buttons from the images of the sub cats you see on my site.
I just need plain images that look like buttons to use on my EKM powershop..
After just reading all 146 messages in the topic, "No more ImageReady in CS3 - VERY FRUSTRATING", I am seriously bummed, but left with unanswered questions.
Specifically, has anyone found a cheap, practical alternative for creating simple image maps with polygonal click regions? I want to create an actual map, where you click on a city name and go to a web page on that city. Rectangles do not work, as the real world regions are not shaped that way -- it has to be polygons. Nor do I want the map to be physically sliced apart and reassembled with table elements. I just want to use the HTML map and area tags.
Photoshop 7 (my last version) could do this simple, useful task. My Photoshop CS3 "upgrade" cannot.
creates simple map & area image maps -- or perhaps an add-in or standalone? Something other than a $300 piece of otherwise useless (for my purposes) bloatware.
I want to create an image that is 5.5" by 3.75" and 300 dpi. I created it, then noticed that the zoom was at 25%, thought nothing of it. I saved it and when I went to view it the image was like 9" by 9" or something like that, it was huge.
How do I create an image that is 5.5 x 3.75 with 300 dpi and have it display correctly? What am I doing wrong? Why is it that when I create that image it shows up at 25%? And not 100%?
I want to create an image with (intentionally) pixelated look. I have an original 12 megapixel image. When I zoom in Photoshop to the area of interest, I see the pixelated look that I want. I can crop an area of interest out of the original image, with the area being around 150 pixel in width. Now I would like to enlarge the size of the image to around 1500 pixel width, but keeping the pixelated look. And this is the part I do not know how to do. The interpolation algorithms in the Image Size tool do not produce the right effect - I want some algorithm which just clones each pixel by a factor of 10.
i know how to make an image transparent by using the magic wand tool but all it does it turn the background white. what im doing is dragging the image into another image [which happens to be a printed background] and when i drag.. the white background drags as well.
I am trying to create a transparent image for a webpage, it's simple enough to do using the 'Export Transparent Image...' wizard under the 'Help' drop down menu in Photoshop, only problem I'm experiencing is if I try exporting it as a Gif the quality is degraded substantially....
if I export it as a PNG, the quality of the image stays in-tact but doesn't appear properly in Internet Explorer (PNG transparency doesn't display properly in IE). The image I'm saving has two layers, first being the transparency base, second layer being the actual image.
The image (layer 2) has a drop shadow, if i save it as a gif with the transparent background, the drop shadow isn't saved. If i save it as a PNG - the quality is great, drop shadow displays nicely, but again, IE displays this ugly blue color where the transparency is supposed to be.
Is it possible to save this image with the background being transparent as a gif without losing the drop shadow of the image?
I have a photo that's placed on a larger background. I want to create a 2 pixel white border around the photo. I've tried using the rectangular tool but this doesn't work, I need it to be more precise, how do I do this exactly?
I notice that product images in printed materials and online brochures of products take on a representive, but not so real look. All appear to be graphic with a shadow and no background. The knife is a catalog example and the shears were shot by me. Is there a process that I could use on the shears to achieve that effect? might not be using the correct keywords.
how to create a continuous image when placed with the left end next to the right or vice versa.
This is for a header on a webpage, where i would like the image repeated across the top, one next to the other. I would like the image to be seamless, so it just appears to go on and on.
I have several images selected that are close to being able to be adjusted so that they will work end to end,
I'm wondering how you can get the same orange effect that is on this photo. I tried putting an orange layer on top of my image and then doing multiply. It makes the sky the same thick orange (which I like), but the building I have in my image doesn't get as saturated.
I know it might sound weird, HDR images are usually built from multiple images all taken from the same place at the same time but using different exposures.
I'd like to create a HDR image from multiple versions of one source image. I have a number of pictures where I've taken the photo exposing for the sky. This resulted in the landscape/buildings being darker than desired usually. These areas can be easily brightened up though. I find that if I expose for the landscape and buildings, then the sky is washed out and unrecoverable. If I expose for the sky, the landscape and buildings are merely "a bit dark" and can be recovered simply by adjusting the brightness/contrast in photoshop. Of course doing this washes out the sky again, so I need to create a composite of good sky and brightened landscape and buildings. I'm not creating anything professional, so it's not important that I use the best pro techniques.
What I've traditionally done is have two layers, one with the original image (with the good sky) and one with the lightened image (with the good landscape and buildings) and using a mask for the sky, I can put the good (unlightened) sky on the lightened image. Standard stuff really.
So when I heard about HDR automation, I'd hoped that I could take my original image (with the good sky), take a second lightened version of the very same image, put it on a layer, select a HDR automation tool and have it somehow merge them magically. When I've tried this though, nothing seems to happen. I'm left with an unmerged image. I'm pretty sure I'm going about it wrong.
I wonder whether this HDR automation isn't going to help me and perhaps my fake pseudo HDR image creation technique is worth sticking with.
I've been using Corel Photopaint 8 for many years and only just switched to PS CS3 recently (mostly driven by the thought of this cool HDR feature). I'm still finding my way a bit. I'm using it on XP if that makes a difference.
I create a new image in Photoshop, I always get a black border. I thought this was just while working in Photoshop, but when I save the file and try to view it the darn border is still there.
I've created a logo in photoshop 7. now it looks good and would like to save so I can use it in my webpage so it overlays over the background color. No I have a drop shadow on the image and when I save as a gif for one the image get's muddy and the drop shadow dose not overlay right. Is there a way to do this? I've played around with the options while saving and I haven't hit on the suloustion. Basically I'm looking to save this file for a website with the best quality posible with no background in the image.
I use photoshop 3.0 and am familiar with basic functions, but now i need to create a vector image - this is for uploading to a t shirt design web site. The writing needs to be in Russian, which i have successfully cut and pasted into photoshop.
i'm having trouble creating image based slices and rollovers... where the frick is everything? i can make slices just fine but then how do i manipulate the rollover states (over, click, selected, out)?
i have an image of a babys eyes and want to make a page of that same image in mono, sepia, taking out the green, blue etc. in other words, all different representations of the eyes on one image.
i ve no problems with the changes in the eyes image, but dont know how to fill a new blank image with multiple copies of the eyes.
I am trying to create a 3d object with depth and lighting that I can export to After Effects for a 3D logo with movement. I assume that this is pretty easy with text or an object created in photoshop but the image I am trying to extrude and make a 3d object is a layer I cut out from a jpeg. I am aware that I can wrap that layer around an object, but I am looking for the cut out object to be 3D. Do I need to convert the cutout layer to a vector? Is there a simple way to do that? Is this possible through illustarator or photoshop?
I have not created a document yet and would like some thought on how to do this: I want to use a continuous tone black and white image which is somewhat close to what would be a 'knockout' but with soft edges - so it gradates appropriately over the background image I want to use, making the black part of the image used as the mask become much of the effect of a gradient mask: the background image shows through whereever there is the 'black' and 'tone' of the image. Â my first thought is to create a layer mask and then paste the black and white image onto that, but I'm not sure if that will work to accept the 'soft tones' of the image and work appropriately. What steps I should take to make this effect work?
I have an image that is going to serve as an online ad. I would like to have it look like a glass button like so many online ads do these days. However, most tutorials out there give instructions for how to do it with only text over the button. How would I do it if it's got three different sections to it? A photo on the top half and two colors on the left and right on the bottom?