Photoshop :: Create Drawing For Patent?
Dec 6, 2012I do have some photoshop background but not much. How to create shaded lines drawings for patent application? All the curved surfaces need to have a lines that shows the curve.
View 9 RepliesI do have some photoshop background but not much. How to create shaded lines drawings for patent application? All the curved surfaces need to have a lines that shows the curve.
View 9 RepliesI need to shade a curved surface on a simple patent drawing and am restricted to using either a stipple or a simple straight line surface shading by US Patent Office guidelines. I'd like to use stipple but the only stipple I can find is a symbol for the spray tool which, when used, creates a spray pattern way beyond the drawing boundary which is not eraseable.
View 5 Replies View Related2 page paper on drafting for patents. Why & How is drafting used in the US patent process.
I need to write this paper but why drafting is used in the patent process.
I am self taught on acad 2008, and have created a complex 3d drawing over the last year or so. But I need it to be represented in a mechanical drawing. I tried flatshot, but this is not true to form. Is there a way to do this? (an easy way)
View 9 Replies View RelatedI've done this before but forgot how to do it. I've tried Artistic and Dry Brush, but I want to create a more pen and ink kind of drawing from a .jpg picture.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWorking on converting photos into brush or line drawings for a printmaking project.
What tools do I use to do this? I saved the photos in maximum qulaity with 600 pixels / inch. I need to have them large enough to be enlarged to 16" x 24"
Is there a way to create a 3D DWF from a drawing using VB.Net? I have a program that processes hundreds of drawings and creates a PDF and DWF of each drawing. I'd like to also create a 3D DWF file, but haven't find anything on it anywhere. I'm not sure if this would be a Save As, Export or something else.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to open dwg from template:
DocumentCollection acDocMgr = Application.DocumentManager;
Document acDoc;
try {
But on the line "acDocMgr.MdiActiveDocument = acDoc" AutoCAD is hanging and in around 10 sec AutoCAD closes.
How does the new document from template set active (do current)?
When clicking on the new drawing tab, the Create New Drawing Dialog Box does not appear. my only option is to select a template. How do I change this?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to take a photo I have and make it into a drawing that actually looks like a drawing. I'm going through tutorials and don't see exactly what I'm referring to, I have a photograph image of a flower that I took - now I want to make that flower look like a hand-drawn color pencil drawing. how to get this effect? I know how to use the shape editor tool to get the outline of the photo, but how to create the fills to look like shaded pencil/charcoal fill?
View 9 Replies View RelatedHere is a little video that I did some time ago for Xara-Users on how to create a heart in Xara's drawing products. Any of the products with 'designer' in the name will do. There are 3 different methods for drawing a heart in this tutorial. My personal favorite is the square and two circles technique, but to each his own.
View 4 Replies View Relatedrecently switched from 2007 to 2010. All of my dwgs in 2010 were created in 2007. When trying to create a pdf of any drawing from any layout...adobe has difficulty reading layer/plot style prints everything gray. I've tried pretty much everything and now think it has to do with importing something (maybe plot style?) from my earlier version? I don't know... need getting my plot style to be read properly by adobe.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI need to create a watermark on a drawing and can only find info about attaching a raster image and editing it to the properties to create watermark. Is there an easier way to do this that I am missing?
View 2 Replies View RelatedEvery time i have to create a new drawing for class i have to put in all the layers, line types, color, etc. The layers are the same for every drawing my professor want us to do. Is there a way to make a template(or whatever) that i can make and use. So that i don't have to waste all this time putting in the same stuff for every drawing i start .
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to know how to create name, date, drawing no. ETC,=.... automatically, In title block in inventor. i don't know how to give type and property in that its not accepting, its showing what i am typed
View 2 Replies View RelatedI wanted to know how to create JPEG image of a drawing (idw) file in Inventor through Inventor API? Is there a way out?
I have even installed the "Export Viewable Files" from the [URL]...... but am not able to automate it using API.
What is the command to create an X-Ref from my drawing?
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat would be the easiest way to create a 3-dash line for a drawing?
I have a user with a need for a 3-dash line. Like a phantom line but with 3 dashes.
I know how to edit the pen-up, pen-down settings in a .lin file. But then what would be the best way to handle the new line when it is sent to the client? Would I need to create a custom line file and sent it with the .dwg files or could I edit the acad.lin file? Would the receiver run into problems with missing linetypes?
How to create a 2D drawing (standard mechanical engineering drawing) of one tooth of gear such as below image?
[URL] .......
I have a fairly simple 3D drawing made in Autocad 2012. It has 3D solids all of the same material type.
I want to import it into a 3D PDF. So far I done the following:-
- I have got Adobe Acrobat Pro XI on a free trail basis.
- Open Autocad drawing in Inventor Fusion 2013.
- Save as .step file
- In Adobe select create new PDF.
- Bring in the step file.
My problem is the 3D drawing appears in the 3D PDF but all colours are lost.
I have the following software on my machine:-
Revit Structural 2012 and 2013
Inventor Fusion 2013
Autocad 2012 and 2013
Navisworks Manage 2012 and 2013
Autocad Sketch book designer 2013
Autocad SHowcase 2013.
Is the problem when the file is 'saved as' in Inventor? Or is the problem within Adobe? I have brought in other .step files as a test and they appear normally, but the problem is I don't know what software was used to create them (the step files came externally).
PS I don't use Inventor normally, but we have it as part of the Plant 3D Suite on our machines, so I don't know if there are settings in Inventor that need to be changed.
How to do the automatic creation of 3D solids based on plans and sections element. How 3D objects are created in prosteelu.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to draw a boom for a sprayer and I have the 3 main tubes extruded. I need to draw plates every 48 inches in between the main tubes. I wanted to draw each plate to make sure it would fit and then use the drawings to cut the plates on my CNC plasma cutter. However, I can not figure out how to draw on the same plane right around the main tubes. I have a screen shot blow showing the tubes and I have a small 2D sketch similar to the plates I need to draw in every 48 inches to the right. The plates will be perpendicular to the top tube.
Cad Shot.jpg
When I create a block in a drawing, where is it saved?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 and have a question about creating a surface. Firstly, I know how to create a surface and then add contours, how to add a boundary to the surface, and how to draw a polygon around contours and trim everything out and then create a surface of what's remaining but how can I create a surface from contours within a polygon I draw without trimming any contours out? That way I can have a smaller surface to work with but still have additional contours all around it.
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow can I Create inverted fillet drawing describes the required
I've been asked to create several drawings using one external reference which contains doors, bund walls, lighting etc. My question is how do I take this external reference and create several new drawings when I cant even turn layers on or off once I have inserted it onto my new page?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a custom linetype for a drawing but am unsure of the best method to use. I only need this linetype for 1 drawing and so I would like it embedded in that drawing if possible. Other people may need access to this file so sending a custom file is out of the question.
Should I create a new .lin file or edit the default acad.lin?
I started to create one using Express Tools and when it prompted me to create / save a new .lin file it defaulted to the 'C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2012 - English' folder. I was unsure if to save it here or 'C:Program FilesAutodeskAutoCAD 2012 - EnglishUserDataCacheSupport', where ACAD's .lin is stored.
How do i set up a two page drawing spread with a gutter in between? the spread measures 16 x 10. I have illustrator CS3 v 10.0.2.
View 3 Replies View RelatedBasically I've been asked to compile a series of my best work into a collection that our sales guys can take with them as an example of the service we provide to our customers. I'm trying to figure out the easiest way, because I have a pretty big library of 3D drawings.
When I do an actual project, I toss everything into a single .dwg and just print from paper space. I have an AutoLISP script that takes all the paper space layouts and prints them to a single .pdf file with a specific name relative to the project with the current plot time and date.
I could just create a new file Library.dwg and copy/paste all of my past work into it, then make a ton of paper space layouts, but the end result would be gigantic. I'm still running AutoCAD 2013 on a crappy laptop because I won't get the budget for a real rig until the end of the month.
One thought I had was that maybe there's some way to make a viewport in paper space that directs to a model space of an external .dwg, but all of my searches turned up nothing. In fact, now that I think about it, it's driving me nuts that it isn't a feature already. Making a paper space viewport that points to an external .dwg would make my life significantly easier.
One reason I don't want to just go back and print the original pages as they exist is that I want to use the same title block template for all drawings, and mine has evolved over time. I also want to add notes to each page, and I don't want to modify the old drawings at all.
Example for creating layouts for the zoomed portion in the model space.. Im able to zoom the drawing sheet but im not able to create layout for that sheet..See my attachment ..i created layouts manually(layout1,layout2,layout3)....But i dont know how to do this in .net API.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI do not have a plotter. The largest paper I can print on is 11x17.I am needing to create a drawing which can be plotted on A1 size paper.
How can I get this A1 size to show up in Paper Space so I can use viewports to set up the layout?